Tanjiro, the demon.

By valvalvalvv

1.5K 43 19

Atop the snowy hill lies the Kamado Family. The story follows Nezuko, a kind and caring elder sister in the K... More


1.5K 43 19
By valvalvalvv

"Tanjiro!" Kie called out, grabbing her son's attention. "Your face is pitch-black. Come here."

Dutifully, he walked over. Strapped on his back is a large basket full to the brim with coal chunks leftover from their last charcoal-making batch. Cloth in hand, Kie scrubbed Tanjiro's dirtied cheeks, insisting,
"You don't have to go. It's snowing and it's dangerous in this weather." Despite her assurance, Tanjiro shook his head. Wanting to provide a better New Year's feast for the family, he had to go down town to sell as much coal as he could. Afterall, with the snowy season in full bloom there would be a higher demand for coal. She couldn't help but smile at her son's tender compassion. "...Thank you."

Just then, a loud voice called out to them. "Tanjiro, are you going to town again today? Bring me along!" Another voice followed up, "I wanna go to! Bring me, bring me!" Two children, Shigeo and Hanako, came running towards the two, screaming and tugging at Tanjiro's checkered haori. They were quickly stopped by their mother, who firmly opposed to the idea.
"No. You can't walk fast like Tanjiro."

She quickly cut their whining off by continuing, "He isn't taking the cart today, so he can't pull you when you're tired." With that, the two siblings let out a pout and ran back to Tanjiro's side, hugging him tight and throwing a tantrum. While their mother had a hard time calming down their clingy nature, Tanjiro had an easier approach. Bending down, he gave them a few pats on their heads and promised to come back with goodies. His bribery worked, and the two had ended their tantrum. Before he left, he called out to his younger brother, Takeo, and asked him to chop as much wood as he could.

Takeo agreed, although slightly disappointed that he couldn't do it with his beloved brother. "There, there." Tanjiro reassured, patting him on the head gently. "H-H-Hey! Stop that!" Blushing, Takeo pushed his hand away, which only compelled Tanjiro to pat him more. As the family let out a hearty laugh, they bid their big brother farewell and wished him a safe trip.

Before he could take another step, he was stopped by a loud cry. "Rokuta, it's okay! Look, it's big brother." A petite girl came up to Tanjiro. Dressed in a pink geometric triangle patterned kimono, her hair was tied into a neat bun with a single pink ribbon at the crown. On her back sat a small boy, Rokuta, who was thrashing about, face covered in snot and tears. Even with Tanjiro's head pats, the boy wouldn't calm down and kept a hold of Tanjiro's finger, squirming and crying out his name. "Ah... I'm sorry, brother. I tried to put Rokuta to sleep but he just refused to. I thought that if he saw you he might calm down a bit, but I guess it only aggravated him..."

Tanjiro shook his head and carried his brother up. "It's okay, Nezuko. I'll hold him until he falls asleep. I know how much they miss Father and how lonely Rokuta is."

"But it'll be dawn by the time that happens..."
As the pair stood watching the crying Rokuta, an idea popped into Nezuko's head.

"I know! How about I sell the coal instead?"

"Eh?" No, it's fine. I'll just bring Rokuta with me—"

But Nezuko didn't listen. Bearing a soft smile, she began to pull the straps off her brother's shoulders and undoing the blanket around her body. She shoved the white linen into his arms and hoisted the basket on her shoulders. Nezuko had a petite and small stature, so it came as a huge surprise to her brother when she managed to walk with the heavy coal load strapped behind her. "It's fine! I wanted to go to town anyway. Besides, I'm sure that the 3 kids would like it if you could spend a little more time up there."

Tanjiro, although hesistant, complied. Taking off his woolen scarf, he wrapped it onto his sister and smiled. With Rokuta in his arms and linen sheet folded, he bid her a safe trip before heading back to their home, his hanafuda earrings clacking as he turned. Nezuko took over her brother and began to make her descent to town, relieved that he hadn't pressured her too much.

She had actually lied to her brother. While carrying it didn't pose much, walking downwards with the bulky basket served harder than calming Rokuta down. Trudging through the thick snow, Nezuko thought about her family as a source of motivation to keep her moving.

Ever since the death of their father, Tanjiro had burdened himself as the eldest to work hard for the family. He had a lot on his plate; From cutting wood to descending the mountain everyday just to earn money for food and other necessities. She knew with how much of a hardworker he was, Tanjiro would definitely continue on even if his body fell apart. Therefore, this would be the perfect opportunity to let her brother take a good rest and have some time to spare for the little ones at home.

After what had seemed like forever, Nezuko came across the distant view of the town. Feeling tired, she gave herself a slap on both her cheeks to shake the fatigue off her. "Alright, you can do it, Nezuko! Just a few more steps till you make it." Adjusting the shoulder straps slightly, she started to make her way to the bustling lives below. Finally reaching her destination, she was greeted by the various townfolk in the area. "My, my. Is that you, Nezuko? Where's your brother?" A middle-aged lady asked, pausing her work and rushing over. "You came down the mountain on a day like today? You're so hardworking, you're gonna catch a cold!"

Nezuko brushed it off, putting on a strong front. "It's nothing! I just thought I'll take over my brother once in a while. Do you want some coal?"

Upon hearing her offer, a passerby asked for some, followed by another who was staying at his house. Quickly, her presence became known and many tried to buy the goods on her back. Some folk even came up to her to leave messages for Tanjiro. Apparently, he had always helped the townspeople with menial tasks such as fixing doors or pushing heavy carts. Feeling a sense of family pride, Nezuko couldn't help but let out a smile at her brother's generousity. This increasing pride was a huge moral booster, and she had a new found strength that seemed to lessen the weight behind her.

Just as she was about to take another step, a forceful slam stopped her in her tracks. Out the door came a beat-up man and a large woman. The man ran towards Nezuko, asking in a hurried voice, "You and Tanjiro are related right? Do you have a keen smell too? Whatever, just sniff this out and help me! She says I broke the dish, so prove my innocence!" The man pointed to the woman behind him, who was leaning on one hip. He proceeded to open his cloth and exposing a shattered plate, nose bleeding from possibly being hit by his boss.

Seeing the man's desperation, Nezuko followed along and took a small sniff at the broken ceremic. She didn't have as keen of a nose as her brother, but she did have some form of ability to distinguish certain fragrances. A tangy smell of fur began to fill up her nostrils, mixed with a little bit of fish and trash. It took a while, but Nezuko managed to discern that it was a stray cat. As the man's face lit up, he quickly shot back at the woman before offering his help to carry the charcoal in Nezuko's stead. "That would be helpful, thank you!"

With her body now lighter, Nezuko could move around easier and faster. Since the coal was with another person, Nezuko could offer her help to other townsfolk in need. By nightfall, the last bit of coal had been bought and Nezuko bid the man farewell. With only the weight of the thin bamboo behind her, she made her way up the mountain.

"Geez, I wonder how brother manages to do this daily..." She was sore all over. The town was full of many elderly who had trouble reaching the low ground and the high ceilings. The excessive bending and carrying had exhausted Nezuko, who had never done this much handiwork before. However, she didn't let it drain her of her energy. If she could let Tanjiro enjoy himself with the family for a day, that's how she could repay him for all the hardwork he had sacrificed for his family.

The ascent to the mountain was gonna be long, but if Nezuko ran up the way, she could make it by dinner. Stretching her sore body, she was about to start her dash when a voice called out to her.

"Hey Nezuko! You aren't going back up the mountain, are you?"

Nezuko turned back, giving the man a confused look.

"It's too dangerous."

With a little bit of squinting, she recognized the man as Old Man Saburo. Wishing to reach home quickly, she replied, "It's fine! I've got a keen smell for trouble and the trustworthy gut of a woman. I'll be alright."

However, Old Man Saburo begged her to stay.
"You can stay here. Please."

"You don't want to run into demons."

Old Man Saburo's house was small. It was plain, dull and had an air of loneliness to it. The only colours in the house were a handful of vividly painted paper umbrellas, all painted similarly with a simple three-block colour scheme. Nezuko sat in a seiza position, slightly uncomfortable at the turn of events that had just occured. Saburo assured her as he served her dinner, "Don't worry. I would never lay a finger on a girl, much less Tanjuro's daughter."

"The reason why I brought you here is because it's unsafe during this time. For ages, man-eating demons have roamed these woods after dark. So you shouldn't ever wander around at night."

Taking off the obi on his haori, he began to prepare two futons along with a partition for separation. "Eat, then sleep. You can get up at dawn and go home early tomorrow. I've placed a partition layer so that you can rest comfortably."

"...Okay. Thank you, Old Man Saburo."

As she laid in her futon, Nezuko still had some lingering questions about demons. "Old Man Saburo, can't the demons come inside houses?"

Saburo sat on the other side, his the dark sillouette sitting on the other side. His shadow moved slightly, filling the room with a thick puff of cigar smoke. "...Yes they can."

"B-But then, why don't they eat everyone?" Nezuko was starting to feel sleepy under the warmth of her futon. She struggled to keep awake for Saburo's reply, only remembering a few words.

"Because the Demon Slayers cut them down. They have for ages..."

With one last puff of smoke, he turned the lights off. In the pitch black, Nezuko recalled what her brother had told her. Old Man Saburo lived alone ever since his family had been devoured by these 'demons'. Although she never said it, she found this to be something out of a storybook. Perhaps it was because he had lived in isolation for all these years, so she planned on bringing her family to visit. With Takeo, Hanako, Shigeo and Rokuta, the place would no doubt be livelier. There was no need for such fear. Afterall, demons don't exist. As the fatigue caught up to her, Nezuko suddenly remembered that her grandmother had said the same thing before she passed on...

By daybreak, Nezuko had prepared to leave. Without her comb, she couldn't achieve her neat bun as usual but since she was going home anyway, it didn't bother her as much. Trudging along the piled up snow once more, Nezuko ascended the steep path. Partway into the journey though, there was a strong stench of metal in the air. The smell of blood.

A knot began to twist in her gut and she quickened her pace, breaking into a full run when the smell got stronger and stronger. Arriving on flat ground, she was met with a disturbing sight.

The door had been bust open, and on the pure white snow laid two bodies. In his checkered haori and hanafuda earrings, Tanjiro's body was over Rokuta's, both laying lifeless on the snowy ground. Their blood was splattered all over, staining the pure snow in a red-coloured mess. Heart racing and stomach churning, Nezuko felt her lungs shrink, depriving her of the oxygen she so needed. Throwing the straw basket off her back, she rushed over to her brothers, yelling their names in both disbelief and despair. "Rokuta! Big brother! What the...? What happened, what happ—?!" Her pink eyes followed the trail of red into the front door. Her eyes were now wide open, quivering in bewilderment as it stared at the sight before her. The last of her breath escaped from her lips, as if time had stood still and encased this nightmare along with it.

The brown wooden walls were stained in the deep shade of scarlet. At the entryway laid 4 more bodies, all drenched in red and unmoving. Resisting the urge to vomit, Nezuko rushed in before stopping shortly. The place reeked of metal and decaying flesh, so much so that she couldn't step foot into the house at all. Tears forming at her eyes, Nezuko could only stare at the bodies in grief and distress.

"Mom... Hanako... Takeo... Shigeo... Tanjiro... Rokuta..."

"I'm sorry...!"
She wept at the doorway, crouching into a small ball before feeling warmth at her feet. Shocked, she turned around and felt Tanjiro's face. There was still some warmth left in him, albeit faint. This revelation filled her heart with hope. "Maybe... Maybe they're all still alive!" Praying hard, Nezuko rushed into the house. The smell could bother her less by then. With her bare hands, she began to feel around her family for any remaining sign of life left in them. Unfortunately, none except Tanjiro was alive.

Even though she felt powerless in that situation, she had to prioritise one thing for now; That was to get Tanjiro to the doctor as quickly as possible. Grabbing a linen coat by the door—Which was her late father's, she wrapped it around the boy. Perhaps it was because she was so freaked out by the whole thing, or maybe due to her desperation to keep her family alive, but Nezuko managed to carry her brother on her back and run. Her running was cut short by the snow storm and her legs began to freeze up in the snow, however, and she still had a long way down the mountain.

Her ephemeral boost in strength suffered, and she lost grip of her limp brother. Tanjiro fell over as did herself. "Big brother!" Hot tears streamed down her face as she hoisted his weight on her shoulder. Every step felt even more painful than the last, and she found herself moving at an alarmingly slow pace. Despite the excruciating pain, Nezuko forced her legs to move. "Faster, faster..! I need to save him as fast as possible."

Time was of the essence. Was it a bear that hadn't hibernate, or something else entirely? Questions ran through her mind as the image of her dead family kept flashing in her head. The numbing cold was slowing her down greatly, and even moving her legs down a slope was hard. The snow storm also did a number to her lungs, which seemed incapable of grasping air from both the shock and the cold. Gasping for air, she trudged through the thick white, "This is all for my brother!"

They were finally nearing the cliff, where the clear view of the town could be seen. Blinded by her relief, she hadn't noticed that Tanjiro had started to move. His hand twitched, then his head, and soon he began to throw a fit. Twisting his body in weird ways, Tanjiro shrieked and thrashed about beside Nezuko, eyes rolled over to expose his white sclera. The shifting weight caught her off guard and she stumbled around, landing her foot into a slippery part of the cliff. Mere seconds later, she slipped off, losing grip of her brother for the second time.

Letting out a piercing scream, Nezuko found herself saved from the impact by a thick layer of snow. It acted like an air cushion, which absorbed most of the shock of the fall. In a way, the snow saved her, but it also caused her to slip and lose her balance. The wind blew against her side, its empty feeling reminded her of her brother. Sitting up, she looked around the woods, calling out to Tanjiro in a frenzied manner. It didn't take long for her to find him though, as he stood to her left. Listlessly, the linen coat fell off his haori, and he began to stumble closer and closer to her. Nezuko got up. Realising that his hatchet was on the ground, she picked it up as she called out to her brother, "Tanjiro, are you alright?! You shouldn't be up, I'll carry you into town okay?" When he didn't reply, she called out his name again, worried that the journey had been too much for his injured self.

This time, Tanjiro responded. The moment Nezuko got close, he began to yell and pranced on her. Teeth bared sharp and eyes like a predator, he got on top of Nezuko and began to attack. Before he could take a bite however, she used the wooden handle of his hatchet as a muzzle to protect herself. As her brother struggled to overpower Nezuko, his strange behaviour was exactly as Old Man Saburo had described.

No way. Was Tanjiro a man-eating demon? But from way back as she could remember, he had always been human. This Tanjiro, however much he looked like himself, emitted a different smell. The current one had an odour of blood and death, nothing at all like the kind and compassionate scent that her brother had given off. Despite Tanjiro's shift in behaviour, and much possibly species, one thing that she was sure of was that he wasn't the one who had done this.

He couldn't have. Afterall, when Nezuko saw their bodies, Tanjiro laid on top of Rokuta as if he was protecting him. Not only that, but his hands and mouth didn't have any blood on them. There was also another scent in the house; The scent that lingered about Tanjiro. Nezuko was sure that that was what had massacred hee family and turned her brother insane.

After another 10 seconds of struggle, Nezuko felt Tanjiro's force increasing. He started to grow in size, as if time had sped up and aged him quicker. His arms grew muscles the size of rocks and his legs were defined harshly. With his strange growth also came a surge in his strength, and he was quickly overpowering Nezuko. As he inched closer and closer, all she could think about was how sorry she had felt. As she felt her eyes got blurry, she shouted as loud as she could as a last ditch attempt to reach her brother.

"Hold on, Tanjiro! Fight it, fight for your life!"

"Be strong and don't turn into a demon. I know you can do it, Tanjiro!"

At this, the struggling stopped. Tanjiro, who had been pushing and gnawing at the wooden handle of his hatchet, paused for a moment. Drops of tears fell onto Nezuko's face and she watched as her brother's red pupils turn back to normal. He began to sob softly as he stared into his sister's eyes, loosening the grip he had on her. It seemed as if Tanjiro still recognised her, and the sight of her crying brother left an ache in Nezuko's heart.

Their moment was cut short by the sudden appearance of a sharp blade. With the scent of wisteria flowers and her gut instincts, Nezuko pushed her brother out of the way and hugged him tight in her arms. The blade had barely touched her hair, its sharp edge split her curly locks from their restriction. The immense strength of the attack had sent them flying, with Nezuko folding over her brother as both rolled away. Bumping into a tree, she winced at the pain as Tanjiro seemed to revert back to his normal size. When the snow cleared, a man in mismatched haori stood where they once were. In his hand was a katana blade, coloured blue as the rivers downstream. At its base were the words 'Destroy All Demons', engraved neatly and clearly for all to see. His eyes were cold and distant. No light seemed to reflect in it despite the bright white of the snow all around, much of that like a fish underwater. "Why do you protect it?"
He asked, getting up slowly.

Stunned at the sudden question, Nezuko stumbled at her words. "B-Brother. He's my big brother!" The man seemed unamused, eyes as dead as ever. Pointing the tip of his blade at Tanjiro, he scorned, "You call that your 'big brother'?"

Despite regaining his humanity earlier, the attack had aggravated Tanjiro. With a snap of a finger, he had turned back into a blood hungry demon. Unable to speak, he made the same moaning noises from earlier, clawing at the air as he tried to escape his sister's grasp. "Graaar! Rragh..!"

Without a moment's hesitation, the man charged at the pair. Afraid of the sword piercing her brother, Nezuko leaned over to protect him. However, she didn't expect the stranger to be so nimble. He managed to snatch Tanjiro out of her hands way before she even slouched her back, and when she realised that fact it was already too late. The man held onto Tanjiro's arms, restraining him as if he were a prisoner. Tanjiro squirmed around, kicking the snow and groaning about. His hanafuda earrings clacked about as he tried to contort out of the samurai's arms. To no avail however, as the stranger seemed unfazed at his struggle.

"Big brother!" Nezuko screamed, putting up her hand as she ran forward.

"Don't move."

She froze at her place, not daring to even take a breath of air.

"Killing demons is my job. Naturally, I'll take your big brother's head too."

The desperation to save her brother was at its peak. She begged him not to, explaining that Tanjiro hadn't taken any human's life. She spewed out her theories on who the perpetrator was, trying hard to prove her brother's innocence, but found it not making much sense at all. "I don't know what's making him act like this, but—"

"That's simple." The man couldn't be bothered with Nezuko's hysteric yelping. Gripping Tanjiro tight, he explained, "Demon blood entered his wound, so he's transformed into a demon. That is how man-eating demons multiply."

"Tanjiro would never eat anyone!"

"Just a moment ago, he tried to eat you."

"No!" Nezuko protested. "I'm sure he knows who I am." She stretched her arms out, unwilling to give in to her helplessness.

"I won't let him hurt anyone. I'll find a way to cure him. I'll make him human again!"

But no matter how much Nezuko pleaded or compromised, the man wouldn't comply. As aloof as ever, he disputed all her claims. "He'll never get better. A human-turned-demon cannot go back."

"I'll find a way! I swear, so please don't kill him! I'll also find the demon who killed my family! So... So please!"

He didn't listen, threatening the sharp blade closer and closer Tanjiro's neck.

"Please don't do it!"

Don't take anyone else away from me...!

Succumbing to her powerless self, Nezuko got on her knees. The pain from losing her family and having her brother turned into a flesh-craving demon was too much. No matter how much she tried to hold it in, she couldn't. Her eyes were red swollen from crying the whole morning and body sore from the whole ordeal. Placing her hands on the icy snow beneath, she took a deep bow and pleaded one last time.

"Please stop. Don't kill my older brother! Please..."

Her voice was cracking and her sentences in sobs. For  her last remaining family member, Nezuko would put her pride aside. As she begged on her knees, the man felt the anger rise from within him.

"Never leave yourself so vulnerable in front of the  enemy!"

His sudden reprimand shocked Nezuko from her state. She flinched up, fearing the stranger's temperment.

"Stop bowing so pitifully! If it was the least bit effective, your family wouldn't be dead!"

He drew the blade aimed at Tanjiro and directed it at her head. "How can a weakling like you, who bows down when it's time to fight, to kill or be killed... How can such a person cure his brother, much less find the enemy in that sorry state."

"If you want something, you gotta fight for it! The meek have no power or options. The strong will crush them in every way possible. Demons might know how to cure your big brother, but none will respect your whining and begging!"

"And for that matter, I don't respect you either. That's reality. Earlier, why did you cover your brother? Did you think that would protect him, that I wouldn't dare hurt a girl? Demons don't care if you're female or not; They eat all humans! Why didn't you throw your hatchet? Why did you show me your back?! That was how I was able to take him."

"Just because you're a girl doesn't mean they'll let you off easy. It's because you're a girl that you have to be stronger than what you're perceived to be. Demons see us all the same. We're food to them. And us demon slayers will see your brother as that. I should've skewered you both when I had the chance!"

Watching the figure of the girl before him reminded the man of his past. In her, he saw himself, his deepest sorrows and grievences and his family. He felt apologetic for coming half a day too late, but what had happened could never be taken back. Although excruciating, there was nothing left to do but to decapitate the demon in his hands. Wielding his blue katana, he propped it up and stabbed its sharp edge into Tanjiro's heart, piercing it with all his might.

"Stop that!"
Nezuko threw a pebble at the samurai, which made him take his blade out of Tanjiro's chest. With the help of the snow storm, she concealed herself and picked up her brother's hatchet. Scooping another pebble, she hid herself in the wooded trees and moved in the shadows. As she ran around, she used the second pebble as a decoy shot before sneaking up to the wielded man. Hands behind her back, she charged at him, fuelling herself with pure rage and emotion.

In spite of her efforts, the man could see through it all. Of course he would. Between a warrior who spent half his life in combat and a girl who had never once lifted a weapon, Nezuko was surely at a disadvantage. A subpar attack that was only driven by emotion was as clumsy as it was ineffective, and the man could only think about how foolish this child was. Using the base of his sword handle, he aimed it at her neck. The shock at the area hit a vital spot, cutting off the blood circulation in her head for a brief moment. She fell over flat like a ragdoll, exhaustion taking over her body. At this, all the fuss that Tanjiro had been making stopped and he watched in silence at Nezuko's listless body. When she fell to the ground and sprawled her limbs bare, the man noticed something alarming.

Where was the hatchet...?

His senses pointed him upwards, where he saw the shiny figure of the hatchet's blade coming for his head. He had just barely dodged its attack, it now stuck at the trunk of the tree where his head had once been. Caught off guard by the weapon's sudden appearance, it took a while for him to understand what had happened.

When Nezuko had thrown the second pebble, she had also thrown the hatchet upwards in the tree's shadows. The moment she charged forward, she hid her hands behind her to disguise the fact that she was unarmed. It wasn't driven solely by emotion. She formulated a plan to overpower the samurai who was far more experienced than she was; That plan was to strike him down after he had killed her.

Awstruck by her overperformance, the man let down his guard. Tanjiro, who felt the now loosened grip on his hands, turned around and flung a kick attack. The man dodged it, jumping away from the scene. It was a fatal miscalculation as Tanjiro was now going after Nezuko's lifeless body without any protection. "S-Shit! He's gonna eat her—"

His words were cut short by the sight before him. Against all odds and everything he had ever seen, Tanjiro wasn't feasting on his sister's body. Instead, he crouched over her and gave her a soft pat on the head before making a protective stance. Growling and twitching, Tanjiro locked his red eyes onto the swordsman, glaring daggers at him. It was something unheard of. A demon protecting a human? Impossible. Absolute baloney. Then why was this demon doing the opposite? Why would he pat her head instead of gobble her up? All that ran through his mind were Nezuko's words. Not Tanjiro! Tanjiro would never eat any human!

It reminded the man of the past, when someone had said the same foolish words as Nezuko. Mere moments later, the fool was eaten up by a demon. Through his training and experience, the samurai knew how cruel demons were. Starving demons, especially those who were wounded or had spent too much energy to transform need food. Humans were incredibly nutrient-rich and thus were perfect source of food for the demons. He had long noted the massive wound on Tanjiro's head as well as the blood seeping out from his chest. He knew beforehand that this demon was famished as could be. Clearly injured and starving relentlessly, it was a miracle to see him not feasting on the lifeless body of his sister and instead focusing all his anger on the man before him. Tanjiro pounced on him, teeth bared and nails sharp as he tried to attack the swordsman. The man, instead of decapitating him as he had planned, chose to hold his blade up and slam it into Tanjiro's shoulder, quickly making him lose all consciousness and defending himself. "These two may be different..."

Lying in the dark, Nezuko had lost all her strength. Unbeknownst to her, she was surrounded by her families' spirits. They crouched down beside her, faces furrowing in concern and regret. Theis mother took the lead, gracefully bending down and patting her daughter's head. "I'm sorry I had to leave you, Nezuko. Take care of your brother, alright?"

She woke up with tears in her eyes, grabbing at the her father's linen coat. Confused, Nezuko realised that her brother was sleeping soundly next to her, a bamboo muzzle lodged in his mouth. Steadying her breathing, she felt relieved at the sight of him all safe and sound. The wound at his head had vanished, replaced with the forehead scar that mirrored their late father's. Strangely, he was wrapped neatly and cleaned off of all blood, like someone had tucked him gently into it and treated him well.

"You're awake?"

The voice of the same samurai called out to her. Remembering their earlier encounter, Nezuko hoisted her brother up into her arms and scowled, cursing under her breath. Her plan had failed, but why hadn't he killed Tanjiro off? Was he going to try again? Her senses on high alert, she put her guard up and shielded her sleeping brother. The man stood at a distance by a tall tree. Standing still, as calm as ever, he told Nezuko to travel to the foot of Mount. Sagiri and see someone named Sakonji Urokodaki.

"Tell him that Giyuu Tomioka sent you. Your brother should be fine because the sun isn't out today, but don't let him into direct contact with sunlight."

With that, he disappeared along with his scent. It was as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't arrived in the first place and tried to kill them both. Nezuko had survived a deadly encounter and safely guarded her brother, but that was just the beginning. Knowing full well the dangers she will face, she turned to her sleeping brother and shook him awake. "Tanjiro, wake up. We need to go now." It took awhile before he woke up. Groggily, he followed behind her, holding her hand loosely as he did so.

Before she could start her journey, she had one thing left to do as a filial daughter. Ignoring the pain in her heart, she and Tanjiro went back to their bloodied home. As Tanjiro stood limply at the doorway, Nezuko worked hard and dug up 4 body sized holes on the ground. Beside those holes another buried grave which belonged to their late father. When that was done, she carried each body carefully, placing them neatly and closing their eyes in the process. She also ransacked their most treasured items along with anything that they used and placed it beside their respective graves. For their mother, her makeup and the hairpin that Father gave her. Takeo, his beloved novel. Hanako, her favourite ichimatsu doll that she named Ru-chan. Shigeru, his most prized kendama and darumaotoshi. For Rokuta, she filled his grave with all the different candies that he so loved.

Shovel in hand, she piled the dirt back up and prayed for their safety in the afterlife. Tanjiro, on the other hand, seemed detached from it all, staring blankly as his sister kneeled before their families' graves. Afterwards, she cleaned the house as best as she could. Due to the icy cold and extended period of time, most of the blood had left stains that couldn't be cleaned up at all. Nevertheless, Nezuko made sure to tidy her house neatly. Scooping up the last of their money and other necessities, she dressed Tanjiro in the blue scarf he had given her and put on her own black haori. As she paid her respects one last time to her family, Nezuko held onto her brother's hand. "Let's go."

Leading the way, the pair began to walk down the mountain for the last time. Before that, Nezuko took one last glimpse at its entirety and imprinted it in her mind. Gone were their happy, peaceful days. The memories she had spent her life forging and the people in it were now no more, only she and her demon brother left. Swallowing down her tears, she looked forward and took off in a sprint, with Tanjiro following closely behind.

It was the beginning of a new adventure for the pair.

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