Collide | August Alsina | on...

By theeinterlude__

67.6K 3.2K 1.9K

It's true that opposites attract but that doesn't mean it will be easy. More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
On hold..
Hello Again..


2.3K 105 55
By theeinterlude__


Throwing her leg across August's waist Summer brought her hand up to his face rubbing his cheek. They hadn't seen each other for a few days due to working and other things so now that they were together she wanted his affection and attention. However, his focus was on his phone and it had been for the past two hours.

"Babe pay attention to me" She whined pecking his lips while hugging his torso "I'm bored"

"Hollon, just a sec" He said.

Typing aggressively on his phone August sighed when Chandra called him before he could even send his message.

"Yeah?" He greeted.

"Don't yeah me boy! I'm not about ta' do this witchu okay? It's Maw Maws 88th birthday and all she asked fa' was ta' see you! You know how sickly she is who knows when she will pass away God forbid! Yes, I kno' you have ya issues with Mrs.Sheila but Maw Maw asks about chu every time I see ha' and she made me promise dat you would come!"

Sucking his teeth August rolled his eyes of course he wanted to see his grandmother. She was like the mother figure he didn't get from his mom but he wasn't ready to have the emotional and hard conversation with Sheila that came with attending.

"Ion kno what ta' tell you Cha..I'a sleep onnit okay?"

"I guess so but let me kno by the morning because me and the girls are leaving around one"

Nodding as if she could see him he spoke again "I will"

The two hung up and August tapped Summers leg so she would slide over. Once she did he stood up and made his way to the bathroom before shutting the door.

He hated this feeling—family is who you're supposed to be closest to but to him it's who he wanted to be farthest from. Turning on the sink he splashed his face with water before using a towel to dry off "I need ta' fucking smoke" he mumbled into the air.

Summer sat on the bed patiently waiting for him but when he didn't return she got up and made her way over there. She didn't know what the conversation August had on the phone entailed but whatever it was it making him distant.

Without knocking on the door she walked into the bathroom where August was leaned up against the wall thinking to himself. Hopping onto the counter Summer crossed her legs and motioned for him to come closer.

"Do you want to talk?" She asked reaching up to touch his hair that was growing by the day.

"I'm good don't worry bout me" He assured her.

Frowning Summer folded her hands together "I don't like seeing you sad babe.."

"I—I'm not sad okay? Just stressed"

Summer nodded but she didn't believe him everyone had a certain look in their eyes when they were sad and he had them. "If you say so Aug..but you know you can tell me anything. It's better then just  holding it in and stressing yourself out even more. I may not know the solution to whatever it is but my opinion might help"

"Aight well.." He started "Remember how I told you allat shit I was goin through wit my family?"

"Yeah I do"

He cleared his throat "Well tomorrow is my Maw Maws birthday and as much as I want ta be thea for ha I can't bring myself ta do it. The party is at my mamas house and I ain't step foot in the place for almost two years."

"What made you leave?"

"I didn't she put me out ova ha' drug fiend husband and I can't neva get ova no shit like dat. I've always blamed him fa' Mels death because if he wun sucking my Ma's bank accounts dry Mel wouldn't have been in the streets as much as he was." He explained "Then when Mel passed shit got worse my mama was depressed, step pops was using drugs more heavy and spending all ha' money. I can't even name how many times an eviction notice got put on our do'. So I did what I thought I had ta' do and started was keeping food on the table and a roof ova our heads so it was whateva fa' me"

He looked at Summer as she watched him intently taking in everything that he was saying. He appreciated how she always let him get his thoughts out without intergecting or adding her two cents.

"Anyway when I started getting into trouble wit the law she flipped out on me. She told me if I was gon keep sellin dat shit then I needed ta' get out of ha' house so of course I felt played. Like I'm doing dis shit ta' help you—-us, while my step pops is doin nun but bringing us down..yet I'm the bad guy? One night I caught that nigga hittin' on ha' cause she threw away his stash so I fucked him up. Like I really thought I killed dat mufucka wit my bare hands. She was yelling and me screaming at me ta' stop but I wouldn't so she called the police on me" He sighed "The fucking own mama bruh? Since I had so many racked up charges they ended up locking me up fa' damn nea' six months—I feel like I'm talking too much"

Summer took his hand into hers "No I'm listening keep going"

"Okay well, I was in thea fa' six months and she ain't  neva' visited me or called me to see if I was good. I was only19 then and it was my first time servin dat long of a sentence so I was scared as fuck. Jail is a different type of hell and I almost lost myself in thea. But I stayed strong until I got released, I ain't have no whea ta' go so I was going from couch to couch until I got tired of leeching off people. My pride wouldn't let me go back ta' my mamas spot..I was scared she would turn me away so I didn't let myself go through that rejection. I settled with just being homeless until Cha' found out a few weeks lata and forced me to move in with ha" He said "I love my mama I do, she's my mother at the end of the day but dat don't mean I can look past the shit she's done ta' me"

Wrapping her arms around his torso Summer sighed "I'm so sorry babe you didn't deserve that"

"Yeah I kno, no one does but it's life right? Fuck can I do?"

"Well for starters..I think you should go to your grandmas party. It's not worth missing out on despite your issues with your mom. Plus y'all can't just not talk forever the conversation is bound to happen at some point so I think you should take matters in your own hands and use this as a chance to tell your mom how you feel about the way she treated you. No, y'all might not make up but you need to get this weight off your chest August. I can tell it's been heavy on your mind for the longest and if you do this you'll get some type of relief at least."

"Ion know what I would do without chu honestly" He said kissing her lips "I'a go"

Summers eyes widened at his response, "Really?"

"Only if you come wit a nigga though"


"Please Summa' I need yo support cause if not I kno I'a back out of it" He begged "Plus I want Cha and my Maw Maw to meet you"

"Alright  I'll come" She nodded "Just promise me you'll have the conversation with your mom"

"I promise"

"Great now that that's settled lets get you out of this funky mood and find something to do"


"I wasted yo time baybeh I can't do this shit" August huffed placing his head onto the steering wheel of his car as the two sat parked in front of his childhood home. The minute they turned onto the street of the house he started getting second thoughts. All the bad memories from two years ago started to flood his mind and he didn't want to sink himself back into that type of pain.

Summer could feel her heart breaking for August. It was obvious his family situation affected him more than he let on and that didn't sit well with her. He was an amazing person and deserved to be happy so the fact that he wasn't was a hard pill to swallow. "August look at me" She placed her hand on his shoulder.

Finding comfort in her soothing voice he sat back and looked at her.

"I know this is hard for you but you need to do this for yourself. You'll never be happy if you let this continue to drag you down." She said "I'm sure you've always wanted reasoning behind her action correct?"

"Yeah" He agreed rubbing his eyes tiredly, Summer then grabbed that same hand interlocking it with hers.

"So this is your chance babe..I really think you should do this but if you're truly not ready too I understand and won't pressure you we can go"

As August got ready to respond there was a soft tap on the window. Who ever knocked wasn't tall enough to be in view so he unlocked the door and looked down to reveal Kayden one of his youngest nieces.

"Uncle Aug!" She cheered jumping into his lap "I missed you soooooooo much. I knew dis was your car but Chaylin and Noonie didn't believe me" She cheesed wrapping her small arms around his neck.

Not being able to contain his smile he kissed her forehead "I missed you too babygirl you've been doing good in school?"

"Yes sir I have all A's and one B..but dats only cause math was really really hard"

"As long as you did yo best pookie. I want you ta' think of something you want and I'a get it fa you fa trying your best"

She nodded eagerly before looking over at Summer, becoming shy she laid her head on her Uncles shoulder giving her a small wave "Hi"

Summer felt her heart warm at the small girl of course she had seen her in pictures before but she was much smaller and cuter in person "Hi sweetie..I like your hair" She completed as she touched the the two bouncy pigtails.

"My mommy did it fa' me she can do yours too" She said causing August to laugh. "I'll tell ha'"

"Kay Kay this is my girlfriend Summa'"

Hearing that Kayden frowned "Noo"

"What chu mean no?"

"I don't want you ta' have a girlfriend"

"Why not?" He questioned placing his hand on her back as she started to sniff.

"Because...I don't  know"

August knew that she was just being jealous so he didn't take her seriously "You hurting Summa's feeling Kay Kay"

Instantly feeling bad when she saw Summers fake pout she sat up "No I didn't mean it don't be sad" She crawled over to Summer hugging her waist.

"It's okay sweetheart"

"Kayden!" Chandra yelled frantically exiting the house looking left and right for her daughter. Spotting August's car she quickly ran over to it and opened Summers door. "There you are! Don't scare me like datKay! You're supposed ta' ask if you can go outside" She yelled.

"But I saw Uncle Aug"

"And dats fine but you still have ta' ask me, I was worried" She sighed.

"Relax Cha shes good"August said shutting the car off causing everyone to get out.

"Yeah yeah dis one neva' fails to give me a heart attack" She mumbled "Go inside wit yours sisters and wash up we're about ta' eat" Following her moms orders Kayden skipped her way into the house to pass along the message.

"ChaCha' this is Summa, babe this my sista in law I be tellin you bout"

"The infamous Summer it's nice ta' finally meet you, lemme tell you when y'all first made it official August was on my phone all night tellin me all about you" She said trying to embarrass him and it was working because his caramel cheeks started to turn red "I almost didn't make it ta' work the next morning cause I was so dog on tired"

"Aight you dragging it na'"

Summer and Cha shared a hug and talked for a few minutes before it was time to head inside. As they all walked up the pathway to the door August rubbed his hands against his jeans since they were starting to sweat. He kept his lip tucked in under his teeth trying not to psych himself too much. Chandra then  opened the door letting August and Summer walk in first.

"I kno' dat ain't aug fat head ass " A dark skin man about August's height with a low cut and trimmed beard said with a red solo cup filled to the brim in his hand.

"Trav?" August smiled walking up to his older brother pulling him into a well needed hug.

"Fuck is up man" Trav laughed patting his back before pulling away "Taking care of yourself?"

"Doin my best bruh..but I thought chu was out in Houston?"

"I still am but you kno' I had to pop out fa Maw Maw. I'm glad you came tho' everybody was saying you wasn't"

August crossed his arms taking a deep breath "Yeah I wasn't but I couldn't let Maw Maw down like dat. I already missed ha' last two birthdays"

"I'm assuming you and mama still ain't talk"

"Nah..dats why I wasn't gonna come but I guess we gon talk today" He said "I'm just glad I got ta' see you I miss having a brotha around"

"I feel you onnat" Travis admitted "To be honest me and Ratima thinkin' bout moving back down hea' befo the baby is born"

August's eyes widened he knew about Ratima, since Travis and her were highschool sweethearts. But Travis always said he didn't want kids and Ratima agreed so the fact that they were having one soon was shocking to August "Yo Tima pregnant?"

Travis rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly smiling "Yeah's a girl"

"Congrats bruh..I woulda neva'thought"

"Shit me either...I swore up and down I wasn't gonna have no kids but as soon as we was innat doctors office and they showed us our baby allat went out the window. Now all I think about is babygirl and I can't wait for ha' to be here"

August was happy that he was going to be an Uncle again, especially to another little girl, he loved his nieces to death "Well shit now I hope y'all really move back down then"

"We thinking bout it I'a letchu know first" He spoke "But enough about me whatchu been up too? Still screwing around with the ladies?"

Smacking his lips August looked back at Summer who was busy talking to Chay, Kay, and Noonie "Nah I stopped that shit along time ago. Dats all me right thea" He gestures towards where Summer was sitting.

Shocked Travis clapped his hands "I thought I'd neva see the fuckin day she must be special"

"Fuck up nigga, and yeah she is"

"Travis I kno' you ain't been in this damn pot already!"

August's heart sank when he heard the familiar voice coming from the kitchen. The nerves that had left his body prior instantly came back and he was wishing Summer would have let him smoke earlier cause he wouldn't have been so anxious. But she claimed he needed to be 100% sober to get his feelings across.

"DAT WUN EEN ME MAMA ITS DEM KIDS!" He shouted "They settin me up!"

"Boy stop raising yo voice in my got damn house!" She spat coming around the corner. When her eyes landed on August she stepped back dropping the glass bowl that was in her hands. The loud noise caused everybody to turn and look including Summer.

She took a second to gather herself then slipped off her oven mits and placed them on the counter top. Mrs.Sheila then walked over to her youngest son admiring how much he changed. August held his breath as she was face to face with him, the whole night before he thought about what he was gonna say to his mom.

Should he cuss her out?


Should he apologize even though he knew he wasn't wrong?

But now that they in the same space he was lost for words.

"August" She said softly reaching up to touch his face just wanting to feel her son.

Instead he jerked his head back not wanting to be touched by her. By now the house was dead silent, everyone could feel the tension in the room and didn't know what to say.

"I um.. can we talk in my room?" She asked not wanting the whole family in her business.

He simply nodded and followed her, as soon as the door shut closed August felt his body shake as he burst into tears. He wrapped his arms around his mothers waist crying his eyes out onto her shoulder. He couldn't control his emotions and as much as he wanted to tell his mama off about all the pain she caused him he didn't. Just being in her presence reminded him of how much he actually missed her after years of ignoring it.

Sheila placed her hand on his back feeling tears stream down her face as well "I'm so sorry son you didn't deserve anything I put chu through. You don't even have ta' tell me cause I kno what I did wasn't right and I should've took your side. But I wasn't thinking straight and I had to live wit dat fa' two years." She confessed "I should've called you..checked up on you..anything, but I felt like you wanted nothing to do with me so I didn't."

Sniffing August stepped back "Dats not true..all I wanted was for you ta' contact me and ask me ta' come back but you neva did. I felt fucking abandoned..I lost my dad before I could even know him, lost Mel, and then I lost you. If it wasn't fa Cha' mama—Ion know."

Wiping August's face dry Sheila thought of what to say before speaking, "I know I've been a horrible excuse of a mother and no amount of apologies can make up for dat fact. I know it may take sometime but I want us ta' be close again. You're my last born August, I love you mo then anything in this world. I will do anything to prove dat to you I just need you back in my life if you're willing"

"Step pops gone?" He asked looking down at the ground. He was all for fixing his relationship with his mom but if his step father was still in the picture that wasn't possible.

"Long gone. You don't have ta' worry about him again, I kicked him out the same night you were arrested and he hasn't been back since"

August never knew that information so he was a bit supposed. All this time he truly thought she chose him over himself but that wasn't the case apparently.

"I want to fix it" He said pulling her into another hug just wanting to feel the comfort of his mother that he had missed out on.


A few days later August and Summer were at her house hanging out and watching old movies in the living room. She noticed a drastic positive change in August's behavior since his grandmothers birthday. He didn't have the stressed looked on his face he always had, he was smiling and joking around more then usual, and most surprisingly he was smoking less.

The small talk he had with his mom had him feeling better with his life. Even though they were far from getting their old relationship back the reconnection had him on cloud nine and Summer noticed.

She was truly happy for him and hoped nothing went wrong. From what she could tell Sheila was actually a nice woman, she welcomed her with open arms as soon as August introduced them. Right now all she could was hope and pray that everything went well from now on out because it took a lot out of him to build up the courage to even go.

"You falling asleep on me?" She looked up at him noticing that his eyes were on the verge of closing.

"Hell yeah you picked the most boring movie you could find."

"The Color Purple is not boring August" She argued "But fine change it" She offered reaching over to the coffee table to hand him the remote. He wasted no time switching off the movie and picking Madea Goes To Jail instead.

"You're so childish" Summer laughed when the beginning credits started to play. She moved closer to him wrapping her arms around his arm in attempt to feel his warmth since the AC was currently blasting and she was too lazy to shut if off.

"This is a classic man you tripping" He replied placing his hand on her ass massaging it slowly.

They got about halfway into the movie almost in tears about how funny it was before Summer received a call. Pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket she saw that it was Amber so she answered.

"Wassup girl?" She greeted.

"Bitch on everything I love I'm about to kill this FUCK ASS NIGGA!" She screamed into the phone out of breath "He had this delusional hoe coming into MY FUCKING HOUSE disrespecting me like I'm some WEAK ASS BITCH!"

Furrowing his eyebrows August paused the movie once he heard the screaming on the phone "What's going on?" He mouthed.

Summer held her finger up cause she could barely hear what Amber was saying since she was screaming

"Amber slow down! What the hell happened?"


Uh oh..who got Amber fucked up?

Malique or Darrell??

Bing bop boop...see y'all next week for real this time 😂😂

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