If Walls Could Talk // JAYTIM...

By ashxtodd

31.5K 1.3K 287

Tim doesn't plan on talking with Jason when he goes to crime alley, because why on Earth would Red Hood be th... More

1. Some things are meant to be secret
3. Yeah when the doors are all closing, it's bound to get loud
4. 'Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to sound
5. Oh, not everything is so primitive
6. Oh, but I'm giving in
7. If These Walls Could Talk
8. I hope they wouldn't say anything
9. Because they've seen way too many things
10. 'Cause we'd fall from grace
11. We're falling
12. Yeah, we'd fall from grace
13. I love your hair and your face
14. I wouldn't dare let you down
15. Don't let that glass go to waste
16. Oh, you're a king but uncrowned

2. So if I tell you just keep it and don't say a word

2.1K 88 13
By ashxtodd

2. So if I tell you, just keep it and don't say a word

           Tim Drake-Wayne, the 17-year-old CEO of Wayne Enterprises.

           That's all people see him as. As much as he hates to admit it, he knows that deep down, his family didn't really care about him either.

           Not only his real family, but also the family he forced himself into.

           He knew they didn't want him. He knew he was never going to truly be one of them. He felt like an outcast. Hell, he still does. But, Batman needs a Robin. If Tim hadn't stepped as the new Robin, God knows what Bruce would've done.

           Tim knew he couldn't live up to other Robin's before him. Dick was the first Robin, Jason was the one who was brutally murdered. They were memorable. But Tim was just Tim . Even Damian is memorable. He is the blood son of the Batman.

           Tim was just someone who was forgettable.

           He wasn't a good Robin, he hated himself for that. He knew Bruce and Dick always hated him, they didn't want him to become Robin.

           He didn't have any experience with being a crime fighter. Dick had experience by being an acrobat, Jason had fought for his survival in crime alley and Damian was the grandson of Ra's Al Ghul. Tim was just a fanboy, spending his nights stalking the dynamic duo.

           Tim had always been isolated. He never had many friends as a kid, but he liked that. Having a small circle of friends that he could trust was enough. But after he started training, he started to become distant from his friends. By the time he was done with his training, he had completely lost in touch with them.

           He didn't really care that he had lost in touch with them, because by then his parents were killed, and he was left in mourning.

           When Bruce had broken the news to him, he was completely shattered. But, he had to remain strong, because if he didn't Bruce wouldn't let him become Robin. As much as Bruce needed Tim, he knew what it felt like to have your parents killed. He didn't want Tim to turn into a raging monster.

           No shade intended.

           Tim had dated Stephanie Brown. She was definitely an opposite of Tim. He liked that about her. Maybe not in the way she wanted, though

           At the time they started dating, Tim was still trying to figure out himself. Surprisingly, it was Stephanie who broke up with him.

           She had noticed that he didn't show any interest in her, romantically. Slowly she started connecting the dots, for example, Tim checking out Dick's bum during missions, blushing when Kon would touch him and the worst of all; staring at pictures of Jason for hours (quite literally. As much as he thought she was exaggerating, turns out she wasn't. But, that was before they knew Jason was alive.)

           Tim hates Jason - more specially, Red Hood, the new Jason. But, you don't have to be gay to see that the guy is hot - well at least 15 year old Jason was (since he hasn't really seen the current Jason without his mask and get up). 

           He used to love the old Jason - of course because he was his idol and what not - the one before he died. Since Jason is more around his age, he had stalked Jason more.

           Once he even got to meet Jason. His heart was pounding and he could've sworn, it was skipping some beats. They had hugged that night; Tim still remembers what Jason smelled like.


           Obviously , Tim knows that, but does he really care? Of course not. He smelled like men's deodorant, but for some reason Jason just-

           Tim's thoughts about Jason could be described as sappy. But those thoughts were about the old Jason, not the new one. When Tim found out Jason had died, he had put on every sad breakup song ever, and cried for probably 1-2 weeks.

           Tim still has nightmares about Jason dying. He knows he can't even imagine what Jason went through, yet he still feels pain in his gut. A sharp type of pain. The dreams get too vivid. He sees Jason being beaten by a crowbar, which is in the Joker's hands. He could hear Jason's groans and grunts. He was trying so hard to be brave, yet Tim knew he was scared as hell. The Joker's laughter filled the room. And then he left. Tim felt hope in his gut-even though he's seen this dream multiple times before - no doubt exactly what Jason felt, but Tim knew he wasn't gonna make it. And then the room blows, and Jason mutters his last words "I'm sorry Bruce".

           Tim screams.

           And that is exactly how Tim wakes him, yet again. He tries his best not to scream again, but the tears still fall like a waterfall.

           He just freezes. Not that he could do anything anyway.

           Wiping the tears, he gets out of the sofa. He fell asleep on his couch last night while watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier. He shivers, due to the fact that he slept without a blanket, and the AC is on because it's mid-June.

           Sniffing, he drags himself to his bedroom, before entering the bathroom for a shower.

           Tim likes to shower. It gives him time to think, especially hot showers. For some reason he isn't too fond of cold ones.

           He stands in the shower, as the warm water flows down his body. He stands there for 15 minutes, just thinking about how downhill his life has gotten.

           He sighs. Now is not the time to think about your low esteem issues and stupid life Tim, He reminds himself.


           Tim comes out of the bathroom after thirty minutes, his lower body neatly wrapped around with a towel.

           He walks to his room, gently removing his phone from the charger. The screen glows, revealing that it is 7:37 AM.

           Tim groans, then takes out one of his suits from inside his wardrobe. It was a simple black suit, with a white shirt, but it cost about five thousand dollars.

           He dries himself and wears a pair of boxers, before drying his hair too. He goes on to put on his shirt, buttoning the buttons as he wears it, then adjusting the collar. He takes out the pants from the clothing hanger, putting in one leg at a time and then zipping them. He takes out a plain red tie from his collection. Again, this is also very expensive.

           He makes his tie, brushes his hair neatly and wears his socks and shoes. He puts on his suit’s jacket/coat, before picking up his phone.

           It's 7:54 AM.

           Enough time for Tim to get a few drinks.

           Whenever Tim gets ready for work or overall just wears a suit, he feels like a classy bitch. The bitch part included.

           He takes out a wine glass, before pouring some wine into it.

           He sits on the sofa, sipping his wine, feeling like a girl in lingerie (not that he would know since he's not a girl, he's just guessing, seeing as though many girls say they feel sexy.)

           After a few glasses of wine, Tim is kind of tipsy. Key Word: kind of. Not really though. He isn't as much of a lightweight as people expect him to be. He can handle his alcohol. Plus, Tim's sure he needs to drink at least two more glasses of wine for it to actually kick in.

           He stops drinking because his bell rings. He hides the wine bottle and puts the wine glass in the sink, before opening the door.

           "Hello Mr. W-uh I mean Mr. Drake, your car's ready." says Tim's bodyguard, as Tim opens the door.

           "Uh okay Chris, I'll be right there." Chris nods, before heading down. Tim turns off all the lights, before locking the door and going to the car.

           Tim gets out of the car, only to be cornered by a herd of paparazzi.

           That's what happens when you're a 17-year-old CEO to one of the world's greatest companies.

           Thank God for his bodyguard, though. He helps Tim get safely into the building.

           Tim thanks him, before going on his merry way towards the elevator. He can feel gazes being burned to his back, but by now he's used to it - kind of. 

           He arrives at the elevator, pressing the button.


           Thankfully no one is in the elevator, so he could avoid all the awkwardness in the air, as all the people either envy him or swoon over him. Though there isn't anything to swoon over or envy - his life sucks, although he can see the appeal.

           He quietly stands in the elevator, waiting patiently for the elevator door to open.


           The elevator door opens; revealing his lovely assistant Claire. "Mr. Drake."

           "Claire." Tim says, nodding his head. "So what's my schedule for today?" He asks, as they walk towards his office.

           "Well you have a meeting with the board at 10, you're going to be meeting Mr. Fox in his office for something important, other than that and the project, you're pretty much free." Claire says, before quickly adding. "Also Miss Gordon is here to see you." she says as they enter Tim's office.

           "Thank you Claire, now if you will excuse us."

           "Yes of course." She says, getting out of his office.

           "How are you Babs?" Tim asks joyfully as he sits down on his chair.

           Barbara gives him a smile. "I'm good, it's good to see you, it's been awhile." she says.

           "Yeahhh." Tim mutters, getting lost in thought. Of course it's been a while.

           Tim's been trying to avoid going into Wayne manor and the Batcave. Though it's not because he's avoiding everyone, it's just Bruce. After everything that's been going on, he just doesn't want to face him - not yet. 

           "Anyway, we have more important issues to deal with right now." she says, her facial features going hard in a matter of milliseconds. "Tim, what's going on?" She asks, concern filling her eyes.


           "I know you went to his area; I know you talked to him . What were you thinking Tim?! Also turning off your comm, leaving patrol early! Not to mention I heard what you guys talked about!" Barbara says, her voice getting louder and louder.

           She speaks of the Red Hood as if he's Voldemort, which pains Tim to some extent - which is weird considering he shouldn't feel sympathy for a guy who has tried to kill him (multiple times), but he guesses that everyone has a soft spot for their first crush. 

           "Uh huh? What did we talk about then?" Tim says, challenging Barbara, in what felt like a mocking tone.

           "I know you're starting to smoke, I know you're doing drugs, I know you're getting drunk, I know you hate B right now and I know you're going through a lot, but just please get help." Barbara says, her voice getting softer, her eyes filled with concern once again.

           "Did you seriously hack my comm?!" Tim says, enraged, trying to avoid what Barbara just said.

           "Tim I had no other choice! You were with Jason, you could've gotten hurt!" She argues.

           Tim knows she's right. If he were her, he would've done the same.

           Tim sighs. "D-Did you tell? Y-you know." Tim says on the verge of tears, his voice breaking as he looks down at his shoes, which suddenly became a lot more interesting.

           Barbara sighs. "No I haven't Tim, I wanted to talk to you first."

           "Babs you can't! Please I'm begging you! Don't tell him!" Tim pleads getting up from his chair, tears already falling down his face.

           "T-Tim come on! You're leaving me in an impossible situation! What you're doing to cope, is not right! Tim, stop, it's for your own good!"

           "Barbara just stop worrying about me, please! Just don't tell h-him!" Tim says sitting down, now sobbing.

           "Tim, I-I c-can't y-you-"

           "Barbara please! Don't worry I'm just trying to figure it out, I'll get help once it goes too far, just don't tell him!"

           Barbara sighs in defeat.

           "Tim, just be careful, okay?" Tim nods, wiping away his tears. "Also, please don't do the drugs, it's fine if you drink or smoke but- just please don't, okay? For your sake." She adds, and Tim nods again, though that's a promise he knows he might not be able to keep.

           Then he gets up from his chair and goes to Barbara, and gives her a hug. "Thank you." he whispers. She nods, before they remove themselves from the hug.

           "I think I should get going." Barbara says, looking at her wristwatch.

           "Want me to help you get downstairs?"



I love how Tim is the "smart" Robin like the analytical one, but I just love to write how even he sometimes makes mistakes (VERY BIG mistakes) and that he can be wrong too, because he's just a teenager and just a human.

Next time:
- Tim prides himself on his self control, until he doesn't
- Jason isn't as dumb as people think, but maybe Barbara is

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