Forget Me Not (Kylo Ren Story)

By agloss96

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The Resistance has barely escaped the death sentence from the First Order, but they now prepare for the inevi... More

Everything We Need
No Identity
There's No "I" in Escape
Somewhere Safe
A Tragedy
A Faded Tombstone
Another Life
Never Was There a Story...
Across the Stars

... Of More Woe

218 5 0
By agloss96

Kylo Ren stood attentively in the hanger of his Star Destroyer waiting. He wore his signature thick black robes and watched as the Stormtroopers maneuvered around their Supreme Leader in fear. It was times like these that he missed the security of his mask, he needed to get it fixed promptly. The groups of Stormtroopers began to make a clear path on the landing bay when two transporters and a black command shuttle descended into the Destroyer's hangar. Kylo's eyebrows furrowed, it was his command shuttle. He continued to scrutinize the ship as a displeasing voice spoke up behind him. "Ah, I see they have finally returned." General Hux noted coming to stand beside him. Kylo stared at the man questioningly, who was returning in his shuttle? Before he could interrogate the redhead, the ramp door opened on his command shuttled with a hiss and steam pouring out. There was no movements for a moment, only Stormtroopers exiting from the other transports, until he saw the ends of pitch black robes exiting the shuttle. Then he saw the tips of two blazing red lightsabers. The mysterious figure came into full view with the Knights of Ren following closely behind. Kylo believed to be staring at a clone of himself, the mysterious figure adorned similar black robes, his gray and black mask, with a standard red lightsaber in each hand. "W-Who is that?" He questioned Hux, completely perplexed. "Don't be foolish Supreme Leader, that is the Bride of Ren." Kylo's eyes fell back on the group thundering over to them, finding his theorized clone's black robes to be framing a more feminine figure, and the mask to be smaller as well. The Bride of Ren? Was one of the Knights married? When had he granted a new member amongst the Knights? The woman stalked towards them, her gloved hands twirling the two sabers, before turning them off, and holstering them to her belt. The Knights of Ren moved past her and bowed before their Master, before leaving the hangar all together. The woman stepped forward after their departure, nodding silently to both General Hux and him. Up close Kylo could see the dirt and blood that stained her tight uniform and billowing cloak. "Lady Ren was your mission successful?" Hux questioned, his voice curt and straight to the point. "Yes General Hux, it was. The Resistance is no more." The voice was deep, modified by the mask, but Kylo could still detect the humor and joy hidden in her tone. "Although it would do you some good to remember," She paused, a hint of anger evident in her words, as her hands came up to release the tight air locked gears of the mask. She pulled it off in one swift movement, "That I am your Empress." The air was knocked straight out of Kylo's lungs at the sight before him. The first thing he noticed was the red burned veins trailing up the left side of her cheek and through her one eye as if she had been struck by lightning. Then he saw the blazing red rimmed yellow eyes that were brought out even more by the black shadow coating her eyelids. The woman's hair was loosely secured in a bun, small hairs falling out to frame her snarling face. Two red circles were painted on the center of her cheeks, with the same shade of red painting her upper lip and a stripe down the middle of her bottom lip, the indication of a Queen. Her black gloved hand shot out and Force choked Hux, "Bow before your Queen." Her power forced him down to his knees, his eyes bugging in fear. " Let's hope for your sake, you don't forget to show me some respect, next time." Her hand released her Force induced death grip around Hux's neck, the cowering man pleading for forgiveness. "I'm sorry Empress Ren, it will not happen again." The yellow eyed woman nodded in agreeance, "Yes it won't, now leave my husband and I." The General shook as he stood, bowing messily before he rushed out of the hangar. Her wicked eyes turned to Kylo's, a small evil smile worked its way onto her lips. "Hi." She greeted shifting her mask into her other hand, before quickly leaning up to press a chaste kiss to his lips. Kylo was in shock, he did not move, nor did he kiss her back. The woman pulled away, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's wrong Kylo?" he grimaced at her voice, at her calling him his First Order name, and not his given name. The name she had spoken so many times in their childhood... "A-Athena?" His voice was thick in horror at the darkly consumed love of his life, standing before him. Her eyes seemed to glow a brighter yellow, the red seeping into the middle like fabric soaking up blood. Her concern slipped away as anger replaced it. All evidence of the girl from his youth disappearing. "Don't you ever utter that name again. You know that's not my name anymore." Her voice was menacing, her shoulder harshly plowing into him as she hurried out of the hangar, leaving Kylo in a state of terror.

Ben jolted up in bed, his chest heaving painfully. Sweat clung to his hair, face, and bare chest. He whipped to his side finding her peaceful sleeping form still lying beside him, the sun casting streaks of light onto her exposed skin. A shaking hand reached out to gently touch her arm, a relieved sigh escaping his lips. She was still there, not a factor of his imagination. What had he just seen? Vile rose in throat at the thought of her piercing yellow eyes and the raw fury that had consumed her soul. It could not have been a premonition, no he would not let it be. But the horrible thought surfaced in his mind, if he was seeing it did that mean it was already set to occur? No, he had dreamed of her death as a padawan and she did not die, it had only been a hologram to fool the galaxy, to fool him. Perhaps this possible outcome of the future had more to it... Ben shook away the thought, he did not want to think of that horrible nightmare again. Most importantly she could never know what he had seen. He stood from the bed and stumbled into the bathroom. He stood in front of the sink, looking into the mirror that displayed his sweaty and blotchy face. Tears were dried on his cheeks, sweat clinging to his hairline, and love bites were scattered across his skin. A soft smile worked its way onto his face as he recalled the night before with his love who slept just beyond the wall in front of him. "Breathe Ben, its okay. I love you." Her words from the night before seemed to calm him down, remind him to be rational. He wanted to be with her forever, even longer if possible, but she could not go Dark, not for him. She was too pure. Splashing cold water onto his face, he willed away him dream, and the fear it instilled in him. Grabbing the small cotton towel to his right, he dried his face, catching sight of something in the background of the mirror, and an idea popped into his mind.

A rough hand trailed up and down Athena's bareback, eliciting a small moan from her lips, as it woke her from her slumber. "Take a bath with me." A raspy voice sounded from right by her ear, lips pressing feather light kisses to her surrounding skin. Eyes closed, she shifted onto her side and outstretched her arms searching for Ben. She was much too tired to walk anywhere. A small chuckle echoed through the room as she felt Ben's arms pull the sheets off of her and lift her up out of the bed. In her right mind, perhaps she would have been timid about Ben carrying her naked body, but no she only clung to him tightly. He carried her with ease into the bathroom, only stopping before the bathtub. The steamy room smelled of sweet lilacs and roses. "I need you stand for a moment, Love." Athena nodded slowly and felt as she was lowered onto her feet inside the warm bath water. Her eyes finally opening to see the white, purple, and red petals and whole flowers floating along the surface of the water. Oh how she loved him... Ben's hands stayed firmly wrapped around her waist as she heard him step in behind her. He sunk down into the water, pulling her to sit down between his outstretched legs. A moan slipped from Athena's lips as she submerged into the water that soothed her tired muscles. She leaned back against Ben's chest, feeling his head duck down to place lazy kisses onto her warm wet exposed skin. Her dominant hand lifted from the water to the side of Ben's face, gently running her fingers through his messy locks.

It was late, everyone asleep in their huts at the Jedi Temple, except for the two lovebirds. It was the night after their wedding and Athena and Ben were crammed onto the small cot, their breathing ragged as they came down from their high. She was tucked loosely in his arms, her index finger drawing tiny stars on his chest. They were quiet, skin sticky with sweat, listening to the insects buzz outside, their minds still in a lovesick haze from their climaxes. "I love you my husband." Athena breathed out, still in awe over the word, in awe over the fact that he was forever hers. They were bonded together in every humanly way possible now. She wanted to thank the Stars for bringing her to him, her eternal love. They would love each other for the rest of their days and then into the Netherworld. She was content with that, with him forever by her side as it was meant to be. "I love you my wife." Ben mumbled against her forehead, drinking in her presence. She would probably never get over hearing him call her that. They laid there for a while longer, sleep a distant thought with the electric current pulsating through their veins. Ben was a live wire, every touch he graced her with, only left her feeling warm and alive. She felt Ben's hands start to dip down her body, teasingly grazing across her upper thighs, as he shifted down to press open mouth kisses to her lips. "Already?" Athena giggled in disbelief over his sudden onset arousal. Ben hummed against her lips, pulling her into his intoxicating taste, his hand drifting closer and closer. He broke away suddenly with a wide mischievous grin on his face, "For you my wife, I could go all night." Her eyes widened at his words, the idea floating through her murky mind. Athena opened her mouth to make a snarky comment back, but was cut off by her trying to hold in a moan, Ben's hand finally finding the place that awaited him ever so eagerly.

Athena returned to the warm flowery smelling water and the kisses being pressed against her shoulder. "Hmm what did you see?" Ben hummed against her wet skin. She sighed, taking in the feeling of his mouth on hers, "I saw my plans for the next few days. What did you feel?" Ben dragged his bottom lip against her neck junction, his warm tongue swirling along with his kisses. Oh how she could just fuse into his soul entirely... "I felt happiness..." He placed a hot kiss to her neck. "Love..." Another kiss was placed higher up. "And Lust." His hands tightened around her waist as he sucked lightly at her sweet spot just below her jaw. Athena melted under his touch, her eyes closing in a haze, transfixed on solely him. She shifted in his grip, turning to see his handsome face. His eyes lifted to watch her diligently as she leaned forward to close the gap between them. They kissed each other gently, with passion flowing over each time. Athena wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as the confines of the bathtub would allow. Ben's large hands were tangled in her wet hair as their tongues lazily danced with each other. They kissed, and kissed, and kissed, until the water began to grow cold. Ben was the first to pull away, knowing Athena would simply ignore it until she began to shake. "Let's get cleaned up and go eat." Ben moved to grab the bar of soap and fresh square cloth, lathering it, and immediately working the soap onto Athena's skin. She could not protest, only sink into his grip as he cleaned her.

With a towel wrapped around her body, Athena exited the bathroom with Ben following closely behind her. She flopped down onto the large messy bed, still holding her towel closed in her one hand. Her skin felt warm from the sun streaming in through the window and from Ben's touches. Ben chuckled down at her, leaning over the bed to kiss her once again. A part of him, that was quite massive, wished to take her again. To hear her moans, her confessions of love, to feel her surrounding him so tightly. But he knew she needed to eat, to gain energy, and then he could bring her right back to bed. Athena watched as he stood back to his towering height and walked over to the drawers and wardrobe pulling out clean clothing. All dark shades per usual. A soft blush dusted her cheeks as she took all of him while he dressed, paying no mind to her prying eyes. He was hers and she was his. There was simply no other way it was meant to be. "You get dressed and I'll go start breakfast, okay?" She nodded quietly still lying on the bed. Ben gave her a smile, before he headed to the door, although he stopped in his tracks. Spinning on his heel, he flew back to her side laying a forceful kiss onto her lips. "You lying in this bed, barely covered, is not helping me keep rational thoughts." He mumbled against her lips. Athena only smiled and stroked his still wet hair, "No one asked for rationality." Ben groaned, a hungry kiss following, "You'll be the death of me." With one more kiss, he pulled himself away and left for the kitchen. Athena stayed cemented to the bed, basking in the sunlight, in a lovesick haze. She thought of Ben, of how connected she felt to him and to even herself. He of course was not the end all be all of her existence, there was more to her than just him, but there had been very little of Athena Jinn's life without Ben Solo. He was her sun. A selfish part of her thought of the two of them hiding away here for forever, letting everyone else rage on their war. In a fleeting moment the thought had passed, leaving her to feel guilty. They had a part in this war, a huge one, and it was time for it all to end.

A faint noise woke her from her thoughts. It was hard to describe; it sounded like a loud hum mixed with something else, something she could not place. Athena rose from the bed, securing her towel under her one arm, heading towards where the noise came from. Across the room, the wardrobe seemed to shine in the daylight, beckoning her forward, the noise coming from inside as well. She opened both of the white doors, finding clothes to be neatly hung up and a black bag resting at the bottom. It was the black bag she had seen Ben pack inside his room on the Star Destroyer. Her hands were quick to pull it up, the noise vanishing as she did. The bag was empty beside for the cylinder shaped item still wrapped in torn brown fabric. Carefully she lifted the object, finding the grooves of the cylinder to feel familiar. Unwinding the brown fabric, Athena let out a tiny gasp at what she found. It was a black and silver lightsaber, her lightsaber. The brown fabric dropped from her hand as she lifted her lightsaber up to examine it closely, finding black necklaces tightly intertwined around the base of the lightsaber. The sight elicited another sharp inhale from Athena as she brought the items up to her chest, clutching them with a firm grip.

Exchanging her towel for clothes, she exited the bedroom and headed down the hallway towards the main area and kitchen. Ben was setting down two plates of food when she came out of the hallway, his eyes immediately traveling up to hers. She was silent as he glanced over her, his eyes sticking to her lightsaber she still held firmly. He sighed, "I should've figured it would call to you sooner or later." Athena looked down to the body of the saber once again, her thumb skimming across the metal pieces. "I forgot about it, forgot that I dropped it that night. You've kept it all this time?" Her head lifted to Ben again, his eyes watching her intently, a single nod coming from him as well. "It was all I had left of you, besi-" He cut himself off searching for the black necklaces that should have been tied around the body, only to find them gone. Worry filled his being, where were they? Before he could question if she had seen them, Athena shifted her left hand that gripped the lightsaber, a silver band shining on her ring finger. The concern left Ben, instead filling with something else entirely. She had put her wedding ring back on... Athena did not even realize he had noticed before his looming figure was in front of her, and lifting her into a heated kiss. She kissed him back eagerly, her hands grabbing a hold of his face, the cool silver ring such a striking contrast to their burning skin. "Where's mine?" His question took her by surprise, her cheeks burning even more. "I um, I left in the bedroom. I didn't think you'd want to wear it..." Her voice wavered, nervous and unsure of her answer, unsure of his question. Ben let out a low chuckle, nuzzling his nose against hers. "If you're wearing yours, I'm wearing mine." With that, he headed towards the still holding her up and into him. Only once they were inside the room did he set her down, him grabbing the black necklace Athena had carefully laid down on the dresser. His long fingers worked to untangle the silver band from the necklace and once he did, he wasted no time sliding it onto his ring finger. The sight was all consuming for Athena, they were Husband and Wife again, well they always had been but now they were acknowledging it. Finally wearing the rings they no longer needed to hide. "I'm surprised it still fits." Ben laughed a real genuine laugh, his eyes lifting from his hand. His eyes enveloped her whole, she felt locked in place by his gaze, until he set her free with another breathtaking kiss. He could kiss for eternity and she would never have enough, nowhere near it. Although for the time being, she could settle for these spontaneous bursts that came from him. "C'mon let's go eat." "Must we?" Ben groaned against her mouth. Athena nodded, freeing herself from his grasp. "Yes, whatever you made smelled too good to go to waste." She turned for the door, leaving a pouting Ben behind, although she did not get very far. In one swift movement she was tugged back and tossed lightly onto the bed. Ben hovered over her pressing sloppy kisses to her neck, "I can just make it again." Athena wanted to protest, but she could feel his hardening cock pressing into her open legs, the pleasure of the friction making her eyes flutter shut. "You make a compelling argument." Her hands were tugging the ends of Ben's hair, a moan slipping from his lips, as she lifted him into a messy kiss.

After Ben had to make them a second breakfast, their first growing cold, soggy, and unsalvageable, the two were cleaning up the kitchen and plates. Drying the last dish, Athena spoke up, "I have any idea." Ben turned to look at her, his hair still messily sticking in different direction and his clothes wrinkled and ruffled up, she was positive she looked the same. "So do I" He said with a smug little smirk. She snorted lightly, "Easy Spaceboy, there will be time for that later. I was thinking maybe we could train..." His eyes widened at that, "What?" Was she suggesting for them to spare like they had done in their youth? He could not imagine igniting his saber anywhere near her, let alone fighting her. He could imagine the red casting an ill looking shadow onto her glowing skin. It only reminded him of his nightmare, of her two red lightsabers. "C'mon I haven't in years, let's see if I can still kick your ass!" Ben grimaced looking down at her, trying to fight his conflicting feelings. He needed to forget his dream, to forget that possible future, and maybe this could help. Seeing her with her purple lightsaber, all pure goodness radiating off of her. He offered her a hesitant smile, trying to downplay his thoughts, "With a remark like that I guess we'll have to."

Lightsabers gripped in their hands, eyes watching each other like one of their prey, Athena and Ben stood on the flat ground just beyond the lake. Their figures were rigid as they circled each other, studying their movements. He threw her a smirk, quirking an eyebrow, and Athena ignited her saber for the first time in over a decade. The one side of her face was consumed by the vibrant purple light and Ben's turned red from his crackling crossguard saber. She tried not to seem distraught by the difference, that his one blue saber, was now blackened and bleeding red. He seemed to sense her dejection, "Don't worry I'll go easy on you." His attempt at a joke earned him a scoff, "Way to take the fun out of everything. Don't worry though, I won't on you." She shot him a teasing grin, before she sprung off the balls of her feet, pouncing toward him like a fearless predator. Ben was quick on his feet too, his saber clashing against hers briefly as he moved to the side. They turned to face each other again, determination written in their eyes and smiles on their lips. It was just like old times... The two danced around the field: quick, precise, and strategic movements coming from both. Head to head, their lightsabers hit each other every minute, Ben's strength and experience starting to give him the upper hand. As he swung his lightsaber forward, he carefully used the Force, sending Athena down to the floor softly. She was quick to the floor, her grip still holding her saber tightly in her one hand, as Ben came to pin her down. Sweat clung to his forehead, seeping into his black hair, his breathing ragged as he taunted her. "I guess you can't still beat me." A huff came from Athena as she wiggled underneath him. She leaned up to graze her lips against his, distracting him long enough to bring her leg up. As a cover she teased his inner thigh before rapidly lifting it higher and kneeing him in the stomach. Ben let out a groan releasing his grip on her, allowing for Athena to flip them around. With her lightsaber a few mere inches from his throat, she gave him a snarky smile, his surprised eyes narrowing at the sight. Grazing her lips against his once again she spoke up, "Guess again." "That was a cheap mov-" Athena cut him off, pressing a rough kiss to his mouth. Ben obliged happily, their lightsabers soon turned off and forgotten entirely.

"Ben!" Athena cried out, nails digging into the skin between his shoulder blades. Her shouting only seemed to encourage him more, his thrusts moving quicker and sloppier. Both of them were moaning messes, chasing their climaxes for the second time that day. She had half a thought, in her clouded mind, that if they carried on at this rate they were bound to break the bed. Her legs were wrapped around his hips, each thrust hitting deeper and deeper. It was knocking the breath straight out of her lungs. "I-I'm going to-" Another loud moan poured from her lips as her orgasm washed over. Ben let out a series of incoherent words as her walls tightened around him, inducing his own. Breathlessly the two stared at each other, in a daze from their love filled highs. Slowly he slipped out from between her legs and fell to the side of the bed next to her. With what was left of her strength Athena scooted into his waiting arms. They laid there motionless for awhile, allowing their breathing to come back down and their minds to stop floating up with the stars. Ben's fingers lazily danced across her sweaty skin, his thumb faintly running over the curve of her breasts. "I shouldn't be allowed to be this happy." Athena perked up at that, "What?" He let out a sigh still tracing odd shapes, "People like me aren't supposed to have someone like you, I think fate was being harsh on you." His words struck her by surprise, by his vulnerability and for how familiar his words sounded. "Simple, men like you don't care about people like me!" It was she had said to him in his room on the Star Destroyer, when he was simply Kylo Ren and she was Athena Stryker. So much had changed since then, there were so many things she had not known. That she was a Force user descended from a well known Jedi Master, that General Organa had been her surrogate mother, that she had fallen in love with her son. Fate, Destiny, the Stars, the Force, and even the Maker seemed to have brought Ben and her together, there was no cruel hand by it. "Ben, stop. Fate was not being harsh on me, you've been the greatest gift of my life, despite it all." His fingers stuttered in their movements, a heavy staggering sigh coming from his lips. She could feel his self hatred rise within, she could see it as plain as day written on his face. "I could never not love you." She added, a silent tear rolling down his cheek in the process. He nodded, inhaling sharply as a few tears followed. He had been through so much over these years, over his whole life, and she simply wished she could have prevented all his pain. If only she had not been so naive and blind in their youth, perhaps she could have stopped the darkness from rising in him. "I-I've done so many bad things Athena, I don't deserve anything of this." She was unsure of how bloody his hands were, but working for the Resistance she had a pretty good idea. He did not say it, nor did he need to, but she could feel his regret, personal sorrow, and hatred. She was not sure what to say. Yes he had done atrocious things, she had to, but would he have survived if he had not? Would Snoke have spared him if he did not shed blood across the galaxy? She knew the answer and she knew he did too. He just needed to accept his past and learn to forgive himself, learn how to make amends for his mistakes. Instead of bringing death, he needed to bring life to the galaxy. Then he could return to the Light with her. He was already so close she could feel it. As long as she stayed by him he would turn. Pressing her hands against his wet cheeks, she consoled him. "Shush Ben, everything will be okay. I love you and you love me, that's all that matters." He stayed silent as she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. She could feel the tears splashing onto her shoulder as Ben sunk into her hold. Everything would be okay, it had to be.

Almost two weeks had gone by, Athena had been with Ben just shy of a month. The days seemed to blur together and speed past her. Their days continued on much like before: meals, activities, sunsets, but many hours, days, were spent in bed. Their hips rocking together roughly, his curls between her legs, their moans echoing throughout the house more than once a day. They were touch starved, spending every opportunity to be flushed together as one. A few sets of sheets had been ruined in the process.

The night of her 24th day with Ben, the two were lying in the plush green grass of the garden after a lovely dinner. Left hands clasped together and eyes to the sky, watching the twinkling stars. She was content like this, could see herself never having another worry besides how sore she was from constantly having him between her legs. But there were worse things to worry over... ignorance could only be blissful for so long. "Do you remember the ball on Chandrila?" Ben's eyes shifted away from the sky to look down at her, hers doing the same. "Yes, why do you ask?" Athena smiled softly, a glow to her skin. She felt so alive with him by her side everyday. "I was just thinking about how we danced all night." Ben bit his bottom lip, the memory felt so far away his mind. "We did, didn't we?" She nodded gently, her fingers dancing with his. She thought of their blue and purple bodies waltzing through the banquet hall, paying no mind to the rest of the people surrounding them. "I just remember how you stole my breath that night, one of the many times." A large grin spread across her cheeks, eyes twinkling in love. "That was the first time I realized I wanted to be with you more than become a Jedi." Ben tightened his grip on her hand, leaning over to press a chaste kiss to her cheek. They turned back to the stars, before Ben spoke up. "Becoming a Jedi was all my family ever wanted for me, to live up to that mighty Skywalker blood, and for awhile I wanted it too. But in retrospect, all I ever wanted was you, to have you by my side." Her heart hammered in her chest, she was more important to him than his lineage. Athena leaned over and slowly kissed him, her tongue swiping across his bottom lip. Ben let out a hum and held her head in his massive hands. They stayed like that for awhile, mouths never moving far from each other as they continued to consume each other's essence. "Dance with me, my wife." Her eyes gleamed at his words, she took such pleasure in hearing him say the words it was almost too much to bear. Without a moment more, the two stood and fell effortlessly into each other's embrace. Tucking her head against his, they took small steps dancing slowly. They needed no music, just one another as they swayed in the night sky, ignorant to the rest of the Galaxy.

Ben watched as Athena ran back inside, only for a moment, to grab a sweater. The night becoming a little more frigid and the wind picking up. He stood in the garden, awaiting her return, a hopeful smile on his face. It fell almost immediately when he felt something in the Force, a presence. His eyes scanned the open fields in search of the unwelcome guest, his conscience chastising him for not keeping his saber on hand. "You can come out, I know you're there!" He called into the darkness. A dark haired man stepped out from beside the other corner of the house, blaster drawn and pointing at Ben. He recognized him almost immediately, "Ah, the best pilot in the Resistance. I should've known you'd come." The man gritted his teeth, his grip tightening on the blaster, "Where is she?" His voice wobbled, as if in fear. Ben knew the man did not fear him, not one bit, not even after his painful interrogation when he had captured him on Jakku. No, the pilot feared for Athena, feared what a monster like him would've done to her. Ben could hear his thoughts, he knew his mother had told him part of their history, and yet the pilot still believed he would have harmed her. He elected to ignore his question, his eyes vaguely flickering over to the door of the house. "Where's the Jedi and traitorous Stormtrooper you're friends with?" Ben turned the nonexistent spotlight back on the pilot, his eyes widening at the question. The dark haired man's thought betrayed him, they both were close by along with the Millennium Falcon, his fathers ship. "I said where is she?" The blaster shook for emphasis and Ben almost had the heart to laugh. "You'll just have to shoot me." The man across from him laughed, "That could be arranged." Ben could sense him going for the trigger, his fingers itching at his sides in adrenaline, just waiting to stop it. The blue blast shot out from the blaster, stopping midway between the two men. Ben looked at the shot, exasperated. It was not him holding it in place... Two sets of eyes turned to find Athena standing there, arm outstretched locking the blast in place. In her other hand, she held her lightsaber, her thoughts giving her away too. She had thought it was the First Order, not Resistance. "Poe?!" She called clearly in shock. The pilot, Poe, let out a relieved sigh at the sight and sound of her. "Athena, you're okay?" The utter disbelief in his voice made Ben release a snarl.

Poe walked carefully towards Athena, his blaster still raised at Ben. "Yes why wouldn't I be?" She answered him confused, letting go of the blast that shot past Ben into the distance. Poe gave her a look that seemed to silently ponder her sanity, but he dismissed it for the time being. "C'mon the ships just beyond that ridge, let's get out of here." His hand closed around her upper arm for a solid moment, before he was sent flying to the ground. Ben was quick to pull Athena behind him, "Don't touch her!" Poe was up on his feet in a matter of seconds, blaster pointing at them both. Athena could sense his lack of understanding, until his eyes landed on her hand peeking out from behind Ben's tall figure. More specifically, her left hand and the silver band wrapped around her ring finger. His silent questions seemed to be answered, his arm and blaster dropping down in shock. Ben let out a short huff of amusement, "Something the General forget to mention it seems." Athena gave him a sympathetic look, trying to convey how sorry she was for Ben throwing him, how sorry she was that he had found something completely different than he had expected. "Poe, give them some time." A feminine voice called out from behind them. Rey stood attentively, Luke's blue lightsaber fastened time her belt. Her eyes fell onto Athena and Ben, a look of sadness swimming in them. She could feel Ben stiffen at her side as Poe stalked away towards Rey. The sight reminded her that there was a war raging on outside of this planet's atmosphere. A war Ben and her had a duty in. They could no longer hide in paradise. It was time to put an end to it. They had grown so close over the past few weeks, the Light practically surging out of him, now it was time to use their bond to save the Galaxy.

Once they were out of sight, Athena turned to Ben with a hopeful, anxious smile. "Come with us! We can put an end to all of this Ben." Her hand extended outwards to him, his eyes staring blankly at it. She could feel his conflict rising once again, the Dark and Light fighting for dominance. Hope filled her, yes he could break free of the Dark and become Ben Solo once again. "I-I can't Athena. I don't belong there." Her hope faded, the Dark creeping into his soul, twisting its menacing hooks further into him. She could feel the anger working its way to the surface in her, as she tried to repress the sadness. "You don't belong with the First Order either!" Her words seemed to float right past him, his expression showing no indication that he even heard her. He shook his head slightly, "We could change things, end this war and rule side by side. Make things in our vision." Her stomach dropped, she knew what he was implying. It was the same thing he had asked of her eleven years ago, on this very planet. "I can't." She tried to swallow her tears, but they were swimming in her eyes already. Deep down she knew what was coming. "Yes you can, I've seen it! You ruling by my side as my powerful Empress." Tears fell at his words, he had a premonition of her going dark? She staggered back needing to put some space between them both. Her parents death swirled in her thoughts, reminding her of the darkness she had felt as a child. Perhaps she had always been tempted by the Dark side and it was the path she was destined to follow. No! This was not her, it was only a possible outcome of the future not her destiny. "It won't happen, I won't act on it." Her statement was strong, stronger than her will had been moments ago. Even if she chose not to turn, she could not follow him. Not to the First Order, the very thing she had spent over a decade fighting against. Ben let out a frustrated sigh, the Light beginning to vanish inside. "I-I thought you were coming back to me..." His hardened eyes looked up to her, his silence providing her the answer. She had presumed wrong. How could she have been so foolish? He was never going to come back to the Light again, that was why he fought it so much. "You deceived me..." He took a step closer, "I never lied to you." She scoffed lightly, another realization surfacing in her mind. "Let me guess, your meditation time... you were really contacting the First Order?" He fell silent at that and more tears fell in response. Her Ben was truly gone then, she could not stay by his side, not like this. Athena's right hand enclosed around her left ring finger and ripped the silver band off roughly. A pain filled howl fell from Ben's lips. "N-No, please not again. I can't lose you again. Y-You're my life." Tears continued to slip down Athena's face, her head shaking in disagreeance. "No, we were hormonal teenagers blinded by the idea of first love, we are nothing more than that." She was hurt, her heart shattering just as it had been mended. "NO!" He barked loudly, "You don't believe that, you don't feel that. We were destined." With that she stepped closer, grabbing a hold of his dangling hand. "No we weren't." Numbly she placed the tiny silver band into his massive palm. She closed his fist around it and looked up to him through his tears. "Goodbye Kylo Ren." His lips wobbled, tears cascading down his cheeks as Athena turned away from him. Both of their hearts shattering into a million pieces as she left him. The skies began to cry as the two separated once again. Yes, they were destined, she had lied to him. Destined to love each other but never be within grasp.

Crying silently to herself, she boarded the Falcon that was hidden just beyond the ridge. Rey, Poe, and Finn stood waiting at the top of the ramp, their eyes dropping at the sight of her. Rey stepped forward, her own sorrow clear as day on her face, she cared for him too. "He's not coming." Athena's voice was barely above a whisper, her body trembling. Poe put a gentle hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry." A part of her knew he was not all that sorry, why would anyone want Kylo Ren to join the Resistance? He only felt bad for her pain. She nodded numbly, Rey and her sharing sorrow filled looks. "Let's go then." The trio moved for the cockpit while Athena shuffled to the main hold, she did not want to be around anyone. She did not want their sympathy, no she wanted Ben. Another sob escaped her blubbering lips, he had hurt her again, and this time she could not forget. No she would carry this pain until the end of time, just as he would stay in her heart. The Falcon began to lift off the ground, her hand shooting out to stabilize her on the round table, dropping her saber. A weird sensation overcame her at the exact moment, Athena gasping at the feeling. She could feel more power surging through her from the Force, the power having a distinct energy to it. Him. They had connected through the Force somehow, their energy adjoining. She could feel his sadness, anger, and pain. And she knew he could feel hers. Her eyes fluttered shut trying to drown out his overpowering presence and Force.

"We're stuck!" Rey shouted, confused. The Falcon was stuck in midair, the thrusters not moving the ship at all. "What do you mean?" Poe stood behind the pilot's chair, while Finn leaned over the co-pilot's chair, where Chewie sat. Rey shook her head in confusion, she was not sure how it was possible but they could not move, they were locked in place. An intense shake began to rattle through the ship, jolting them around in the cockpit. A heart wrenching pain in her chest tore her attention away from the control panel, the girl immediately standing up. Outside of the cockpit windows, she could see the small house in the distance, and the dark figure that loomed outside its entrance in the pouring rain. She could feel his pain, his anger, and his sadness, but it felt intensified, like it was not just his. "It's Kylo Ren, he's holding us in place." Finn exclaimed looking out the window as well. The exterior of the house seemed to be crumbling from an immense pressure, they could see chunks of it falling to the ground. Poe shifted over to see, a groan escaping his lips. "I don't know why I assumed it would be so easy to rescue her, they're so very obviously connected." Rey's eyes widened in realization, connected. The scavenger was quick on her feet, pushing past the boys and heading for the main hold of the ship. Finn and Poe shouted after her, afraid of what she was doing, before they chased after her too. The three came staggering into the main hold, finding a shocking sight. Athena stood in the center of the room, her arms outstretched and hands fisted, her eyes were closed as tears continued to fall. Boxes, supplies, and miscellaneous objects in the room were all floating around her. The Falcon continued to shake as Athena's fists clenched tighter and Rey could feel her pain too. It mixed so well with Kylo's she had not realized what was happening. They were connected through the Force, their combined power destroying the small house and holding the trembling Falcon in place. "What do we do?" Poe shouted over the creaking metal of the ship. Rey was unsure, she needed to do something or else they would destroy the Falcon. "I don't - I don't know!" The sacred Jedi texts had not disclosed anything about bonds like this, at the very least she had not read that part yet. Her concerning thoughts were silenced as a blast seemed to project out from Athena's center, knocking the three down to the floor of the ship. At that moment the Falcon began to stop shaking and stuttered out of it's locked place. "Punch it Chewie!" Rey shouted, still lying on the floor in a tangled heap with the two very confused boys. The Falcon quickly flew off into the sky, heading for space. Athena's bright blue eyes shot open, glistening with tears, as she dropped to her knees. The objects floating around the room dropping with her. Rey could feel the connection was gone and so was the Force from Athena's soul.

The connection was gone and all Athena felt was pain. She sobbed heavily into her hands as she sunk further into the floor, unaware of the watching eyes. No all she could see was the sweet brown eyes she had loved. She could bear to feel his pain, hers was enough, so without so much of a second thought she closed herself off from the Force. No Force, no each other. A vicious cycle they seemed to be repeating. 

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