⠀ˢᵗᵃᵗᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵐⁱⁿᵈ.

By melbabelle

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⠀ in which a young woman , solemnly crosses paths with a man and soon goes through tri... More



201 9 4
By melbabelle

The evening speedily arrives. Today would be her solidified introduction into the world. She was more highly strung than anything, but she was trying to be a brave woman.

As of now, they were in London, on their way to the Wembley Stadium. Candidly, no one in a million years would think this would be the first place he would decide to kick off such a mega tour because he would usually begin in places he lived in, which was either New York or Los Angeles.  

Chaz always toured in the US overall because the US loved him, but over the time that has flown by.. Evelyn has taught him to be more of a universal performer so he was starting off in the UK.

Usually many artists loved to perform in the UK in lieu of US because UK showed more love and possessed more hopelessly devotion than US, though with Chaz he received equal love from both. All over the world to be technical so he was planning to travel everywhere this time around.

They have fifty tour dates so it was going to be a long voyage of travel and discovery. She believes she was ready and so was everyone else. They were happy...

Of course up until Chaz fly's off the handle.. "   God damn! What is that smell? Smell like someone ate a handful of dead maggots..    "

All the women become offended and pause, continuously saying they knew how to keep up with themselves, with the exception of Evelyn of course. She knows she was okay. "Somebody's lying and it damn sure isn't my nose.." Chaz adds, flaring his nostrils to peg which of the women the smell was coming from.

Chaz continues to do this before his nose leads him to.. Soraya. "   Soraya don't you know how to keep up with yourself? I never had to tell you no shit like this before.    "

Soraya shakes with embarrassment as all the women's ears flap to see if Soraya would talk back to her boss..

       Soraya was fueled with anger... She knows how to keep up with herself and was the cleanest person she knew but before even making their way to their venue, they had tons of promotion
     stops to do and so on. They were all over the place all day so of course she wouldn't smell too pleasant and it didn't help that she naturally sweated more easily than all the others. She couldn't help this.. it was out of her control.

"Of course you never had to because I'm always clean but your promotion and PR has us running around like chickens all day.. of course I'm not gonna smell like flowers. I'm human Chaz.. if its such a problem I can go shower back at the hotel and come right back." Soraya responds.

"Well you go do that then, but get your outfits from the rack before you go back so you won't waste any more time than your funky ass is going to already."

Soraya scoffs and crosses her arms..

"You hear me woman? I want your funky ass already dressed by the time I see you again.-"

"Okay Chaz I heard you!-"

"Well then you answer when I speak.."

Choosing not to anger her boss any further, Soraya only looks out the window and chews the inside of her lip to escape crying. Soraya didn't want him to see her cry because knowing Chaz, he'd only view her as weak and weak was the last thing she wanted to be viewed as by Chaz.

Once you were defined as weak by Chaz, you were his laughing stock..

Evelyn feels bad for Soraya and wants to console her though when Chaz tells her to come near him and open the top window to air the smell out, she does as told. As she stands on the seat to slide the top window back, Chaz keeps a hold on her waist and once she pops the window back, she sits by him and takes his jacket he was offering to her since he didn't want her to freeze.

Soon after placing on his jacket that was three times her size, she thanks him and then happens to glance near Chaz's women who held looks of envy. Chiefly Michelle.

They obviously didn't like the change of the preferential seating and pedestal she was on. When traveling or riding with each other, Chaz never wanted any of the women on his tour bus, or sitting next to him if riding in a limo so her sitting by him was something new. 

Michelle barely even had those privileges..

None of them know if she was having sexual relations with him and it irked them that they couldn't figure if she was or not. Usually they could tell by the way he held a woman's hand or if they had bodyguards. 

For holding hands, if Chaz interlocked his hands with a woman's, they knew he and that particular woman have sexual relations, and if he only held their palm they knew he and that particular woman weren't sexual. And if a woman had bodyguards he either planned to be sexual with that woman or already was, but if she didn't have her own personal bodyguard, she was only another woman in his life.

With Evelyn.. Chaz does neither of these things. He doesn't hold her hand enough for them to tell and she didn't have a personal bodyguard because Chaz was practically her personal bodyguard.

His women guess he wanted them to be confused.. he liked to keep people guessing as well so its no surprise as to why he was so mystique when it comes to her.

Though they believed they had to have some kind of relations though, Chaz and Evelyn were really only friends... However, if they weren't involved now, all of his women know it was going to happen soon. That was one thing for certain and two things for sure..

When they all arrive and manage to make it through the crowd and flashing lights, Evelyn follows after the women as Chaz stays back with Michelle in another side of the building. Evelyn was guessing Chaz wanted to make sure everything would be in place with the merchandise since Michelle was in charge of merchandising for fans to purchase whatever they wanted. T- shirts, necklaces, posters, nonflammable candle lighters in which goes with the Babylon theme of the tour and etc.. 

Once Michelle checks in with the venue workers/ owners and sees that her responsibility was precisely fulfilled by all the neatly merchandise ready to be sold on multiple tables, she exhales in relief..

As she walks around the perimeter of the room, she happens to notice a full body mirror in the room. She observes herself for a few seconds before pulling out her phone and snapping a picture.

When she looks at the picture she took, she lowly shrieks.. "Yuck.."

For her to be in the public eye so much due to her parents careers, people would've believe she knew how to pose for pictures but she didn't, she wasn't photogenic at all. So when she desired to upload pictures on her high following, Chaz always took them for her because he knows how to bring the best out of her visually.. "You never did know how to take your own picture." Chaz          teases. 

Michelle smacks her teeth and tells everyone in the room to excuse themselves for a few minutes before telling him.. "I know.. and you used to take my pictures for me.. Now I don't know who you are anymore."

Chaz chuckles, grabbing her waist before she could move from him.. "Baby don't say that. You know me."

"You haven't touched me in months Chaz. I don't know who that man is.. the man who touched me every chance he received is the Chaz I know. Baby when are you gonna take your head out of her ass long enough to come up to my room and screw me? I'm going crazy over here.. I need you.-"

Chaz's eyes turn cold.. "Don't try to run me Michelle. I'll do you good when I want to."

Michelle sighs and holds his shoulders.. "I'm not trying to run you. I have a right to be going crazy, you fired my group of girls and those were the only people I've ever touched besides you. And I may be feening but I'm not touching your girls.. I hate those bitches. Besides no one knows how to really love and touch me like you do. I'm not running you, I'm only pleading.. asking.. yearning. Come up to my room tonight.. please."

"Only if I feel like it alright ? "

Michelle huffs.. "You wanna know something ? .. I' am sick of this shit. I'm damn near growing cob webs on my pussy and you over here playing around talking about only if you feel like it ? Before I met you, I had more men popping around me than when I'm with you now.. and I bet you as soon as I tell these men I'm on the market, they'll come running.-"

"Don't be stupid.. don't you fucking be stupid." Chaz murmurs, looking deadly into her eyes.

"I'm not being stupid.. I'm being strategic.. I have to threaten to fuck other men for you to give me what's been mine before these women came around anyway? It's ridiculous but I'll do it if it keeps you on me like white on rice. Now you come up to my room when the shows are over.. you hear?" 

Chaz observes her as if she lost her mind before releasing her from his hold and snapping.. "You think I need your ass? If you do then I'm telling you now I don't. Before you met me you were known as nothing by the world besides another spoiled rich girl who had successful, well known parents. I took you in my camp and I gave your life meaning. I moved you away from your parents' shadow and I'm the one who gave you more fame than you already have. You wanna leave me because your nympho having ass mad I won't screw you then leave. You'll only be opening a slot for another woman I can make into a star." 

Michelle frowns at him in disbelief, shocked that he was speaking to her as if she were disposable. She wasn't planning for their word exchange to go this far. All she wanted was her man..

Michelle cries, misty-eyed as she speaks.. "Baby surely you don't mean that. You're really not gonna let me go are you? Please baby I didn't mean anything I said, I was only frustrated.."

Chaz smirks (inwardly of course).. pointing his finger in her face.. "See? I knew your ass was bluffing. What was the point of that? What was your goal? To booby trap me into giving you what you want in order to prove your importance to my women? To show them you're better than them because you're  my first lady ?  You need to stop being so damn insecure because if you ever pull that shit again, you get nothing less than the boot. Nobody twists my arm to do anything I don't wanna do and you remember that. After the show is over I'll come up to your stinking ass room but don't grow accustomed. Now do what I pay you for."  

Michelle sucks up her tears as she tries to conjure up a response to him.. She feels a crash of emotions and feels a sense of disappointment in herself as a woman...

Chanel and Herb raised Michelle to speak her mind, which was why she was so opinionated/quick mouthed and didn't take Chaz's crap if she didn't have to. What Chaz was doing with other women, Michelle allowed.

However she never genuinely liked the idea of a harem..

She and Chaz were monogamous for a year in the beginning of their relationship before Chaz mentioned the desire for a harem since Michelle went both ways and loved women as much as he did. She was hesitant but caved in anyway because she was grateful he asked her in lieu of blatantly stepping out of their relationship.

Nonetheless, Chaz and Michelle got into a relationship during a very impressionable time in her life so it was easy for him to engrave himself in her mind and make her believe there was no man better after having him. Michelle was a prisoner to his love and she was disappointed in the remarkable woman she faced in the mirror every day and she probably would be for a long time but for the moment, she didn't care for morals and liberation. 

All she cared for now was the love he was going to give her..

Before Michelle could bring herself to ultimately reply, he rocketed out of the room to go to his dressing room. Not even bothering to allow her to speak anymore since he grew weary of her and whiny antics quickly..

Despite Chaz being able to muscle Michelle to do anything he desired though, Michelle possessed the same power. Chaz always tried to hose women down who tried to control him and demand his time, though he loves Michelle and cares for her deeply so even though he would check her ruthlessly, he would still end up giving her what she demanded of him down the line. Michelle was his galore..

Simultaneously all Evelyn hears in the back of the women's dressing room is screaming from Soraya.. "I' am not gonna let him ridicule me like that ! What did he gain from doing that ? !"

"I'm sure he didn't mean it like that Soraya calm down-" Vita consoles.

"I don't care what he meant ! I don't caaaaaaaaree! He is so rude."

"I know.. I know. Come on."

As soon as all of Chaz's women hear Vita's response, they move away from the door and plop down in front of their glowing mirrors...

Once the back door opens and Vita comes out with Soraya, Soraya madly takes her outfits off the rack, and leaves. Vita says nothing as she changes into her outfit, so everyone hesitantly begins their own  small conversations..

While enough background noise was around the room, Evelyn takes the chance and speaks to Sylvia who was now doing her makeup first.. "I don't think I can blame Soraya. Chaz was mean.."

"Yeah he could've pulled her to the side but that's Chaz for you. He's bullheaded and I'm sure he don't try to knock anyone down in the process but he always do. You get used to it after a while. He's really not hard to work for at all, you just have to have tough skin and have as much passion for perfection as he does or he's gonna drive you off the cliff."

Evelyn hums.. "You seem to know plenty."

"Yeah I guess you can say that. Three years is a long time working for a man of his caliber.."

"Yeah it is.. do you mind if I ask you something personal?"

"Hit me.."

"What's the dealio with Chaz and Michelle? I don't know if she likes me or hates me..."

Sylvia shrugs.. "I wouldn't worry. She always has minor problems with new women only because she's checking them out for a while. You're the new woman so.."

"When you say check out what do you mean?" 

"Meaning she observes the new woman and Chaz together and see what both their intentions are for each other. Mainly Chaz because he's the one who would make the ultimate decision.. and the only choices he would have is either have her as a new woman in the harem, or have her as a friend who only works for him like us. She doesn't have too much of a problem with new women as long as they don't plan to marry or have children. That's why she's on you so much because Chaz obviously desires both with you but if you don't plan on giving him marriage and kids and turn him down, Michelle's flames will simmer down soon."

Evelyn slowly nods.. Although Chaz and Evelyn's connection was marvy and sublime, Evelyn respected Chaz and Michelle's relationship despite the women they allowed in their relationship. She really found their relationship admirable only because Chaz seemed to have a much harder time to love than the average man so when a man who was up to his degree did so.. it was remarkable.

Also because he behaved as if he was overly cold, though knew deep down he loved as hard as women do, probably even more and it was obvious Chaz loved Michelle very much, thus Evelyn doesn't plan on acting on Chaz's feelings for her. She admired them too much as a couple.

They were beautiful together and even if Chaz and Michelle didn't deem each other soul mates, twin flames or any kind of spiritual connection, they had to be something unique..

She even heard from the other women that they've been together for twenty three years. Managing to remain in love with someone for twenty three years wasn't easy. She was in love with their love so she would keep a humanely possible interval from Chaz in respect for Michelle as a woman.

"Yeah.. so as long as you don't plan to do those two things for and with him, then you're good in Michelle's book. You don't plan to seriously be with him though right ?" Sylvia adds.

"No way. I don't think being with a boss is a good thing anyway."

"Well it has it perks.. especially if you look at all the women he does sleep with. Michelle and all of them.. covered with ice and designer. Besides I wouldn't blame you if you did. If a man wrote beautiful songs for me before he even physically met me, only on my face alone and is as handsome as Chaz?.. I would jump on the first chance he gives when I would ever see him in the physical."

"Well even if I did want to be with him, I have no desire to be a part of a harem. I can't do that."

"He's already been five women down since the day he met you, I'm convinced he'll blow up the harem for you.. Michelle included. You should give him a try.. I know I would if I had the guts to be with a man like him."

Evelyn shakes her head.. "No thanks. I'm grateful for the music he composed for me.. it's gave life to a groovy friendship between us but other than that.. I'm okay."

Interesting. Pure and has principles. Sylvia thinks. She was impressed with her though she knows sooner or later Evelyn would fall in love with Chaz like he was with her already and knows the more Evelyn denies her feelings, the quicker/ easier she would fall under his spell..

In the twinkling of an eye, Evelyn's eyes close before she can start on her hair..

Poor thing, I guess she can sleep for a few minutes. Sylvia thinks as she lowly chuckles. She knows she was barely getting any real sleep dealing with Chaz..

Sleep didn't quite exist with Chaz and Evelyn. The pair was always staying up at the crack of dawn watching classical movies, going to places or simply speaking with each other about everything. Sleep didn't matter any when around each other, they were on a natural high on each other's spirits and this has been going on for the past two months.. even all the way up until now. So she can understand why she would be so tired during random times.

While she sleeps, Sylvia turns on her small radio she always brung with her and plays Wild Flower by The New Birth for more calm background noise as she works her skills on the other women's faces and hair..

Sylvia mainly does hair, though sometimes Chaz had her do makeup as well when he desired a specific look for the women. If the women knew how to do it themselves, then he allowed them to do so but overall Sylvia's skills were in hair.

Simultaneously, Soraya finally comes back in with a much clearer conscious and thankfully already has her outfit on like Chaz told her to do..

As she touches up Vita's afro, Vita motions for Soraya to sit by her and when she does, they peacefully speak with one another. Sylvia was glad.. though she knows if Soraya was back, it wouldn't be long before Chaz would be right behind her, and she was veracious when Chaz walks in...

He then walks near Soraya, grabbing her hand to pull her to the side.

Excluding Evelyn, all the women's eyebrow's raise in fear and skepticism for Soraya. Soraya was usually a soft spoken woman though when angered, she was capable of being able to go up there with Chaz and argue him down as well.

This wasn't the first time they've bumped heads so everyone was on their toes, though when all they see is affection and hear is I love you's, they're surprised but sigh in relief. Glad that's out the way. They all safely think.

Once Sylvia finishes Vita's and Soraya's hair, she walks back over to Evelyn's mirror since she left her good luck bracelet there. When she opens the velvet box and puts on the bracelet, Chaz walks over and amusingly observes a sleeping Evelyn.

"How long she been knocked?" Chaz questions.

"A little over thirty minutes. You wanna wake her up?" 

Chaz nods, soon grabbing her velvet box.. Sylvia was puzzled, though once he opens the box and slams it shut, she chuckles when Evelyn perks up...

Evelyn's expression turns fussy when she realizes Sylvia and Chaz were laughing at her..

"You're up." Chaz says when Sylvia leaves them be.

"Yeah thanks to you." She replies, opening up her purse to get mints.

"You're welcome." Chaz humorously jokes.

Evelyn playfully rolls her eyes, popping an icebreaker in between her lips before saying.. "I'm glad you're here anyway, I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it ?"

"Can I go see my parents soon ? I've been wondering when I was gonna go back home for a while now.."

Even though her relationship with her parents was on the ice, she figured she can visit them every once in a while. She really wanted to see them and as crazy as this may sound, she was no longer with Lakeith and was growing closer with Chaz every day so she knows they would want to see her if she told them such news.

This was her chance to finally be close with her family again and she was longing to take the chance...

"No. I don't want you even talking to them if it isn't an emergency." Chaz declares.

"Huh? Not even on my off days?"


Evelyn wants to give Chaz a piece of her mind though something was telling her he was telling her no because he knows how her parents were. More than likely through Marlena...

Evelyn understands but they were her parents, he couldn't tell her she couldn't see her own family but if she still wanted a job, she would so she remains in silence and nods. Evelyn was probably angry with him now but unbeknownst to Evelyn.. Chaz was only trying to protect her from them.

Evelyn was in his world now and he didn't plan on letting her out. Especially to wolves like her parents.

"Good.. now can you not find your set of outfits or something? Why don't you have your outfit on?"

"Because I don't like them all.."

Evelyn loved all of the fits besides one, the white bikini. Sure everything was tight and small because it was obviously how he wanted them to be, but the panties and bra with white heel ankle boots was too much for her.

If she wore it, she would be deemed a sex symbol and she had more to offer than being gorgeous and in shape. And for Chaz to even assume she would wear something so revealing, seemed derogative to her.

Chaz wasn't on stage showing his assets so why should she? Only because she was a woman? No. She liked to be covered up and she was going to fight him on this no matter how scared out of her mind she was..

"What don't you like?"

"The white bikini. No thanks."

"Evelyn it's mandatory. All of the fits are. It's in your contract."

Evelyn sighs.. She remembers signing one but she was so focused on Chaz's women who were speaking balefully of her because he didn't make her sign an NDA like he did with them.. that she was going through the motions. She regrets not looking over his rules but it's not like she signed her soul away, so she didn't have much to be mad for.

Besides this was his show and he controlled everything as to how he wanted it to go and how he wanted everything and everyone to look, so how could she argue him into the ground when it's his show? He was a visionary so she was a fool to think he wouldn't demand control over her look so she guesses she has to get on board, but she still didn't want to be a sex symbol.

The title scared her. She wanted to be known for more.. Chaz exhales, pulls up a chair, sits down and grabs both of her hands.. deeply observing the dense expression on her beautiful face... "Look I know you may think its demeaning, but it really isn't. You're viewing my outfit choices for you wrong. You have no reason to be offended. If anything you should be offended if I don't offer you tight outfits. I'm telling you got the look and body for it.. embrace it because you look good, Evelyn."

"I- I know.. I just don't wanna be labeled as a sex symbol. There's more layers to me.."

"Yeah I get it, but do you think I wanted to be a sex symbol? The media gave me that title and ran with it but that's how the world sees me, not how I see me. If you know who you are then you know you're more and have much more to give than selling sex. Don't worry about what the world thinks about you. Worry about what you think of yourself, okay? Now that's all the pep talk I'm gonna give you so its time for you to either shit or get off the pot and I don't plan on making you move so please say yes?"

Evelyn chuckles, "Yeah.. yes, I'll wear the outfit."

Chaz pecks her hands.. "Thank you babydoll."

"Now.." Chaz mumbles, standing in front of her and grabbing a pair of scissors before saying.. "You trust me?"

"You know I do Chaz but what are you doing?"

"Yeah what are you doing? I'm the hair stylist Chaz." Sylvia adds, leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs.

Chaz only ignores her and tells Evelyn to close her eyes..

When she hesitantly does as told, she feels him line her hair up before she hears a snip and feels hair fall to her bare thighs. Opening her eyes, she sees he gave her bangs..

"Cool yeah? I've been envisioning you with bangs ever since I saw you." Chaz asks.

"And do I look as good as your vision did?" She worryingly questions, feeling her hair.


Evelyn was surprised he cut her hair so sharply as if he were a professional, but she was glad because she put a lot of trust into him and even though she wasn't sure about bangs, she would keep them if Chaz found her alluring in them. She never liked her forehead anyway. Evelyn thinks.

"You are not about to steal my job.. move over." Sylvia seriously says, moving from her seat and nudging Chaz from Evelyn.

Chaz chuckles, sitting back down and eyeing Sylvia fluff and prep her hair..

Subsequently, the women closely keep their weather eyes on how loving Chaz was being toward Evelyn as So In Love With You by Leroy Huston fulfills their ears..

They proceed their eyeing further before pegging what was on Chaz's mind as he scans her every move with adoration in his eyes. Courtship. Oh no. They all think.. 

She was gonna be a problem.. not for them because they know Chaz would never marry one of them.. he told them that in the beginning and they were fine with it.. she was only going to be a problem for Michelle. Michelle allowed other women, but she didn't allow thoughts of marriage or children unless he planned to have these things with Michelle. And despite her not desiring children, she didn't want him to think of having them with anyone else because he would no longer be hers from that moment on if he did.

Michelle only had two specific rules for him and he can't even seem to follow them. This was going to go down in flames and they didn't know if they should get popcorn or worry about their own position's in his life as well. 

All they know is she's causing more harm than good..

Chaz remains by Evelyn's side for a few minutes more before he decides to leave to get dressed. The show was beginning soon so Soraya and Vita head out to go behind the stage's curtain. Chaz had everything precisely set up in his mind.

He would begin the show with Soraya and Vita for an hour and then soon Evelyn's entrance would come up while he would be doing a long wardrobe change. She remembers everything like the back of her hand since Shayne worked with her closely due to Evelyn being added to Chaz's camp late and needing more work than all the other women did since they were around Chaz longer than her.

She was thrilled and soon she found herself under the stage on an elevator as soon as a crisp hour passed of Chaz being on stage. Now being time for her entrance she believes she was ready..

For her first appearance she was wearing a simple nude long sleeve ballet performance dress with her ballet shoes she's been doing performances in since she was sixteen. She believes she was all systems go as the muffled sound of ninety thousand people screaming fuels her anticipation. 

Though, suddenly she blacks out for a few seconds as her mind spirals around Lakeith thoughts. She remembers telling him about performances' and how she would imagine he was watching her, but he wasn't here and they were no longer together so she didn't get the inspiration to pretend he was watching her. 

All she could think was how they were still supposed to be together and how he was supposed to be there for her so much that she barely hears Shayne's loud bangs on the elevator. "Your music is about to begin. Your ten seconds late! Press the button!"

Evelyn then quickly comes back to the world and presses the button that would slowly descend her in front of thousands of roaring fans. Once she's completely seen and the elevator halts, she keeps her arabesque position for a few long seconds as everyone cheers just by her being in their presence alone..

When she skillfully kicks her leg up and begins spinning, this signals Soraya, Vita, his occasional drummer, Meagen (who is a nutbrown beauty), and his thirty piece orchestra to smoothly transition into an instrumental version of his song Someway, Someday. Her favorite song on the album. 

Evelyn didn't have many sets to fulfill but she was grateful for the time she did have on stage. The crowd loves her as much as they love Chaz and it speaks volumes the entire time...

As minutes pass and the song comes to a fading end, she does her finale pose as the elevator goes back down into the ground and lights dim. Once the door opens, she's quickly pulled out by Shayne and guided to Chaz's dressing room.

Chaz and Evelyn had to do one final wardrobe change and she would now be matching with everyone else.. the color white since she'll be changing into the white bikini. They both only had five more minutes to change while Soraya, Vita and Meagen perform designed choreography by Shayne with Chaz's chamber orchestra to fill in time and entertain while Chaz and Evelyn were gone.

None of the women were professional dancers like Evelyn, but Chaz never liked to limit what a woman could do. If a woman knew how to sing, he would push them to dance as well. He never let his stage women do only one thing. He liked for them to be talented all around so it was no surprise as to why he had two professional singers and a professional drummer dancing as if they were trained in moving their bodies. 

She found this rare and incredible. He believed a woman could do anything...

Once Shayne gives her the bikini and boots, she grabs a blanket and hoists it up so Evelyn could change privately. They didn't have time to go all the way back to the women's dressing room because it was too far from the stage.. 

When Evelyn's done changing, she prepares to go back out before Chaz holds her back and says.. "You were ten seconds late. You better hope there isn't a next time you mess up or I'm docking your pay."

Evelyn nods, fully understanding. Even if the people didn't notice, Chaz noticed and he didn't play when it came to precision.

Evelyn simply lost her grip and wasn't on her p's and q's in that moment so she can acknowledge her looseness and move on.. Once they perform for another hour, they do an after show at a smaller venue for a few more hours then go back to their hotel.

Evelyn's still high on adrenaline. She was happy though the energy between Chaz and her seems to have gone sour in her mind. Evelyn messing up really put a dent in their business relationship and she didn't want to be suddenly fired out of nowhere so she feels as if she has to talk to him. And thankfully Shayne told her she would take her to Chaz's room in a few hours so they would be able to talk.. 

Concurrently hours later, Chaz and Michelle were in a lovemaking session.. Completely bare, Michelle slowly straddles his lap and grabs his penis. 

She was eager and wanted nothing more than his penis to align with her pussy. But Chaz was a menacing tease and doesn't allow her to do anything just yet as he smacked her hand. Michelle frowns. "Ouch ! Are you still mad at me? Please forgive me. Why are you always so angry?"

"Because you always do shit that piss me off."

"I'm sorry..." She weakly apologizes in his ear, hoping her apology would get her fucked.

Chaz grabs her neck and pulls her forehead to his. " I know you are. Look at you. So eager already.. So wet."

Michelle only moans in response. Thankfully she didn't have to whine any longer when he glides himself inside her love. Michelle immediately gasps and finds her own rhythm.

This was a normal position for the lovers. Michelle was always either riding or he was doing missionary. This was the way he loved sexing all his women and it never became boring to him or any woman for that matter because he always knows what he was doing and that was more than enough.

Chaz was a great lover. He could make a woman feel as if he was doing so much, but in reality was only doing very little. This was a skill of his that either always has the women coming back for more, or never being able to get over him when they were of no use to him anymore.. 

Michelle loses all control and rides him smoothly but crazily. As she continues to skillfully bounce up and down as if she were riding a seesaw, the sounds of their lovemaking drove both Chaz and Michelle up the wall. 

Every time she slammed down on his member, the sound of moisture was heard along with the sound of their skin repeatedly meeting one another's. Close to like a horse galloping through heavy rain..

This sound mixed with the sensation they both have the luxury to feel each time she grips him, makes their peaks closer every second, and due to him wanting the precision of them climaxing together, he wraps his strong arms around her small waist. Completely faltering her movement and momentum..

Chaz adored reaching cloud nine at the same time nearly more than anything in the world.. it was his thing so this was something he always did when he feels as if he and his woman are not on the same pace of pleasure. 

She took control this whole time and now it was his turn. Making her beg.. Something Michelle loathed and always put up a fight with.

Though when he bites down on her neck so harshly that she was surprised she wasn't bleeding, she licks his earlobe as if she were a lizard and begins moaning and pleading.. "Please. Mmm.. please!"

Her satisfactory begging makes him releases his firm hold from around her and at last allows her to take them both to cloud nine. Chaz grunts, continuously smacking her ass as they cum with one another.

To ride it out, he moves his lower half in a circular motion, stirring up even more of a stimulation inside of her as she lightly jumps up from the shock and bounces back down on his shaft as if she were in a low rider... "Oh fuck me. Ohhhh baby!" Michelle's voice croaks.

She loves the feeling of him so much. The feeling of him filling her up. Most of all, the feeling of his warm semen inside of her and the feeling of seeing all the mess they would make.

To her, there was nothing better than the sight of their liquids. Seeing it even made her want to start up again, though this time their one round was going to have to suffice. She was tired.

So she proceeds to move off of him, but not before he grabs her chin once more and spits in her mouth, which quickly forms into a grimy open-mouthed kiss.

Many of the things Chaz and Michelle sexually did with each other would be considered too much for particular people, but they knew what they liked.. This works for them.

When they finally pull away from each other, they shower and lie back in bed. Chaz with nothing on besides sweats and Michelle with nothing on besides her undergarments.

Michelle reaches over and grabs a blunt off the nightstand. She then places it to her mouth as Chaz grabs his lighter and smoothly lights her blunt as if it were second nature to him.

She takes one long puff before exhaling and offering Chaz a pass who declines and places his hands behind his head. "You still on birth control?" Chaz questions.

"Never been off."

Chaz heavily sighs.. Of course she was still on birth control. This woman didn't desire kids for anything and this made him less close to her every single day.

Sure avoiding children was beneficial to him in the beginning because they were both babies themselves, but as he became more seasoned as a man, all he ever desired was marriage and children now. Michelle always wanted to marry him, but never longed for his children..

Chaz wasn't going to settle for less than what he wanted out of his woman. He wasn't going to give her marriage if she wasn't willing to give him children. And at one point in his life, he didn't want any other woman bearing his children beside Michelle. 

All he ever saw was Michelle's doll eyes in his future children. Now the only eyes he sees is almond shape eyes.. Evelyn's..

Chaz does love Michelle, but she allowed Chaz to drown in his belief of Evelyn being his soulmate for way too long, and now he wouldn't come up and desired no one but Evelyn. She allowed Evelyn to give him the one thing Michelle could never give him because Michelle simply didn't have it.. a spiritual connection.

Evelyn has it all and there was nothing Chaz would change about her. She was the one..

There was a new woman in town, she had him by the balls and it definitely wasn't Michelle. He was well-nigh through with her romantically.

Michelle was of no more purpose to him so he was really trying to squeeze as much as he could receive out of her because this would be the last time he would ever give his sexual loving to her or any of his women...

Chaz adored them all dearly, but they didn't hold a candle to Evelyn. They were no longer pure to him or good enough for him. He was moving on and taking his sweet little girl with him..

"Hm. I don't think you completely made it up to me for coming all the way up here for you.. I wanna see you crawl." He initiates another round, and rubs her bare thigh. 

"Crawl? How demeaning. I don't feel like fulfilling your little ego manic fantasies today. Besides, I did all the making up I could think of. I'm all used up. Give me a break." She laughs, pecking his neck.

Chaz then heavily sighs once more and moves away from her body...

"    It's always something. Damn. You're like a damn freakazoid. I'm tired. What aren't you comprehending? You may always have the energy to do a two hour show and fuck all night, but I don't. I mean its admirable, really but it's crazy and I can't keep up with you. And I don't want to. We do a two hour show, then do an aftershow for another two hours while I have to merchandise for so long and you expect me to fuck you all night long ? No.     " 

"You think I need you to fuck me ? I was really trying to do you a favor. You were the one begging for my damn dick. So I came over here trying to rekindle some sparks between us but you honestly turning me off completely and making it easier for me to let up off of you anyway.  I can care less though because what you won't do, the other women in the harem obviously will." 

"Well go to them then. I don't care. You sound bananas anyway." 

"Actually I'd rather not. I've outgrown them as I did you.."

Michelle confusingly pierces her eyes into his gorgeous side profile and hopes he was only angry and didn't mean his specific wording. "Look.. I really haven't been liking how you've been speaking to me lately. You speak to me as if you owe me nothing. As if.. you never told me if I had gone with you on your tours.. you'd make me into a success. A success of my own. I wanna sing Chaz. I've been with my vocal coach every single day for years. I believe in myself."

"Well good.. why shouldn't you? That's good you believe in yourself because if you don't who will? I know I don't believe in you."

Chaz side eyes her blank expression before shrugging his shoulders and sitting up.. He was annoyed every time she brung up a singing career, but he could partially understand why.

When Chaz was formerly known as the new kid on the block who had immense skill for his age, everyone was jumping at the chance to snag him for their labels.  Though when he went to meetings with every label, things began to go downhill and no one wanted him anymore. 

In each meeting he demanded owning of his publishing and masters, and demanded to have freedom in producing and penning his own music. Labels have been signing artists who were independent for a long time, but Chaz was too independent. He was a knockout and usually that was what labels go for, though they knew he would be a knockout they wouldn't be able to keep in their back pockets. 

If a man came into a business deal meeting and demanded what Chaz demanded from them, what was the point of having him on their label? They wouldn't have much money to be liable to squeeze out of him because he would already own everything and they knew if he became successful, he'd have more money than the label.

He was already too smart for his age so no labels found him of any use. Money was their main focus.. not the art. 

So Chaz was on his own for a while before he found a place he could call home with the most successful producer of the twentieth century. Herb Waters.. He was the only man who ever allowed him to have full artistic control of what he did and ownership of his music as well. 

There was also a bonus too.. being with his daughter made Herb promote Chaz more than any other artist on his label, making him a household name. Chiefly thanks to Michelle for staying on her father about Chaz. 

Michelle was really the one who made Herb keep his full surveillance on Chaz.. especially since Chaz and Michelle fell in love so quickly once they really got started. So Chaz as good as owed Michelle for becoming a success and did promise her a career since her father retired after Chaz, and due to no one coming close to her father's producing skills besides Chaz. 

Though when Chaz actually knew what genre Michelle desired to do, Chaz didn't believe in her anymore and shelved the tracks he made for her album years ago.. even to this day. Michelle wanted to do rock/funk. 

Funk was okay.. but he believed rock was long gone and that no one would be able to resurrect the genre besides himself, and it was no surprise that he did. He just didn't believe rock would work with Michelle as a woman. 

She was a small beautiful woman who looked as if she wouldn't harm a fly because she usually wouldn't. She was a class act with a voice that resonated to a babies but when she sang rock, this huge edgy voice comes from within her and no one can even believe a woman so small could sound so rough and ready. 

He didn't think she could be marketed like that unless she was selling sex along with her voice and she didn't want to sell sex so it definitely wasn't going to work. Plus he believed rock was no genre for a woman so with her not wanting to sell sex along with his sexist beliefs', pushed her career on the backburner. And now no one even knew she was trying to work towards a career. 

All people know her for is being Chanel and Herb's only child, being a fashion icon and being around Chaz all of the time. Sometimes he feels bad for wasting her youth to the point of her coming out would be a complete waste if she did now, but he couldn't turn back now. 

Besides, he didn't force her hand.. Michelle had a choice in how she wanted her life to be as well so it wasn't his fault that she was a woman in love who was dumb for him. She did this to herself and now he was moving on unscathed.

Whomever Michelle desired to be with in the near future? He didn't know, but he knows who he's going to be with.. All he has to do now is break the news to her and how he wants everything to go between them and thereon ... 

Michelle keeps her eyes on him with intense rage.. She really wanted to tell her father how the man he gave so much to was inflicting pain on his daughter, but she can never bring herself to do such a thing. 

Telling her father would immediately get Chaz blackballed. Regardless of how he handle her, she couldn't do that to him, especially as a black man. No one could really say there were many black billionaires in the world because there weren't, and she didn't want to destroy everything he has accomplished. 

The world was already trying to do that on a daily so why would she? Because she was a scorned woman ? No. She valued the black man too much. She had to shield him so it was something she was going to take to the grave. 

As she eyes Chaz go through his sweaters pocket, she sees a box peeking out of  it... "What's that ? " She asks. 

"Mind yours." Chaz dismisses. 

"You're gonna marry her aren't you Chaz? We had rules !-" 

"Well your rules don't mean a damn thing to me anymore because I've been off of you for a long time now. God sent her to me Michelle." 

"No Marlena did so stop trying to create this fairytale scenario in your head to make it easier to leave me! What was the point of you even coming up here then if you planned to marry her this whole time ? You made love to me Chaz! How can you give me such a wonderful thing, then act like it meant nothing ? "  

"Because any time you even think about leaving me, how good I did you is always gonna be in the back of your mind and keep you with me. Just because I don't want you romantically anymore.. doesn't mean I don't like your presence. You and all the other women are going to continue working for me until I say your time is up." 

"So you mean eventually you're kicking all of us to the curb ?" 

"I believe that's what I said, I mean what do you expect ? For us to all have one big fucking orgy? No.. eventually Evelyn and I will grow tired of you all and will want you all gone. I' am a man of monogamy now. I can't have you all around me for long. No matter how much I adore you all and enjoy your presence." 

Michelle instantly begins sobbing...

"Look I appreciate your willingness' for polygamy within our relationship  but I've moved on. I find no use of you all anymore besides you all being employee's. Evelyn's more than one woman to me so I truly believe I don't need more than one woman." Chaz reasons.

Michelle doesn't respond..

"Have some respect for me and my decision and talk to me Michelle. Why aren't you talking?" Chaz adds.

Michelle rapidly blinks as if she would never see the day of Chaz leaving her for another woman.. "     Because y- you're full of shit. You think I wanted a damn harem ? I did not ! I did it for you and now since you're out of your exploring phase, you wanna see me and all the other women who aren't virgins anymore as whores and see her virgin ass as a queen? I told you the rules, I ain't going for this shit. You don't get to do this to me again.-     " 

"None of you have a choice.-" 

"Chaz! just.. please! I have more to offer.. give me a chance!" 

Chaz shakes his head as he slips on his slides...

Desperate times call for desperate measures.. "You want children? Okay I'll give you all the children in the world.-" 

"Too late. I don't want you to have my babies anymore. Besides, you don't genuinely want children. I don't want a mother for my children like that." 

"And you think she wants children? You never even asked her, you're only creating an idea of her. It's not her responsibility to live up to your fantasy of her.-" 

Chaz remains in silence once more, grabbing his sweater.. 

"Chaz don't leave me! Why must you be so fickle? ! " Michelle shouts. 

Chaz finally looks at her, slightly tilting his head.. He was overall a mellow man and cherished peace so when Michelle shouts at him as if she didn't know that.. he loses his cool. "Look-"

Three knocks then halt Chaz's speech.. "Speak! " Chaz speaks aloud, dropping his sweater back down.

"It's Shayne. Evelyn's here." 

"So now you have Shayne fetching her for you ? " Michelle says, wiping her tears and roughly pulling the covers over her once more as she turns her back to him. 

Chaz waves her off and opens the door, allowing Evelyn and Shayne to walk in... 

This bold man. Is he even really trying to marry this woman ? Michelle thinks. 

"I uhh.. need to talk to you really quick." Evelyn says. 

Chaz nods.. "Head out to the balcony for a second. I'll be there in a minute." 

Once Evelyn nods and does as told Chaz says.. "Why did you come here Shayne? I have a room." 

"And you weren't there." 

Chaz huffs and leaves Shayne and Michelle alone. 

"Don't get mad because you got caught. What you gonna do now. ?" Shayne mumbles, plopping down on the sofa. 

Shayne and Chaz have a playful relationship so she was one of the few women who was allowed to joke around with him.. 

"What happened Chelle ?" Shayne genuinely questions. 

"Leave me alone Shayne." Michelle dismisses, covering her face with her satin sheets. 

Okay.. Shayne thinks.

Pro tem, Chaz was endeavoring  to make Evelyn tell him what was going on with her before he decided to behave irrationally with her. Primarily because he was planning on firing her. 

Sure thankfully, no one noticed what Chaz noticed. But even though fans didn't know she messed up, Chaz knew and he wasn't going to tolerate this being a continuous thing of hers. And though he was mad, he really didn't desire to fire her at all. He saw something in her. A great sparkle within her.. 

"Are you gonna' tell me what's going on with you, mama? Cause I'll be fine either way. It's you, you need to be worried for. Your career is in the palm of my hands, and as of now you're fiddling with it. This isn't a game."

Evelyn's nose scrunches as she grows disgusted by his choice of words. As nice as he could be, he could also be meaner and she knew she messed up, though he was being flat out mean and entitled. 

Coming of age, this wasn't the Chaz she dreamed of, and now that he was here in her face she didn't like what she was hearing from the man who was and is still her fantasy..

From the second he welcomed her into his world and lifestyle, she could obviously see the people he had around him and fans in general placed him on a pedestal higher than space. There was no wonder why he was so ill-bred and believed the world owed him something. 

Everyone being yes men and women was the problem and as of now she didn't want to be a part of the problem, so she wasn't going to tell him about the demise of her and Lakeith's relationship. Even if she did, she knew he would be more than happy because he had feelings for her before they even crossed paths. 

Telling him would only give him satisfaction. Satisfaction she wasn't ready to give. "I know I screwed up, but you're being really mean. What I was going through is really personal to me and with all due respect, I would rather not tell you. All I can say is, I will never do it again and I apologize. If that isn't enough then I understand your decision. So if you're going to fire me, do it now so I can be on the first thing smoking."

Chaz blandly looks at the fiery yet timid young woman who was standing in front of him in all of her elegance..

Evelyn then gulps and tries to remain her ground, she has no idea what the man was thinking, but she thinks he actually liked and respected that she was probably the only woman who truly stood up to him and checked him for his disagreeableness . And she was veracious. "I like you. Actually I love you Evelyn. I'll give you another chance.-" 

"Oh I love you too. Thank you so much." She cuts him off, holding onto him as if she were a child.

She was sure the kind of love he was speaking of, wasn't as a friend, but she was trying to suppress the urge to look at him as a romantic equal because in a sense she didn't want to betray Lakeith. In her mind once he came back and told her he got his family together, they would be able to resume back like they never departed. He was her first love, and was overall a good boyfriend, so she had hope for their reconciliation. 

"You're welcome. You do have to do some more hours of rehearsal though with Shayne and the other women. I have to be able to trust and depend on you."

She eagerly nods, "No problem."

Being Marlena's sister instantly made him trust and fall in love with her, especially since they shared a history and were still close to a degree. Though with her failing to be on her a game for a few seconds, made her destroy his full trust in her. 

So she understood that she had to work her way back up with him business wise. She didn't mind having to do extra rehearsal anyway.. dancing all of  the time and strenuous rehearsals is what keeps her God given figure in shape. Along with his no-nonsense diet as well. "Good. Glad we're on the same page."

She then nods, moves from him and proceeds to open the balcony door before he calls for her. "Surely you're not going back to your room already... Hang with me babycakes." 

Babycakes? Oh no he does want dealings with her besides business. Evelyn thinks. 

Not that she wasn't aware by all of the meaningful words he penned for her, but it was surprising because he had Michelle in the room and what in the world was he going to tell her?

Thus, she didn't know how he was going to diffuse an angry Michelle, but it wasn't her problem.. "I was, but I don't mind hanging with you." She says.

"Good. I won't take long getting dressed. Wait outside the room for me will you dear?"

She smiles and nods before doing as advised, taking Shayne along with her.

Once Chaz walks back inside the room, Michelle turns her lips up in repugnance. "Dear? Babycakes? You've never called me any of those names before. She seems to be changing up your vocabulary. Where do you think you're going anyway ?"

Chaz rolls his eyes, finally placing on his pull over sweater. He then places on his gold chain before saying, "I'm spending time with her."

"Spend time.. well what do you expect me to do while you're gone? I wanna be with my friend."

"Figure something out Michelle. We can hang another time."

Michelle scoffs. "Yeah if you ever come back."

In the face of his emotional album he dedicated to Evelyn and lust love he obviously has for her, she was hoping this was only him trying to recruit her into a new lover in his harem of women. Mainly because Michelle loved being the main woman and believes she deserves to be his number one woman because she was with him long before he decided he desired a harem of women so he wouldn't  grow ' bored ' as he would always say. 

In all honesty, she despised the damn harem, but despite their purpose being to work for him and as well as sleep with him, their purpose was also to care for Michelle. He made the women revolve around her, so it was really the only thing that was making her become used to him sleeping with other women besides herself. 

Though of course this new woman ruins everything. Including her romantic relationship with him.

Chaz wanted the world to know and wasn't ashamed of being a sappy man who was in love. She found this odd of him and found herself angry because of all the years they've been together he had never penned a song for her. 

They were both musicians, sang together privately and wrote many songs together for his albums, though never for each other. This was weird to her then, though now she knows she just wasn't the woman who rose up that kind of drive in him.

Candidly it was what it was to her. Chaz had his eyes fixated on a new woman, and there was nothing she could do to stop this if he desired to marry her. 

Although.. she does have hope they would never really marry. She believes if they were to ever spark a real relationship, their massive age difference would do them in. 

Evelyn was barely twenty two and Chaz was forty three. And in a relationship with such a pairing, had very slim chances of succeeding without the man trying to be domineering like Chaz already artlessly was..

And since Evelyn was so young, it was obvious she was only the puppet and Chaz pulled the strings. So as of now, she could care less.. Their relationship is already doomed from the start..

When he finishes grooming himself Michele says.. "At least tell me you'll be with me for my birthday ? You never miss my birthday's." 

"And I won't miss it this time." Chaz replies like the smart aleck he is..

Subsequently, Shayne tries to pull Evelyn away from Chaz's room door. "Shayne, you're crazy. He told me to wait here. You can leave."

"Do you really wanna be a new member of his harem? He will never fully be yours.-"

"He's not trying to make me a new member of his harem, Shayne."

"Maybe not, but either way you're playing with fire. I'll see you at rehearsals then.." She says before hugging Evelyn and going back to her room.

Evelyn shrugs her shoulders and curiously looks around. She may have been playing with fire, but there was nothing more she wanted than to spend the remainder of her day with Chaz Brown. 

Plus they were friends, though then again... how could she be friends with a man who has professed his love to her through music ? There was no coming from such a thing. 

There would be no such thing as friends between them. She was fooling herself, but for now she didn't think she minded being a fool.

Once he ultimately comes back for her, they leave in his simple black truck. He had a limo, but he didn't want to draw attention if they were to ride in a limo, so they travel in simplicity as his driver smoothly rides down the streets. "So where are we going ? " She asks, curious since his driver already seems to know where he was going. 

"My favorite river. Of course we're gonna need to stop at a few places though." 

She nods and doesn't bother to ask any forthcoming questions...

They were still in London and he seems to have been here more than once so she allows him to point out the small things, things he loved about London, and things he didn't like. They both were having a good time all the way until the driver stops at what seems to be a high class designer store. 

She had no idea as to why he desired to shop before going to a river, though she wasn't complaining. She loved free things.

Especially because before she met Chaz, she wasn't exactly chic and up to date with all the designer things. She was fine with her favorite online stores or sometimes even thrift stores. 

Though with Chaz, he changed her whole style. He schooled her on smells, purses and the quality of clothing. As well as the preciseness of jewelry, and shoes.

Unfortunately though, if Chaz didn't have someone ferry the things he and Evelyn needed, they would have to rush because they would go in the store by themselves and then always ended up taking his whole fan base with him by the time they wanted to leave. So whenever they would publicly shop, they would have to grab what they found a liking for, hand everything to his driver/ bodyguards so they could pay for it ( with his money of course ) and run back into the car and wait for them to come back with their things.

Sure this sounded tiring and annoying, though it was fun and surprisingly made them bond more. Which was exactly what they were doing now and quickly made their way back into the truck as his sparky fans harmlessly bang on the windows.

Once his driver comes back, and eventually makes his fans move from around the car, they get seafood. "Thank you." She says since he paid for everything. 

"Don't thank me now. Thank me when we make it to the river."

When Chaz and Evelyn arrive, they weren't followed by fans so everything was very quiet..

Small whispers of compliments were heard though from some of the inside workers as they walk in through the entry way of the building. They both could've gone straight to the river if they wanted to but Chaz wanted to make sure he and Evelyn were able to have absolute privacy. "I want full privacy so I want the cameras by the river turned off and let no one in after us." Chaz demands, to a woman behind the main desk. 

The woman only gullibly stares with her mouth slightly agape..

Chaz blandly stares back at her before sighing and saying.. "I' can pay.-"

"No no no. You're okay. I was just in shock, I'm sorry. Consider it done." The woman babbles, typing a few things on her computer and shutting off every single camera.

Chaz nods in an approval and thanks the woman..

"You're welcome. C- can I have an autograph? I really wanted to go to your show but these shifts are so long.. so this will be an honor." She respectfully asks, speedily whipping out a marker and a photograph of Chaz and Evelyn that they took for promotional reasons a month back.

"Sure." Chaz replies, grabbing the photograph and marker before skillfully penning his autograph.

"You too.. please. When I see you both of you on pictures together, I see the meaning of love. This would really be an honor if you sign too." The woman adds, looking at Evelyn.

Evelyn's eyebrow rises in shock. Even though she was on the photograph she didn't think she was important to his fans..

There was no surprise the women who work for Chaz end up becoming shadow acts behind him because the world only cares for Chaz and she thought she would only be deemed as another woman he was playing with by the public, so she was glad she had fans as well, and wasn't fully in his shadow.

As soon as Evelyn signs her photograph, they both walk through the back doors and find a nice place to sit..

She could see why this was his favorite river, but he wasn't making their quality time enjoyable when he kept looking at the cameras every five seconds. "Chaz.. the woman turned off all of the cameras. No one's here and no one is watching, but if it makes you feel better let's move behind the trees. There's no camera over there."

Chaz quickly nods and nearly gives her whiplash when he grabs her hand to follow him. Over time she's noticed Chaz was a really paranoid man but she never pegged him for it because it was understandable. He was a billionaire for god sakes, he would always feel watched...

Once they find another comfortable spot near the plentiful trees, he finally relaxes and opens their bags of food for them both. As they eat, Strange Things (Stayed On My Mind) by Galaxy environs the atmosphere..

"They play music here?" Evelyn asks.

Chaz nods. "It's a pretty romantic river, mainly for couples so they're always playing good music."

Evelyn nods in understanding...

"You know I like this whole friend thing we've been doing." Chaz admits.

"Me too. Who would've thought you could actually be friends.. with a girl." Evelyn joshes.

Chaz chuckles.. "Yeah you're right I never thought I'd see the day but I've been good with you. I can handle it. I've been handling it actually.."

"I feel a ' but ' coming on..."

"But I also think it's time for the loving by now so come on and let's dance."

Evelyn shakes her head, giving him a look of uncertainty. "Chaz.." She says before he stands and gently pulls her up by her hands anyway.

Evelyn wants to pull back from him because she feels as if she already knows where this was going to go, but they did love dancing with each other. Dancing was one of the many ways they bonded so she had no problem intensifying the bond as long as he didn't confuse her with his woos.

As they move with one another, they master slow dancing to the music. They move like water the entire time and once Chaz spins her around and dips her, he didn't pull her back up.. they only stare at each other for what seems like forever..

Evelyn knows she said she wouldn't allow Chaz to woo her, but it seems as if they were both floating. Nearly as if they weren't even on earth's ground, they were on a different level. Chaz and Evelyn were above it all and they had no control of what's come over them.

When Chaz smoothly guides her back up and her feet leave the ground, he swimmingly leans in and kisses her like his inamorata. Their lips leave one another's after a minute and they finally sit back down and remain in a peaceful silence before Chaz speaks.. "So does this.. does this make it set in stone ?"

"Make what set in stone ?"

"How I feel for you." Chaz responds, reaching out to touch her leg..

She smacks his hand down.. "Don't touch me."

"Look.. okay if you don't want me to touch you anymore then I won't touch you.-"

"Then don't."

"What the hell is your problem? I bring you out here.. finally get your emotions to about 80% then you just fall back down to zero. You're so damn hot and cold. What's it gonna take?"

"For you to get a reality check." 

Chaz has a don't you wanna be my new marionette ? mentality. Candidly speaking who wouldn't if they were fine with everything that surrounds him on a daily basis. Chaz was all the way there and has an undeniable Moses effect. But.. she wasn't going to boost his ego so easily. She plans to give him a hard time since no one ever seemed to do so..

"What the hell do you mean by that ?"

"Your entitlement. I- I want you Chaz. I want you bad.. but me giving myself to you is only gonna be an ego booster for you so I'm telling you now I don't want you because you're paying for everything or because you're my boss, I want you only because I want you. So don't think I have to give myself to you just because of who you are. I admire you Chaz, I really do but get that thought out of your head or we're never going to move forward. We'll be nowhere."

"That thought has never been in my head-"

"Yes it has because if it wasn't you wouldn't have put an end to me and Marcelo."

Chaz usually only had women around him because they were a part of his musical process somehow, but occasionally he did have men around for tour and one of them was Marcelo. He was Chaz's occasional organ player and one day during rehearsals, Marcelo and Evelyn decided to causally date since they really liked each other.

Marcelo was really nice and Evelyn was a very fresh woman so they just clicked. They weren't falling in love or anything but one day Marcelo quit talking to her and didn't even look at her if he didn't have to.

Evelyn was puzzled for weeks.. wondering what she had done wrong before she overheard Chaz's women speaking to each other and saying Chaz had a man to man talk with Marcelo and basically told him Evelyn was his.

From that moment on Evelyn never mentioned anything about it ever again, but if she and Chaz were going to be together, she had to. This was unacceptable to her... "I don't think I was wrong. I mean what were you doing with the man anyway?"

Evelyn's eyes roll.. "All we ever did was kiss each other's cheeks and eat pancakes. You looked way too deep into it.. everybody loves pancakes, I make them for you all the time-"

"I'm not fucking kidding Evelyn. What I asked you isn't a joke.. what was he to you?"

"Well because of you, nothing now. I mean honestly I'm not boohooing.. I didn't love the man but my point is I'm not just some edible in the refrigerator that you can just hang a label on and say ' Chaz's property don't touch '. I don't belong to you."

"I want you too though."

"Well that's not how you get me in your web."

"Don't you think I'm trying? What I wrote for you isn't fictional, every song I wrote is me talking to you. I'm always talking to you and I always try to get you to talk to me about how we feel dancing together. Don't you like how it feels? You never wanna talk about that-"

"Because of the way you are and the way you do things. I love dancing by your side but I'm not going to invest myself in you when you don't have your shit together. I'm not wrong for not wanting to be with a man who doesn't have it together. That's not illegal-"

"I have my shit together.-"

"Having all the luxuries in the world does not mean you have your shit together."

Chaz blandly seeps his brown orbs into her face before saying.. "You got the damn yellow brick road to heaven or something? I feel like you judging me."

"I'm not judging you. I'm only saying I'm a woman of monogamy and you like polygamy. If we were to get involved now I would have to constantly tell you to get your shit together because you would be so used to being with as many women as you desire. I don't have time for that and I'm not gonna blame you, nor am I sad about the way you operate. It's your preference so why should I cry about it?.. let's just remain friends and  be professional in our business. You're not serious enough for me Chaz."

"So what are you saying?"

"I don't think you can be with only one woman and that's fine Chaz. Truly."

"Yes I can. It's you. I admit I never thought I could and I was always asking God to give me a woman who would be more than enough to me and God answered me Evelyn. The answer is you. So how you feel being my wife?" Chaz seriously says, scooting closer to her and pulling out a royal blue box. 

Evelyn's eyes marginally widen as he reveals a diamond ring.. He then adds.. "I want you for my wife Evelyn. The second I saw your face I knew you were going to be my wife. Say yes and I promise I'll fix everything you have a problem with. And I know it won't be fixed as fast as you may want it to but remember their time is limited, I promise you.. Anything you want from me I'll do it for you. I'll do anything for you.. don't think I won't. And about the whole Michelle thing-" 

"You don't have to explain.. you were with the woman since forever. Am I seriously gonna act like you never sleep with her? I'd be fooling myself. Besides.. all of that was before you asked for my hand." 

Even though Evelyn desires monogamy, she was still greatly accepting of his bachelor lifestyle because all of this was before her and although there were many women around, he makes her feel like the only woman in the world. So she was fine with all the women remaining around for a while longer. 

These were women who were around him for years , and he loved in his own way. Ridding of them wasn't going to be as easy as many think. Consequently, she understood. He likes their presence and how well they do their jobs. 

So as long as he holds up his end of the bargain, she was going to be as quiet as a mouse. Chaz gave her a ring. None of them got this far so she wasn't going to nag him away from her. 

She knows how to make Chaz keep her around and nagging wasn't one of them if it wasn't necessary.. She was going to marry Chaz Brown. 

There wasn't much to complain about in this position... 

Chaz looks down.. "Yeah.. so I know all of this may sound crazy with all the things going on around me. We've only been around each other for two months." 

"No it doesn't sound crazy. Two months of practicing together, talking, hanging out, going to all these events and promo things.. is pretty long when its everyday. I live with you Chaz. Believe me it's been long enough." 


Evelyn bites her bottom lip.. "Okay.. I'll tell you what.. I love you Chaz, I always have. So I'll marry you, but in the meantime, I don't want you coming onto me sexually. I have a strong belief in celibacy.. if you can't handle that, tell me now. So we can save us both the trouble.-" 

"I can handle it. As far as I'm concerned all the women are to me now are employees. I don't need sex. Besides, all I wanna do with you is kiss you and hold your hand anyway."

Evelyn observes him for a few seconds before her lips curl into an alluring smile.. "Okay."

Chaz has never been a giddy man but once Evelyn accepted his proposal, he quickly became one in that moment when he tries to quickly slide the mega ring on her finger. 

Evelyn immediately stops him and stands up.. "You have to kneel." 

Chaz looks around dumbfounded..

Evelyn explains.. "When you ask a woman for her hand in marriage.. you have to kneel before the woman." 

Chaz nods and mumbles an ' oh ' before kneeling and grabbing her hand.. "Will you marry me honey?"  

"Yes..." She quickly responds. 

As much as she wants to say this was awkward, it wasn't. She found this amazingly beautiful. 

He obviously never had to surrender to a woman before or fully give himself to a woman. She can easily tell because his eyes glimmered with freshness and love, almost as if now that he's given all himself to a woman, he could die happily now that he did. This was a tear shedding moment to experience with him.. 

The ring fits perfectly. Evelyn thinks once he easily slips the ring on her finger and she plops back down on her bottom.

When Chaz pulled out a ring she was surprised, but then again she knows it was coming. His additional stylists were always asking her ring size and when she asked them why, they would say.. so they could incorporate one to be in tune with all of her outfits, though Evelyn always knew it was really Chaz asking..

Evelyn really should've known when they did the album cover together. He was giving her clues all along. Especially when he had those children dress like them and surround them for the cover.

The children were supposed to be a symbolization of Chaz and Evelyn.. meaning marriage and a bunch of children he desired with her. Chaz was passionate about Evelyn from the beginning.. it wasn't fabricated and it was probably the main reason why Evelyn was going against many of the things she said she would never do.

One being.. betraying Lakeith. Though two months flew by and her eyes did begin to wander..

She wasn't downplaying the love she shared with Lakeith but Chaz's love felt different and more real to her. Plus their relationship was shortly lived.. premature so it wasn't hard for her to move on from him so quickly. 

As for Michelle, she didn't really think she owed her anything after all. So if Chaz said their time was limited, she believed him.

She was high on their magical experience of love and so was Chaz...

Chaz never had a woman like Evelyn. She was naïve which was understandable for a woman her age, but she was real and didn't backpedal on her opinions when she voiced them. 

He's always had brownnosers' around him, Michelle included. No one would be real with him because they didn't want to be without him, even if he treated them poorly because in their mind, he was good to them and would rather live a life with him in lieu of living a life of being without him.

Brownnosers' were cool to have around for a while if he didn't want to hear the truth, but eventually he got bored with this and was slowly turning crazy..

However, lo and behold came Evelyn.. who kept him on the ground despite how much she admired him, and he respected her as a woman for keeping him in line. He was convinced he and Evelyn were going to be forever... 

In Chaz's mind, Evelyn has many qualities to her that made her one up Michelle.. 

Michelle was too monotone for him and has been this way since they became lovers. Evelyn didn't talk much but when he could get her to speak, she was bubbly and expressive. 

Evelyn was also adventurous , something Michelle lacked since she was a homebody and barely wanted to go anywhere when they didn't have to work. Though with Evelyn.. if Chaz would ever ask her to start incorporating something as bizarre as stage diving into her sets, she would. She'd probably even go shark diving with him if he asked her..

She wasn't afraid to do crazy things with him. Sometimes Chaz and Evelyn even wrestled one another. That was how playful they are. 

Chaz and Evelyn have a romantic flame, though could also be buddies as well. This was a good balance for him and he loved that she wasn't always breathing down his neck. 

Whenever Chaz longed for her, he has to chase her, never the other way around. He always used to have nightmares of women chasing him down, clamoring him to give them matrimony and since Evelyn physically came around, he didn't have anymore bad dreams. 

In the fullness of time he began chasing after the woman.. Evelyn. She was a breath of fresh air. 

"Can I?" Chaz suavely asks, referring to permission to kiss her this time.

"Don't ask.. just do it."

Chaz moves closer to her, laying her down before kissing her full lips...

As Evelyn wraps her arms around his broad back, they continue to kiss.. kiss and... kiss. 

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