Lost In The Middle Of Nowhere

Oleh CravingCraze

2.4K 135 75

Evan Hansen had ruined everything. He lost the life he'd wanted. Truth be told, he sort of deserved it. But... Lebih Banyak

Before The Story
<Chapter 1>
<Chapter 2>
<Chapter 4>
<Chapter 5>
<Chapter 6>
<Chapter 7>
<Chapter 8>
<Chapter 9>
<Chapter 10>

<Chapter 3>

246 10 2
Oleh CravingCraze

Trigger Warning- Mentions of overdose, overdosage, suicide attempt, and implied suicide

They had to find Connor, which would be easier said than done.

"Do you— do you know when it happened?" Evan asked, facing the inside of his locker. It was the only way he could talk to CMS without looking crazy or high, and he had to mutter.

"Like, near sunset, but that's it," even the spirit seemed on edge. "Fuck, I don't know!"

Evan wanted to assure him that'd it'd be okay, that everything would be fine, but he couldn't, because he didn't know what would happen to Connor, how to find him, or anything. He didn't know anything to help Connor. He didn't have enough time to figure any of this stuff out.

All he knew was that he was skipping his therapy appointment. If he went, he'd loose valuable time trying to find Connor. The bus took a ridiculous amount of time to get to certain areas and it was very inconvenient, but it was his only way of getting around.

So, he stopped at the bus stop, and waited.

"Do you even know where the hell you're going?"CMS snarled at him, before starting to 'pace', or just drift from place to place.

Evan slipped his phone out, and held it up to his ear, so it seemed like he was talkin on the phone. "I— Cynthia said there were some p-pills that went missing. Like Aspirin, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen— she said a ton of that was g-gone, and that they found you in, in a p-park."

"Okay, but which park?" CMS raised an eyebrow at him.

"She— didn't say," thankfully, the bus finally arrived, and Evan stepped on as the doors opened.

There was a fair amount of people on the bus, but it wasn't full enough to force Evan into asking some random stranger if he could sit with them.  It was just awkward and weird, and Evan hated it, because he always, without fail, managed to make it weird. Parents were tiredly sitting in their chairs, with children that were talking away or playing with a toy they brought along. The elderly were slowly texting, while teenagers had earbuds in, drowning out the rest of the world.

Evan took a seat around the mid section of the bus. The way he saw it, if he sat in the back, he'd be taking too long to get off, which would piss everyone off including the bus driver, and he'd be kicked off with no way home. But if he sat in the front, it'd seem like he was in a rush to get off, which well, he was in a rush (because Connor could be dying and he needed to find him), but it'd look like he hated the bus and he didn't want to be associated one of those assholes who don't give a shit for anyone except themselves and everyone on the bus would be pissed at him, the bus driver would pass along that he was a dick and that they shouldn't let him on.

It was too far fetched, and Evan was aware, but that didn't soothe his anxiety.

"We're gonna— try E-Ellison State Park, cause it's— it's close to your house? So maybe you didn't go far?" Evan kept the phone pressed against his ear.

CMS scoffed, "That's a stupid place to start but... it's the only lead we've got."

Evan was tempted to snip 'You got any better ideas?' at him, but chose the wiser option. "I'll try to t-think of some other parks."

"Pretty sure there isn't a lot of those around," he taunted, leaning against the outer seat.

Evan bit his lip but lowered the phone, silently saying he was done talking to him. He really didn't want to think about Connor dying, because if he did, it'd be his fault. He was supposed to be saving him, but instead history was repeating itself, and he didn't know where the hell to go. Evan was scared, damn it, and not for himself, but for Connor as well. He couldn't lie to the Murphy's again, he just couldn't, and he wouldn't, because despite his good intentions in The Original Timeline, they became more centered around himself, whether he liked it or not, and he still hurt them in the end. He had to make things right.

While on the painfully slow bus, Evan decided to look up basic information on an overdose. Really, he only had ten minutes, maybe a couple more, before a body would shut down. The person experiencing this would gag and throw up, to try and expel the substances inside their body. They'd be really out of it and loopy, too, the predictability of what they'd talk about could either be them being lucid, or something entirely different.

Most importantly though, he needed to be prepared to perform CPR, and to call an ambulance. Thankfully he'd gotten CPR certified through a class his school offered, but he still dreaded just the thought of talking to an operator on the phone. Evan was aware it was their job to help people and save lives, but his mind was wracking up ideas as to how he'd embarrass himself (even though he shouldn't be worrying about that).

It took forever, but the bus stopped at Elision State Park at last, and Evan tried to act casual as he walked off. Ellison felt too familiar, and he swore his arm buzzed just from being there.

Evan frantically began to look for Connor, searching for benches or figures under trees, but the park seemed entirely abandoned. There wasn't a trace that proved that anyone had been there at all that day.

It was... really depressing, if Evan was being honest.

"This must bring back fun memories, huh?" CMS taunted him, looking around.

Evan shivered, just from that small mention. "Please don't."

"You know you did that to yourself," he stated. "The whole 'did you fall or let go', thing. Sadly I can't take credit for it."

He chose to ignore him, as he looked around. He bit his lip hard and brushed a hangnail. "He's... he's not here."

CMS curled his first, growling lowly. "I fucking knew this was a stupid place to start! I told you, but no, you didn't listen! You don't fucking listen!"

Instinctively, Evan took a step away from the spirit. Yelling at him would cause two different reactions; he'd either get defensive, or he'd fall silent and take it. He wrapped his arms around his shaking torso and shut his eyes.

Something must've changed in CMS, because suddenly the screaming ceased. The world around them went too quiet, and the only sound Evan could register was the wind blowing, and CMS breathing softly.

The latter inhaled deeply, exhaled sharply, and grumbled, "Let's get the hell out of here..."

All that went down had changed. Just like that, and just that quickly. Despite his confusion, he obliged, making his way back to the bus stop.

Surprisingly, CMS didn't say anything for once, as he avoided looking at Evan all together. It made him feel unsettled, and the atmosphere around them felt awkward, to Evan at least. By the time the bus had arrived, the sun was just starting to set.

"I um, thought we could go to a park? Well, a, a d-different one, obviously," Evan was using the fake phone call act again. "It's kinda one of those s-smaller parks? That, that no one goes to? It's called Wilson Park. I u-used to go there a lot. When I was young, a-at least."

CMS seemed unsettled just by the name of the park. "I don't like the sound of that place."

"Maybe that's a, a sign?" Evan suggested feebly. He just received a shrug from the latter.

"You better be right about that place, because we don't have all night to go on a wild goose chase," the spirit warned, rolling up the sleeves of his trench coat and hoodie. "And I'm not too sure I'd be willing to give you a third chance."

Evan's stomach did a backflip at that last part. He lowered his phone slowly, and opted to wrap his arms around his torso as he stared out the window. He distinctly remembered the threat CMS made when he first saw him. "And if you don't accept, I can easily kill you," Evan remembers how that made his skin crawl and go impossibly dry, "I'm getting back at you one way or another. I'm still absolutely, one hundred percent pissed at you and what you did. And don't try the whole 'you need me!!!' Speech. Zoe's my second choice to you.". He doubted that it was an empty threat at this point.

It was another long bus ride, and by the time they made it to Wilson Park, the sun was almost completely set. However, as Evan and CMS stepped off the bus, it was apparent that the park was very small, and a lot of it was open, aside from a small wooded area.

Evan walked past the sign that welcomed visitors, but heard a sharp inhale, and when he turned his head, he saw that CMS was just outside the park.

"I don't like this place," he whispered, hugging his arms. "Don't wanna be here."

That's when he realized he found the right spot. "This is it. Come on, w-we gotta find you."

"Fuck," CMS didn't seem comfortable with that at all. "Why do I have to go with?"

"I think you'll know— w-where er... it happened," he was discreet, but only because he couldn't bring himself to actually say it.

Despite his hesitation, CMS slowly made his way into the park, and started to lead the way. They passed a small playground, a couple of benches, and even a swing set that swung in the gentle breeze. The aurora the park led was eery and somehow even more unsettling than Ellison. It felt like someone was watching him and his every move, judging every step and action straight up to the book, with how his hands were trembling, and lower lip being ripped at by his teeth rolling them.

The next thing Evan knew, CMS had stopped abruptly, and was staring ahead in front of them. There was a singular tree on the left hand side, and a final bench of the right. Under the tree was a figure that was cloaked by the darkness, and they were still standing.

They'd found him in time. Or, at least he wasn't dead.

"We found you," Evan was immensely relieved, but kept his voice down, not wanting Connor to see him so soon. "We're— we're not too late."

CMS kept staring at Connor, like he was trying to figure something out. "I'm not doing anything. Why am I just... standing there? Fuck, why can't I...remember?!"

"I'm— I'm going to t-talk to him," that thought made Evan's stomach fill with dread, but that was the only thing he could actually do. He hoped he'd be able to talk Connor down, maybe offer to be an actual friend, and walk him home. After all, if he showed he cared, that'd be enough, right? If Evan was in Connor's position, he'd say yes, but only because he's used to being forgettable.

But before he could even make the first step, he saw Connor sway, and collapse.

In an instant, Evan was off, running to Connor, because he hadn't saved him, not yet, and if he didn't hurry, he wouldn't.

He knelt down next to Connor, who was on his back, muttering to himself, his eyes dazed as he looked Evan up and down. Evan quickly pulled out his phone and dialed nine one one, and sputtered out what was happening to the receptionist.

CMS was shaking, his eyes glued to Connor. He was obviously uncomfortable, but wouldn't move away. "Save him, Evan. Save him, god damn it!"

Connor weakly turned his head to the spirit, and squinted. "Is... is that... m-me?"

Evan was glad he was off the phone by then, because he probably would've gone dead silent. How could Connor see CMS? No one else had been able to, and he doubted CMS knew why.

"Connor— Connor, l-look at me," he got in the way of the spirit, hoping to get his attention. "You need to s-sit up!" He tried to sit him up.

Connor's body resisted, as he leaned to the side and began to throw up. If he wasn't sitting up, there was a chance he could choke on his vomit. He had to sit up.

Evan pushed him up against the tree so he could sit against it. Connor lulls his head sideways as he heaves in deep breaths, before he puked again, mainly getting vomit on his trench coat.

"I'm sorry Z-Zoe," Connor looked incredibly exhausted. "I'm— sorry, mon and d-dad." His voice was getting low and gravely, and he sounded close to crying. It pained Evan, because he knew there was a major wedge between him and his family, and Connor probably thought he wouldn't see them again.

Sirens wailed in the nearby distance, but it'd still be a minute until the paramedics found them. He had to keep Connor conscious for as long as he could.

"S—stay with me. You c-care," it was a weak plea, as Connor grabbed onto his forearm and held it loosely.

Evan shook his head. He understood not wanting to be alone in the hospital, but that was too soon, and too invasive. "No, you need y-your family."

"They d-don't care," Connor was fighting to stay awake at this point. "Please."

"I—" Evan's voice shook, and he stopped himself, before saying softly, "I'll visit, o-okay?"

"Okay," the paramedics were nearly there, and Evan stepped out of their way. Two of them carried a stretcher, and hoisted Connor onto it and into the ambulance in a matter of minutes.

"Excuse me," one of the paramedics pulled him aside. "Can you tell us what what happened here?"

Evan swallowed so harshly his Adam's apple bobbed. "I— I was out running, and I saw him fall d-down. He s-swallowed stuff like uh— Aspirin, T-Tylenol, and Ibuprofen."

The paramedic nodded, taking note of all of this. "Would you like to give us your name? You can claim to be anonymous, though, for privacy reasons."

"A-anonymous would be nice," the last thing Evan wanted was attention for this. He assumed Connor would probably be pissed, anyways.

"You do realize you could've, um hello, talked to him if he knew you saved him!" CMS told him off once they arrived back at his house.

"He'd hate me," Evan felt numb and heavy. He hadn't stopped shaking. "He hates me."

"Probably could've made things easier for you, but whatever," CMS wandered off to another section of the house, still fuming.

That night, Evan didn't find sleep as easily as he would've liked.

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