Past Comes Back

By allmytomorrows

77.9K 1.3K 172

NCIS:los angeles!! What will happen when Kensi past comes back. Will it bite her in the ass? Or will it be t... More

Past comes back
P2: First Kiss
P3: Miss. Jones
P4: girl and the house
P5: The unspeakable
P6: Settling in
P7: Sparks fly
P8: Love, followers & Zoe
P9: Truth about Toby
P10: Sofia and Jack
P11: The Finding
P12: Trip to the Hospital
P13: The Wait
Authors note
P14: Kensi & sofia talk
P15: Home time
P16: Bigger on the inside
P17: First Real Talk
P18: First Day Back
P19: Talk To Hetty
P20: Did She Say That ?
P21: Test? I Dont Like Tests
P22: New For A While
P23: Little Girls Diary
P24: Fight ? ! ?
P25: The Beach!
P26: Just My Luck
P27: Its Tomorrow, I Forgot
P28: Like Being On TV
Authors Note
P29: Dad Moad Activated
Not A Chapter But Read!
P30: Allways Makes Me Smile
Authors Note
P31: Guys Night Out
P32: Confession & Authors Note
P33: So Cute
P34: Densi Date
P35: Pancakes & Beach
P36: Another Day Another Case
Authors Note
Tell Me About Her
P37: Dead Men Tell No Tails
P38: Bored !
Author's Note
P39: Early Morning Magic

Random One-Shot

606 22 2
By allmytomorrows

Ok so this is just a random one shot thing that my girls (densi family) liked it so i thought i would share it with you... nothing to do with past comes back, just felt like showing you!


   If your reading this it means you’re going through my stuff meaning something bad has happened to me. So as this is probably my last chance I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. All the times you have been there, all the times you have given me confidence with your beautiful smile. Oh how I wish I could make it up to you.

bad You will never understand truly how much you mean to me, you're my other half. I wish I could put how much you mean to me in words, so let's go with you mean more to me than surfing...  so ALOT.  An i'm sorry I'm not there with you anymore,  not there to offer you a hug when you most need it. Not there to watch America's next top Model marathons with, I'm sorry I did that to you. Just know you are the sweetest, most kind, intelligent and beautiful person I know. Please do one thing for me kens, go out there and make a name for yourself. Becuase I believe in you, always have. So please follow your dreams.

And know I didn't leave on purpose as i could never do that to you.

Love you kens

-Deeks x

Don't own any of the charecters !

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