Mind Over Matter [BNHA OC]


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In a world where eighty percent of the population are endowed with some sort of uncanny ability, and war betw... More

Brothers No More
To Be A Hero
Uncle Soichiro
Need For Speed
Two Heroes
Three Scientists
Run Alone

Hiroto Raizen : Origin

440 13 12

Hiro's skateboard had become one of the greatest annoyances of the local passerby. He insisted on performing unnecessarily dangerous tricks everywhere he went, whether he succeeded or not, and managed to be irritatingly loud while doing as such. The fourteen year old gathered speed, pushing himself faster along the pavement with each jerk of his leg - along the side of reaching skyscrapers, and otherwise concealed back alleys, ensuring that any dustbins in his path were pushed over without mercy.

The curses that would ensue as a result only brought a smile to Hiro's features, as he curved his way around to the entrance of the school he attended. The boy fancied himself a daredevil, and anyone who tried to convince him otherwise spoke upon deaf ears. A nuisance by nature, the staff at Hiro's school found every reason to expel him from their institution, but they could never really succeed in such an endeavour - for the only thing he excelled at more than annoying his peers was his academics. 

The teen kicked up the board, sliding it between the strap attached to his backpack and placing his hands inside the pockets of his school uniform. Hiro remembered the day like no other, the image having a special place within his heart. A doctor had spoken to him that afternoon, when he was only four years of age, and delivered verdicts that would have determined the course his life would take.

He's Quirkless.

Hiro's eyes found rest upon the school gates, only for his focus to snap to the light buzz he felt at his side. He slid out his smartphone, cracking a soft smile at the sight of whose picture flashed on the screen. He too was declared powerless before a medical practitioner, and so in him Hiro had found a friend he could relate to - and later, a brother he could depend upon when times were rough. The dark haired boy pressed the reciever to his ear, leaning against the wall and keeping an eye out for any pesky teachers that may come his way.

"Green Falcon, do you copy?" he spoke, grin spreading out across his features. "You're late again, asshole."

"You promised not to call me that anymore, Hiro," came a softer voice at the other end of the line, one that was clearly tired from running. "I sent you a picture a minute ago. You saw, didn't you? That fight between Kamui Woods and the giant villain downtown?"

"Sure did, pal. As fun as all that looked, you should start leggin' it to school already. Unless of course, you enjoy having Mister Suzuki on your ass all the time."

"If you were there, you wouldn't have missed it either. A new heroine showed up and practically stole the spotlight away from him. I'll tell you the whole story when I get to Aldera. M'already on the train."

"Yada yada. Just get here in time, will ya? Wouldn't wanna tarnish the golden boy's rep, now would we 'Zuku?" Hiro questioned, coming off the wall, and making his way towards the entrance of the main building. Both he and Izuku were made victims by the society they were born into, but they dealt with their struggles in completely different ways. Izuku was quiet and observant, preferring to spend his time studying ; working in solitude to close the gap between himself and his peers. Hiro had a genius intellect, but refused to let stereotypes associated with that or his lack of a definable Quirk constrain him. The two just .. clicked.

"I guess not. I'll see you there, Hiro."

Another click and the mobile was stowed away in the pocket of it's owner, who entered the doors of the school with gusto. Hiro began to walk through the halls of the main building, stopping at times to remember both the torture and reward he'd experienced within it's classrooms. Aldera High wasn't special by anyone's standards, but what was significant were the aspirations its students had for the future. Pinned to a message board to the teen's right was a newspaper segment, one which depicted a memorably muscular figure sporting an enthusiastic grin.


Hiro rolled his eyes. The work that All Might had done couldn't be denied by the most cynical spectators, and his strength could not once be brought into question; but the dark haired boy couldn't feel anything but an aversion to the Symbol of Peace. He couldn't put a finger on it, but to him it seemed like his musclebound glory was nothing more than a facade hiding something far more complex. And all the attempts he'd made to biologically explain the man's Quirk had all come to absolutely nothing.

Hiro hated the idea of not being able to understand what made a person strong, as well as what made them weak. When told that he would never develop a Quirk, he'd asked many questions to the uncle who raised him, while simultaneously carrying out research of his own. This inquistiveness combined with natural genius earned him more than desirable grades, and soon Hiro had been offered places in the best schools around the area in which he lived. The teen's thoughts were disrupted when an empty soda can bounced off the side of his head,

"Well would you look at that? Quirkless wannabe number two decided to show his ugly face today."

Hiro's expression soured, and he spun on his heel to face it's source. Standing with hands in his pockets, backed up by two other malicious students was Katsuki Bakugo - the school's pride, and the bane of its student body. His sharp features and spiked blonde locks was one of the pet peeves of the dark haired boy, and he hadn't grown any nicer looking over their time spent in the school.

"Hey, sunshine. If you came lookin' for lunch money, there isn't much I can do for ya." answered Hiro, allowing his shoulders to drop. Burning orbs of crimson locked his sapphire ones, and the teen watched as a rather sadistic grin spread out over the features of the other.

"Are you kidding? You barely have enough to get through this shitty place," the ash blonde snarled, as the others let out snickers. "Where's the other loser? Don't tell me he's out stalking pros again."

" It's called studying, asshole," Hiro said. "Maybe your head's so far up your ass you can't realize, but some of us have to put in work to get where we want."

"You really like running your mouth a lot, don't you? I should probably just blow the damn thing off already." Katsuki glowered, tone taking on a dangerous air. Hiro saw the palm of his hands sparking with flame, as once again the ash blonde used the irritatingly powerful Quirk he had to get one up on him. 

"C'mon Katsuki, we're wasting our time with this chump. Hand over the ticket so we can split."

"You should shut it real fast,"  answered the spiky haired male, not for one second taking an eye off Hiro. "It's startin' to sound like you're trying to tell me what to do."

"A gift? You shouldn't have." Hiro spoke, allowing a teasing smile to creep on to his features. Katsuki had been reminded of something by one of his cronies, and he would hesitantly withdraw from who he considered his victim in order to pull out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket.

"Science fair prize, shitstain," he grunted, shoving it against Hiro's chest and shouldering him aside. "Tickets to some nerd parade. Sounds like the perfect place for a Quirkless loser like you - end up crunching numbers when I become the top hero."

The ash blonde and his two companions moved past the dark haired boy, eyeing him with a sort of cruel disgust. It wasn't anything new to Hiro, but he hated it all the same. Just like him, Katsuki was a prodigy - but his talent extended to all areas, whether it was academic or physical. His Quirk allowed him to secrete and project nitroglycerin from the very pores of his skin, effectively making his hands reusable bombs. It had everything - raw power, mobility, and no exploitable weakness. Hiro should know. He and Izuku had spent hours on end analyzing it as best they could. 

"Thanks a bunch, dickhead!" 

"Watch your six, four eyes. You and that damn Deku."

Hiro breathed a sigh, attention now on the tickets he'd been given. His face lit up, and he squeezed them tightly between his fingers. These were no ordinary pieces of paper. These were VIP passes to a public unveiling of the one and only Hisato Takahashi's  greatest creation to date. Everyone who knew Hiro knew that he'd developed an obssession with the wealthy scientist, who'd long since established himself as a pioneer in modern physics and chemistry - and had founded an entire company based on these principles. To Hiro, Hisato was one of the world's truest heroes - who advanced the world in meaningful ways, that didn't involve pounding those considered criminals into the dirt.

"This. Is. Awesome."

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