Hot Love

By guardian_ace1

18.4K 920 802

Shen Wei a young man with a mind of an old strict guy. He have five siblings including his twins. At a young... More

Taming Shen Wei
Is It A Dream
Something Happened
In The Club
His Secret
Break up
Forget Everything
The Forgotten Past
Missing Piece
Fighting What Is Mine
Finding Out
I Won't Let Go
When Mom Said Yes
Breaking Your Heart
Busy Day
Don't Touch My Man
Knowing The Truth
Houyi's Curse Or Magic
Never Ending Happiness

Loosing Yunlan

613 37 15
By guardian_ace1

      Zhuiji hatred increase seeing how happy Yunlan with Shen Wei.
"You'll see I'll crush your happiness! I'll show you humans can't be trust!"
As he smirk.

    Zhuiji suddenly remembered something when Shen Wei was a teenager. He has someone that he love back then.


     Ever since Zhuiji lost his adopted family he  blames Shen Wei. When  sometimes he  follows him  at the back of school then. Just to finished him off so little Yunlan will have no one to come too. He saw him with a guy the same age as he. He had confess his love to him.

     But the guy laugh at him calling him faggot and broke his heart. Zhuiji want to laugh as well. "Lucky you! I already have my revenge on you! So I won't bother you anymore! Now it's Yunlan's turn!" As he left Shen Wei crying at the back of the school.

*End Of Flashback*

      "Where is that guy anyway? I must find him!" As Zhuiji left. In the meantime. After the lovemaking of Shen Wei and Yunlan. Shen Wei brought him to a mall and entered the "Diamond Is Forever" shop.

    "What are we doing here?" He ask. Shen Wei just pulled him to a sales lady. "Miss can we choose the latest rings for couple?" As Shen Wei to the lady. Yunlan almost pop his eyes. While the lady giggle.

    "Here you go sir! What rings do you want? We can also carve your initials or something you want to say to your partner!" As she eagerly let them pick a choice.

    "Xiao Wei! I think this is quite expensive? Maybe we should find another store?" Said Yunlan. "No! No! I want the most expensive for you!" Said Shen Wei. As he saw the ring that he wanted for Yunlan.

    "Miss this one! And carve my initial here and him "SW ❤️ZY. And get his ring size. "Sir tomorrow you can get the ring!" Said the sales lady. Shen Wei thank the lady but when they're about to leave he bumped into someone he should not see. His first love Kai Xiaoming.

    "Shen Wei! How are you?!"Kai ask.
Shen Wei was speechless Kai Xiaoming is still handsome until now. He remembered his love for him and almost forgotten Yunlan.

    Suddenly he felt someone cling to his arms. Yunlan is not quite happy and glared to Kai. "Oh! Kai I almost forgot my fiance Yunlan!" He said. Kai face suddenly change, "You have a fiance now?!" He was shocked.

    "Yes! And he love me very much!" Said Yunlan. Shen Wei became red in embarrassment. "Sorry Kai! His a bit childish!" As he laugh a little. Made Yunlan arched his brow. "Oh! Yes he is!" As Kai Xiaoming laugh as well.

    "Did Shen Wei just do that to him. Is he embarrassed to be with him?!" Suddenly Yunlan's hands remove from Shen Wei's arms and suddenly walk away. "Yunlan wait?!" Shen Wei want to reach for him. Kai suddenly hold his arm. "Shen Wei we need to talk!" But Shen Wei removed his hands to him. "Maybe later Kai! My fiance got mad at me!" But as he was about to leave. "You will come to me!" As Kai hold him tightly in his arms and his eyes shine. Shen Wei suddenly become hypnotized. And nod in returned.

     Yunlan on the other hand suddenly stopped. And look back. Did Shen Wei didn't even run after him? He really like that Kai guy instead of him?" As he walk away from the mall and waited at his car.  Yunlan waited and waited, outside the park for Shen Wei to come back for him.  But he never did.

    As the sun rise, Shen Wei woke up surprised.  His sleeping inside his room. "How? Maybe Yunlan brought me here?!" As he looked at his side Yunlan is nowhere to be found. He tried searching under the bed outside the office. "Where is he?!" He suddenly got panic.

     And run to Chu whose was surprised as Shen Wei suddenly barge in seeing all the customers who are wasted. "Shen Wei.... This is not what you think?!" As Chu trying to explain. "Yunlan! Where is he?!" He ask.

    "What do you mean? His with you?! Remember?!" As Chu suddenly getting angry for loosing one of his adopted brothers. "Where did you last seen him?!" As he shake Shen Wei. He suddenly remembered the mall as both dash outside to get his car, that wasn't there.

    "My car?! Where is it?!" Shen Wei shout. Yezun came with his brothers. "Gege?! What's wrong?!" He ask. "My car! My car is gone?!" He said. "Silly brother! Kai Xiaoming brought you here! He told me you faint!" Yezun said.

    "Yunlan?! Did you see Yunlan?!" Shen Wei ask. "No! Gege! Kai is the only one who's with you!" Said Sang.
"Are you dumping Yunlan for that Kai! He really sweet to you when he carried you to your room!" Da quing accidentally said. Making Chu glared at Shen Wei.

    "Is that true?! Did you dump my dear Didi! For that guy!" Shout Chu as his getting mad. Yezun hit Da quing. "My Gege won't do that to your Didi! That Kai is a jerk! He made my Gege cried back then!" Shout Yezun.

     "Yezun! You knew?!" Ask Shen Wei. "Sorry Gege! I just pass by back then when I saw you with Kai! That jerk!"  Chu stop them from talking. "I need to find my Didi pronto!" He shout. "Then lets use my car said Yezun. "The other can ride with me!" Said Chu. As all of them get to the mall.

     While at the mall. Since Yunlan can't ride the car because he don't have any key. He went to a dark corner near the trashcan and became a cat and sleep. Street children were playing back then. As they saw a small kitten they took it home inside the forest.

    Shen Wei and others on the other hand was too late to come. As they search everywhere in the parking lot, in the corner of the mall, until Da quing found Yunlan's clothes. He shout to the others. "This is the clothes of Yunlan! But where is he?!" As Shen Wei clutches his clothes.

      Inside the forest Zhuiji also sleeping there, he suddenly sniff a familiar scent. "Oh! My Didi welcome home!" As he open his dark eyes.

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