⠀ˢᵗᵃᵗᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵐⁱⁿᵈ.

By melbabelle

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⠀ in which a young woman , solemnly crosses paths with a man and soon goes through tri... More



158 9 1
By melbabelle

Shayne clicks her grey metallic nails on the handles of her rolling chair as she observes Chaz skillfully work on the mixing board. They were now in his Los Angeles mansion with his studio kindles, Shari, Nino and of course Evelyn since she stays with him. 

He was working on an album he had been producing and penning material for, for months. In the beginning he was planning on using the album for himself though didn't want to overkill his career and believed this particular album would fit a woman's voice instead.

So he invited all of the women here to see what he could come up with. As of now he was conflicted on if he should give the album to the women as a group or give it to only one of them. 

Shayne and Shari didn't understand the mind of a musical genius so they weren't really needed as far as being around him today, but he wanted Shari around so she could document this whole album process due to him believing the album would be huge. And though Shayne wasn't needed either since she was only the choreographer, she came anyway because Chaz called and said he desired her presence. 

As she nods her head to the instruments he was mixing, she moves her chair closer to his and jokes.. "Well pimp.. You got nearly all of your women in one room. I don't know how you do it.-"

"Please shut the fuck up Shayne." He ignores her, keeping his eyes on his mixing.

Shayne smiles.. "Hey.. all I'm saying is this is real entertaining and all, but I think you're obsessed."

"And you came to this conclusion how?" 

Shayne sighs.. "Really? It's all obvious. Everyone knows you were a one man machine and as soon as Marlena informed you of Evelyn, you desired a band."


"A band full of women who look just like her Chaz. It's a whole bunch of older Evelyn's walking around here."

"Well so what if I like the way she looks so much I got look alikes to substitute her absence. Hell I'm getting tired of looking at you just because you don't look like her." Chaz says. 

Shayne's lips falls agape in offense..

 Chaz finally looks her way and smiles.. "You're beautiful baby. I'm kidding with you."

"Hm anyway.. I like to think you aren't weird and just have your unique way of doing things but when you do things like this, I have to give you the side eye. Why did you get women who only look like Evelyn? You don't think she notices she's practically looking at herself everyday?"

Chaz sighs.. Shayne wasn't just pulling this out of her ass. She was right. 

Chaz always had a batch of women for a harem when Michelle agreed a year into their relationship and though they worked for him and slept with him and Michelle occasionally, the women were never a band. They only worked in the studio. 

So by the time Marlena ultimately told Chaz she had a sister, he rid of his batch of women and got a new batch for a band (with Michelle's approval beforehand) that looked exactly like Evelyn because he loved her appearance. Consequently they all looked like her.

The only women who didn't resemble her in the band were Soraya, Vita and Meagan due to him not wanting them to outshine her on stage. The main ones who do look like her only work for him in the background/ studio sessions. So overall Chaz could understand Shayne's concerns, but he didn't plan on constantly analyzing his ideologies and relationship with Evelyn.

As he became older, he began living in a world where age didn't matter any. He didn't believe in birthdays too much either. He believed age was only a number and he didn't believe in this to have an excuse to be with extremely younger women, he only found himself in this situation and certain circumstance. 

However, he waited for her and she was all grown up now. Chaz may have been obsessed for the first time in his life, but he saw no problem being obsessed with a woman.. especially if she was his, which she was. He found their relationship to be healthy, contrary to what many think.

So he was growing bored with everyone's worries. His relationship with Evelyn was mystical for a reason.. it wasn't for everyone to understand... "Little girls do turn into grown women Shayne and sometimes they grow into beautiful women.. Evelyn is one. If you have to ask me why I got women who look like her.. take one good look at her and all the answers to your questions will be filled."

Shayne observes Chaz for a few long seconds before zeroing in her eyes on Evelyn who was posing for a picture Shari was begging her to sit still for, ...

Shayne sighs in extreme annoyance. Her questions were answered...

When one really gives Evelyn a good look, they could easily see why he chose her for a wife. There was no need to look any further. Her looks and radiance spoke volumes. But even though candidly looking at her answered her questions, she could still see past Chaz's bullshit.

With the exception of her being incredibly gorgeous, he obviously picked her to settle down with because she was young and naïve. Practically a baby who was still figuring herself out when the         technicalities were involved. 

She was strong and challenged him when need be, but she didn't know who she was as a woman yet and he was using this to his advantage. So it was no wonder why he quickly placed the nail on the head and asked her to marry him so soon.

Now she wasn't discrediting their connection and his belief of them being soul mates, though if he didn't ask her to marry him soon, he knew she'd quickly wise up as she grew older, so he had to trap her during an impressionable time. And what's more pliable than a twenty two year old? 

Like she said before, she was a baby and babies are flattered with nearly anything if it's entertaining or in this case.. sparkles. She knows no better. She was twenty two for Christ sakes and she wasn't saying certain twenty two year olds didn't have it all together, but Evelyn wasn't one of them because if she did know who she was, she wouldn't go through with half of his antics. 

As soon as she became his fiancé, he controlled nearly everything. What she could eat, where she could go, who she could see, how much she got paid for side deals that didn't involve him since she was now widely appreciated, and even what she wore off stage.

Evelyn didn't seem to have too much of a problem. She was willing and why wouldn't she be? She was an admirer despite how much she challenged him.

Shayne only hopes he'll release his hold on her neck eventually because nine times out of ten, the woman probably doesn't even know she's being choked...

When Shayne moves her eyes back on Chaz he says.. "See ? Have to thank the lord for making a woman like her. Gorgeous ain't she?"

Shayne nods off.. "Yeah you just be easy on her.."

"She has a ring, why wouldn't I be?" 

"I don't know you tell me." Shayne smartly replies.

"Look I really don't need to explain myself to anybody close to Evelyn but her sister. She may not like our dynamic, but she's coming around. Her opinion is the only one I care for, so mind your business and just sit there and keep showing off your pretty face. That's all I called you over here for anyway so if you can't do that, then there's the door.-"

"I can do that."

"Then shut up." Chaz dismisses.

Shayne mumbles unintelligible words under her breath as Chaz pays her no mind and calls Evelyn over..

"What's going on? " Evelyn asks once he coolly pulls her on his lap.

"You like this song ?" 

Evelyn looks up for a long moment before shaking her head.. "No. I like everything else though."

Shayne freezes when she hears Evelyn's opinion. No one has ever said they didn't like a song of Chaz's because he didn't make bad songs and even if he were to make a bad song, they would be too scared to tell him. So she was worried for Evelyn, though what Shayne didn't know was that she didn't have to be.

Chaz valued Evelyn's opinion despite her not being a musician herself. And this wasn't because she was his fiancé, it was because he knows she has star quality and respected what he could make out of her because Evelyn was talented herself.

She was an all-around woman whether she knew or not so she could tell him when she didn't like a song, and he would harken. He saw her as being one in the same of him, at least musically and artistically. Thus Shayne was surprised when Chaz says, "Okay. Anything else you don't like, tell me. This is all for you."


"Yeah you. I'm giving you this album. I want you to sing. I love your voice and I think you can handle a solo album."

All the women's heads whip towards Chaz and Evelyn when they hear Chaz's response, instantly mumbling to one another. Evelyn sighs, not even wanting to know of their opinions at the moment..

"Pay them no mind. They just thought I would give it to them."

"Well you should.. I don't know how to sing. I leave that to my sister. She's the mover and shaker."

"Come on baby. You know how to sing, I've heard you plenty of times in the shower. Your range is insane, all you need is sharp control of your vocals."


"I'll guide you. All of the tracks and lyrics are done, you just have to sing. The album can be done within.. five days and can be released within a week or two."

"You'll guide me?" She asks for reassurance. 

"I'll guide you baby."


"I'll need you to do one thing though."


"Pay a tribute to Marlena. She hasn't been in the public eye in a while and I don't want people to forget about anticipating for her solo album. If you do this, people will remember she's never gone away. You know all of her songs don't you?"

Evelyn smiles.. "Yeah of course.. everyone does. I can do it but I don't think she's gonna like it that much. Me and her shared the same womb, you think she's gonna wanna share her spotlight too? I do the dancing, she does the singing. And.. I don't wanna go into her territory. She doesn't go into mine." 

"Baby please.. you'll be giving her more good will than harm. Besides it's not up to her to decide, I own her publishing."

"I thought you bought it back from her label and gave it back to her.-"

"Her masters I gave back, not her publishing. I don't own her publishing for ill purposes I have more than enough money, I just don't do nothing for nothing and I keep it for safe keeping.. she's still learning. So if I want you to cover her songs, you can legally do so. She won't sue her own sister for trying to give her publicity again and being grateful enough to pay her homage now would she?" 


"Exactly so stop needling me, baby."

Evelyn chuckles.. "Sorry.. I just wanted to know if she would be okay with this. Without her, I'd probably be nowhere. I just want to make sure we're doing it right."

"We are."

Evelyn nods.. "So when we finish which one will you be releasing first?"

"The tribute album, then your album."

Evelyn smiles from ear to ear before kissing him... "Thank you."

Chaz welcomes her and pats the side of her hip before saying aloud.. "Let's work."

As soon as all of the women arise and do as Chaz says, Evelyn's phone chimes, revealing a FaceTime call from Marlena.. 

"I'll be back." Evelyn whispers in Chaz's ear prior to rushing out of the noisy room. 

She quickly answers the call once she's in the room she now shares with Chaz.. "Hi !" Evelyn cheerfully greets. 

"Hi.." Marlena blandly responds. 

"What's wrong ?"

"I have a whole list but for now let's start with mom and dad.." 

Evelyn rolls her eyes.. "Weren't you the one who told me I need to start looking at them as estranged? I think you need to follow your own advice-" 

Marlena cuts her off, "Dad's cheating on mom." 

Evelyn pauses... "You know this how?" 

"She's been asking for money and I'm supposed to be the disowned one in the family." 

"Okay and?"

 "And all she sits on is money. Why is she asking for money if she's not planning on leaving him? She's a housewife Evelyn.. think. Since when do housewives ask for money if they don't plan to flee ? You know how momma is, she's the kind of woman who has to be left, not the kind who leaves a man." 

"I- I can't believe this Marlena. Dad said he would never leave mom.-" 

"He already did once he fooled around on her." 

"Well what do you want me to do ? You gave her the money ?" 

"Some.. not all. I was only telling you because you do love them more than I do. I figured you'd want to see them.-"

"Well you figured wrong. I'm not giving her money either. She wanted to be a housewife and depend on a man's income for half of her life, then she needs to deal with the repercussions'. I'm not liable to take care of another adult so I recommend she starts working like everybody else."

Evelyn was lying through her teeth.. She definitely still wants to be deeply involved in her parent's lives. Especially her mother's. She feels bad for her and now loathes her father.

He was the preacher and the main one always telling her to never trust boys and remain virginal until marriage and this was the example he gives her? How was she supposed to know who she was as a woman when she came from a con like her father? As well as a money hungry mother?

Both of her parent's actually. Evelyn desired answers. All she wanted was to sit down and demand for them to tell her why were they this way? So she would be able to move on with her life and do some soul searching.

She knows there was a little to no chance of that happening though. They seemed oblivious of their ways. As if the way they were was normal. Though despite her wanting to see them, a part of her was holding back because Chaz demanded for her to remain away from them.

Nevertheless, she didn't have time to think about the dramatics..

"Well if that's how you feel, I can't blame you. Anyway.. I saw your first performance. What did you do to your hair?"

Evelyn's sad facial expression turns into a perky one.. "Chaz cut it for me. He said bangs are what he envisions for me on stage mainly. I still have them, I just slicked them down and moved them to the side for today. Did you like my hair?"

Marlena purses her lips and looks off.. "I liked the performance."

"Wow thanks.. that's not what I asked though." Evelyn sarcastically replies.

"I don't know what you expect me to say.. I know Chaz had something to do with cutting your hair and I find it really annoying. If he asked you to get a boob job because he thinks you'll look better with double d's would you do it ?" 

"No Marlena."

"Well that's the impression I'm receiving from you. Why is he even that close enough to be able to touch you that way anyway? You need to tell him to back off and let you breathe. He's nothing to be scared of.. he bleeds like the rest of us."

"Why would I tell my own soon to be husband he can't feel on me?" Evelyn says, flashing her diamond ring in the camera.

Marlena closes her eyes and sighs for a few seconds.. "Once again.. does Lakeith ever cross your mind?"

"He's crossed my mind every day for two months Marlena. I moved on. Why in the world are you so mad anyway? I heard when you were speaking to Chaz in my room. You basically told him until he's serious about me, you two have nothing to discuss. Why would you tell him such a thing if you weren't planning for him to get real with me sooner or later? You're angry with Chaz because you believed he planned everything to go this way with me from the beginning, but if that's the case you planned this as well. So please quit acting like you're on the Lakeith and Evelyn train when you were really hoping for me and Chaz's train all along."

Marlena groans.. "Look in the beginning I was team Lakeith. Why would I hope my sixteen year old sister would eventually get with an overly grown ass man? Now I can acknowledge when Chaz told me everything when I got you from his house was when I began to believe you and Chaz wouldn't be so bad as lovers. But that was only because I was thinking of how he could take much better care of you than Lakeith financially. What you told me about mom and dad got in my head and I can take accountability and say there fixation on green got to me. I mean they're our parents, it's hard to act like they're not a part of me and put up a façade as if they don't influence me to be like them. But I'm working on myself.. I'm even going to therapy every now and then. I suggest you do the same. We don't have to be like them Evelyn."

"I don't need therapy. You think therapy is gonna take you to the stars or something?"

"I don't know.. maybe. All I know is I'm working towards bettering myself each and every time I go. So I really think you should at least go with me to some sessions or something. There comes a time in life where you can no longer blame parents or whoever raised you for the way you turned out. You have to take some accountability. And I think therapy is a good start."

"Accountability for what? There's nothing wrong with me. You're the one with the problems. If therapy works for you, fine. I'm happy for you but don't come over here fucking bugging me about it."


"Fine." Evelyn mocks.

As seconds pass she awkwardly looks off before hearing, Weekend Girl by The Sos Band in Marlena's background...

"How do you know that song?" Evelyn questions.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, Lakeith's been calling me every now and then. Every time he calls, I hear the song in the background so eventually I liked the song myself."

"He's been calling you huh?.. What do you guys talk about ?"

"Our conversations are brief but mainly about you. He's been telling me about how he's been getting his family together, he's doing okay on his base and always asks me how you're doing really before anything. He is very passive aggressive though.."

"About what ?"

"The break up. He believes it's fifty percent a good reason as to why you broke up with him and fifty percent bullshit. And I'm starting to think the same thing. I apologized for breaking the news to him and being so rude when I realized he did have a reason to doubt you. So I have to ask.. are you lying Evelyn? Was everything innocent with Chaz while you were still with Lakeith? Are you even still a virgin? I have to ask these things.-"

"No you don't have to ask.. you're only being nosy. I' am still a virgin Marlena and no I' am not lying. I didn't have to come back for him after being with Chaz but I did. I didn't have to be there. I loved him. I still do, but he's the one who isn't responding back to my letters that he specifically told me to write to him every single day. I did that for two months.. he didn't send one back or call so I gave up and I don't feel bad."

"He's only confused Evelyn. You would be too if he kissed a woman for the whole world to see and tells you he's going to be living with the woman. You should've given him to time come back around. He still loves you."

"I gave him time. Two months.. two months I did everything he asked me to do and he did not reply once. Why should I waste my time on a man who doesn't want to talk to me when I could be with the man who I probably should've been with from the beginning? I don't want to do a press conference ten years from now, have someone ask me what's one of my biggest regrets and say I regret not marrying Chaz Brown when I could've been his first and only wife. Chaz gave me the chance and I took it. I'm going to be his wife Marlena. Can you at least congratulate me?"

"No because you gave up on Lakeith too easily. You could've stuck around despite some of his family members not liking you. But every time something doesn't go your way or someone doesn't like you, you wanna cry about it and act like you just can't ignore it. You're a people pleaser and that should've been something you worked on while you and Lakeith were away from each other instead of using Chaz as a rebound."

"Chaz isn't a rebound.-"

"Two months after you break up with Lakeith? Is still during a rebound period to me."

"You haven't been around Chaz like I've been around him. Two months every day is longer than you think Marlena. You weren't there. I truly believe he's my soul mate. I feel that with him. I have never felt that way with Lakeith and that's the truth. I can't force it. Everything with Chaz glided smoothly and I said yes for marriage. And whether you believe I'm in my right mind or not, I' am never going to marry a man for any other reason besides me loving him. I made a choice and I chose him like he chose me. We're in love."

Marlena decides not to push any further.. As long as her sister was truly happy how could she oppose? 

Lakeith was the one who didn't reply.. he practically pushed her into Chaz's arms so she can't give Evelyn a hard time. What was she supposed to do for two months by herself? The woman fell in love and she can't be blamed for that because Chaz was a hard act to follow.

Lakeith couldn't pen songs, he couldn't dance worth a lick and he simply doesn't have the charm Chaz possesses. They were two different men and poor Evelyn couldn't resist Chaz for long.. He was where her heart was..

"Hm. Well I gotta go." Is all Marlena says.

"Okay.. uh.. C- can you not tell Lakeith about-"

"I'm not.."

"Thank you-"

"Cause you are.. you're gonna break his heart as soon as he's off deployment. Not me." Marlena lifelessly responds before hanging up.

I didn't even get to show you all seven magazine covers I was on.. Evelyn thinks as she looks over the piled magazines on the top of her dresser. She wasn't worried about Lakeith. She was trying to live in the now like Chaz always seems to do. She was becoming his reflection everyday. 

So the only thing she truly cared for at the moment was fame and how proud her sister should've been for her. Now it seems as if she resents her for being with Chaz and it was honestly making her re think doing a tribute album for her, though Chaz was adamant and she was thankful for Marlena giving her such an opportunity. So for now she has to turn off her emotions and get work done.

Chaz was planning on making her bigger than she already was and she wasn't going to make it hard for him by being whiny. She had to put a cap on her feelings...

Once she walks back in, she's immediately pulled into the studio booth by Chaz. She feels as if she was like lightening in a bottle and she was being spread everywhere, though she was eventually getting the hang of things besides the harmonies.

She didn't know how to harmonize with people while having to sing a different note in order to make it blend. Candidly it threw her off if they couldn't all use one single tone of voice.

"Chaz.. I don't wanna harmonize. Why can't I sing in my own natural tone? They're the backup singers, I'm the lead." Evelyn ends up complaining..

Chaz sighs and walks in the booth before pulling up a stool chair..

When he sits down and rolls up his sleeves he says.. "Baby please-"

"Baby please what? I already sang these songs a hundred damn times. How many more times do I have to sing motherfucker?"

The women gasp, shocked. Chaz only adjusts his glasses and chuckles.

He found her talking back to be adorable, so he was never too angry when she snapped. She has a lot of personality. He needed her to snap every once in a while, it keeps him on earth's ground because lord knows his ego was severely high. Rightfully so.. "Baby you've been a sweetheart since the day I met you, don't start nagging me now." Chaz says, standing up and leaning in to tenderly peck her lips.

Once she exhales and simmers down Chaz continues speaking, "This is your first time doing an album. I don't expect you to nail everything so soon. I just need you to take your time. Harmonies are an essential part of songs. Harmonies can't be boring. We don't do ooo's and ahh's anymore. I like for my harmonies to be complex so no, you can't sing on one tone. You all have different pitches." He then signals the women to harmonize their pitches.

As they do so, he takes a hold of Evelyn's hand and does her pitch. She then easily follows along and has no more problems. Her voice was finally loosened up and Chaz was so proud of her, he ended up kissing her in sooth in front of all of the women. Tongue.. and all. 

Chaz was looking at her in a completely different way he's never done before. He really was proud of her and how talented she was.

Soon the sessions were finally over for the day, and he ordered everyone to go to their homes. As everyone packs their things and Chaz and Evelyn were far away from each due to doing different things, Nino walks over to his little brother.. "You know its Michelle's birthday. At least go see her before the day is over."

"You care so much.. why don't you go see her?"

"Don't start your shit. You always promised and never missed her birthday no matter how serious you were with another woman. Don't be an ass." 

"You no better than me. Worry about getting your woman back before you try to chime in on all of mines."

All Nino could do was glare at him before Evelyn came around and cuddled into Chaz's arms... "What are you guys talking about?" Evelyn innocently questions.

"Michelle's birthday is today. You know?" Nino courageously responds, not caring about Chaz more than likely juggling between the two.

Evelyn chuckles.. "Yes, anyone who doesn't has to be dead. Radio stations do a countdown for her birthday every year and have been doing so since she was sixteen."

"Well then I suppose you know he never missed her birthdays then. I was suggesting Chaz should go see-" 

"Usages change every day. Chaz can send her flowers for once." Evelyn interrupts.

"Yeah Chaz can.. Change is good. Send her a room full with my love will you?" Chaz agrees, rubbing circles on the small of her back.

Possessing no other choice, Nino only nods and does as his brother tells him to. Flowers were going to have to be enough for Michelle. Nino ultimately thinks. They were no longer a couple.

Michelle became old news to him and Evelyn was the new fresh thing who was so full of life. Chaz desired her and obviously desired her enough for him to propose but Nino didn't desire Evelyn, he actually despised her for his brother and wanted her far away from their camp. Not that she was a gold digger or anything, but for his own reasons.

Contrary to popular belief on how Chaz was with all of his women, he truly does love Evelyn. He's very willing with her and is insane about her.

This is what Nino loathed the most. Chaz was the one who always ran the women, not his women running him so this worried Nino..

As his brother, he was on Chaz's payroll for doing nothing really solely because he was his brother. Nino can fully acknowledge he was a lazy man but, Chaz never had a problem and none of his women ever tried to convince Chaz to take him off the payroll because they feared Chaz too much.

His fear factor was an effect he has on all people who encounter with him though, mainly women. Every time his women were around him, Nino was convinced they were on the brink of pissing on themselves. And it's the way Nino liked for them to be, but Evelyn.. though willing, was also feisty with Chaz and usually didn't back down when she had an issue with him like everyone else does.. even Michelle.

So Nino was uneasy because he knew if Evelyn was to ever tell Chaz about Nino's occupation in his life, he would turn on him and fire him. He knows Evelyn has the balls to do so as well so he wasn't going to drive himself up the wall thinking the time wouldn't eventually come if their relationship continues to grow. 

This woman was a threat and a woman he was actually going to marry, notwithstanding Chaz being privately engaged to be married plenty of times and ending up never marrying the woman. He could tell this time was going to be different. 

This woman can never do anything to not make him want to be with her anymore. He was under her power and he didn't think either of them really knew so.. But Nino does...

From the beginning Nino physically saw Evelyn as a cute little thing. She still is. Though this cute little thing was going to have be discarded of really soon, and Nino was going to make sure of this. 

"I'm gonna see if everyone cleared the parking lot." Evelyn announces.

Chaz nods and pecks her cheek.. 

Once she was within hand reach of the front door that was slightly open, she quickly comes to find the women haven't gone on about their day yet. She wants to fully open the door and clear everyone out but, something in her wanted to know what the women spoke about when she wasn't around. 

So she remains behind the door and gently places her ear as close to the outside world as she could... "I just don't understand why she has to be babied through half of the shit we'd either get fired or our asses kicked for. He's so subservient with her and she's damn sure using it to her advantage. I can't blame her though, he damn near foams at the mouth every time she's around." 

"Yeah.. but she does act like she's his wife as if he doesn't already have one." 

"Chaz never married Michelle girl."

"Pleaseee! Twenty three years? They're fucking married heifer. I believe in common law whether there's a ring given or not. He loves that woman. Why do you think she's still around in spite of him kicking her to the curb as a lover? Even us."

"Yeah we are pretty special to him."

"Mhm.. even Hershey was too so she needs to stop acting like she's the only woman he ever loved or loves. That shit will get her dropped by him so quick. She better be lucky and thankful her sister is Marlena Jackson because it's the only thing that got her through Chaz's door and calculated ass mind for him to even fall in love with her in the first place."

"Okay." All the women croon in agreeance.

Evelyn quickly slams the door shut, knowing the women would hear it and get a clue. Everything she heard wasn't anything she hasn't heard before but who was Hershey?

Once she thinks she has no women to worry about for much longer, it's always something else. She knows the woman was no longer in his camp, but the woman's mother couldn't possibly name her daughter Hershey.

Chaz had to be the one to give her such a name. If there was one thing anyone knew about Chaz is if he gave you a name, you were immensely special to him. She needs to know who this woman was to him. Evelyn thinks...

When Chaz and Evelyn take separate showers for the night, Chaz comes back in their room last. Once he sees her in nothing but underwear on he says.. "You know every time I come in here and you're like this I think 'we might've as well showered together. ' "

"Hey.. you're the one who suggests we shower separately in order to control your sex drive."

"Well a man once told me, a man who cannot control his sex drive, is not a man. I've had trouble with that with many other women, but I wanna be a man with you." Chaz speaks aloud, dropping his towel.

Evelyn peeks over her spirituality book Chaz gifted her a few weeks ago, and smirks whenever he wasn't looking. The man was hung. Evelyn thinks.

Though, in lieu of riling herself up, she buries her head back in her book... 

Not even a minute passes of reading before she feels a slick moisture of Chaz's tongue trailing from her stomach, chest, chin, then slipping his tongue into her mouth. 

Once they pull back from their enduring kiss, he pecks her heart and gets comfortable lying on her toned stomach. She closes her book and rubs her hands over his waves as the relaxing mix of music and street sounds fill the room. "I've really been reading the book you gave me.."

"Have you?" Chaz responds, rubbing the side of her stomach.

"Yeah, I'm on astrology now and I've been thinking. I don't want my name on anything when I officially become a singer. I want my zodiac sign on the records and promotions."

"How will you be introduced or known then? You need a name baby." 

"Names mean nothing. You don't need a name in order to speak to someone. There's many ways you can start up a conversation. Besides if it becomes too much of a hassle for people, they can just call me Aquarius but on print my name will be my sign."

"Hmm.. I can dig it."

Evelyn smiles.. "You can dig it ?"

"I can dig it. I'll make sure your sign will be your name baby. It's new and fresh. You'll definitely be able to crossover."

"Crossover to.. what?"

"The pop charts. If you can go number on the pop charts, you done made it baby." 

"Oh.. speaking of genres of music. I'm having a kind of a hang-up on the kind of music you have me doing. I love it don't misunderstand me, but people still think I'm a Christian.. child of God. America's princess. I think people will turn on me if you release my album. I'm scared.. I have many church people back home.."

Chaz looks up at her for a few seconds before moving from her stomach to lie beside her. When he drapes her leg on the side of his hip and she snuggles into his chest, he speaks.. "What's the main thing you sang about that's bothering you?"


"        Well, sex makes the world go around, baby. It's a natural thing and can actually be a beautiful thing if there's a spiritual connection, there are just too many prudes in the world. And any one of those church people you have back home who says otherwise is lying to themselves. Half of those church people you're speaking of are way worse than people with no religion. So people need to worry about them damn selves if you ask me.  The only thing that matters now is me, you and the love of real music. I'm trying to make you a leading lady in all entertainment purposes.        " 

"You already made me one. You believe in me. That's the only thing that makes me a leading lady in my mind."

"You can do everything, Evelyn. You can crossover. Don't limit what you think of leading lady quality only as to me believing in you. You're the one. You were born with the quality. I can feel it, all you have to do is receive your blessings."

"Okay.. are you sure no one will turn on me?"

"I promise you." He pecks the back of her hand. 

Once Evelyn nods and decides to change the direction of conversation she says, "I need to ask you something and you better not leave anything out."

Chaz's eyes roll to the back of his head.. "Oh hell.."

"You hear me?" She firmly grabs his chin for a few seconds, releasing his chin once he brings his eyes back down on her.

"Yeah. Go ahead.."

"Whose Hershey?"

Chaz exhales, closing his eyes.. "She was my personal little architect and was a good help on helping me with my visions for themes and where every little thing was supposed to be placed on stage or promotion designs. We were romantic and I thought I could see myself with her long term, but she turned out to be nothing more than a whore. Is that honest enough for you?"

"Why do you call her Hershey?"

"Her skin. Prettiest chocolate skin I've ever seen then. Her real name is Renise. Broke my heart when she fooled around on me."

Evelyn nods..

"Those damn women talk too much. You stay away from them you hear?"

Evelyn nods once more and chuckles, allowing him to continue on... "They'll all be gone soon. You have nothing to worry about. You're the love of my life. Now go to sleep."

As soon as he pecks her forehead, he was completely silent. Evelyn was sleepy as well and since it was so quiet, she tries to sleep. Though she was having a hard time, so she carefully moves from Chaz's arms and turns around on her own side of the bed.

Looking out at the moonlight that shined through the sheer curtains, she sighs as her eyes then dart to the automatic vinyl player that was switching records itself. She couldn't sleep well without music, so Chaz bought one for their room.

Evelyn could finally feel her eyes becoming droopy before My Love by Margie Joseph begins playing.. She immediately freezes and fully opens her eyes.

Her parents used to dance to the song in the living room all of the time and she would always hear her dad say in her mother's ear, ' My precious love, I will never leave you '. This was their song and now they were getting a divorce. She didn't know how to feel.. 

Notwithstanding her parents disowning her over money, she looked up to them as a married couple. They were her example.

They were everyone's example. Everyone in the neighborhood knew she was his wife and he was her husband.

Where was she supposed to go from here? Who was she supposed to be ? ..

She listens to the song mixed with the sound of the humidifier in the room for a few minutes before rapidly tapping Chaz whose back was now facing her...

"Chaz.. it's me, wake up." She looks over his shoulder in a clingy manner.

"I know it's you baby who else would it be at..." He grabs his watch off the dresser before continuing.. "Three in the morning."

She pecks his shoulder.. "I'm sorry baby.-"

"Don't worry. All will be forgiven if you just go to sleep-"

"My dad's cheating on my mom." She blurts.

Chaz turns around.. "I'm sorry.. you see why I tell you stay away from them? They're drama prone. They'll only be a distraction." 

Evelyn agonizingly looks in his eyes, disappointed in his response.. "Chaz.." She croaks.

He pecks her nose.. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry. How do you feel?"

"I don't know. All I know is my dad told my mom he would never leave her but he lied. A- and if I see my own dad can't follow through on such a huge promise, how am I supposed to trust any other man?"

"You can trust me.-"

"I know I can, I know.. I- I just need you to tell me you'll never leave me. Tell me please.." She hysterically buries her head in his chest, and clings on to him as if he were Jesus himself. 

"I will never leave you, I will never leave you, I will never leave you..." He repeats, kissing her neck as many times as he says these words.

Those words meant so much to her, especially by how even more powerful his voice became when he said them each time. If she held Chaz to a high eminence before, she definitely did now.

Evelyn cherished such a promise. This beautiful man said he would never leave her..

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