fuckboy 〄 stony

By parkeraf

277 7 0

a high school stony fanfiction where tony and steve both are popular as hell, yet mutually hate the other's g... More



124 5 0
By parkeraf

waking up to the hundreds of messages, gifts and letters that had been carefully planned by every single one of tony's family members and friends was not enough for him.

he needed something else. as much as he appreciated the warm feeling of being loved by everybody, there was something that he liked much more and it was being in the spotlight. what's a better way to be in the spotlight than being the most popular boy in school and throwing a birthday party at your house (that could much exactly be described as a mansion)?

those were his plans for the day and judging from the start, he would for sure get what he wanted, although life is a bigger believer for things ending wrong when they start just right.


the popular midtown high school was even more beautiful in may, at least from tony's perspective. 

spring brought some sort of nostalgic feeling to him, the smooth feeling of sun rays on his skin, how flowers bloomed in his backyard and the way it felt to have a small portion of summer back. he was enchanted by the season change, but his birthday was even better.

walking into the school was something he did every day, he would have everyone staring at him and kindly saying hi and wishing him a nice day, girls would give him a lovey dovey look and proceed to whisper in their friend's ear while still smiling at him. all of this would make tony's ego rise humongously, but that day it was even better (or worse), since he was turning 17, and everybody knew.

his locker was filled with post-it notes, chocolates, gifts and phone numbers written down with sharpies. when tony took a step closer and opened his locker all the letters just flew down, in response he softly smiled and tried to collect them as humbly as he could.

but what tony didn't know was that not everybody had wished him a happy birthday, although it seemed surreal taking the scene into account. there was somebody that refused to death. that somebody was steve rogers.

the tall blonde disliked tony. they had known eachother since they were children, but they would never interact anymore. 

steve's teammates would describe their captain's hatred for tony as ''he just dislikes him. none of us really knows why, he just does.'', and tony's friends would describe it more as a ''mutual disgust. never really seen them talk.''

part of it was right, you'd never see them interact. sometimes they would look at each other unintentionally, but they'd quickly look the other way and just ignore it. bump in the hallway? nevermind. mentioned in the conversation? ignore. came to your football game? no fucks given. 

the real reason behind all of this was how different they were. tony was overall egocentric. he liked himself, he loved himself, he liked all the attention surrounding him. tony was the hot guy in school, the guy every girl liked, the guy that guys loved partying with, he was everything in that sense, but steve was nothing like that. despite his popularity, steve was so humble and kind, it seemed surreal to even teachers, how such a handsome boy could be so smart and so nice. well, tony was smart aswell, even smarter but he was a teen and while he acted like the world was on his feet, steve had been down to earth all along.

that's why they hated eachother.

that's why they couldn't stand eachother.

and that's why tony didn't expect steve to show up to his party,

but he did.

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