Working for Mr. CEO

By ThyRoyalHighness

576K 14.2K 1.6K

"I refuse to work with you." I said, crossing my arms. "That's too bad, ." He replied, touching my chin ligh... More

Working For Mr. CEO
Author's Note


29.7K 852 127
By ThyRoyalHighness

This chapter is A LOT LONGER than all of my other chapters. 

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 "Do you like grape or strawberry jelly?" I looked up from Adam's files at Ashly. She was scantily clad cooking breakfast for me. I imagined how she must be the perfect girl for most guys. She was pretty, had no problem showing her sexy side, and she cooked. I, on the other hand, would fail in the "good girlfriend" department. I hate cooking and I'm the most awkward turtle ever. Being sexy is not my strong suit. 

"Strawberry is fine. Thanks for making breakfast." I smiled, looking back down at my work. I was preparing Adam's paperwork for a big meeting. My phone rung and I glanced down to see Adam's name and number yet again. It was like he just wanted me to fail or forget something. Annoyed, I answered the phone. 

"Mr. Steel." 

"Do you have the paperwork completed? My meeting is in less than five hours. This meeting means a lot." He said, and I rolled my eyes. I understood it the first eight times he told me. Adam Steel is a perfectionist/ worry wart. He's quite a pain to work for when he's this anxious. 

"I understand. Your work is complete and fully prepared. I am just rereading and making sure you have every single thing you could possibly need. Also, the catering business is coming by in four hours at nine. Ms. Greta said she would handle that." I replied. 

"Well, have you-" He started but I had to cut him off. 

"You're presentation screen has been repaired and it's ready to go. I had Peter give it four test runs last night and five this morning. Everything is handled." I explained swiftly and for a moment he was silent. 

"Audra, I like you more and more each day." He said, and I felt little butterflies in my stomach. It felt good to hear him say this. It had been a while since he showed any interest in me at all. I was feeling a bit irritated with that. I did not want to feel that way nor would I ever admit I did. I wanted Adam to want me again. It sucked not having the attention I used to. But why had he backed off? 

"I'll see you there, Mr. Steel." I hung up the phone, placing the papers into a folder. 

"Impossible." I looked up at my cousin in curiosity. She looked shocked to the core. "You like him." She smiled. "Whoever it is on that phone. Whoever this Mr. Steel like him." She pointed at me as if she'd figured out who the Zodiac Killer was. 

"What?!" I exclaimed incredulously. "That's a no, Ash." 

"Mhm, okay, sure." She put her hands up in defeat and walked back to the counter-top. "I'm just saying..." She mumbled. "That smile on your face, the glow in your eyes, and the change in your voice and posture. I'm pretty damn sure you like him." She walked up to me and placed a plate in front of me. 

"I don't like him." I argued, but she didn't look like she was buying it. 

"Sure you don't, now eat up Aud." She replied, taking a seat in front of me and eating as well. She guzzled down a fruit smoothie she'd made. I picked at the food on my plate, but I couldn't get Adam out of my head. Was he over me? I shoved some bacon in my mouth and forced orange juice down my throat. I couldn't face Adam on an empty stomach. I would surely puke. 

After I was done eating and getting a stare down by Ashly, I rushed to get ready. I wasn't in a rush particularly but an extremely handsome man once said.."If you're on're late." I decided to slip on a simple black dress that day. I straightened my hair the night before so it fell perfectly into place. Then, I was off to work.

I stopped at Starbucks before walking into the building. It was packed as usual but I had some time to spare. 

"Funny seeing you here." I turned to see Nate with a goofy smile on his face. He and Mercer shared that same goofy smile. I swear, they're meant for each other. But, hey! I'm not cupid.

"Well, I don't find it too humorous." I was still pretty pissed about the stunt he pulled at his event. He shouldn't have been an ass to me because of Mercer. I'm not her keeper and I will definitely not drag her to his stupid events.  

"Oh come on, don't tell me you're still mad about the event?" He asked, and I gave him a poisonous glare. "Okay, I'm sorry."  I didn't look at him. I kept my head straight, waiting for the stupid barista to call my name. "Audra...I really am sorry. I just- Here, let me make it up to you. There's this new club all the SoCal celebrities are obsessed with. I can get you V.I.P tickets to their upcoming event. That is, if you are willing to forgive me?" He said, and I rolled my eyes. I see celebrities almost all the time. 

"Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Chris Brown, August Alsina, Trey Songz, Nicki Minaj, and the list goes on..." He trailed off and I couldn't lie that he had my interest piqued. Justin Bieber, Trey, and August Alsina? That's a once in a lifetime opportunity! But, I didn't budge. 

"Oh, and I heard that new, hot mllion dollar play man, Sky Vega is going to be there." He said, and my heart clenched. I love Sky Vega. Sky Vega is everything. He's a model, actor, dancer, singer, and my future husband. 

"Okay, fine. You have yourself a deal." I said with a tight smile. Nathan grinned. 

"I knew you couldn't resist. How's Mercer?" 

I veered down, not wanting to look him in the eyes. I pretended to be on my phone. "She-she's okay. Ya'know she's Mercer." 

"Audra!" The barista finally saved me and I rushed to the counter, eager to hightail out of the establishment. I gave Nate a quick wave before rushing out of the cafe. I rushed down the street to my job, not looking up from my phone. As I entered the doors, Zane was leaving. I raised a curious eyebrow. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, and he smiled. 

"Not even a hello?" He smirked, and I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. 

"Hello, now-" Before I could finish my sentence, I was bumped and my phone flew out of my hands to the floor. Most of my grip had been focused on the Starbucks cups so, the force exerted from the push completely shattered my iPhone. Shocked, I awkwardly knelt down to pick it up without dropping the cups. I pressed the power button, wanting to cry when it wouldn't even power on. Parts of the screen were missing. "Shit." I muttered. 

"Woah, are you all right?" Zane asked, but I hadn't quite looked up at him. I was too focused on my dead cellphone. Annoyed, I looked up at Zane. 

"I'm fine, but my phone's on life support. I just- I'll see you later. Call me." I looked at my phone. "Actually, don't call me." He smiled at my words. 

"Here, email me." He handed me a business card. I took it, rushing off to the elevator. This day was already off to a very beautiful start. 

Three starbucks drinks and a muffin later, the meeting he had been stressing was over and I had tons of other work to do. I was staying over time to work. It was about nine, and I was still looming over my desk. No one ever said being a Personal Assistant was easy. 

A knock on the door caused me to look up. Adam was leaning against the door in a manner I'd never seen. He looked almost easy going. It was a trait I wouldn't put in his character box. He was dressed in an all black suit, with a platinum colored tie. He smiled at me. Lord Jesus. 

"Look at you, putting in overtime." He mused, a smirk on his lips. I didn't have any words to reply. It was amazing to just see such a beautiful face after staring at words and numbers for hours on end. "I just came by to  thank you," He moved from the doorway, walked around my desk, and leaned against it facing me. I discreetly fixed my hair on the left side because that's the side he was on. 

"Tha-Thank me?" I questioned, urging him on. I was getting warm in the chest just from him being so close. 

"Yes," He nodded, "I wanted to thank you for the amazing job you're doing here. I know I am definitely not the easiest boss to have. Hell, I'm no where near an easy boss, but I just want you to know that your hard work does not go unnoticed. I've decided to increase your pay." I took in each word slowly, my eyes widened at the 'increasing your pay' part. 

"I'm sorry?" 

"I'm giving you a bonus, Audra." 

"How much of a bonus?" 

"We're looking at about 300 an hour." He explained nonchalantly and my jaw hit the floor, literally. 

"300?!" I asked, and he smiled. Clearly Mr. Steel was amused. "I can't take that kind of money!" 

"You deserve it." He stated, looking down at me with those hazel eyes that made me cower away. I'm not one to cower, but he makes me feel like a child sometimes. 

"I can't take that kind of money." I restated, daring to look up into his eyes. I could tell he was dismayed I wasn't accepting his deal with open arms. 

"You can and you will." He demanded, causing me to look up at him. I knew I couldn't really fight this one. But, that's a lot of money. That's 3,600 a day for twelve hours, 18,000 a week, 72,000 a freaking month, ultimately adding up to more than 864,000 a year! Adam Steel is insane. 

"Why are you giving me such a large bonus?" I asked, and Adam considered my question.

"Let's just say...I know what's it's like just starting out. When I see someone as gifted and smart as you, as I'm sure you've already calculated how much you'll be making a  year, I try to help them as much as possible. You truly dazzle me sometimes." He admitted, and I had to resist the urge to gasp. Did he just admit that I dazzle  him? 

"Really?" I asked, but my voice was seriously a whisper. He nodded, his eyes left mines and trailed down to my lips. I licked them self-consciously. 

"Really." He replied, the air was hot. The more he stared at me with those ever-darkening eyes, I realized that I'm worse than a little school girl with a crush on the teacher. School girls never realize that the teacher doesn't want them. 

I looked away from his eyes, going back to my business facade. I collected the papers on my desk, placing them in my file folder. I went to place my file folder into my bag when Adam placed his large hand on wrist. I looked up at him. 

Adam's eyes were blazing and his pupils were large. "Have dinner with me tonight. I know a place that's got a chef out of this world. He'll make anything you want." 

"Uh-uh, I-I don't think that's a great idea. I mean, you're my boss. I'm your employee. What will people think?" I asked, and he shrugged. 

"Who cares what they'll think? It's not like they're going on a date with you." He argued, and I snapped my head to him. 


"Yes, date? Did I not use the correct terminology?" He had the ghost of a smile on his lips. 

"I never agreed to calling it a date to begin with. I prefer the term...dinner with a colleague." I replied, and Adam threw his head back in laughter. It was the kind of laugh people would pay to hear. It wasn't his usual business man laugh.  It was something much more precious. 

"Well, you can have dinner with your colleague, but I'll be having a date with a stunningly beautiful woman with an equally attractive intellect to match." He smiled, and my dress suddenly felt like dead weight on my shoulders. This man. 

"Not tonight." I said, but his face never faltered. 

"Sure, that's fine. Name a date, I have the place." Adam said, and I thought it over. 

"I'll get back to you." I smiled and winked at him. He shook his head. 

"I just can't win with you, Audra. No matter how long I prepare or how many times I anticipate your answers." He chuckled, and bit his lip slightly. But, I was stuck on the fact that he even prepared to approach me. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said, placing the folder in my bag and getting up to leave.

"That's a given." Adam replied, grabbing my arm. I stopped and turned to look at him. even with my heels he stood at least three inches taller than me. I'm not a short girl. "Don't think that I am trying to bribe you in any way. I just want to see you successful." He explained, and I felt like kissing him. His lips were just calling to me. I knew I had to leave A.S.A.P or I was going to regret my actions the following morning.  He followed me out of my office, and I locked the door. "Drive safely, Audra." He sent me a trillion dollar smile that made my knees buckle. Then, I was off to the parking garage. I walked in, as usual, going to my usual floor. But, when the doors to the elevator parted the air left my body. 

The entire floor was empty. 

There wasn't a single car nor person to be seen. 

Scared to leave the elevator, I just stared at where my car had once been. What the hell happened to my car?! Quickly pressing the button, the doors closed and I rushed back into the building. Ms. Greta was at the desk and I smiled at her. 

"Ms. Greta, my car is missing from the company parking garage." I said, my heart tugging and my voice unsteady. 

"Seriously!? What floor was it on, honey?" She asked, looking down at her computer and typing. I watched her long red lacquered nails as they klick-klacked about the keyboard. I looked at my nails, wondering if I should consider getting fake nails. Stay focused, Audra!

"Oh wow, they were doing construction on the floor. I sent a memo out this morning through company text. Did you not get it?" She asked, her face sorry. I mentally face-palmed. My phone was completely shattered. I hadn't received the fucking memo. 

"So, when can I get my car back?" I questioned, and she looked unsure. 

"Uhh... I'm not sure. I will get back to you tomorrow. Just come straight back here, okay hon?" She said, and I nodded. "Can you call someone to pick you up?" She asked, and I held up my deceased phone. Her jaw fell. 

"Here, you can just use the company ph-" 

"It's okay. She can ride with me."  Ms. Greta and I both looked up to see Adam Steel approaching us. 



COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS (positive comments help me update quicker)

Love, Janay' Danielle

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