FreeTheLGBT Guidebook

By FreeTheLGBT

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This guide explains all the features you will find on the FreeTheLGBT profile. You can also consult our FAQs... More

All About FreeTheLGBT
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Reading List Submission Guidelines
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FAQs and Wattpad Links
Profile Etiquette aka How to Have Fun on Wattpad

Who are We?

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By FreeTheLGBT

#FreeTheLGBT supports and promotes LGBT+ themes in published and unpublished literature. This movement involves having LGBT+ characters in any capacity in any story on Wattpad. This includes main, supporting, and recurring characters who are protagonists, antagonists, or any in-between.

Does it look like your cup of coffee? You are at the right place then, do read on.


FreeTheLGBT Specifics

FreeTheLGBT Guidebook

Find the basic profile information in this book. You are here now!

FreeTheLGBT: Contest & Prompts

Join our latest contests here!

FreeTheLGBT: Engagement Months

We host our engagement months in this corner of the profile. 

FreeTheLGBT: Anthology

The winning entries from our contests and challenges are added here! 

Want to FreeTheLGBTify your works?

Download FreeTheLGBT sticker HERE.

Download the top sash HERE.

Download the bottom sash HERE.

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