By LeppoCiappo

5.4K 302 53

This story starts after Tagon's Declaration of War. Let's see what could happen in the land of Arthdal... (t... More



317 17 11
By LeppoCiappo

Tanya waked up. Yangcha was there. 'Did they went to rendez-vous?' She said. 'I love you'... he answered with tears in his eyes. 'Are you breaking your deal for me?' Tanya was sweating and had a very weak voice... 

'I'm breaking myself for you... I changed for you, I'm waiting for you, I will always be here for you, I need you. You and... my baby are everything to me'. This were his first sentences in years...

'Baby? Am I pregnant?... oh... the Great mother didn't let me see this part of her plan... Yangcha... please listen to me accurately. This is the most important thing now... take Helper and go where Eunseom, Saya and the others are. Give them my message'...

'I can't leave you now, Tanya! I can't...' 

'You MUST, if you really love me...' it was her reply. 'Helper, the black horse,  will let you ride because I have  asked him to do it. In a short time, you'll be there. Please tell them these exactly words and don't worry. I'll be waiting for your return still alive...'

The masked man left on the back of Kanmoreu, the magic horse. He arrived at the sunset of the day after. Something in his image was mystic... in the foreground the black man and horse and in the background the red color of the sky... as the color of Yangcha eyes. Yes, they became red. Not purple like Igutus' or blue like Neanthals' ... his were red!

'Tanya told me to report her words to all of you'... The Daekans' warriors were asthonished! Yangcha was breaking Tagon's order... 'All the tribes must go to Arthdal and free all the slaves. Tagon and Taealha must be dethroned, but the woman is pregnant and her baby must born...' Saya finally understood Tagon's react to Taealha words when her father died... 'so let them stay there since her time delivery and after that... kill them. It is need to give peace to all the tribes'. 

Moobaek had another thinking... 'Aramun Haesulla... Maybe I was mistaken... Is Yangcha himself? He is riding the same horse... Eunseom is the Ago tribe's Hinashingi... maybe our masked man is the real Haramun Haesulla...' As to confirm his thoughts, Yangcha came back to Tanya and all the horses went behind him. Nobody could leave that place in a short time... Asa Sin's another plan too...

Tealha was deep breathing to give the last push. A baby boy was born. Tagon never was so happy in his life... the news from battlefield were reassuring, they were winning...

After some days, a cloud of dust was seen from far from... in an hour, Arthdal was invaded from thousand of warriors from all the tribes... the Daekans were in the front. Tanya was in the center, with a big belly... at her side Saya and Eunseom. Behind her there was Yangcha. Always in front line, all the heads of the tribes. Many of the warriors were going in the city to freeing the slaves. 

Tagon and Taealha understood their failure immediately. They knew their death sentence, but they need to protect their baby.

The King and the queen leave the little creature to Haetooak, the faithful right hand of Taealha.

Tagon went on the hall to speak to all his enemies... 'I will not leave my place. I'm Arthdal's  king and also yours. I never left my throne without fighting'... Taealha was there with him.

'Very well' Noonbyul answered at high voice...'I'm come back to do it with you'. She took the iron blade that someone had found in the throne room and went to Tagon.

The battle was furious... but also if Tagon was a great warrior, nobody could afford Noonbyul force and tactics... she had the best of both. He fell on the ground, died, full of blood. Tealha was killing the woman at her back, when Rottib blocked her hand with monstrous strength. 

'Nobody can kill me...' The queen took the poison created by her decease dad, colorless, tasteless and odorless... she died in atroucious pain. 

Saya went to find Tagon's  boy. He will raise the igutu's baby.

Tanya spoke to all the people...' you are all free to be what you want... never of you can be over the others. We'll decide all together our future... I'm, the bell... Eunseom, the sword and Inashingi of Ago tribes... Saya mirror and man of knowledge,  together with you will give the foundation of a new world. The world of Subjects'...

After the attack, Tanya health was no more the same... she needed to rest almost all the time.

It came the day for her to give birth... Chaeeun was doing her best to help Tanya, but the priestess was too weak... with a last effort a baby girl was born... another azure comet was seen at that moment.

Eunseom, Saya and Tangcha were there for her. She gathered her last strength to leave her words...'Please help each other... to give hope for the future, people need sage men. Eunseom... you know how we lived in Iark. Please give the same bases we had there to the new world... 

Saya... you are a great man and you know many, many things... please use your brain to help the people to have a better life, don't use it with useless values. Take care of Tagon's baby... he will be the husband of my daughter... I have already seen it...

Please, can you let me have a moment alone with Yangcha?' The twins grudgingly leaved...

'I never told you this, but my feelings for you are like yours for me. Please take care of our daughter, I love you...' 

He approached her and kissed her gently... she left him at that moment.


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