Mischief - Book Two of the RP...

By the3deathlyhallows

17.1K 649 330

Rachel Potter's fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is here. The excitement of going ba... More

1. Summer Holidays
2. Quidditch World Cup
3. Deatheaters
4. Secrets Revealed
5. First Day
7. Four Champions
8. Realisation
9. Confrontation
10. The First Task
11. Dancing Lessons
12. Heat in the Cold
13. Potions Don't Bubble, Anger Does
14. Sweet Girl
15. Study Hall
16. Distractions and Temptations
17. Walls and Falls
18. New Enemies
19. Christmas Day
20. A Transformation Occurs
21. The Unexpected
22. January 1st
23. Guilt Tripping
24. The Past is in the Past
25. An Object of Value
26. The Murky Waters of the Black Lake
27. A Dead Man Lay
28. Ticking Time Bomb
29. Brooding Pensieve's
30. Snarky Malarky
31. A Letter for Forgiveness
32. Ignore the Problem
33. Who?
34. Welcome Back
35. Caramel and Honey
36. Preparation
37. Soon
38. Double Date
39. Ruining the Moment
40. Just Before
41. The Final Task
42. Stupefy
43. Snake-Like
44. Goodbye
Disclaimers and Thanks

6. The New Students

613 24 7
By the3deathlyhallows

It had been two weeks since George and Rachel had hatched the plan to make Fred jealous, they had kept it extremely quiet because they didn't want anyone to know. They had done subtle things in front of Fred such as hold hands or hug more, but he didn't say anything.

Most evenings, Rachel would rush to do her homework and then tell her brother/friends she was off for a walk. When they asked where, she simply replied with:

"I'm letting off some steam."

They never enquired further into her regular disappearances in the evening.
Harry nor Fred, both twins of Rachel and George, knew about the two. However, Fred was becoming suspicious and constantly had a look of confusion on his face when he looked at Rachel. Harry was oblivious and that kept Rachel happy. She didn't like hiding secrets from Harry but sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.

Somehow, someway, George and Rachel had snuck down to the Quidditch pitch. It had been a whole year since they had seen it and if they hadn't gone that night, they probably wouldn't see it for another year.

"George? Oh for Merlin's sake George, where the hell have you gone?" Rachel hissed as she squinted, trying to look for George through the darkness. She grabbed her wand and held it out in front of her. "Lumos." She whispered, the darkness quickly evaporated around her.

Yet she still couldn't find him.

"George?" She croaked slightly scared at his vanish.

Two arms grabbed her from around the back and spun her around whilst a laugh emitted into the air; breaking the quiet night. Rachel let out a squeal as she tried to escape the grip of George but caused him to fall over, bringing her with him.

"You arse!" She scoffed, hitting his shoulder as she rolled off him onto the grass.

"You scaredy cat." George teased, poking his tongue out. Rachel jumped up and brushed herself down as she looked around the Quidditch pitch.

"I am many things George Weasley but I am not a coward."

"Too right." George rose his eyebrows as he walked over to her and stood next to Rachel.

She stood there for a moment looking up at the stars and quite happily admired them. George stopped looking at them and turned to face her. He watched her face as her eyes lit up while she recognised the constellations.

"You're staring at me." She whispered to him, not drawing her eyes away from the sky.

"Way to point out the obvious." He whispered back as she stopped looking above her and back to him with a huge smile.

Rachel's smile however was not necessarily happy, there was more to it. Something George recognised too often. He paused and looked at her.

"What are you doing?" He asked as her mischievous face looked up at him.

"Tag!" She yelled before hitting his shoulder and running away as fast as she could.

George took off after her, laughing. The chilly wind whipped at their faces as they ran away from the pitch and towards the Forbidden Forrest. Rachel's hair blew out behind her as she cast a look over her shoulder. She saw George gaining speed right behind her. She squealed slightly and began to run even faster before disappearing behind the trees of the forest. But by then, she was too far in front of George to hear his warning shouts.

Panting heavily, she continued to run onwards. Slowly she came to a standstill and stopped. Inside the labyrinth of trees, Rachel realised she had lost George.

"Oh shit. Oh merlin." She cursed looking around her surroundings in hopes of seeing a George. Rachel had been running for awhile into the woods without realising it. She was too far in.

Grunting and moaning, she began to retrace her steps. Faintly, Rachel could see where she had ran through by the way the leaves had been disturbed or the bushes. But it wasn't really helpful considering a chilly wind swept through, blowing all evidence of her track away.

Meanwhile George stood on the edge of the forest, peeking inside. He slowly tread through, trying to remember the way he was coming. It wasn't like he was on a path or anything so it was especially difficult. The caws, howls and grunts of creatures that lurked in the forest echoed though the air; sending shivers down George's spine.

"Lumos." He pronounced clearly as he drew his wand.

He gently held his wand in front of him and wafted it around the air for him to see clearer. He heard a faint scream of a girl and he took off again. Fearing Rachel had been hurt, he ran faster as the growls of animals got louder and louder. As he ran around a corner, he saw a large wolf bearing it's teeth and growling. George stepped back behind a tree as a rough bark echoed. A snarl replied.

He daren't look but a vicious fight took place behind him. The wolf jumped forward to attack a smaller creature as it pounced back to rip at it's neck. George leant around the tree and watched the battle take place. He could see flashes of orange among the dark fur of the wolf. As soon as he had noticed this, the wolf let out a piercing, painful howl before running off and leaving a small fox curled up onto the floor.

George snapped back around the tree before going towards where he had seen the fox. Instead of it being there, Rachel lay on the floor breathing heavily. He rushed forwards and grabbed her arm to lift up. He balanced her to lean on his shoulder as he rushed the two away from the Forest. By sheer luck he had got both himself and Rachel out. He set her down on the grass and knelt in front of her with a worried face.

"Rachel?" He whispered as she lay with her eyes closed.

"Merlin's beard." Rachel gasped still with her eyelids shut making George laugh a little.

"You alright?" He asked helping her sit up as she opened her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I think so." She said looking at her arms and legs.

"At least I know what your animagus looks like now." George smiled bringing her into a tight hug.

"Pretty cool huh?" Rachel smiled too into his chest before pulling away. "Come on, that's enough for one night."

She pulled George away to the castle, still panting quite heavily. It was not the first time she had transformed, in fact over the summer it had happened twice. She was no longer stunned by the weird sensation of turning into an animal. Yet she hadn't yet perfected it, there was an art to transforming which she hadn't mastered. Although the secret meetings with Sirius helped over the holidays.

"Are you sure you're okay?" George kept repeating himself when they'd got to the empty common room.

"Yes!" She sighed exasperated. "I told you, I'm tough like a dragon."

"Right." George said sarcastically as he padded across the room taking off his jacket as well as Rachel.

She stood on the stairs that led up to the girls dorms as George stood at the bottom. Smiling, she turned around and placed her hands on his shoulders. Even though Rachel was stood on the steps, she was only just the same height as George.

George stood there, admiring her face. He wanted to lean in and kiss her, but he didn't. He knew Rachel didn't like him like that. They were just playing pretend. All to make his brother jealous.

"G'night." She whispered. "We'll try and make him notice tomorrow."

"Night Rachie." He whispered back, a small smile on his face.

Reluctantly she let go of his shoulders and walked up the stairs to her room, wearing the biggest smile. As usual her dorm was completely asleep, the sound of Lavender's and Hermione's snores filled the room. After dressing, she jumped into bed and slipped under the covers.

The next morning was rather chilly as a frost hung around the school grounds. Rachel had once again slept in slightly later than usual and was huffing as she walked down the corridor alone. As she scuffed her shoes across the floor someone pulled her to the side.

"Hey!" She hissed angrily at whoever grabbed her and scoffed when she saw Fred.

It was rather odd this year, for last year she had spent so much time with him whereas Rachel hadn't exactly so far. It was weird because she almost forgot that she wasn't constantly talking to him.

"I have a question for you." Fred simply said ignoring the annoyed face of Rachel.

"Well do hurry up, I'm hungry." She mumbled.

"If you don't answer it, then I reckon you're answering-"

"Fred what do you want?" Rachel groaned, getting sick of his game.

"You're dating George aren't you?" Fred said completely emotionless.

Rachel stared blankly at his face, without saying anything she nodded slowly. His face dropped and he groaned loudly making Rachel pull a disgruntled face.

"Rachel, my brother? Really?" Fred scoffed clutching his face.

"Yes really and I should be saying the same thing." Rachel scowled. "You're all over Angelina."

"Is this a revenge act or something?" Fred rolled his eyes and looked back at her. "Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"No." Rachel lied and then she shook her head. "Thought you said you'd wait for me."

Fred paused a stuck his tongue in his cheek and laughed. "So you are jealous."

"Fred, if you're only going to call me jealous then I'll be leaving, you got your answer." Rachel said before walking away to the great hall but soon realised Fred had fallen into step next to her.

"My brother... Can't believe you're dating a Weasley." Fred smirked down at her but it soon vanished. "Thought it would have been me though."

Rachel said nothing but silently agreed.

They continued to walk together as they arrived in the hall and actually sat together along with the usual gang. Fred, Rachel and Ron sat one side while Harry, Hermione and George sat opposite.

"So what's with you and Angelina then?" Rachel smugly said as she greeted everyone and reached for some toast. Fred chocked slightly on his apple.


"Right." Rachel laughed and smiled at George who was looking at Fred oddly.

Trundling off to charms, Harry began talking with Rachel. He was not interested in Hermione's conversation about house-elf rights with Ron.

"Feels like I haven't properly talked to you in a while." Harry said as they took their seats in the class.

Rachel waved to Aspen who was sat on the other side of the class and turned back to Harry.

"I suppose."

"You're never around." Harry continued to say. "Literally, you disappear every night and then you're barely talking during the day."

"Wow, sorry." Rachel frowned and pulled out her wand for the lesson.

For hours Rachel spent time with Harry after school - as well as Hermione and Ron. She had to agree, she had been spending too much time with George lately. After all, blood is thicker than water. It was surprising how much Rachel missed hanging out with her friends and brother. They meant an awful lot to her so she decided that she'd tell George that maybe every night was a bit much to meet.

The golden four were cooped up on sofas in the common room, laughing their heads off about some nonsense. Rachel had made them play a game called 'two truths one lie'. It was turning out to be the best thing they'd done in a while.

"Okay my turn." Rachel sat up straight and began to think. "Alright, I have over 500 chocolate frog cards, I can't swim very well and I have a dream that I want to be a journalist."

"Well obviously the lie is that you have those chocolate frog cards." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Eh I dunno." Harry looked at Rachel with a concentrated look. "I doubt you want to be a journalist."

"If I'm honest I thought it was the swimming one." Ron pulled a confused face.

"Harry was right." Rachel giggled. "I I can't be bothered to write during lessons then why would I want to be a journalist?"

"I don't know if I am shocked or not surprised you have all those cards." Ron scoffed causing everyone to burst out laughing.


The long awaited date had arrived, it was the day all the schools would be arriving for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were set to arrive at any minute. The Hogwartians stood outside, freezing and quite literally at that. They were wearing their robes and uniform but nothing else to keep them warm.

They were organised into lines as the teachers frantically analysed and inspected the pupils; making sure they looked smart and presentable. Rachel however was drawn to the side by McGonagall. She was being told off for not having the correct uniform.

"But I don't have a hat." Rachel insisted. "If I did have one then I've lost it! I've never worn it Professor."

"You sure it is not in your room?" McGonagall persisted.

"I am definitely sure." Rachel sighed.

McGonagall mumbled under her breath but ushered Rachel back into her place. She tutted slightly at the girl. Rachel Potter, in the eyes of Professor McGonagall, was a loveable rogue; so much like her father people would say. She had a knack for winding people up but she was smart and was a very nice person surprisingly. McGonagall did like Rachel quite a bit and always treated her like a friend rather than a student.

Just as Rachel stood back next to her brother, raising her eyebrows in annoyance, a large carriage came into view. It was a pale blue colour and was driven by many large horses. Everyone ogled and awed at the cart whereas Rachel rolled her eyes and huffed. She recognised the eccentric cart from Beauxbatons and felt someone's eyes on her. She assumed it was Kayla looking for a response so she turned to where she felt eyes on her. But it wasn't Kayla but in fact Draco. He smiled slightly at her, shocking her however she smiled back at him.

She shook her head slightly but still had a smile on her face when she had turned away. After noticing the cart again she frowned. When the cart landed, the doors opened and out emerged the giantess headmistress; Madame Maxime along with her many students, a mix of boys and girls. Rachel rolled her eyes and cringed as the Hogwarts pupils jumped up and down to get a better look at the new students.

The French students of Beauxbatons huddled around the headmistress as she briefly talked with Dumbledore. Nobody was allowed in until Durmstrang had arrived and people were beginning to wonder where they were. The chilly October wind whipped through the students making them pull their robes on tighter as they grumbled about the coldness.

"I cannot believe that is what you wore to school." Harry whispered to Rachel as he eyed the Beauxbatons uniform.

"Now who said anything about me wearing it?" Rachel smirked. "There are several reasons I got kicked out."

Suddenly, in front of the students, the black lake began to bubble slightly as if something was disturbing the water. Rachel noticed this along with the others and stood on her tippy toes to get a better view when surprisingly a ship rose from the water. It looked daunting and intimidating which made Rachel guess that this was Durmstrang.

Again, like Beauxbatons, the students and headmaster climbed out of the ship and looked around nosily at the school. They noticed Dumbledore and walked briskly over towards them when suddenly Ron's eyes widened as he gripped his hand onto Rachel's shoulder.

"Hey!" She hissed removing his hand. "That hurt."

"D-Do you know who that is!" Ron gasped looking back and forth between Harry then Rachel.

"Know who?" Said Harry looking where Ron was to see what the fuss was about.

He was staring at a well built boy that looked 18. His face consisted of dark eyes and furrowed eyebrows, he also looked rather familiar even if he was in his Durmstrang uniform. After looking for a moment, the penny dropped and Rachel realised who it was.

"That's Viktor Krum!" Ron and her said together.


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