Willows Salvation- Crescent M...

By LisaBrill07

29.9K 1.2K 51

A young woman wanting so bad to get away from her family and a young man out for revenge cross paths in this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Cover Contest!

Chapter 9

713 33 0
By LisaBrill07

My back hit the wall while his hands trailed down my arms. Grabbing my wrists he pinned them above my head in a gently yet firm hold. Nudging my head to the side he peppered kisses from my jaw down my neck to my shoulder. Pushing his knee between my legs he pushed it up rubbing me in a new way that had a moan escaping my lips. I couldn't help but want the friction it created so I rocked back and forth. Looking into my eyes with his free hand he grabbed my chin and kissed me with an urgency we both felt. Opening my lips wider our tongues danced together leaving me breathless. Running his hand back inside my shirt he pushed it up into my bra and started to rub his thumb back and forth until a hardened peak formed that he pinched lightly. As I became breathless from the kisses and new sensations, he elicited he let go of my hands, unbuttoning my pants, and pushed his hand inside. Rubbing his thumb in circles I started to come undone and let him push me over the edge.

Sitting straight up in bed I woke out of breath. Jumping out of bed I paced in my room for a moment asking myself what the hell I just dreamt about. The sound of two people yelling interrupted my thoughts. Going into the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up before grabbing some clothes. The feelings from my dream still lingered but I would have to think about them later. Right now, curiosity got the best of me, and I was going to appease it. Sneaking slowly down the steps and peeking around the corner I saw Chris and Bella standing in the living room.

"I don't understand Chris. She has no right to be here, and I don't understand what the hell you are thinking. Give the dog a goodie bag and send it on its way. She isn't your problem for goddess sakes. How stupid do you have to be to invite a Blood Moon, our enemy, to stay here. Do you want her? Is that it? You want to fuck her, don't you?"

"Bella, I have already told you once to keep your voice down. Last time I checked I was the Alpha here and you were just a warrior not the Luna. I have full right to say who stays and who goes. What makes you think you have the right to question my decision? And as for the last part of your little tantrum no I don't want to fuck her. Honestly why she is here is none of your concern and I am done fighting about it. I want you to leave and don't come back until you can act lik you have some sense. No, I want you to stay away until I send for you. Now Go to training your late."

I could see he was mad from where I was at. He turned to walk away but she grabbed his arm continuing her argument. "How do you think that makes me feel knowing that she sleeps in the adjoining room to yours? And I have every right as your girlfriend to question you when you make a stupid decision. You can't just send me away. Honestly this fight wouldn't be happening if you grew a pair of balls killed the bitch."

If he wasn't mad before he was now. "GET OUT BELLA!"

He turned once again and spotted me watching them around the corner. Athena came when she heard the screaming and was now standing with me. "No, I won't leave until this is settled!"

Throwing her hand from his arm "Fine Bella. You want this little debacle settled. You are not nor will you ever be my girlfriend. Hell, you didn't even show an interest in me until I became Alpha. Let's just spit facts you are the packs whore and I took advantage of what you were so freely willing to give. Now get the fuck out of my house before I change my mind and give you a more fitting punishment."

Leo had now joined in our little posse giving a private moment three onlookers. Bella looked up and saw us standing there leading way to her anger to turn into rage. Staring me down you could tell her intentions and my death was it. Shifting she wasted no time and charged at me. Leo grabbed Athena pulling her back out of harms way. I spread my feet apart for a wider stance trying to prepare myself for the incoming hit, but it never came. Chris shifted and tackled her from the side before she could attack me.

Athena grabbed me by the arm trying to get me to move but I followed the fight. Chris had drug her outside and they were circling each other taking shots at each other here and there. The fight was over before it really began as Chris's patience must have worn out. Shifting back, he pinned her down with his hands instead of paws and she slowly followed behind him. "This is the last chance I am going to give you. Go to training and stop acting like a child or you will be demoted from warrior to Omega. I am no longer playing this game. Now get out of my sight."

Getting up from the ground she looked towards me "This isn't over mutt. I will catch you by yourself soon enough. Then we will see if the Blood Moon pack lives up to its ruthless name.

She got up and turned to Willow, "This isn't over mutt. I will catch you by yourself soon enough. Then we will see if the Blood Moon pack lives up to its ruthless name."

Leo had stepped forward and shoved her towards the training grounds. "You are running out of chances. I suggest you go now, or I will have to step in also." With a huff she stomped away.

Linking her arms with mine as Chris walked by Athena pulled me inside. "C'mon let's go get some breakfast. Willow are you ok?"

"I think so. I am just confused, I guess. I heard what he said to Bella, but his actions say otherwise. I just don't understand. Plus, she looked like she really wanted to kill me. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I don't want fights and discord because I am here."

Shaking her head with a smile. "Don't worry about it. She is just mad because he gave you a room next to his and she was never offered one. Hell, I don't think he has even let her stay the night. She is just jealous so don't stress ok!"

Slowly I tried to let her words sink in but all I could think about, now that the commotion was over, was the dream I had of Christopher. Tingles ran over my skin when I thought about where his lips and hands had touched. I must be sporting a blush because I earned myself an odd look from my new friend. Shaking it off I helped her make breakfast and pushed my dream to the back of my mind.

"I have a meeting this morning and some paperwork to do after. Being Beta Female is seriously such a bore, but someone has to do it. When I get done would you like to go on an official tour of the manor and grounds? I should be done shortly after lunch."

Shaking my head no, giving her a smile. "I mean that would be great but if you can't today that is fine. I still need to finish putting my new things away. I can also tour the manor myself. Maybe we can make it a date for tomorrow."

Leaning in for a hug "Sounds like a plan." With a wave she left. I wasn't bothered that I was alone honestly. It gave me a chance to be able to process all that has happened and continues to happen. After placing our dishes in the sink and cleaning up the rest of the kitchen I decided to go explore before heading back to my room.

The manor was much bigger than I originally thought. It had 6 bedrooms upstairs, a living room, dining room, study, kitchen, formal sitting room, a few locked doors I couldn't get into and a laundry room on the main level. I already knew what was downstairs so there was no point in going down there. I had made my way to the porch off the dining room that you used a door in the hallway to access and saw huge flower garden. How have I not seen this before? All the beautiful colors popping everywhere. This garden was much bigger and better maintained than the one back home. I think I could spend all day here and still not see it all.

Walking off the porch memories started flooding back of the good and bad times I spent in my garden back home. Home wasn't the word I should use when I refer to the place, I was brought up it was more of a prison. Placing my hand over my heart thinking of home made my chest ache. Tilly was the only person I had there that cared about me and now she was gone. Looking up to the sky I silently thanked Tilly for all she had done for me saying my own little goodbye the only way I could.

Turning around I was startled to see Chris had been standing there watching me. "What are you doing? Saying the Pledge of Allegiance or something."

"No. I was saying goodbye to someone. Someone I started to tell you about. I never got to really say goodbye and here just felt appropriate. How long have you been standing there anyways?"

Giving me a half smile, "Long enough."

Rolling my eyes, I wished he would just talk instead of being sarcastic. "Well, Alpha, thank you for this morning. I have some things I need to do so If you will excuse me, I think I will go to my room now."

I started to walk around him when his arm shot out blocking my path. "You shouldn't be out here alone. I don't want to see you get hurt so I ask from now on that you stay inside unless you are accompanied out."

That comment started to tick me off. I could handle the sarcasm but now I was literally under lock just with a wider cell to roam. "What you don't think I can handle myself." Actually, I had no training so in actuality besides what I had watched I had no clue. But I wasn't about to tell him that.

"After this morning it is clear that you cant." His tone had turned hard, all the playfulness gone from them.

"Then teach me!"

"Teach you what?"

"Teach me to fight and handle myself. That way when I do finally get to leave, I won't be a defenseless mutt."

Stepping closer he looking into my eyes and I swear timed slowed for just a second, "You're not a mutt Willow."

"Yea that not what she said."

You could feel the anger starting to bubble inside of him. Oddly I wanted to play this game where I pushed his buttons just to see how far I could go. I also wanted to jump on him and kiss him but the first is winning out for now.

"You don't need to learn how to fight Willow."

"Okay what if you just taught me self-defense."

"They are on in the same Willow!" The calm façade he wore was starting to crumble and my patience was starting to wear thin. His earlier words ringing in my ears. We can protect you.

Snapping "What is your problem! You know what never mind." I tried to push past him again but again like an old tree stump he was rooted to the spot and would let me through.

"Excuse me I want to go inside now. Please move!"

He was staring into my eyes as if he was searching for something. Looking him back in the eyes was a big mistake. I could melt into those eyes and not think twice. So badly I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him while wondering if dream Chris and real Chris kissed the same. Slowly I placed my hand on his chest and could feel his heartbeat under my palm. He was so warm and just my touch caused his heartrate to pick up. He looked like he was struggling the same internal battle I was.

Another moment passed and there we stood in silence. Slowly I stepped closer to him and tilted my head sideways. Lifting my other hand, I ran it through the hair just above his ear. It was as soft as I thought it would be. Leaning in I closed my eyes and licked my lips ready to see if they were indeed the same or better. All too quick my hands were grabbed, and I was pushed away. His gaze from just a moment ago replaced with one of disgust.

"Don't ever touch me again, Willow. I am letting you stay to protect you and no matter what the goddess has decided I have already told you this isn't going to happen. Now if you want to keep your hands, I suggest you keep them to yourself." He turned and left after that.

Embarrassed I felt the tears welling in my eyes. How could I be so stupid? He already made it clear that I wasn't wanted. Why did I think he wanted to kiss me? Wiping my face and taking a deep breath I ran up to my room. I was beginning to hate it here. I hate him and his mood swings. I hate his smell! I hate his voice! I hate everything about him! Why of all the places on earth did I have to get stuck here with him. 

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