By rubieskoo

8.6K 292 224

ππ€ππ†ππˆππŠ πŽππ„-π’π‡πŽπ“ π‚πŽπ‹π‹π„π‚π“πˆπŽπ ⁞ i loved you like icarus loved the sun, far too close... More



1.4K 67 18
By rubieskoo

( a/n: this one is kind of tennis themed so i thought a little explanation was in order. for anyone who's not familiar with tennis, the points system goes like this: 15 - 30 - 40 - win. a fault is a serve that is long, wide, or doesn't go over the net. an ace is a serve that goes untouched by the opponent's racket and is unreturned. in tournament play, the end of the match is announced with the phrase "game, set, match" followed by the winning person's or team's name. )


•   •   •

THE FINAL BLOW WAS UNEXPECTED, like an ace shot in a tennis match that slammed past before he could even react. Match point awarded to Jeon Jungkook. It had been a simple roundhouse kick, unexpected enough that it might as well have come out of nowhere, though he knew that if he hadn't been pushed to breaking point, if he wasn't so tired and angry, and if the adrenaline had lasted just a little longer and prevented the pain from creeping through and dimming his focus, he might've anticipated it and made some attempt to block or evade. 

Now though, Taehyung was struggling to get to his knees, sprawled across the floor as everyone bustled out of the auditorium. That was it, he supposed. He was out of the martial arts tournament and consequently out of the race for the grand cash prize. So, he thought, this was what it felt like to be on the losing side. 

He hadn't experienced such a feeling in a long time, the reason being that for one thing, he was just that fucking amazing, and for another, defeat was not something that came easily to him. Even when it seemed like there was no possible hope of victory, Taehyung would inevitably discover some sign of weakness in an opponent, some small crack in their defences, something he could exploit. This time though. . . 

It didn't help that the person he lost to was someone he somewhat considered to be his rival.

As he finally managed to get to his feet, dusting himself off and biting back the anger and shame, the sound of light, quick footsteps reached his ears. He raised head, and Lalisa Manoban offered him a small smile. 

"I know this probably won't be any consolation... but I thought you did great." 

'Why should I care?' he wanted to snap. 'Do I look like I want to hear that I did great after I just fucking lost?' Instead he opted to glare at her through narrowed eyes, hoping she'd take the hint.

She didn't.

"I... um, I really enjoyed the match." she told him, trying to fill the silence. "I watched it the whole way through." 

Of course she did, she and Jeon were close. At first, Taehyung had assumed they were dating, but no, they were 'just good friends'. As if. The fond glances a sickeningly shy smiles that Jeon constantly directed at her hadn't escaped his notice. He was also aware of how the blonde-haired girl would gaze at him on occasion and how she'd blush and look away when he caught her. Even now, her cheeks were flushed slightly as she stood awkwardly waiting for a reply. 

"So glad you enjoyed it, kid." He answered, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Dunno what I'd have done if it turned out you'd been sat there bored the whole time I blocking punches with my face." 

"Kid?" she repeated, completely ignoring the rest of the swipe. Something else he hadn't expected, figuring she'd get upset and stalk off to talk to golden boy instead.

"Hey, I'm only two years younger than you, you know. I'm not a kid anymore." 

Taehyung's gaze slipped languidly down her body, taking in the soft curves of her breasts and hips. 

"Hm, guess you're right." he murmured, eyes meeting hers, an idea beginning to spark and take shape. "Definitely not a kid anymore." 

No, the game wasn't over. It had just been 0 - 15 in Jeon Jungkook's favor. And, judging by how Lisa's face reddened over that one small comment, it was now 15 all.

15 - 15  ]

"It's been a while since we've been able to sit together like this." 

Lisa's voice. She and Jeon were sitting nearby, having walked into the hotel restaurant about ten minutes after he'd settled down to eat, and although he was itching to leap up and slam Jeon's smug face through a table, Lisa's pleased blush at the sight of him was enough evidence that if he just waited a little longer, payback would be that much sweeter. 

"Yeah." Jeon replied. "Well, we've both been busy." 

"Yeah, well, I don't have that worry anymore." she answered, sounding annoyed. "In case you forgot, I lost today." 


"Sorry, Lisa." 

"No, don't worry about it. . . it's just frustrating. I keep dwelling on the stupid mistakes I made, you know? Like if I'd just done this instead of that, I could've been celebrating a win right now." 

"Yeah, you're bound to do that. At least you can learn from them, right?" 

"I guess." There was a long pause, the clinking of cutlery and buzz of conversation a constant in the background. 

"I'm glad you're here, Kook." 

"You are?" The hope in Jeon's voice was unmistakable.

"Mhm. I dunno whether it's the same for you, but I think it's comforting to have a friend in a place like this, where everyone's super competitive. Plus, even though I lost, I can still cheer you on, right?" 

"I guess so. . ." 

If Lisa picked up on his disappointment, she made no mention of it. 

"So..." he started after a short silence. "What did you and Taehyung talk about after the match?" 

"Wh-what? Oh. . . nothing, really." 

She sounded like she was smiling.

[ 30 - 15  ]

The glow of the solar lamps dotting the pathway outside was gently fading as Taehyung sat next to the window, pondering the best way to score his next point. Getting her alone would be a good place to start, he thought with irritation, eyes resting on Lisa as she slotted coins into the jukebox and started to scroll through the listings. 

Jeon was sitting at their table, drinking banana milk, of all things. Taehyung rolled his eyes in disbelief. Somehow, losing to a guy who goes into a bar and orders fucking banana milk made the defeat all the more annoying. 

The song on the jukebox finished, and peppy top 40 pop filled the air. A "perfect" ending to a "perfect" day. Thank god the beer was free. He stared out of the window at the flickering lamps for a moment before letting his eyes slowly unfocus and his consciousness drift until the noise and music merged into an unobtrusive hum, like a television playing nothing but static. 

"You want to go now? But there's another three songs left." Lisa's voice brought his focus back. She was dressed to match the aura of the evening in a retro polka dot dress and her some of her pinned up blonde bun had come undone in the back and the strands dangled like long spider legs. He had to admit, he could see why Jeon was so enamored with the girl. She was a timeless beauty, a rare gem shining brighter than the masses as if plucked directly from the paintings of old renaissance angels. 

"I've got another match tomorrow, Lisa. Need to catch up on my rest since I'll be up early for this one." 

"Well, that was a waste of money." she muttered, and Jungkook pushed his chair back, standing up. 

"You don't have to come with me." he told her. "Stay here and listen to the rest of your music if you want."

"You know, I think I will. I'm not even finished with this yet." She waved her drink at him. 

"Well don't go overboard." 

"I won't." For all her annoyance at being labelled a kid, she sure did sound like a petulant child. 

"I'm not saying it like that, it's just. . . I know you feel bad about your match, so... don't go overboard." 

"Actually, I wasn't even thinking about it until you just brought it up. Thanks for reminding me, Jungkook. Really." 

"Sorry! I didn't mean. . ." He sighed, shaking his head. "Look, I'll see you later." 

Lisa didn't reply. 

Second fault of the game, Jeon. 

Later, walking back from the bar counter, another beer in hand, he heard Lisa call his name.

"Hey, over here!" she waved. 

"You here by yourself?" he asked despite knowing the answer. 

"Yeah. I could do with some company though." 

"Well, I suppose I've got nowhere better to be." 

"Charming." she shot back, but her eyes were sparkling with amusement as he sat down opposite her. 

Two drinks after that, Taehyung had to admit he was pretty surprised with Lisa. Somehow, they'd managed to make actual conversation. And despite the childish, pink persona, after a while she'd started responding to his suggestive comments with laughter and occasional innuendos of her own instead of getting fluster changing the subject. 

No, Lalisa Manoban was definitely not the sugary sweet, innocent type he'd expected. Though she still blushed incredibly easily, which amused him to no end and means he intended to take full advantage of.

"You do realize," he told her, taking a swig of beer, "that Jeon Jungkook wants in your pants?" 

Lisa shook her head with a laugh. "He does not." 

"Oh yes he does." 

"Does not! Why does everyone assume that? We're just friends!" She was completely serious, and he couldn't help but laugh. 

She could pick up on a double-entrendre effortlessly, yet she seemed oblivious to Jeon's obvious feelings for her. Or maybe she was in denial because the thought of sexing a guy so boring he ordered banana milk at a bar was too grim to contemplate. He kinda hoped it was latter. Either way, he reasoned, it was enough to subtract points from Jeon.

[ 30 - 0  ]

The suggestion that she come up to his room to carry on their chat after had been a risk, but it had paid off, most likely helped along by the light buzz of alcohol flowing through her system and clouding her judgement. 

Again, thank god that the beer was free. People tended to have more than they should when they didn't have to pick up the tab and Lisa was no exception. 

A part of him almost felt reluctant, if they did this now, it would mean game over and he'd have no reason to see her again. 

"Actually," he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Not tonight, Lisa. You're drunk, it- it's just not a smart move."

She shook her head, giggling softly to herself. "While I appreciate your decency and admire your chivalry, I assure you I'm no lightweight and am perfectly capable of making my own decisions."

Well shit, if she wanted him, who was he to deny her?

Lisa's suggestion that her own apartment was closer had been a welcome surprise, and the slow but smooth progression from harmless joking and flirting to kissing to undressing to pressing her to the bed and sliding inside her, her face buried in his shoulder, legs wound around him, was even more welcome. 

She gave soft sighs of pleasure as he trailed his lips down her throat and over her chest, and when he kissed her she moaned into his mouth. Afterwards, he lay awake and stared up at the ceiling. Her slow, even breathing indicated she was sleeping, so by all accounts, he could get up, get dressed, and escape without waking her. If he wanted.

[ 40 - 0  ]

Jeon's muffled voice tore Taehyung from a dreamless sleep, and he forced his eyes open to see Lisa, clad in an oversized t-shirt with a unicorn on the front barely reaching the tops of her thighs and sex hair. 

"Lisa, are you in there? You okay?" 

"I. . . I'm fine. . ." 

He noticed, with satisfaction, that her voice sounded raspy, no doubt from screaming his name last night.

"Can I come in?" 

"No! I, uh, I just showered. I'm not dressed!" 

"You weren't at my match this morning. . . did you have too much to drink? I told you not to go overboard!" 

Taehyung watched Lisa bite her lip, but not answer so he decided to have some fun.

"Chill, Jeon." he grinned from ear to ear, putting his arms behind his head and leaning back against the pillows. "She's fine." 


Lisa turned to him, eyes wide in disbelief and a hint of panic, and he shrugged at her. 

"Well..." he continued breezily, "Having said that, she did look like she needed to lie down last night. . . but don't worry, she's got a lot more color in her cheeks now."

Jungkook was silent. 

Game, set, match.

•   •   •

[2191 words | 12.03.19]
yeezus i need to stop making these oneshots
taehyung!centric but he's such a biaswrecker.

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