Pokémon Leah's Grand Adventure

By Edgy-Girlboss14

752 22 0

Leah travels to the Kanto region with her best friends Gladion and Lillie, she reunites with Ash Ketchum as s... More

Chapter 1 Alola, Kanto!
Chapter 2 Dread on Arrival!
Chapter 3 The Mysterious Vulpix Siblings!
Chapter 4 Rock This Town!
Chapter 5 The Key To Mending A Broken Family!
Chapter 6 To Mend A Broken Bond!
Chapter 7 An Odd Rivalry
Chapter 8 The Worst Kind of Surprise!
Chapter 9 A New Ally?
Chapter 11 All of Nothing
Chapter 12 A Performance of Realisation!
Chapter 13 A Flaming Encounter!
Chapter 14 Future and Past, Two Different Time Periods
Chapter 15 An Encounter With The Past
Chapter 16 Aiming For the Ice Pup!
Chapter 17 A New Ally and Jailbreak again.
Chapter 18 A Journey Ends, Another Begins!

Chapter 10 That Was Easy?

14 1 0
By Edgy-Girlboss14

Third P.O.V

Our heroes are on a secret mission to rescue Leah's younger siblings, Tim and Iryka.  They are paired in groups of two, Leah and Gladion are in charge of hacking the systems, Lillie and Ash are supposed to find the St-Denavy siblings, and Mat and Megan search around for answers to why they'd want the siblings, Kaima and Kathy, well they decided to be like the nurses incase anyone got hurt, as for the parents, (Lusamine, Lucie and Pascal) well they are backup, they come in if the teenagers and preteens need their help. 

Meanwhile with Leah and Gladion, "Gah! How do you even do this!?" Leah snarled at the computer before smacking it on the floor.  "Well that's one way." Gladion told Leah, trying to hold a laugh. "You know I noticed that your arm is in better shape, maybe now's the time that I get my hoodie back." Leah told Gladion.  Gladion reluctantly gave Leah her hoodie. "Don't tell me you like my good ol' hoodie." Leah told the blond boy bluntly. Gladion blushed slightly. "N-no, it's just uh, just c-comfortable." Gladion stammered, his blush becoming much evident.  "That blush says the contrary, Blondie." Leah told him with that wink that gets him out of his edgy character and into a blushing mess he currently was. Then the man himself, Zanero walked in the room where Leah and Gladion were. "Well well well, if it isn't little miss St-Denavy and her little pest!" The boy snarled.  Leah gasped. "Zanero!" She said. "This isn't you, Zanero, please remember, we're not your enemies, you must snap out of Demorah's influence!" Leah told him, pain was evident in her voice. Zanero's eyes widened as he was hit with utter shock. "L-leah? G-gladion?" He asked. "In the flesh?" Leah said, a bit confused. Zanero gasped, as if he remembered something important.  "You came here for your siblings if I am not mistaken." He said. Leah nodded. "I know where they are, but you have to be vigilant." Zanero told them. And so they were off to find the St-Denavy siblings. 

With Mat and Megan, "Hey Mat, check this out." Megan told Mat looking at a computer that gave all information on the employees, the test subjects, and the leader of the group.  "Looks like their employees are their test subjects and they're all teenagers." Megan told the brown haired boy. "They're all my friends…" Mat stated sadly. He didn't like the idea of leaving his friends behind, but the boy knew he had to, if he didn't wanted to be Mandibuzz food that is.  

With Ash and Lillie, "What are the St-Denavy siblings' names again?" Ash asked for the fifteenth time.  Lillie sighed, knowing it will be a long ride, "Iryka and Tim St-Denavy." She told the ten year old. A boy spoke up, "Hmph, see what we have here, Jayson?" He asked the much shorter boy, whom is named Jayson.  "Arceus, you an idiot Ram? Those are intruders!" Jayson shot back. "No duh!" Ram shot back. Ash and Lillie sweatdropped in annoyance. "Pixie use Swift!" Lillie told the Eevee. The two teenage boys stopped arguing and sent out their Pokémon, a Gogoat and an Impidimp.  "Gogoat use headbutt!" Ram told the goat like Pokémon. "Impidimp, Dark Pulse!" Jayson told the goblin like Pokémon. "Pikachu, Iron Tail!" Ash told the mouse Pokémon. "Use Baby-Doll Eyes!" Lillie told Pixie. Unfortunately, Baby-Doll Eyes didn't faze the two opposing Pokémon.  Ram smirked, "Gogoat use Horn Leash on Eevee!" The boy told the grass type. "Dodge it!" Lillie called out, but it was too late, Pixie got hit, dealing a critical hit. "Pixie!" Lillie cried and ran towards her downed Pokémon. Then a Ninetales and a Gengar jumped in Pikachu and Pixie's place.  Lillie glanced at the owners of the two Pokémon, it was Leah and Zanero. Leah had her arms crossed around her chest, Gladion doing his iconic Edgelord pose, and Zanero looked emotionless. "Eclipse go for a Flame Charge!" Leah told her partner. While Eclipse was doing her thing, Gladion rushed to his sister's side.  Lillie was holding Pixie protectively in her arms as Pixie started glowing. Everyone stopped battling and stared, Pixie now had a slim body, slender legs with small, three toed paws, and ribbon like feelers. Unlike most Sylveons, Pixie had pale cream colored fur with blue ears, paws, and tail. Her eyes were a light pink color like the tips of her feelers.  "Veon veon." Pixie said. "That's an unusual Sylveon." Ash stated. "No dip Sherlock!" Leah told Ash. "Gengar use Shadow Claw!" Zanero told Gengar. "Now Eclipse use Flamethrower!" Leah exclaimed. Gogoat dodged Eclipse's Flamethrower, said attack turned Ram into a toast, it also managed to get him and Jayson to return to their senses. "Ah yes toast!" Zanero said almost reading Leah's usually empty void of a mind.  Leah gave Zanero a look that almost said that she wasn't impressed. "Erm, that's all nice and all, but we came here for a reason." Leah stated blankly, but before they could go find the St-Denavy siblings, Leah heard a meow. The teenage girl followed the meowing and found a Kantonian Meowth. "Oh, how did you get in here?" Leah asked the feline softly so she won't scare it. The Meowth walked out of its hiding spot, for a Meowth it did look battered, which made some wonder what kind of experiments do these insane people do here.  Leah showed Meowth her hand to tell it that she's not going to hurt it and pat the kitty. "What is she doing?" Ram asked. "Yeah that Meowth is savage." Jayson added. "You really need to put more faith in your friends." Gladion told them. "And there's a reason why Meowth was a savage." Leah added. "Come on, Meowth, we're busting you out outta here." Leah told the feline. "Lillie, take Meowth outside, Lusamine will know what to do, the rest of us will find the St-Denavy siblings." Zanero told Lillie. Lillie nodded and left with Pixie and Snowy, but Meowth didn't wanted to leave so the cat stayed with Leah.  Leah realized this and gently put Meowth on Eclipse's back. "Okay now we shall go." Leah said as she started walking with Eclipse in tow.  

They finally found Leah's siblings and Gladion's father.  The kids were two ten year olds named Iryka and Tim. "Leah!" The siblings exclaimed, happy to see their older sister.  Just when Leah went to bust them out, Zanero shoved the little group in the cell where Iryka, Tim, and Mohn were. "Wha? What?  Zanero, how could you!?" Leah asked in shock, confusion, and betrayal. "It's nothing personal, Leah." Zanero told Leah as he locked them in the cell and left with Ram and Jayson afterwards.  "That scammer, Zanero is, I don't know what is his problem." Leah said to no one in particular. "Nine…" Eclipse said sadly, Leah pat her partner. Lost in her despair, Leah didn't know what to do, she was normally full of energy and enthusiasm, but now it's clear there's nothing to be enthusiastic about.  

And so our heroes are trapped in Demorah's lab, will they find a way to get out and defeat him and his followers?  Stay tuned as the journey continues!

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