Soon to be.

By LuvIzOverRated

3.6K 97 18


Soon To Be
Chapter 1 / the party
Chapter 2 / Week 7
Charter 3 / Week 12
Chatrer 5 - Memories and Protectiveness
Chapter 6 / Week 20 and Doctors appointment
Chapter 7 - Moving/Cravings
Chapter 8 - 33 weeks / surprising
epilogue - delivery/name

Charter 4 / Meeting Friends

281 10 9
By LuvIzOverRated

Denices POV

Jackson helped me up after I threw up. He handed me a new toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and gargled with Listerine. As I was finishing up I noticed that I got some vomit on my sweater, so I took it off. As I spit out the Listerine into the sink it splashed on my shirt. Now I have a big wet stain on the bottom of my shirt. What should I do? Oh well I got a sports bra on. I took off my shirt and stayed only in ma sports bra. I washed my face and walked out of the bathroom. When I got to the living room I saw five guys playing the X-box and froze. Oh shit the can't see me like this. They are Jackson's friends. I don't think that Jackson wants them to know he is gonna be a father. I looked at Jackson with panic in my eyes. He smiled at me and motioned for me to sit with him in the seat. I guess he really doesn't care if they know. I walked to him and sat next to him. He grabbed a blanket from the table and covered us with it. Jackson wrapped one arm around my waist and the other he let it lay on my stomach. On of the boys turned around to say something to Jackson but when he saw me he was shocked. He paused the game so all the guys complained. He got up and came towards me.

“Hello beautiful my name is Anthony but everyone calls me Tony.” He said with a smile on his face.

All the guys turned around and saw me. They turned from Jackson to me a couple of times.

“Hello” I said in a shy voice.

Jackson laughed and I hid ma face in the blanket. I heard all the guys laugh. I'm not the normal type of girl that Jackson dates. I'm shy and not outgoing like the popular girls. Jackson pulled down the blanket from my face. I opened my eyes that I didn't even know I closed and all the boys were still looking at me.

“Babe there are my friends Steve, Kris, Ricky, David ,Ian and you already met Tony. Guys this is my girl Denices.” he said as he pointed out each person.

“Hello Denices. You seem familiar. Have we met before?” Steve asked.

“No we haven't met but we go to the same school. I am a freshman.” I said the last part low.

“Oh yea I remember you now. You are the one that always hang out with the short blond girl Kathrine right?” Tony asked.

“Yea Kathrine is my best friends and roommate.” I said.

“Wasn't Zidera your best friend?” Kris asked.

“She was my best friend but the Ron got to her. Since I didn't pay no attention to him he went after her. Now she is popular and don't give a shit anymore. She left me alone”

“Don't worry babe I will always be there for yall and love yall.” Jackson said.

“What do you mean them. Denices and who?” Ricky asked.

I looked at Jackson asking permission with my eyes. He got up and nodded his head. He helped me up and I let the blanket fall. Since I was only in a sports bra you could see my stomach. Jackson wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and started to rub my baby bump. The guys followed his hand to my stomach. Their eyes widened in surprise and smiled at us.

“Guys as you could see she is pregnant. Imma be a father.” he said excitedly.

“Congratulation” They all said at the same time.

They all gave us a hug. It went better thank I thought. After they all congratulated us they sat back down but we started to talk.

“Babe when we were talking before you said that you didn't pay Ron no mind. What do you mean Ron was after you?” Jackson asked.

“Well remember at his party how I was dressed?” I asked. Jackson nodded his head.

“He said I should dress like that for school so I could be popular but I didn't want to be one of the popular sluts so I said no. After that he would not leave me alone. He kept bugging me about it. He said if I didn't do it he will get Zidera against me. I didn't listen and he did. One day he pulled me into an empty classroom and tried to kiss me. I did what any girl could have done, I kicked him in his balls and ran. After that I avoided the two of them.” I explained.

Jackson looked like he was about to kill someone. To calm him down I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. He started to rub it and calmed down a little. The guys were looking mad too. Why where the mad? They don't even know me. Are they mad at me because I was talking about their friend? I looked at Jackson and he still looked mad. Is he mad at me too? Tears were forming in my eyes.

“Are yall mad at me?” I said in a low voice looking at the floor.

“Hell no we not mad at you Princess. We mad at Ron for doing that to you.” Tony said.

“Ayo why you calling my girl Princess dude?” Jackson asked in a playful tony trying to lighten the mood.

“Cause she is your girl but she is my Princess.” Tony said.

“She is my Barbie.” Ricky said.

“So yall gonna call me Princess and Barbie.” I asked smiling.

“I will stick with babe. Yall could call her whatever yall want if its okay with her.” Jackson said.

“It's cool with me.” I said.

“Okay then imma call you Sugar.” Steve said.

“Imma call you Nissy” Kris said.

“Well if u don't mind imma call you Baby Den.” Ian said.

“Imma call you Little D.” David said.

I laughed at the last two cause they are so funny. We kept on talking for a while. These boys are so cool. It's gonna be fun chillin with them outside of school. I know they aren't gonna let a loner like me ruin their popularity. My stomach growled loudly. I looked at the boys hoping they didn't hear it but I was wrong. They were all laughing. I got so embarrassed then I put my head down.

“Little D don't be embarrassed. We are all starving. Plus you're pregnant so you have to eat.” David said.

“Babe what do you want to eat?” Jackson asked.

I thought about it for a minute. Then the perfect food popped in my head. I have been craving it for almost three days but I never had the time to get it.

“I have been craving Chinese food. A combination platter of house fried rice with Sweet and sour chicken with cheese and ketchup .” I said.

“Aight then I guess we getting Chinese food. What do yall want?” Jackson said.

“I want Shrimp with broccoli and pork fried rice.” said David.

“I want beef with broccoli and fried rice.” Tony said.

“I want rib tips with house fried rice.” said Steve.

“I want the same as David” Ricky said.

“I want Kung Pao chicken with french fries” said Ian.

“I want the same as Ian” said Kris.

I heard my call phone ringing. I got up and went and got it out of my sweater in the bathroom. When I unlocked my Iphone I saw that it was Kathrine. Shit I forgot about her. I opened the text message that she sent.

Yo Deni where u @? i'm @ home nd u aint here. I'm getin worried bout u. txt me back asap plz. Kat”

I quickly text her back with my reply.

Kat im fine. Im just @ bby dad house. Wats up? Deni”

OMG u @ Jackson house kool. Guess dat means dat u tld him. Im just brd nutin 2 do. Kat”

I thought about it for a minute. I quickly went into the living room to see the boys still talking. I walked up to Jackson and sat on his lap.

“Baby can Kat come over. She is at home bored out her mind.” I said using my doggy face.

“Of course babe. Tony is about to leave to the Chinese place to get the food. He could go get her if you want. What do you think she wants to eat?” He asked me.

“She wants the same as he. She is the one who got me hooked to it. Tony ma address is 383 State St. thanks imma text her to get ready.”

I jumped off of Jackson's lap and went back to the bathroom to text her.

b ready Jackson friend gonna go get u in like 10 min. u cumin over 2 chill 4 a lil. Get cute he described u 2 me nd I tink he liks u. Den”

aight b ready by den. Hope he cute. I need sum1 2 b wit if imma officially move here. Kat”

ahh cheers. He is gurl his name is tony. B good in de car wit him. I noe u crazy. Deni”

i will gurl. See u in a few. Ttyl Kat”

I walked into the living room again and saw all the boys in the living room except Jackson and Tony. I know Tony left but where is Jackson. Steve looked at me and as if knowing what I was about to ask he pointed to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw him trying to do the dishes. I walked up to him and pushed him out of the way. I kept on cleaning the dishes for him. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I felt right being in his arms. He kissed my neck and I moaned.

“Please stop doing that. Your friends are in the other room.” I said lowly.

“Your point is.” He said kissing my neck again.

“That turns me on. I don't think you want your friends come in on us doing it on the table island.” I said .

“I really don't care”

“Oh so you won't care if your friends see me, the girl that is pregnant with your baby, naked?” I said.

He quickly stopped kissing my neck and started to rub my stomach. Every time he does that it makes me relax. I heard the front door bell ring and I felt his arms leave my waist as he left the kitchen. I finished washing the dishes quickly and walked into the living room. As I sat down on the couch next to Jackson then elevator opened. Tony and Kat came in holding the food. They walked into the kitchen I think to give them out. I was about to get up to help them but Jackson pulled me back down.

“no babe let the boys get it. Boys go help Tony and Kathrine with the food.” Jackson said.

“Why?” they all complained.

“cause if yall don't go my girl will and I don't want her to get up from my side.” He said smiling at me.

“Aight just because it's for Little D.” David said.

They all got up and went into the kitchen. Jackson pulled me onto his lap and kissed me tenderly. We pulled away when we heard them come in. They gave out the food and we started to eat. Kat sat on the floor next to Tony. She looked up at me and winked. I know what that means. They are going to hit it up. After we finished our food we kept talking about school. They even asked me and Kat how was Wyoming. Then the question that I never wanted to hear popped up.

“Why did you move here Barbie?” Ricky asked.

I looked at Kat and she had sorrow in her eyes. She was the only one other than my parents to know the reason we moved. Tears started to fall down my face. Kat was quickly at my side and hugging me. No one has noticed because they were into their food. A sob escaped my lips as I clutched onto Kat. All the boys were quickly surrounding us. Asking what was wrong. I couldn't talk all I could do was hold onto Kat. I blocked everyone talking and the memories came back flooding into my mind. That dreadful day three years ago.


pic of denice's baby bump on the side. This picture i got it off of

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