
By Elisheba29

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"So you have a life threatening disease that could kill you?" Caroline asked for clarification on what I said... More



240 11 4
By Elisheba29

Training. Two weeks of vigorous training. Ronnie and Jack never did this to me. This must be child abuse!

"Rotate your hips more." Uncle Charlie said.

"I'm trying but its not that easy!" I huffed as I hunched over to catch my breath.

"Lunch time!" Tessa out from the kitchen. 

"Hallelujah!" Ryder screamed as he ran to the house. Caroline and Jackson ran right after him. Bee and I walked, let me rephrase that, limped to the house.

We were all here training for the fight that might occur with my mother. I don't think I need this, I'm getting stronger every day. I'm pretty sure I can take her.

"Heads up!" Charlie threw a ball at me but I was too slow and it hit me in my face.

"Yeah you can definitely take her." He chuckled. How the hell!? Oh wait he can read minds. A little knowledge about hell hounds.

Some of us have special affinities. Some can control one of the elements apart from fire which every hound can control, others can control the body of themselves, the list varies.

Charles can read minds and influence ones thoughts. Angela can control water either in liquid state or ice. Tessa's hound gene is recessive but her witch gene is dominant so she is technically a full witch. Josie controls the earth and Hope controls the vegetation or trees or whatever.

I on the other hand control... Well...everything. My initial affinities are the elements. I have an extra affinity that allows me to control everything else. The Mockingbird affinity. I can basically copy other peoples affinities with a few exceptions like Reading Minds and Controlling time.

However due to the spell my aunt Tessa had been performing on me all these years, this affinity has been locked and can only be released when she's lifted all her spells.

Its been a slow process but by my eighteenth birthday I'll be a full hound.

Another reason why specifically Caroline and Ryder are training with me is that they are my pack mates. You're probably very confused. Why am I speaking like I have an audience? Do I? Nah that's just weird.

Let me start from the beginning. Every hounds offspring inherit their parents power as the parent slowly turns human. After Jade massacred her family, she took all their power making her really strong. So I'm not only powerful because both of my biological parents were hellhounds, Royal hellhounds, a mating between two hounds which has never happened before and is not supposed to happen but because Jade had so much power too.

So at the end of the day, I get all the power. Yes its a lot trust me.

Hell hounds can move with their mates or in small packs. When they move this way, they share their power so as not to have a weak link. A pack's maximum number is ten and minimum of two.

Caroline is my best friend so I chose her to be my pack mate and of course Ryder. Blaire and Jackson declined sadly. I respect that as much as it sucks. They have plans for themselves.

We might pick a few more people to be in our pack. Haven't yet met the right people. But the most important missing person I need in the pack is my mate. Haven't met him yet. At least I think I haven't.

I've told Luca about all of this since he calls me every night to talk. He wasn't kidding about night calls being our new thing.

Sebastian seems fine that we didn't pick him to be in our pack. Caroline and Ryder didn't want him. Majority wins.

Tessa cooked lasagna and pasta salad. Ouuu lasagna my favourite. Caroline and Ryder were already devouring their food.

"I don't remember Caroline eating this much." I commented as I made a plate for myself.

"Oh I didn't but at that time I didn't have a mate so I had to look presentable." She said with a mouthful of food. Disgusting she wolf.

Ryder immediately stopped eating, "Oh so because you're mated to me you stopped looking presentable?"

"Well no but I just stopped caring so much. Its just you after all who cares."

"You don't do that! Here I am treating you like I'm courting you and dressing up for you and you decide to not care anymore!"

"Get over yourself its just clothing."

"It's not!"

And that's how that argument began.

"Ryder has a point you know." Jackson commented.

"Those two are plain crazy. I on the other hand always dress up looking real good." Bee smiled.

"How? You wear different coloured overalls and Jumpsuit's everyday. I wouldn't call that dressing up." He walked right into that one."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Just saying you could put a little more effort." He is literally asking for a death sentence.

And that's how that argument began.

As usual I'm in the neutral zone. I missed this. My phone beeped signaling that I got a text.

Meet me at the park in 20.

Huh that's weird. I finished eating my food and told Aunt Tessa I was going out. I had forty seconds to be there. I ran and got there in 30.

"Yes! Ten seconds to spare." I said while doing a victory dance.

"Ryan." Sebastian called. I walked up to him and sat next to him on the bench under the big willow tree.

"Hello Seb. How ya doing?" I asked.

"Why so happy?" He smiled.

"I ran here in thirty seconds!" I exclaimed.

"Damn she's getting faster by the second. High five princess." He held his hand up and I slapped it.

"What's up?" I asked him. He immediately looked nervous.

"I uhh I ... I found my mate."


I don't know how to feel. Oh my gosh oh my gosh! This means I can be with Luca without feeling guilty. Shit nooooo bad Ryan. No Luca for me.


"Ryan I-"

I squealed and hugged him excitedly. This is great news.

"Woah. You're happy?" He asked.

"Look Sebastian, our ' relationship ' if you can call it that, was dying. In fact it was dead. We were friends before this. Good friends. I want it to be that way again. I'm so happy for you." I told him and his beautiful eyes sparkled.

"Who is the lucky lady?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"I am." I heard a voice say from behind me. That was Esme's voice.

I ran to her and hugged her real tight. This is a strange and unexpected combination but it makes sense in a way.

"You seriously aren't mad?" She asked me.

"No. I'm elated babe."

"Plus she has her eyes on the Lycan so she can't look at me." Seb said.

"Dude I'm so sorry. I swear I never cheated!" I said.

"I know you didn't. It sucked but you two are more compatible than we ever were." He said. Really?

"He and I aren't even like that." I tried to defend myself.

"Puhlease! You should see how he looks at you. It's so dreamy." Esme said.

"I'm right here sprinkles." Seb said.

"Sprinkles?" I asked.

"Yeah. Because I have multicoloured hair so he calls me sprinkles." Esme blushed. This is perfect.

Sebastian Waters. I really did have feelings for him. I guess he and I were meant to be friends. Our relationship was a disaster. Our friendship on the other hand was amazing. I'd rather have that than nothing at all.

"I'm happy for you guys. The moon goddess sure does know what she's doing." I smiled.

"Thanks Ryan for being so understanding." He smiled at me. That gorgeous boyish smile.

"I'd never get in the way of love. I have to head back now." I said to them.

I decided to walk instead of run. Wow so I'm single again. Damn this feels good. Who knew?

I kept walking until I found myself at the little diner that Luca and I had lunch at last week. Huh weird.

I walked in and ordered a coffee. I sat at the booth we usually sit at. Yes I've been here with him more than once. Only as friends because that's what we are. Friends.

"Ryan. Funny seeing you here." Luca said. When did he get here?

"Hi Luca. What're you doing here?" I asked him.

"Just eating some desert. You?" He asked.


"Ahhh cool. You look out of it. Whats up?" He asked as he ate his chocolate muffin. If he wasn't a Lycan, he would have died of diabetes with how much sugar he eats. He'd have lost all his teeth too. Don't forget he'd be as fat as a hippo.

"I'm officially single. Sebastian found his mate, Esme." I smiled.

"You're happy?"

"Yeah. They deserve to be happy. They are made for each other." I said.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you want to be happy?" He asked as the waiter brought my coffee. Black Americano, no sugar. Bitter, just how I like it. He grimaced when I took a sip of my coffee.

"Everyone wants to be happy Luca. Its not easy though." I replied as I took another sip.

"You should stop taking drugs." He said.

"What?" I laughed.

"Caffeine is a drug Brownie. Its not good for you. Its addictive and it'll fuck you over." He said as he ate another chocolate muffin.

"And sugar is bad for you Hazel eyes." I laughed.

"I'm a Lycan, nothing is bad for me." He pouted. Oh those kissable lips.

"Whatever. Take me home." I told as I finished my coffee.

"I'm not done with my food." He said.

"Excuse me?" I growled.

He smiled before getting up, " So bossy my little hound." We walked to his dark red Ashton Martin.

"How's training going?" He asked me as he drove. The way he handled the car, good goddess help me before I jump this man.

"Its hard. In the last two weeks, I've felt muscles I didn't know existed." I whined.

"Its all gonna be worth it. How about the undoing spell. Is it done?" He asked.

"I have two more sessions before my birthday. Once I'm 18 I'll be a full hound." Yet the pack won't be complete because I have no mate.

He looked at me with a look of excitement. Like he's hiding something. He immediately turned back to face the road but the little smile never left his mouth.

We arrived at my place in less than ten minutes. He was purposely driving slow because he knows I hate fast driving.

I want him.

Ever since Tessa began to undo the spells, my connection to him has grown. Its like something is awakening for him. Its crazy. I thought that attraction to Sebastian was deep but this is a whole other level.

Turns out my attraction to Seb was just my hound trying to fabricate a mate bond because she's lonely. It wasn't as strong because she wasn't strong but right now my hound is getting stronger and I think she's angry. I mean I would be too after being locked up all my life.

"Would you like to meet my family?" I asked him.

"What the heck?" He asked, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"You heard me. Let's go!" I giggled as I got out of the car. It was late afternoon and the sun was just going down. He got out and followed me.

I opened the door and got in. Tessa, Angela and Charlie all sat on the couch. Blaire and Caroline were cuddling on the love seat.  Weird. Josie and Hope lay on the floor as they all watched a Netflix movie.

"Hey people." I said with a big smile on my face. They all turned to look at me. They all had different expressions on their faces. Angela and Charlie looked down right murderous. Tessa looked excited. Josie and Caroline looked shocked. Hope and Blaire looked curious. I'm starting to rethink whether this was a good idea.

"Who is that?" Angela said. Straight to the point. Okay.

"Family, this is Luca. Luca, this is my family." I said as I introduced all of them.

Charlie got up and walked towards us. Luca was taller than him by a head.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Luca Alvarez." Luca replied. Charlie narrowed his eyes and his nose twitched.

"Your full title." He said.

"Prince Luca Fransisco Alejandro Alvarez." Luca smirked.

Hold up, hold up, hold up!

"How far down the line are you?" Charlie asked.

"12th. Close enough to know the family on a personal level, far enough not to have Royal duties." He replied.

They smiled at each other in understanding of some sort.

"What's your relationship to my girl?" Angela asked.

"The ball is in her court on how she wants us to be labelled." Luca replied.

"We're just friends." I clarified. I noticed Luca's jaw clenched for a second.

"Luca, have you found your mate?" Angela asked. Why would she be asking that?


What the flying fudge?!

Its like something clicked in their brains because all of a sudden they were grinning like idiots. Well the females were. Charlie just smirked. He walked back to his seat.

"I'll be taking my leave now. It was a pleasure meeting all of you." Luca said politely.

"Likewise." Tessa replied with a large smile on her face.

I walked him to the door still shocked at what I just found out.

"Prince Luca has found his mate huh? Whose the lucky lady?" I asked. Sebastian has found his mate. Luca has found his mate. Caroline, Blaire, Sydney, all have mates. I'm the only single one.

"Yes he has. Found her a couple of months ago but she was already dating someone but of course I don't care because she is mine." He smiled.

"She had countless spells placed on her ever since she was a kid so she couldn't fully sense the mate Bond. Now that the spells are being lifted, she is slowly feeling what I'm feeling. Her birthday is coming up and when it does, she'll feel what I feel fully." He explained.

Who is this bitch!?

Wait a second. No no no no .... It can't be.

"I'm your mate?" I asked him.

"You're my mate, I'm your priyatel. Wow what a small world." He chuckled.

"I'm your mate."

"Yes Ryan I know I'm amazing. That's why my friends acted all weird around you. We were trying to figure out why you couldn't feel the mate bond and what creature you are. Now we know."

Before I could say anything. A knock came from the door. I walked up to it and opened the door. I was faced with Roman and Sydney hand in hand.



Luca's POV

"So you're saying you practically have one week to live?" Caroline asked for clarification.

"Yeah." Sydney replied.

"How are we supposed to believe you? People who do business with the Omaticaya are nothing but liars." Angela spat out.

"They aren't lying." I said seriously.

"How do you know? What if-"

"He's right. They aren't lying." Tessa confirmed.

Typical Roman! Always getting himself in trouble. This time I can't gt him out of it. I walked out of the suffocating room. I don't think he told Sydney yet. She doesn't know that when she dies so will he.

Roman followed me outside. I was fucking livid and hopeless.

"When were you going to tell me?" I asked. My voice was five octaves deeper and much more threatening but of course my big brother did not fear.

"I was going to do so soon-"

"After hundreds of years, you have one goddamn week left and you say you were going to tell me soon! You want to die for someone you barely know! She doesn't care about you!" I shouted.

"Don't you dare speak of her like that! She's my other half Luca. If Ryan was in the same position, tell me brother would you do the same?" He asked me and I froze.

"Answer me!"

"Yes. I would." I answered with my head lowered.

"I need you to understand. Without her I am not complete." He said.

"No puedo hacer esto sin ti." I whispered.

"Eres màs fuerte de lo que piensas. No importa que hermano, siempre estarè contigo." He replied. He pulled me in for a hug.

Even after living for more than 300 years, I still get shocked at how unfair life can be.

"Deberíamos volver adentro." I said him.

"Las mujeres pueden volverse locals sin nosotros." He chuckled. We started walking back in the house.

Everyone sat around the coffee table. Looks like they had a major discussion.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We have a plan." Tessa said.

"What plan?" Roman asked.

"The Omaticaya. Its time for a little revenge babe." Sydney smirked.

This didn't sound good at all.

Oh diosa, ¿qué han planeado?

No puedo hacer esto sin ti.- I cant do this without you.

Eres màs fuerte de lo que piensas. No importa que hermano, siempre estarè contigo.- You are stronger than you think. No matter what brother, I will always be with you.

Deberíamos volver adentro- We should head back inside.

Las mujeres pueden volverse locals sin nosotros." -The women might go crazy without us.

Oh diosa, ¿qué han planeado?- Oh goddess, what have they planned?


Sebastian and Ryan are no more!

Sorry Team Syan but your ship has sunk. Its been a long journey but they are better off as friends.

Team Ryca it seems your ship is surging faster than ever! Mates. They are mates even though she still can't completely feel it. In due time my loves.

To all the Roman lovers, I'm sorry. Maybe their is a way to save him. Who knows.

Comment #SaveRoman and we might just see a miracle happen.

What plan do you think they have?

The long chapters are back lol.
Till next time!

Read, vote, comment, share and enjoy❤


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