Songbird (Kirishima x reader...

By ILoveHawks27

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Kirishima x (fem) Reader (Finished!) !Check out My Hawks X reader Oneshots book! This is sorta gonna be like... More

4 (The Exams Part 1)
5 (The Exams Part 2)
200 reads!?!? + memes and cute pics
9 (First Day)
Not a Chapter but please read
Ok an anouncement again but...
Ummmm 3K?!?


1K 38 15
By ILoveHawks27

**i will add a picture of the costume sketch late so pls be patient

"Y/N you got a special piece of maillllll" Cried your mother from downstairs. It had been a while since you had rehearsal with Kirishima and ever since you had just been texting him 24/7. You were upstairs (texting him obviously) when your mother ahd called you. You didn't hear exactly what she said cause you were to entranced in your conversation with Kirishima but you knew you had to go.


My mom's calling me gtg!


kk bye

You ran downstairs to find your mother and father standing at the end of the stairs. 'Am I in trouble' you asked yourself internaly. "Look what we got in the mail todayyyyyy" cried your mother holding a letter that read U.A on the front. OMG!!! The letter had comeeeee!! You grabed the letter and headed to your room. You say down on your bed and took a deep breath before opening the letter. As soon as you opened the letter POOF All Might was in your room! Not physically but it was almost like a hologram. "YOUNG L/N! CONGRATULATIONS! AS YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO THE NUMBER ONE HERO SCHOOL WHERE ALL OF OUR STUDENTS GO PLUSSSS ULTRAAAAAA!!!!" Spoke All Might before spitting blood everywhere. "How am I going to do even 1 more of these when I have like a million more to go" he spoke in his weekend form. "Are you ok?" You asked not thinking he could hear you and that this was a message. "Yes I am ok young L/N but I know you can handle my form" he said as you jumped not knowing he could hear you. "G-G-Good to know" you said with thumbs up and a nervous smile not knowing if he could see you. "Well young L/N as you have been informed earlier you have made it into the U.A hero course. In this letter you have received a schedule that has all of your classes and where to find them. Y/N you have placed 1st in the written and physical portion of the exam so you have been placed into class 1A." Spoke All Might as you took out the schedule. "What about Izuku? Did he make it..." you spoke softly. "Yes young L/N. I knew you were going to ask that. He has made it. And infact into 1A as well. I know he is getting better with his quirk but it's still a lot to handle and I won't always be there for him, therefore I am counting on you to keep our secret and help him." He spoke lowering his tone each word in. "And the boy. Kirishima. He saved me. Did he make it. He has to." You said staring him in the eyes. "Unfortunately young L/N he barely passed. He made it but scored low. He will be in class 1b" he said knowing you were upset. "No. He can't be. He worked hard for this. He has to make it. He saved me! I would give up my spot for him! It's not FAIR!" You yelled, as you immediately apologized for your actions. "Didn't Izuku get in because he saved that girl. Why can't he?" You said. He knew you had a point. "I will see what I can do young L/N. Considering you have a strong point it will be possible for him to make it into 1A." You grinned at his words. You wanted to jump through the hologram and hug him but instead you cried muttering the words "Thank you". "Thank you young L/N. I wish we could talk for longer but I have a million more of these to do in my *transformation* PLUS ULTA form! Thank you young L/N and see you at U.A!" Then as quickly as it started it ended. You cried in happiness. As you wiped the tears from off your face you opened the door to see your parents cupping their ears against it. "You were listening weren't you." You asked rolling your eyes dramatically. "Well we are just very proud to see our little Y/N growing up!" Your mother said as your father nodded along with everything she said. "Thank you but if you're gonna spy on me might as well try and be more sneaky." You said sarcastically.

*timeskip by a bit*

I got my letter and I made it!

I got mine too surprisingly. I was just gonna open it. I'm not sure I made it though.

Just you wait. Now quit talking to me and open the letter already!

Then there was a silence on the chat. You were assuming he was opening the letter. You were hoping everything was gonna go according to your plan. As you waited you sat down at your piano in your room and played. You were bored so you played around with your quirk. Singing and making a pencil float or whatever you could find. But you really wanted your uke back. Then you sat down and drew. You had a talent for drawing too. You had sometimes even wondered if you had a hidden quirk for drawing too. Why? Cause you could draw hyper realistically looking just like the picture and you've never had any courses. Your mind wondered what to draw. Then you had started to think about costumes. You had imaged a sick costume. You had thought a jumpsuit maybe with puffy shoulders. Nah. You eventually thought of a pair of overalls that went down to our knees and a white top that looked like bandages that only covered your chest like a spots bra but less revealing. Then on your back you had a special magnet that could be attached to your uke. You had also started to imagine what kind of uke you could have. You got your laptop and FrEsH AIrPoDs and put some music on and browsed for uke's and one got your attention. It was a uke with a melodica built into it (a keyboard but you blow into it to make it work)

and you wondered if there was anyways you could get one or make it accordingly to our quirk. But you kept that in the back of your head wondering if you could wear a masquerade mask that sorta looked like a visor along with your costume. In the end you were proud of your idea and sketched it down.

Then you had realized just how much time has passed. You picked up your phone and called Kirishima. He immediately picked up. "Hello?" You asked. "I can't thank enough" spoke Kirishima. "That's a very manly thing to do-" "It was really no problem you deserved it" you said cutting off Kirishima. "You should be proud of yourself! You did amazing!" You said lying on your bed. "I still don't feel like I deserved it though. It least we are in the same class!" Said Kirishima looking at the positive side of the situation still upset feeling like he took advantage of you and your quirk. He felt terrible. But he was very thankful that the two of you were gonna be in the same class. You guys talked for about an hour until you realized you had rehearsal tomorrow and needed to rest. "I've gotta go Kiri. I have rehearsal tomorrow and I gotta get some rest." You said yawning. "Sweet dreams" he said before hanging up. You felt your heart leap out of your chest at those words and immediately fell asleep after.

Kirishima POV
Y/N and I talked for about an hour. Earlier that day we both had gotten our letters from U.A. When All Might came on I was shocked to see a hologram I was totally not expecting that. He had shown me a clip of Y/N in what looked like her room. She was upset and was yelling... about me. She had begged for me to make it. I started to cry when I remembered that All Might could see. "You are lucky to have a friend like her. She would do anything for you. Your act of kindness has impacted her so much young Kirishima." Spoke All Might. "I don't deserve it." I spoke as clenched my chest. "You saved her. Without you she could have suffered much more... And since you saved her we have added points so young Kirishima don't feel mad at yourself! You will be attending U.A in the hero course. In class 1A along with young L/N" said All Might before vanishing. I sat back down on my bed still needing time to think. Then my phone started buzzing. I knew it was Y/N so I picked up immediately. We had talked for around an hour or so and with our talk I had slowly realized I started to catch feelings for her. It wasn't very manly though cause even though I saved her, she had done much more for me when I don't deserve it. She had then told me she had to rest so I let her be and told her "Sweet Dreams" trying not to sound too awkward and hung up.
**Time skip (still Kirishima's Pov)**
I browsed on my laptop for awhile to then remember that Y/N's ukulele had broken. "I wonder if I could get her a new one..." I asked myself. I went onto Pinterest and found that she had saved and created a small thing on her account that read "Hero Costume". I clicked to find a sketch she did that had her idea for a costume. Now I'm no maker but I could contact one of my pals who is in the support group to help make her costume. I had to start on mine anyways. So I contacted him and he said it was really no problem saying he could have the two costumes delivered to me before school started. This was perfect! We could both get our costumes early too because usually you have to wait till school starts. It was perfect because she had put down the measurements on her drawing too. I could drop it off at her house. Now I all I have to do is wait.

**time skip again to a week before school still Kirishima's Pov**

"Thanks bro" I told my friend as he handed me the costumes. "No problem the costume designs were amazing! Can't wait to see them in action!" Said my friend. "So I am guessing the second costume is for a girl based off the measurements? Is she anyone special?" He said nudging me. "Ya it's for Y/N L/N she pleaded first in the exams. Her parents are the L/N's in the band. And cmon dude that's so not manly of you to ask." I said pushing him away. "Oh
L/N! Part B/N (band name)! And cmon dude you can tell meeeee" he said pushing me back. "Fine dude I may have a major crush on her ok?" "My kiri has a crushhhhhhh" he said as I placed the costumes down along with the ukulele preparing to beat him up (in a friendly way cause that would be so unmanly otherwise). Then I looked at my watch, I had to get home. I grabbed the stuff and said goodbye to jog back home. As soon as I got home I went up to my room and tried on my costume. Wicked I thought as I tested it out with my quirk. Then I looked over at Y/N's costume. Isn't that top a bit short though... Never mind I thought putting the thought of her in it into the back of my head (get ur bibles you unholy children and drink ur holy water) and grabbed her ukulele placing a small personal touch on the back of it with "from Kiri" to then walk down to her house.
**Timeskip to your POV**
School is only a week away and holy I am nervous. At least I would have Kiri-**knock knock** I head over to the door to see my dad beat me there. "Uh is Y/N here. I'm Eijro. Eijiro Kirishima. I have something for her." Said Kirishima awkwardly shaking my fathers hand. "Were you the kid that saved my daughter?" He asked with a stern face. "Yes sir." Kirishima said looking down at his feet. "Thank you. Come on in!" My father says inviting him in. Wow. He didn't kill him. The only guy friend he really appreciates is Izuku and Katsuki (ish) but the rest are dead to him. "Kiri!" I say running over to him without thinking and hugging him. Wait!!! WHAT AM I DOING!! "I am so sorry!" I said pulling away from him covering the red all over my face. "Um it's all good" he said with a grin and hand
his neck. "I sorta noticed your ukulele was beyond repair... and I saw your costume design and I sorta realized I need to thank you so.." he held out the costume out in his hand. My father stood there with a dumb founded look on his face and I was on the verge of tears. HOW IS SOMEONE SO KINDDDDD????!!!! "KIRI!!! You're too sweet! Thank you so much!" I must have thanked him a million times! "Please don't worry about it. It's my thanks to you for everything." "Thanks for what?" Your father asks confusion. "Well Y/N here sorta got me into U.A. She some how convinced All Might to get me into the hero course even though I didn't deserve it. It was a very manl- errrr I mean ?womanly? thing to do. What I am trying to say Y/N is great." Spoke Kirishima. Ok this reminded you exactly why you fell for him. Your father was speechless while you gave Kirishima the biggest hug ever. "My friend over in the support group is a third year and he offered to help me with my costume and Y/N's. And I special part to it..." then Kirishima pulled out the uke from behind his back and handed it to me. I took it in my hands and tuned it, strumming it's strings. It was perfect. "I LOVE IT! THANK YOU KIRI!!" You said hugging him again. " I better get going. I have to get back home now. See you at U.A!" Kirishima said while walking out the door. As soon as he closed the door your father spoke what seemed the dumbest words ever "He's a keeper". "DADDDDDDDD" "What your mother is worse! Your lucky it was ME there!" He had a point there. I rushed to my room to try on my costume. It was perfect! It was exactly like the design and even better! Your uke stuck to your back perfectly. But as you looked at the uke you noticed a writing on the back. "From Kiri" it said. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. You thought this was adorable. You had always loved cheesy romances. You sat down, still in your costume and texted Izuku explaining everything. He just replied with "Y/N's in loveeeeeee" which you replied with: 😑🙄 and a picture of the costume. "It actually looks really good!" He sent. "Oh so I don't look good in anything else" you said teasing him "N-No that's not what I meant!" He replied. "I'm just messing with you lol" you sent back to then send a picture of you in your costume to Kirishima.

It looks amazing but one thing...


Don't you think the top is a bit short?...

Do you even know any female hero's? This is nothing compared to them.

Your right.

Just u wait till class starts then look at the costumes

Ik Ik...

You were laughing at that conversation for awhile after. "Y/N?" Said Izuku standing outside your door. "Izuku! When did you get here! I haven't seen you in forever! How are you!?" You asked hugging him. "I'm good! I'm in class 1A! I can't wait for school to start! And your costume looks amazing in person!" Izuku said actually digging the costume choice. "Look!" You said pointing at the uke where Kirishima signed squealing! "Aw! I'm so proud!" He said also fangirling over it.

**Time skip again (I AM SO SORRY FOR ALL THE TIME SKIPS)**
You were walking to the super market when you ran into someone. "I am so sorry!" You said looking up to see Katsuki and his mother (the one you bumped into) "Y/N!! Long time no see! Give me a hug!!" Said Mrs.Bakugou giving you a squeeze you to death hug. "Stop it you old hag! Your making a scene!" Yelled Katsuki towards his mom. Poor Mitsuki but at the same tim-"SHUT UP YOU DEVIL OF A CHILD!" Yelled Mrs.Bakugou hitting Katsuki. "We need to talk." Spoke Katsuki in a very deep voice. He grabbed my arm and headed over to the closest park. I could go to the supermarket later. All I needed was a Peace Tea anyways. "Look Y/N I am sorry about what happend. But it's been hard since that damn nerd is all the sudden a hero and I'm over here working my a-(slow down grab the bible pray like ur tryna make ur soul revival praise the lord- (love that meme) author) butt off. I am working so hard while he is getting off so easy and hid his quirk for so long. He was always an Idoit and an extra just like you." Spoke Katsuki with his hands in his pockets staring at the ground. "I get it Katsuki. Izuku has had it good. But so have you. You had your amazing quirk and you were praised and I supported you. I knew you didn't hate me even when you say you do but you don't think about how that makes me feel. How it makes Izuku feel. How it make ME feel. I have always and always will be there for you Katsuki and I hope you are for me too..." you said as he started to yell crying. You just stood there and hugged him. You had never seen him cry. He let it all out. "Look you damn nerd. You aren't an extra to me Y/N. But that won't get in the way of me being #1-" he said standing up to leave to be cut off by my dumb self. "So am I you're friend!?" You said cheerfully. "Yes you damn nerd and get off me." He said as you noticed you were still clenched onto him. "Sorry Katsuki. See you at U.A!" you said walking away fairly happy with how the makeup went to then walk away to get a nice, cold, refreshing, thirst clenching, peach, Peace Tea.

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