Hot Love

By guardian_ace1

18.4K 920 802

Shen Wei a young man with a mind of an old strict guy. He have five siblings including his twins. At a young... More

Taming Shen Wei
Is It A Dream
Something Happened
In The Club
His Secret
Forget Everything
The Forgotten Past
Missing Piece
Fighting What Is Mine
Finding Out
I Won't Let Go
When Mom Said Yes
Loosing Yunlan
Breaking Your Heart
Busy Day
Don't Touch My Man
Knowing The Truth
Houyi's Curse Or Magic
Never Ending Happiness

Break up

889 47 58
By guardian_ace1

      In a minute as Yunlan borrowed Shen Wei's clothes. "Thanks for the clothes! I'll be leaving now!" But as he was about to step outside.

    Shen Wei grip his arms, "Your not leaving! You have an explanation to tell me! Why your in my bed!" But suddenly Shen Wei remembered his siblings are still there and looking at them.

    "Lin Jing and Guo! Go back to our room! Let no one knows about this!" He ordered them. But suddenly, "Is Yunlan your boyfriend Gege?" Ask Guo. "Go home!" He shout making them run back to their room.

    When both of them are alone Shen Wei strict voice became mellow.  "Yunlan....why won't you tell me?" As he hugged Yunlan. "Xiao Wei? I shouldn't involve you with this? Maybe our relationship is not meant to be! But everytime I watched you when your working I can feel your lonely as I am. And everytime you smile at your siblings. I don't know but I want that smile directed to me too." As he look to Shen Wei's  beautiful, almond, dark  eyes.

    "Then don't break up with me?! I'll always smile for you! And only you!" As he tightly hold Yunlan's both shoulder. Yunlan can't look at him. "Please Xiao Wei let go of me! I need to go back at work. But Shen Wei tightly hold him back. "No! I won't! Your my first! Boyfriend! I won't let you go!" Yunlan have no choice but to be with Shen Wei this day. "Chu will be furious this day?" Said Yunlan to himself.

    In the bar, Chu was waiting for Yunlan to came but he never appeared. "That trouble maker! He fell for that human! Stupid! I told him not too! He will become someone I don't want to mention!" Suddenly one of his men came. "Sir! Do you want us to drag Yunlan here?" Cong Bo ask. Chu nod, "Do it quickly before the time might run out! Hurry!" As Cong Bo spread his wings and fly away.

    While in Shen Wei's office room. Yunlan is having a lovely time with Shen Wei. After the crying and confession of Shen Wei's feelings for him, he fell asleep in his arms.
Yunlan was caressing Shen Wei's face while taking off his glasses and kiss him softly.

    "If we can only stop time, I will always be beside you. Never leaving your side." Whispered Yunlan as his kiss him on the lips. That made Shen Wei fluttered his eyes open making Yunlan hitch his breath. Everytime Shen Wei looked at him like that he can't help himself to fall for the older man.

    "Stop looking at me like that! I might eat you alive!" Yunlan tease. "I don't care! Just as long you won't leave me!" As he started to cry again. "Xiao Wei! I promise to you! I won't leave!" While wiping his tears with Yunlan kiss. " taste delicious!" As Yunlan lick his lips.

    That made Shen Wei red." Stop! Teasing me!" But Yunlan suddenly captured his lips as he deepen it, Shen Wei almost melt to his hold as he let Yunlan devoured his lips completely. While his hands roam inside his shirt making him moan. As Shen Wei wrapped his arms around him. Yunlan didn't notice his claw is growing. And sucking Shen Wei life force. Until a dagger graze his cheek. As he break the kiss, he hiss suddenly and look back who have done that. Forgetting Shen Wei is with him.

    Shen Wei was a little bit dizzy but shocked seeing Yunlan have claws and his cat ears and tails come back. And the surprise thing he saw a man with huge wings. "Yunlan! Our manager is calling you back!" He shout. Yunlan suddenly realize his mistake. As he looked back to Shen Wei with a horror plastered on his face.

   "Don't look at me Xiao Wei!" As he cover his face and back away. That made Cong Bo have a chance to pick Yunlan up as he tightly hold to Yunlan's back and flew away with him.

    Shen Wei scream as he realized Cong Bo took his love away from him. As he ran to reach for Yunlan. That made his other brothers alert on what's happening. "Gege! What's going on?!" Ask Lin Jing and Guo.

    But he ignored them and ran toward his car and speed toward the bar were Yunlan is working. That time Sang, Da quing and Yezun are coming back home. They suddenly saw their Gege running toward his car and speed away.

    "What's going on?!" Ask Yezun. They're suddenly surprised as their two didis are shouting. "Gege! Yezun! It's Gege his screaming suddenly and ignored us! Is he going crazy?!" Said  Lin Jing.

    "Sh_t! Is he going after him?!" Yezun ask himself. "Lin Jing and Guo go back to our room! We will find Gege don't worry!" As the three went to Yezun's car and drove away.

    "What's happening to Gege?!" Ask Sang. "Is Yunlan breaking up with him?!" Da quing jokingly said. But stopped as he notice his two Gege won't say a word and won't even look at him. "So it's true?! I saw him knocking and shouting at Yunlan's room. But Yunlan won't open the door. Is Gege going crazy for him?!" Ask Da quing.

    "So you notice it too?!" Said Sang. That made Yezun look at them. "Then my hunch is right? Gege is gaying over that young man!" He suddenly pound on the steering wheel. "Stupid Gege! Didn't he thrust us?! If he only told us his true feelings then maybe I have already put a gun on Yunlan's head so he may not escape from gege!" As he chuckled.

    "Stop joking around! Gege Yezun! Our Gege is going crazy over him. It's the first time he have an interest in another person!" Said Sang. "So if Yunlan never want to go back to Gege? We will kidnapped him for our gege?!" Da quing jokingly said. Sang hit him on the shoulder. "No! Didi! Da quing is right?! Weather Yunlan like him or not. We will kidnapped him back for our gege!" As Yezun smirk. "That's not a good joke, Gege! This is serious!" Said Sang.

    Shen Wei on the other hand went to the bar where Yunlan work. The two bouncer wearing a gorilla costumes block his way. "Sorry sir your not welcome here anymore!" Ask he was kick outside. "You think you can stop me!" He shout. Making the people passing by look at him weirdly.


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