Bounce Back (BNHA OC Insert)...

By Lolasi2505

177 12 1

"My quirk maybe simple in concept but never underestimate me. I'm not my quirk after all." ~Kosiru Hoku (New... More

Chapter 1 - Origins
Chapter 2 - Tests and friends
Chapter 3 - First day
Chapter 4 - Training begins
Chapter 5 - Control
Chapter 6 - Deeper, Darker, Worse

Chapter 7 - Plus Ultra

20 1 1
By Lolasi2505

Hoku reacted in an instant, twisting in midair to land on his feet. Catching someone who was falling out of reflex, Hoku jumped away from an aggressive vine that got way to close for comfort.

"Mon ami, merci," Nodding along to the other's French, Hoku bit his lip nervously when he saw the crowd that gathered around them in the trees. They were stuck in a forest with no concept as to which way was the entrance, great. Hoku's quirk was still in a frenzy and adrenaline was starting to kick in, meaning that Hoku barely thought while he started kicking the villains off of their high horses.

Kick, dodge, rebound to a new enemy, repeat. His mind wasn't entirely there, taking a vacation while he took out those surrounding them. The rise and fall of his quirk's intense frenzy was enough to make him have a headache, the bouncing around he was doing not exactly helping. His head shot up when he heard a loud crash, dust rising from his right which he assumed was the entrance. Grinning a little, Hoku began vibrating enough to shoot up and away from the unconscious surrounding him.

He landed on his feet, skidding to a stop instead of using his quirk more. One look at the scene made him freeze a little. "Kosiru!" Mina gasped, looking at Hoku who put the blonde in armor down. He didn't respond, staring at Thirteen instead. This was Hoku's fault. He couldn't react to his quirk fast enough. His quirk was trying to tell him but he panicked too much to do anything! Now his teacher was lying on the ground with their back ripped open. "Kosiru?"

He didn't react when Sero put a hand on his shoulder, instead looking at the explosion of dust that was created near the plaza. His gut twisted again, telling him all that he needed to know. "Kosiru!" His two friends couldn't even try to stop him from jumping away and down the stairs, the boy moving way too fast in a dive. Just barely angling himself correctly, Hoku grabbed the other two shortest people in the class around their waists. They luckily held Aizawa tight enough that he wasn't dislodged by Hoku shooting back up to the rest of the students' level. He slowed down just in time to give a relatively soft landing, his quirk controlling the most of it. "Aizawa-sensei!"

Putting them down, Hoku was barely able to take a breather before his quirk acted up again. Jumping off of the stairs despite the shouts behind him, Hoku began vibrating again and fast enough to shoot forward and close to the conflict. Landing in front of Bakugou just as the hand man spoke, Hoku's quirk gathered the others closely with the same thing that covered them all. Grunting, Hoku held up a light green shield that encased his allies and deterred the bird thing.

Shield Charge: A mutation from Natiku Delphi, he is able to produce a shield or force field that can take and rebound momentum just like normal! Fun Fact, his eyes glow whenever he uses it.

"Kosiru?!" Kirishima yelped, not expecting to see his friend clad in black. The other students also watched with wide eyes, not feeling an ounce of the wind pressure that tore into the concrete around them. Despite the victory, Kurogiri was able to escape.

"Nomu, break the shield," The 'Nomu' gladly followed orders, launching a flurry of punches onto the shield. Wincing, Hoku moved into a lunge so that he could take a knee if needed. Just three blows blew past his limit, blunt blows hitting his body despite no obvious source. Another reason he decided on a complete bodysuit, so no one could see the nasty bruises he was getting from his quirk's limit.

"Young Kosiru, allow me out of this shield so that I may fight," All Might tried to walk out to no avail, now attempting to ask nicely.

"N-No..." Hoku panted.


"I said no!" Hoku shouted, making his allies jump. "That thing is meant to kill you. I'm not letting anyone die," He spoke clearly, making those around him stare at him with even wider eyes.

The Nomu stopped for a moment, letting the hand man make a comment. "Ready to give up?"

Hoku laughed, grinning despite no one being able to see it. Not that many would want to see the bloody mess his face was. "No way! I can eat these hits all day! Come at me a little stronger why don't ya?!"

"Kosiru, what are you doing?!" Kirishima jogged up to his friend, trying to snap him out of it. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

"My shield is apart of my quirk, do the math," He couldn't make any more comments, focused on the Nomu who was still trying to break his shield. "All Might, start punching this," Twitching his head, Hoku summoned a small shield in front of the Symbol.

"Young Kosiru, you can't possibly--"

"Do it!" Growling out his interruption, Hoku glared at the hero through his unswollen eye. "I'm gonna launch this guy to the moon and I don't have enough stamina to keep this shield up for forever. Hit it with as much strength that you were hitting him with," All Might hesitated for a moment more before doing as told.

Only a minute more that lasted for an eternity took place before Hoku made his move. "All Might, stop," Moving the shield that All Might hit, he unleashed the force on Nomu's abdomen. It blasted him into the water, giving Hoku a second to breathe before it started up again. With the current amount of force in the shield versus how much was in the one All Might had hit, Hoku was going to have to use Multiplier.

Multiplier: Exactly as it sounds! The ability to double, triple, quadruple, etc. the momentum currently in use. Only problem is, it means that that same amount of momentum is unleashed upon his limit.

Nomu didn't give Hoku a second more to breathe, coming in fast to only hit the trap that Hoku's shield was. "This is what Plus Ultra is, villain!" The shield covered Nomu's entire front, barely giving him a second before he was blown away. He broke through the dome of the building, creating a sonic boom and cracking more of the glass before he disappeared from sight. Hoku took that knee, coughing while the others stood in shock. His nose scrunched up when he tasted the iron on his tongue, wincing when he messed with a broken part of himself.

Hoku couldn't catch a break, his instinct rearing its ugly and useful head. Standing up with a small stumble, Hoku barely mock saluted to the Symbol of Peace before vibrating and firing away. His entire body ached, his limbs broken or fractured, a few of his ribs were cracked, and his stomach was trashed enough that he was coughing up blood. Because of his injuries, he couldn't land straight and barely slowed down enough to not crash into the top of the stairs. Stumbling to stand up, he ran towards Shoji who held Aizawa on his back. Aizawa, who was about to wake up. Shoji seemed to get the message, putting Aizawa down lightly and stepping back.

Falling onto his knees despite the fact that his kneecaps were probably shattered, Hoku froze up. What was he doing? He couldn't help Aizawa when his entire thing was momentum! There was no way!

"... let your power do as your instinct says to."

She had put a hand over Hoku's heart. The same heart that yearned to help. That's it! Putting his hand over Aizawa's heart and chest, Hoku closed his eyes before stopping his thoughts. Immediately, his quirk set to work. Microscopic sized shields entered Aizawa's body, using the momentum from his mechanisms to set bones straight and stop bleeding. Aizawa's eyes opened, landing on Hoku who didn't move an inch or open his eyes. He didn't move when gunshots sounded off. He didn't move when people started talking to Aizawa. He didn't move when somebody tried to poke him.

He did move when someone tried to move him away from Aizawa, gripping the man's shirt tightly while he continued his work. Other than that, he didn't respond. Not when he was put on a stretcher. Not when he was put into an ambulance with Aizawa. Not when people tried to call to him. He was too focused on Aizawa's heartbeat to try to respond.

"What about Kosiru?" Kirishima asked the detective, worried for his friend.

"Kosiru?" The detective tilted his head before scanning over his list. "Right, he has the most extensive injuries out of everyone. Although I don't know how."

"He was fighting the Nomu!" Kirishima punched his fists together. "He summoned a shield of some sort and blasted it away with its own punches!"

"That explains that then. Do any of you know his quirk?"

"Momentum rebound," Mina answered quickly, eager to hear more about her friend.

"Correct, do you know the drawback?" One glance at the collection of shaking heads made the officer sigh. "Once he reaches his limit, it starts bruising his body. At certain points, it can start breaking bones. As a result, he's going to the ER because of a punctured lung. His limbs were completely shattered, his spine was nearly fractured, his nose and jaw were broken, and a number of other injuries happened because of it," The gasps from the group reached partially deaf ears. "The hospital will take care of it. Now then, please go to your classroom."

Sighing, Hoku looked out the window in his full body cast. If he slept more he could recover faster but... He couldn't sleep. Not even when the moon shined its cheery light on him. He needed to be moving, he can't sit still all day. He had barely made out of that building alive but...

"Why does it feel like I could do more?" Hoku mumbled, sighing once more before closing his eyes. Mysteries left to the unknown, Hoku supposed.

For some weird reason, his arms had been less destroyed than his arms. Why that was relevant? That meant that with the extensive care that he had gone through, he could go around in a wheelchair on his own. Even so, that didn't mean that his parents, Ena, and Chikao had liked it. Barely managing to convince them left him outside of the 1-A door alone. Shrugging, Hoku opened the door and wheeled himself into class.

"Kosiru?!" The class shouted, not expecting to see the brunette. He waved nervously, trying to ignore how they all took in his bandaged body and casted legs.

Mina stood up before he could try to move more, grabbing his wheelchair and kicking the door closed behind her. "Kosiru-kun, you're a beast."

Chuckling along, Hoku smiled nervously at Mina and the class. The alien girl left him on his own at his seat, sitting down just as Iida came in. The boy shouted at the class to be in their seats until somebody pointed out his hypocriticy. Before long, Aizawa came in with a plethora of bandages. "Morning."

"Aizawa-sensei, you're back too soon!"

Before Hoku could roll out of the classroom and follow his friends, something hard landed on his shoulder. "Kosiru," Aizawa's voice made him freeze up a little. "Turn around," Wincing slightly, Hoku did as told but he looked away from Aizawa and his bandages. Injuries that he couldn't fix. "Kosiru, look at me," For once in a lifetime, Hoku refused his teacher and shook his head a little. "It's because of my bandages, isn't it? You feel too guilty?" The only answer Hoku gave was a flinch. "Fine then..."

Aizawa was silent for a while before suddenly leaning down and hugging his student as best he could. Hoku froze, his eyes pricking with tears that he could barely control. "You saved me, don't ever doubt that," Keeping the hug going for a moment longer, Aizawa pulled away without any comment on the eye rubbing that Hoku had to do to clear away the tears. "You can't fix everything, quirks and people can only do so much..."

A moment of silence passed between them before Aizawa suddenly patted the boy's head. "Run along now, you don't want to miss lunch."

Hoku nodded, rolling away with a whisper of "Thank you," that made Aizawa smile the slightest bit behind the mask of his bandages.

"Hey, Kosiru?" Kaminari turned his attention to Hoku who just tilted his head. "How did you defeat that Nomu?"

"He summoned a shield and protected all of us, including All Might," Kirishima quickly took over the narrative. "His shield took enough hits to blast that Nomu away!"

"A shield?" Mina gave Hoku a curious look. "I thought your quirk was only about reversing momentum when it comes into contact with you."

"W-W-Well, yes," Summoning a small shield, the group was able to watch his eyes glow with a light green. "M-My q-q-quirk h-has a-a m-mutation f-f-from my m-m-mother. I-It's a-also how I k-k-knew to g-go t-to B-B-Bakugou a-and K-Kirishima w-w-when I-I d-did."

"Huh?" That instantly summoned the curiosity of the ash-blonde.

"E-E-Ever h-heard o-of T-The P-Protector: S-Soteria?"

"Wait, she's your mother?!" Yelping, Mina drew attention to her instead.

"Who's she?" Sero asked for the good of the rest of the group.

"An amazing hero! She's ranked number 47 but she definitely deserves higher," From the sparkle in her eye, Hoku immediately deduced that Mina was a fan.

That got Kirishima interested. "How so? What's her quirk anyway?"

Mina went on a rant with big hand motions much to Hoku's amusement. "Her quirk is just like her name. Soteria is the goddess of safety, salvation, and prevention of harm in Greek mythology. So basically, anyone who is in danger can have a quirk manifested shield in front of them. Well, including her. Granted because of this she can't really fight on her own unless you want to count hand to hand combat. She also doesn't take much credit beyond protecting the citizens in the area. In one of her interviews, she claimed to have a 'danger sense' when people she cares about are about to get hurt meaning she can go to them in an instant."

"So you got a danger sense for those two and decided to blow past your limit?" Kaminari summarized, Hoku nodding in response.

"I-I-I h-had a-a bad f-feeling a-all day too. I-If I-I-I h-had r-reacted q-quicker th-then Th-Thirteen and Aizawa p-p-probably w-wouldn't be in t-the hospital..." He mumbled the last part but Bakugou and Kirishima heard him easily.

Neither were able to say much as the rest of the group started praising the poor and insecure soul to the heavens.

"I raise my flags, don my clothes.

It's a revolution, I suppose.

We'll paint it red to fit right in."

As per usual, Hoku had his earbuds in with some music blasting but the crowd at the door made him turn it off and freeze up. "Wh... Wh-What's going on?" Uraraka exclaimed, not helping out Hoku's nerves. He was terrible with people. Crowds were the worst. Why did they have to come the day where he couldn't get out without gaining some type of attention? Hoku might as well use the window.

"What business do you have with Class A?" Iida, of course, tried to handle it as professionally as possible. Maybe they would get out of this with very little argument if Iida continued to play diplomat.

Jinxed it. Any and all attempts at peace for both Hoku and the rest of the students were interrupted by the shortest of the class... Mineta? Is that his name? "We can't get out! What'd you come here for, anyway?"

To make matters worse and to give Hoku's heart even more time to try and escape his chest, Bakugou had to step forward. "Scouting out the enemy, small fry. We're the ones who made it out of the villain attack," Some of us not in one piece! Shoji glanced at Hoku, seeing the starting of the signs that meant that Hoku was going to have a little trouble with his temper. In turn, Shoji wandered a little closer and gave the smaller a nod which was shyly returned. "They probably want to check us out before the sports festival," Just let Hoku die inside so they can beat him easier, huh?! Hoku tried to clench his fists as much as possible to hide his shaking, although Shoji still saw the little tremors in his shoulders. "There's no point in doing stuff like that," Oh no... "Out of my way, extras!" Called it.

Iida tried to save his act just the slightest bit by calling the uncaring blonde out. "Stop calling people 'extras' just because you don't know them!"

A voice from the crowd interrupted any further shenanigans from the five near the door. "I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant. Are all students in the hero course like this?" Now that was just crossing a line. Don't judge us all because Bakugou decides to talk with his pride not his head! Shoji's watchful eye became keener as Hoku's face started to shift. "Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned," Now you're focused on one person, huh?! "There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?" Well everybody had to go somewhere, you patronizing prick! Hoku's fists tightened as far as his injuries would allow, the slight amount of pain easy to see by Shoji. "The school left those of us a chance. Depending on the result of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems that they may also transfer people out."

That only solidified a plan that Hoku was thinking of doing after school today. He had already checked with his family to see if it would be okay on the off chance that he decided to do it but now he had a clear motivation to do so. "Scouting out the enemy?" Oh right he's still here. "I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war."

The tension built between Bakugou and the challenger until another suddenly broke it with shouting. "Hey, hey! I'm from Class B next door! I heard you fought against villains so I came to hear 'bout it! Don't get so full of yourself!" Oh hell nah he did not just.

Hoku stood up, making Shoji put a hand on his shoulder. "Kosiru, sit down, you need to heal," Despite his best attempts to be quiet a few out in the crowd heard along with the rest of the class. His normal nerves were obsolete, his rage all-consuming

"If you bark too much, it'll be embarrassing for you durin' the real fight!"

Yeah, not dealing with that bullshit. "Kosiru," Shoji hissed, forcing the other back down into his chair. "I know what you want to do but that isn't gonna help."

"Shoji," Those who were close enough to hear Hoku's low growl were surprised by his clear voice. "I don't want you to get caught up in this, move."


"Move," Hoku didn't raise his voice which made his demand all the more scary. Shoji held his ground for a moment before letting go of the injured boy who immediately moved towards the door without any more opposition.

"It doesn't matter."


"It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top."

"That's so simple and manly."

While other people started to nod along, Hoku finally managed to get in front of the crowd which started the murmurs of gossip. "Hey, silver-haired kid."

"Yeah?" His initial shock didn't reach his voice but the entire room and hall still went still.

"You say that we're full of ourselves, huh?" A nod from the other lit the pyre. "Sorry bud, but the only thing that I'm full of is broken bones, internal bleeding, and broken blood vessels that create bruises about the size of your ego," Raising up his arms, Hoku flaunted his casts. "One who is full of themselves protects themselves, no?" Another nod just added fuel to the flames. "I guess that not everyone fits inside that little box that you made because the only reason I got these wounds is by protecting my classmates."

He obviously couldn't read the room, laughing off the pain of the other instead. "Well then your bark really is bigger than your bite!"

Instead of simple wood he added gasoline. "I don't remember bragging," Hoku stood up, taking a step forward despite how unsteady it was. Even so, it made quite a few people step back and clear the way to the frozen challenger. "I don't remember ever saying that it was fun saving my classmates' lives. I don't remember ever saying that it was great to see my teacher bleed on the ground. You say that you heard, but what did you hear? Nothing. You know nothing. You don't know that we had to watch both of our teachers get hurt. You don't know what we were talking about before we got there. You don't know half of our names."

Another step cleared out more people so that Hoku could glare the taller one down. "The only people who did the bragging for us were the news. And you wanna know what they know? Nothing. They don't know our fighting strategies. They don't know what we had to use to fight the villains. They don't know how many times that some of us nearly died. What they do know is that we are lucky. Not arrogant, not full of ourselves, not weak, lucky. You better hope that luck runs in the hero course, and count on it to not get me as your opponent when it's time if you still wanna be conscience," Walking away, Hoku sat down before moving forward to have the sea of people split to give him a path. "Now then, I'll be on my way to drag my sorry arrogant and weak butt down to Recovery Girl. Good luck, you'll need it."

And with that, he left both sides of the student body dead silent.

Thanks for reading! This loving cool cat's out! <3 :3
Word count: 3738

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