Pretty For A Big Girl

By CeeDubb

200K 9K 947

All Dominiq Jennson life she was told she was pretty to be a big girl. She thought it was a stupid term, Whic... More



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By CeeDubb


"Why don't we hang out today?"Tay slammed her locker shut and wiggled her mama car keys

"Tay no all you can do is take me home. It's a early dismissal and I wanna take a nap." I stressed. She was ready to turn up despite the day of the week. I'm not Makonnen.

"Whatever you no fun." She playfully pushed me with her shoulder. I gave her a small laugh and we headed out the school.

"Where Mike been at?" I asked about her on and off again boyfriend.

"Girl, in fucking jail. Stupid ass." She said shaking her head.

"I can guess why." I shook my head as well, Mike was a bad ass. But he was a killer, a young ass killer. When I get on Twitter I know ima see #FreeMikeyMike

"I told him this was his last chance, He blew it." She stressed as we was walking.

My mind started wondering off to Keraun, would we even be a good match? We come from two different worlds. What if we went to two different colleges, will our relationship would've last? All this questions would've been answered if I wasn't stupid.




"Baby what's wrong." Deon spoke trying to stop me from closing my front door in his face.

"Deon leave me the hell alone! When I first met you all you did was cause my life problems! I can't deny the fact that I use to love you, but you just not understanding. Leave. Me. Alone." I yelled slamming the door in his face. I went back in my room and let my emotions out on my notepad.

I drew till my fingers cramped, it was outlet and I loved doing it.





"....I swear it feels like, this is as good as it gets!! I wanna be RICH don't see nothing wrong with wanting more...." I song the August Alsina and Kirko Bangz song off key as I was taking down my bantu knots. I fluffed my curls and flashed myself a smile.

The weekend approached and it was fright fest. Everybody was heading to Six Flags, and I wanted to go. I got a text from Tay letting me know that she was outside I grabbed my things and headed downstairs.

"Momo!" My little brother called out.

"What pooh?" I asked slightly annoyed only because I already knew what he wanted to ask.

"You sure I can't go." I sighed heavily. "No, go help mama I'll be back tonight." I said leaving out the house I got into the car. "You ready?" She grinned looking over at me. I nodded my head and we was on the way.




We was at Six Flags and it seems like the whole school is here except Deon..Thank Gawd. We was waiting in line for drinks when I spot Trey. I waved, and walked towards him.

"You here by yourself?" I asked him, he was too busy staring at this one girl. "Hello earth to Trey." I popped his ear.

"Damn Domo" he mugged me while rubbing his ear.

"Should've paid attention little." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Now answer my question, you here by yourself?" I asked again.

"Nah, I'm here with Keruan." He pointed to Ke and my heart kinda dropped, I didn't know he was going to find somebody that fast.


Domo drawing is the MM! Leave feedback beautiful people. ☺️

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