Love at last (ShadAmy)(COMPLE...

By ShadowRayne95

28K 731 586

Amy is back from a year long trip to grow, figured out what she truly wants in life, and decides to throw her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Eden Rose
Thank you.

Chapter 12 FINAL

1.7K 42 30
By ShadowRayne95

"Tails, are you sure that we are safe here?" Rouge was pacing around a large table within Tails' workshop. G.U.N. captured Shadow just a little over three hours ago, and the treasure hunter was worried for her and Omega's safety. Surely by now, the government must be after her and the robotic friend. No matter where they are, G.U.N. will find them. But the bat was also worried for Shadow. She knows all to well the torture that G.U.N. can do to him. "And, how are we supposed to get Shadow out of their base? G.U.N. probably has him locked away in their most secured cells."

    "I don't know, Rouge..." Tails just shook his head as he looked over at the nervous bat. Thanks to the tracking device left by Shadow, they knew his location. Now, Tails was working on hacking G.U.N.'s mainframe, but while the task was difficult, the fox was determined to get in, and try to give the group a chance to get their friend away from the government. "But, I feel that if I can deactivate the defenses to the base that is housing Shadow, we should be able to storm it, and get him out."

    "NEGATIVE." Omega's voice rung through the room, "G.U.N. WILL HAVE THE BASE THAT IS HOLDING SHADOW HEAVILY FORTIFIED. THE POSSIBILITY OF YOUR PLAN WORKING IS LESS THAN FIVE PERCENT." Tails sighed. He knew Omega was right, but it was the only plan that yielded any any progress. It was the best plan they had of rescuing Shadow.

    "There just has to be a way!" Tails slammed his fists down on the table.

    "Shadow said something about a fighting robot you made." Amy's voice was quiet and weak. The sleeping gas had left her throat soar, and her intense worrying for Shadow wasn't doing the little hedgehog any favors. "Maybe we can use that to help?" Tails shook his head.

    "It will be a while before it's repaired. Shadow had to damage it badly so it would stop attacking him."

    "Wait!" Knuckles' head shot up as a idea popped into his head, "Doesn't he have his emerald? Can't he just warp out?" Again, this question received another head shake from Tails as he took out the Chaos Emerald that Shadow left with him.

    "He forgot to take it back before he left. He was somewhat hurt so he my not of thought of it at the time..." The group fell silent as the realization of everything was hitting them. That included the possibility that Sonic betrayed Shadow. No one really wanted to believe it, but, they couldn't ignore the fact that Sonic had been acting differently towards Shadow and Amy after Christmas. He was much more distant, he was colder to them, along with the rest of the group. The hero completely changed.

    "Amy! What are you doing!?" Tails' voice broke everyone out of their thoughts as they saw Amy snatch the green gem away from Tails. Her eyes had filled up with determination, and hope.

    "Shadow has been training me on how to use Chaos Control! I can get to him, and get him out!" Hope had returned to the pink hedgehog's voice. She sounded like a new woman.

    "Sweetie," Rouge walked up next to Amy, and placed a hand on the pink hedgehogs shoulder, "are you going to be able to just warp right next to him from here? If it's the base I'm thinking it is, it will be pretty far." Amy just twirled the emerald in her hand, a smirk on her face.

    "Well, actually, I have a plan. But first, I have to get home, and grab the emerald I hid before the attack. That way, Shadow will have his Chaos Emerald back. But, in order for this to work, I will need you guys to create a distraction for me. You guys will have to get the bases' attention. Once you do that, I can teleport to Shadow and-" The sound of wood breaking cut the hedgehog off, as a voice boomed throughout the workshop, along with the sound of heavy footsteps running through the upstairs portion of the workshop. "Rouge the Bat! We know you are here. If you come out right now, we can make this easy for everyone involved!"

    "Okay, hon. I'd appreciate it if you teleported us out, like now!" Amy nodded toward the bat as she used to emerald to teleport the group back to her house. The plan had to work. It just had to!



    Silence filled the dark room as Shadow contemplated his options. He was determined to get out, and get back to Amy and the others. But a few problems arose. First, Shadow had to escape the room. Breaking the bounds on the chair weren't the problem. The past three hours allowed Shadow's advanced healing to kick in, and he has long since been free of the chains that bound him to the chair. The walls, however, were reinforced and strengthened to hold Shadow. After a few weak dents made into the wall, the dark hedgehog came to that realization.

    But the next problem, if he were to escape, was the fact that he would have to avoid G.U.N. and be on the run for the rest of his life. They would chase him to the ends of the earth. Shadow could fight back, but the risk of hurting innocent people was there. These people were just doing their job, and Shadow knew that it would only be a matter of time until he would have to resort to extreme measures to keep the agency off his back.

    And, to top it all off, he would have to either leave Amy, to spare her life, or protect her as well. Surely, if Shadow were to escape, Amy would stop at nothing to make sure she was with the dark hedgehog. He knew all to well how much resolve Amy has. Just as much as G.U.N. now that Shadow thought about it. But still, regardless of the risks involved, Amy would stick by him, until the end.

    Shadow slid his back down one of the walls, until he was finally sitting on the ground. Right now, the only method of escape was to wait for someone to come to his cell, either to give him food, or check on him. And seeing as how durable the room seemed to be, he assumed his next check up would be around dinner time.

    Shadow's mind began to drift off, his thoughts coming to a stop on Amy. The commander said that they wouldn't hurt her, since Sonic asked them not to. But that didn't stop the edgy hedgehog from worrying about her safety the whole time. Considering the events that took place earlier in the day, he wouldn't be surprised if G.U.N. went back to arrest the pink hedgehog. Shadow began to run his fingers up his green scarf, as he began to remember the events of Christmas Eve when Amy gave him the comfortable cloth. A small smile crept on his face, and a single tear slide down his cheek.

    "I'm sorry Amy..." Shadow shook his head, and his grip on the scarf tightened as he spoke to himself, "I love you. And I hope you are safe."

    "I love you too, Shadow." A bright, cheery voice made Shadow jump suddenly, as his eyes lock onto the bright emerald colored eyes of a pink hedgehog, who was crouching just a few inches away. It took a second for the image of Amy to register in Shadow's mind, and even less time to have Amy wrapped up in his arms.

    "I'm so glad you're alright!" Much to Amy's surprise, she could hear her dark boyfriend sob softly into her neck. His usual calm and confident demeanor was replace with shaking and weakness that Amy never saw in Shadow.

    "Shadow," Amy wraps her arms around him, and pats his back, "it's only been a few hours..." Shadow pulled back slowly, confused at Amy's comment. But before he could say anything, his eyes began to follow the tears the streaked down Amy's cheeks. "Sorry," she wiped her face clean of the tears, only to be replaced more, "I'm just trying to coup..." Shadow smiled, and looks down to see a glow coming from Amy's left jacket pocket. A faint green that the dark hedgehog was all to familiar with. His Chaos Emerald.

    "I brought it with me," Amy showed him the purple gem still in her hand. "I figured you would want your emerald back, and Tails was kind enough to let me borrow yours to help us get out." Shadow could only smile at the pink girl as she placed the green Chaos Emerald into one of his hands. But it quickly faded as he remembered the situation that they were in. They could just teleport out of the prison, except, G.U.N. would never stop chasing them. They would have to live their lives on the run. So whatever happened today, they knew they would have to put an end to all of this. Suddenly, the sound of the elevator moving down to their level caught their attention. Amy looked towards the door, then back to Shadow.

    "Rose, go into the corner of the room." Shadow pointed to the far corner of the room as he hid the emerald in his quills. It was fairly darkened, and it would be the best place to hide, since Shadow had a feeling Amy wasn't going to leave his side. "I'll take their gaze to the other end of the room. Now go." The two separated, and each went to opposite walls, Amy to the left of the door, and Shadow to the right. The dark hedgehog stood near the back corner, making sure he would have room to walk along the right end wall to keep the attention all on him.

    After a few more second, the doors to the elevator finally opened, followed by the click clack of footsteps on the concrete walking in the direction of the room. And soon, a blue hedgehog walked out of the hallway, holding a tray of food in his hands. The sight of Sonic almost made Amy gasp, but she held it back, not wanting to out herself. Sonic's gaze first fell on the empty chair in the middle of the room, then moved to Shadow, who was leaning against the wall to his right. He had his arms crossed, and a scowl painted on his face, directed at the blue blur.

    "I should have known those chains wouldn't hold you for long." Sonic placed the tray of food on the chair, and then turned his body to face Shadow, who was now walking slowly next to the wall, until he was in the corner next to the elevator hallway.

    "So," Shadow locked eyes with Sonic, making sure the 'hero's' attention was fully on him, "what's your plans now Sonic? You won. I have no way to escape, and no Chaos Emerald to teleport away with. You going to chase after Amy, while working for G.U.N. to be my maid and bring me my food?"

    "I don't need to talk to you Shadow." Sonic began to turn towards the door, but stopped, and looked back at Shadow, "But Amy will realize I'm better for her than you. It will take time, but once she figures that out, you'll become a distant memory. Just a worthless fling she had to get ready for the real thing."

    "Hm," Shadow hummed with amusement, "At least tell me, before I am left to forever rot in this cell, what made you want to turn on us? You at least owe me that." By now, Sonic was again fully facing Shadow, his left hand rubbing his chin. All the while, Shadow can see the faint outline of Amy, moving as slowly, and quietly as she could toward Sonic. He also noticed the giant hammer in her hands. Amy had her own plans to get Shadow out.

    "It was Christmas Day. I saw you and Amy through her window. I saw..." Sonic paused, and gave Shadow a glare that told the dark counter part everything the blue blur wanted to do to him. "...I saw everything..." Even Amy paused in her advance. Sonic was spying on them. He was stocking them, and he saw them in their most intimate moment.

    'He said he has errands to run... he was just watching us that whole time!' Amy couldn't control her anger at the blue hedgehog anymore, and with one final step, she swung her hammer into Sonic's back, throwing him into the chair.

    Amy didn't have time to think about what she had done, before Shadow grabbed her wrist, and ran them towards the still open elevator door. With a quick press of the 'Top Floor' button, the doors slowly closed, and the elevator began to make its slow ascend to the top floor.

    The trip up, the humming of the elevator, and the sounds of explosions above them rung in their ears. 'The others must be attacking now' Amy thought. Although she was confident, she couldn't help keep her nerves down. Shadow noticed how badly Amy was shaking. She couldn't wrap her head around this. She didn't want to believe that Sonic, who was once her hero, would do this to anyone, besides for Eggman maybe. She quickly raised her hands and began to hug herself.

    "I'm sorry..." A faint whisper came from behind her, and she turned to see Shadow, looking down at her. His eyes weren't his usual stern and stoic. Instead, they were filled with sadness.

    "Why are you sorry? You didn't cause this." Amy placed a still shaky hand on Shadow's arm.

    "Yes I did. I never meant to let any of this happen. I never meant-" Amy stopped him from his speech as she wrapped him in her arms. Sobbing filled Shadow's ears, as the pink hedgehog held onto him like her life depended on it.

    "It's not your fault, and I will never blame you for any of this. So please, stop..." Silence filled the elevator, besides the occasional sob and rumbling above them.

    The two didn't move, until the elevator stopped, its destination reached. Slowly, Amy and Shadow took fighting stances, ready to fight their way out of the base. But as the doors opened, the two were flabbergasted. Instead of armed soldiers waiting for them, there was just one large, red and yellow robot floating in front of the doorway. Diablon, the commanders personal mecha, built to specifically deal with Shadow.

    "So nice of you to join us Shadow." The commander voice came from the machine, as Shadow and Amy slowly made their way out of the elevator. Behind the large battle suit, the obsidian colored hedgehog could see a large warehouse like room stretching for what looked like miles. "Get a nice look Shadow, because this is the last thing you will ever see. The Diablon mark 2!"

    "Why!" Amy took a stance between the machine and Shadow, "Why are you so hell bent on killing Shadow? What did he ever do to you?"

    "That monster took everything away from me. I should have killed him when I had the chance." The Diablon began to stalk the two hedgehog. "I will never forgive that... THAT THING... for what happened all those years ago aboard the Ark."

    "What are you talking about?" Shadow yelled back, confused, "I already told you, it was G.U.N. who killed Maria. I tried to save her! I did everyth-"

    "It was your fault, Shadow!" A large metallic finger pointed out at the dark hedgehog, "If you had never been created, then I wouldn't have lost everyone I loved. And today, I will have my revenge!" Shadow moved in between Diablon and Amy instinctively. At least his hopes came true. Everything was going to end today, somehow, someway. Without warning, Shadow made the first move, throwing out a Chaos Spear into the face of the giant. But to the dismay of the dark hedgehog, it done nothing. Not even a scratch on the red paint of the machine was left.

    "Chaos Control!" Shadow teleported himself and Amy behind the robot, then began charging up his chaos energy in his hands. And with a roar, he pointed his palms out the monstrosity. "Chaos Blast!" and with that, a red beam launched out out his hands, and collided with the Diablon, causing a large explosion to sound off, and shake the building under the power of the attack. But again, Shadow was left dumbfounded when the machine was left undamaged, a faint glow forming around the giant. Slowly, Diablon turned around, and faced Shadow and Amy.

    "Is that all the 'Ultimate Lifeform' has? I thought you were the best that G.U.N. had to offer." A blue light shown from the head of the robot as it charged it's own attack. Before the attack was launched, Shadow picked Amy up, and began using his teleportation to dodge the attacks. The beam began ripping through the concrete floor, and up the steel walls of the warehouse as it followed and tracked after the hedgehogs.

    As the attack ripped through the walls, the floor, and the ceiling of the seeming endless building, Shadow was looking for any weak points in the giants armor. He recalled that the mecha had a barrier that protected it the first time he fought the monster. But it would drop its guard when it launched an attack. 'That could work.'

    "Chaos Control!" Shadow warped behind the Diablon once again, and before the giant machine could bring the laser all the way around the room to strike the hedgehog, he let out another Chaos Spear into the head of the beast. But before Shadow could see any damage done, one of the arms of the Diablon swatted him away, sending him flying into some debris that was kicked up during the machine's first attack.

    "Sorry, Shadow." The commander began to chuckle from within his mecha suit, "We've learned from the last fight you had with the Diablon. We have developed the mecha's force field to stay up even when the Diablon mark 2 makes an attack. You will die here Shadow. But don't worry, I will have you and your friend buried together." Shadow starred up at the robot, as Amy ran over to where he was laying. Shadow was racking his brain on how to damage this thing, while Amy had already thought up a plan. She began to drag the dark hedgehog away, as the mecha began its assault once more.


    "Tails! What are you doing?" Knuckles asked, knocking out another guard. Tails and Knuckles had broken into the base's control room, after Amy had contacted them about her and Shadow's current situation. She asked if there was anyway that they could shut down the robot's energy shield, if not take down the robot in it's entirety. Neither her, or Tails were sure if the Diablon's shields were linked to the bases defense systems, but it was worth the look. And if not, there were plenty of tools and gadgets that the twin tailed fox could hopefully use to stop the mecha.

    "I thought I told you already, I have to find out if that metal monstrosity has a weak point!" Tails tapped away on the large super computer, looking for something, anything, that could be linked to the Diablon. Blueprints, prototypes, even an on/off switch at the very least.

    "I understand that Tails," Knuckles dropped an unconscious soldier on the ground and walked over to the fox, "But you have been at this for a little to long for my liking. And there is only so much I can do while on 'guard duty'."

    "I know," Tails pulled up a file on the computer, and began to reading through it, "But I have to make sure I can find the right file. Shadow and Amy will be in danger either way, so I need to make sure that I am at least right. So please, just hold out for just a little longer." Knuckles looked over at the twin tailed fox for a second, before giving him a thumbs up, and taking his place just inside the door.

    As Tails continued to search through the file he found, a new file took its place. It was a complete run down of the Diablon mark 2, the newest suit designed by G.U.N. It was specifically designed to handle Shadow, if he ever turned against the agency, and Tails guessed that their definition of 'turned' was very lose. According to the file, they had began remaking the mech in secret, after the last fight with Shadow, and it was designed to take away any weaknesses that the original had. All, but one. The battery source was a little different. Something that Shadow and Amy could take advantage of.

    "Knuckles, I got what we need. We can get out of here." Tails turned towards the echidna, and together. As they made their way out of the room, and down the hall, Tails got in contact with Amy. "Amy, I found a weakness. Are you guys alright?"

    "Hey Tails," Amy whispered into her phone as she and Shadow hid behind some wreckage left behind by the onslaught of the commander's robot, "Yeah, we are okay... We are currently hiding from that... thing. Please tell me you found something that can work on this guy." Even though she her voice was quiet, Tails could still hear the urgency in it.

    "Yeah, I think I did." Tails and Knuckles rounded a corner, "It's the commander, Amy. He's the weakness."

    "Yeah, okay, but..." Amy looked over the rubble to see the mechanical beast looking behind a part of the wall that had fallen earlier, "Isn't he, like, in that machine? How are either me or Shadow supposed to hit him if that thing has that barrier up?"

    "You don't." Tails spoke quickly, "He's the battery. The machine is using the commander's life source to power the force field. You just need to wear him out, by making him use the barrier."

    "You catch all that Shadow?" Amy looked over to the dark hedgehog, to see him leaning in next to her, "Okay, we got it, Tails. Please stay safe. And thank you for the information."

    "No problem Amy. Keep me posted. We are making our way to you guys, so if anything, we can supply back up for you two." With that, the call ended, and Amy brought her attention back to Shadow.

   "So," Shadow stood up straight and focused his gaze on the robot, "the plan basically boils down to keep hitting it until it dies? That sounds really dumb." In all honesty, the plan did sound a little weird to Amy when Tails explained it to her as well.

   "Yeah," Amy scratched the back of her head, a little embarrassed for how simple the plan was, "It's a little anti-climatic, when you put it that way, Shadow. But," Amy's hammer poofed into the pink girls hands, "I'm willing to try anything, if it means we can get out of here alive."  Her only answer was a glare from Shadow. His eyes scanned over her, and while Amy was used to the edgy hedgehog checking her out, this was different. His gaze fell down her body, until it stopped at the pink hedgehogs stomach.

   "You're staying here," Shadow said, after what felt like hours passed, "I will handle this. You need to stay safe."

   "What?" Amy cocked her hip, and then rested her free hand on her hip, "Shadow, I can protect myself. I'm a fighter too, ya know..." Amy's words became more faded as Shadow moved closer to her, and placed his hand on her stomach.

   "You NEED to stay safe." Shadow's eyes seemed more intense now. If the situation wasn't so dire, Amy would have aloud herself to get lost in his gaze. But, Amy instead looked down at the hand that covered her abdomen. She hadn't told Shadow, she never got the chance that morning. But he somehow knew. Amy wasn't surprised, however. This was SHADOW after all. For a brash and headstrong guy, he really knew how to use his head, and it didn't take long for Shadow to put two and two together.

   "How did you know?" Shadow only smirked as he placed a kiss on flushed cheek of Amy, and walked around her to challenge the mechanical monster on the other side of their 'safety wall'.

   "I'm the Ultimate Lifeform." He teased, that smirk being very uncharacteristically playful, "I know everything." And with that, Shadow's attention turned back to the robot. With one swift motion, Shadow curled into a spin dash, and launched himself at his target, and began his unwavering assault, now not only fighting for himself and Amy, but for their unborn child.


   Sonic's eyes fluttered open, his body was aching in pain. Not only from the terrible position that his previously unconscious body was laying in, but also from the hammer shape bruise on his back. As he began to stand, all he could focus on was how his body was fighting with him every inch higher he stood. That was, until the room began to shake.

   "What... what happened?" Sonic tried to remember how he ended up in the floor, with what looked like vomit stuck in his quills and fur. Slowly, the blue blur looked down at where he was laying, and noticed an empty food tray that was covered in the same substance that coated him. Then, the whole situation flooded back to him. Turning Shadow in, watching him being captured and locked away, and then bringing him that weird and disgusting looking food. Only to be hit from behind by something, or someone, that Sonic hadn't noticed. Now, Shadow was gone, and Sonic could only begin to imagine how far Shadow has gotten by now. But then, another violent shaking took place, with what seemed like very feint yelling. Sonic looked over to the hallway that lead to the elevator, and noticed that the doors were open, and his transport up looked destroyed. Whatever is happening above his head must be really destructive.

   'Perhaps a fight is happening? That would explain the shaking, and the fact that my ride up to the top level is broken. I guess Shadow didn't get as far as I thought. Maybe it's not to late.' Sonic waited a little longer, so his legs could stop feeling like jelly. Once he got his barrings, the blue blur rolled, and spin dashed himself up the shaft of the elevator.

   Upon reaching the top, Sonic could see that his theory was correct. The Diablon and Shadow were locked into a heated battle. Shadow was launching one Chaos Spear after another into the giant mech, only to be met by the energy shield that surrounded the behemoth.

   A little ways behind them was Amy. She was trying to remain unseen by the robot, while also staying out of harms way. The Diablon was attacking almost erratic. It's punches were way off from their target, and the lasers it shot were no where near either Shadow or Amy. Shadow on the other hand, while noticeably tired, was just as calculated and precise as always, maybe even more than usual.

   Avoiding another laser that Shadow guessed was meant for him, he tackled into the shield, and began to wail on the barrier. Even thought he couldn't see the commander, Shadow was guessing that he was starting to feel the effects of his attacks. It was like the mecha wasn't even trying to hit him or Amy. 'It won't take long now.' The Diablon swung it's massive arms up to catch the hedgehog, but they only swiped at air and collided with each other. Shadow had teleported out of the way, and now stood behind the mech.

   "You could have let this all go, commander." Shadow began, gaining the attention of the Diablon's pilot. "You could have just let me walk away from all of this. You could have walked away from this. Maria died aboard the Ark because of G.U.N. I tried to save her, I promise!" The mecha hovered there, glaring at the dark hedgehog as he spook.

   "Damn it!" the mecha threw a massive punch down at Shadow, only to be avoided once again. In the commander's frustration and massive fatigue, it was becoming harder to see. The mecha was draining too much of his life to power the shield enough to constantly keep up with the damage output Shadow was dealing. Everything the dark hedgehog was doing was sapping away the commander's health. Shadow could only sigh as his words fell on deaf ears. The commander was to far gone to listen to reason.

   "How is this happening?" the commander made the mecha throw another punch, but it missed. Shadow said nothing in response, he just launched a flurry of Chaos Spears. It didn't take long for the shield to fade, and the attacks were finally hitting their actual target, the Diablon itself. Blue sparks began to fly as shards of Chaos energy ripped through the giant machine. The screams of the commander could be heard as Shadow's attack pierced the robot.

   Slowly, Shadow's attack stopped, and all that remained was a husk of the Diablon as it collapsed on the ground. Smoke rose from the machine, and the only sound that could be heard were the sparks that flew off the giant. A few moments later, the back of the mecha opened, and slowly, the commander crawled out. His typical grey suit was ripped and destroyed, and underneath, Shadow could see the blood and wounds that came from his attack. The edgy hedgehog looked on in disgust as his previous employer struggled to stand, and then pull out a gun, but he never got the chance to pull the trigger. His body gave out, and he collapsed. The gun fell from his hand, and slid to where Shadow stood.

   "You... You bastard... I hope... you... you burn in...hell..." With that, the commander breathed his last. Shadow heaved a sigh of relief, and he slowly picked up the pistol that laid at his feet. He began to inspect the weapon, and noticed some words scratched into the side of the barrel. "Maria's Revenge". The dark hedgehog merely shook his head in disappointment. He hated that even after all this time, his past still haunted him like this. He took one last look at the gun, before deciding to keep the gun, and tucking it away into his pants pocket.

   "Shadow!" Said hedgehog looked up, to see Amy running towards him, a concerned look on her face, "Shadow, are you okay?" Before Shadow could respond, he was tackled into a huge hug by the pink hedgehog, and she quickly began inspecting his body.

   "Amy, I'm fine." Shadow looked down at the girl as she found one cut after another on the brooding hedgehog, "I promise." Amy looked up at her edgy boyfriend, and while she seemed unsatisfied with his answer, she nodded regardless, and tightened her hug on him.

   They stood there in silence, just enjoying each others company. That all changed once the sound of falling rubble caught their attention. They both snapped their heads over from the source of the noise. There, stood Sonic, but he looked awful. His face was strained, like he was in pain. His fur and quills were covered in a disgusting looking substance, and random patches of fur was sticking out and gave Sonic a wild look to him. Tears streamed down his face as he looked on at the couple, and neither Shadow or Amy could tell what he was planning to do. Seconds that felt like hours passed as Shadow and Amy waited for Sonic to do something. But, much to their surprise, the blue blur just turned away from them, and began to walk away.

    "Wait Sonic!" Amy yelled at the 'hero', "Do you really have nothing to say to Shadow? To say to me? You put us through hell today, and you're just going to walk away from it like nothing ever happened!?" Sonic stayed frozen in spot. He didn't even look back at the couple.

    "I'm sorry..."

    Without saying anything else, Sonic jumped through one of the holes in the roof, and just like that, he was gone. But the silence didn't last that long, as the doors next to the elevator shaft opened, and Tails and Knuckles ran into the room, followed by Rouge and Omega. Rouge's cloths were somewhat tattered and torn, and Omega's body was dented, and his paint work had freshly made scratches and wear and tear on it. It was clear that those two were the distraction, while Tails and Knuckles got into the facility to cover the couple.

    "Shadow! Amy!" Tails flew over and, much to the dismay of the brooding hedgehog, grabbed the couple into a big hug. "I'm so happy you two are alright. We were all worried about you guys!"

    "Tails," Rouge reached over and gently pulled the fox boy off a happy Amy, and a seething, yet proud, Shadow, "As happy as I am that the love birds are okay, I'd still much rather continue this reunion away from here. Please..." She looked over to Shadow, who nodded and pulled out his Chaos Emerald, and without saying a word, teleported the gang out of the facility.

Sonic watched on from the hole in the roof. He intended to attack them. To take Amy for himself and disappear with her. But, he never seen her so happy, as he did when she hugged Shadow. He just couldn't handle the guilt. He done to much, and now, he was still planned on disappearing, alone.





    "Shadow!" Amy ran through the house looking for her boyfriend of eight months. The events of G.U.N. were now far behind them, and Amy's pregnancy was now definitely showing. During the months that followed Shadow's arrest, the couple decided to move, and start a new life away from the old home, that held some awful memories for them. 

    "Where did that hedgehog run off to now?" Amy walked into the kitchen of the large house. She had looked all over the house. But suddenly, her phone vibrated in her pocket. Bringing the device up to her face, she saw it was a text from Shadow.

    "Meet me in the back yard."

    The pink hedgehog tilted her head to the right in confusion. Why would he want her to come to the back yard? As far as she was aware, they didn't plan to have a barbecue today, and no one was planning to visit. Shrugging it off, Amy pocketed her phone, and made her way to the back door. Once she stepped out side, her confusion was replaced with a expression of shock. Kneeling down, at the bottom of the steps of their porch, starring up at her, holding onto a tiny black box, was Shadow.

    "Sh... Shadow?... What are you doing?" A gentle smile found its way onto the obsidian colored hedgehog as he opened the box to reveal a ring. On top of the ring, sat a diamond that was in the shape of a rose. Swirls of pink and black made up the colors of the rose.

    "Amy Rose," Shadow began, "I never thought I would experience happiness again. I thought I was going to be cursed to live with depression for the rest of my life, but then I met you. And while I never wanted to admit to myself back then of my feelings toward you, I knew those feelings were there. And once we started dating, I knew that this was it. And now, we have a child on the way, and I couldn't be happier. So now, all that is left, is to ask you a simple question." Shadow stood up, and took Amy's hand in his.

    "Will you marry me?"

    Amy's eyes filled and leaked with tears as she grabbed the dark hedgehog in a tight embrace. She could barely speak, but Shadow could still hear her answer.

    "Of course."

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