Book 1: New Revelations

By CherryNoddles

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"Mom? Dad? Y-You're..." Hearing their daughter's voice, Marinette and Adrien's heads snapped up in shock, una... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Happy Birthday!!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Merry Christmas!!!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 20

246 4 6
By CherryNoddles

Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 20 of Book 1: New Revelations! Happy December btw! Idk why I said it, I just felt like it. I just love the end-year holidays you know? I absolutely LOVE snow. Too bad in my country, it never snows. Does your country have snow? Let me know in the comments section below. Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Marinette's POV

"What the hell are you doing here Lila?" I seethed. I never thought I would meet Lila Rossi ever since she moved to Italy to become a model. Yet here she was, standing in front of me, in all her lying glory.

"Well, one of my managers friends said they needed a female model here. So I came back." Lila wasn't even looking at me when she replied! She has so little respect for me that she can't even look at me when talking to me. And the worst part: I didn't even know that my friend's friend is Lila's manager! I never would've accepted that recommendation otherwise!

The stagehand stared at the both of us and asked, "Wait. You two know each other?" Unfortunately. Lila sniffed and nodded, then replied, "Yeah. We were classmates in high school." "That's great. Guess I'll leave you two to catch up." The stagehand turned to leave, but Lila grabbed his arm and pulled him back before he could.

"Wait. Get me a cappuccino, no foam." I stared at her in utter disbelief. How can she just do that?! Apparently, that guy thought so too. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye before replying, "Um... Sorry, but-" "Excuse me. Did I ask for your comments? Hurry up and go make me a cappuccino." Lila interrupted rudely. Just who does she think she is?!

"Ok, just hold on a second. You, go check on the cameramen. Make sure they're ready for the next shoot. Also, get Adrien here." The stagehand nodded and raced off. I turned to Lila, who had an annoyed look on her face. "Why did you do that for?! I wanted a coffee. Just who do you think you are?!" I couldn't believe her. "Um, the last time I checked? Your boss." Lila rolled her eyes and went back to ignoring me, checking out her fingernails. But no way was I going to put up with this shit.

I grabbed her arm so she would look at me and continued, "So you don't give my employees any orders to get you coffee or whatever. They work for me, not for you. If you want coffee so badly, go get it yourself." Lila jerked her hand away from me and said, "Don't grab me like that. I am a model. I can't afford to have bruises." I rolled my eyes and went back to my clipboard. When did Lila get so whiny? "Yeah, give me one cappuccino, no foam. Thanks." I looked up from my clipboard to see Lila talking to one of the cameramen with a big smile. Great. She's breaking out the Lila charm. I walked over to them and said, "Hey, hey, hey. What did I just say about giving my employees orders. You, go back to your station. We're going to be shooting soon." The cameraman nodded and ran off.

I turned and glared at Lila. She was looking at her phone, probably scrolling through her social media to see how many followers she has. I plucked the phone out of her hand, forcing her to look at me. "Hey! Give me back my phone!" Lila exclaimed, reaching for it. I reached it high above my head, out of range, and said, "First, you're not allowed to go through your social media when you're working. Second, I told you not to tell anyone to get you coffee anymore. I'm your boss. I can send you back to Italy as easily as I got you here."

Lila opened her mouth to say something when someone behind me said, "Hey Marinette. Some stagehand told me you wanted me or something? Woah. Hold on a second. What the hell is Lila doing here?" I turned around and Adrien was walking towards us. I sighed and gestured at her while replying, "Apparently, the friend who recommended the Italian model is friends with one of Lila's managers. And the Italian model she recommended? Lila."

Lila smiled flirtatiously at Adrien and cooed, "Hey Adrien. How are you doing?" Adrien put his arm around me and replied awkwardly, "Um, great, thanks." I could tell that he was being extra protective of me now that Lila's here. Overprotective cat. I smiled at the thought. Lila was looking at Adrien's arm around my shoulders. I didn't know anyone could look at anything with such hatred in their eyes.

I patted Adrien's hand and said, "Go get ready for the next shoot. I'll deal with Lila." I whispered that last part in his ear. He nodded and gave me one last glance, before walking away. I turned to Lila and tried to look as professional as possible. But ignoring the bubbling hatred in the pit of my stomach is hard. "You go get ready for the shoot too. We're going to do a couple more outfits for today."

I turned to walk away when Lila grabbed my arm. "I forgot to tell you this earlier, but this modelling gig isn't the only reason I came back. Adrien is mine. You might've gotten him first, but by the end of this week, he'll be all over me." I jerked my hand away from her and replied, "First of all, Adrien is not a thing. He's his own person. No one 'owns' him. Second of all, in case you didn't notice, I'm his wife. You're not going to get Adrien that easily. He loves me and I love him. Simple as that. Third of all, you can try all you like, but I know Adrien will never betray me like that. And if you try anything with Adrien, I swear I'll make you regret it." Lila smirked and pulled me by my shirt collar.

"We'll see Marinette. We'll see."

Emma's POV

"Thanks Chimp." I said to my driver as he stopped in front of the Agreste Mansion. I could feel Tikki pressed up against my pants leg from inside my purse. I walked inside the house, stumbling around a bit. Guess I was still a little shaky from fighting off the akuma.

Hugo and Louis were sitting on the couch, watching television. They turned their heads towards me when they heard the living room door open. Tikki came flying out of my purse and helped me over to the couch, or as much help as she could give with those little hands of hers. Hugo came over and set me down on one of the chairs gently. "Woah sis. You look terrible. What happened to you?" Louis asked, turning off the television and coming over to me. I waved them off and replied, "Nothing really. I almost got akumatized. Don't worry. I managed to fight it off though."

Hugo and Louis' eyes widened and they exclaimed, "You almost got akumatized?!" I nodded sleepily, fighting the urge to yawn. "How are you still walking?!" Hugo asked, eyes wide. I raised my eyebrows at him like seriously? "I'm calling Mom." Hugo said decidedly.

My eyes shot open and I quickly grabbed Hugo's hand. "No! Don't! Mom's at work. She has this important photoshoot going on today. Don't disturb her. Please. I'm fine." Tikki nodded her head and said, "Good idea Hugo. Stay here and watch Emma. I'll go call Marinette." "Are any of you even listening to me? I told you I'm fine!" I protested. But Tikki had already flew out of the room, probably towards the nearest telephone.

I groaned in exasperation and exclaimed, "I'm serious guys! I'm perfectly fine! Mom doesn't need to come over! Let her stay at work! Come on guys!" Hugo shook his head no and crossed his arms. Louis replied, "No Emma. You just got akumatized. Mom's gotta know about this. Now." Tikki came flying back into the room. "All done. Marinette's on her way."

"Really guys. You don't have to do this. I'm fine. Let Mom stay at the photoshoot! She's got more important things to worry about!" I exclaimed, trying to get them to listen to me. Hugo raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm pretty sure you're more important than anything at a photoshoot. How did you get akumatized anyway?" A cloud passed over my head. I didn't want to think about anything to do with Lexi right now. "I don't wanna talk about it." I mumbled before closing my eyes.

At least...

Not without Mom here...

Marinette's POV

The cameras flashed away as Adrien and Lila posed for more pictures. "Get a shot of them over here." I whispered to one of the cameramen. He nodded and shifted over, continuing to snap picture after picture.

I glanced warily at Lila and Adrien. Adrien looked hella uncomfortable. Hang in there Adrien. Just a little more. I glared at Lila the entire time, watching her, making sure she doesn't do anything. Call me clingy, but I know what Lila can do, and I'm not taking any chances with her.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I walked off to the side and took the call. "Hello?" "Marinette?" It was Tikki. "Tikki? Why did you call me? Is everything alright? How are the kids?" There was a moment of silence. I could tell that Tikki didn't know what to say to me. "Tikki? Tell me right now. What is going on?" I demanded. I felt my panic levels rise. I didn't know what was happening right now, if my kids were safe or not.

"Marinette, I think it's best if you just come home. Right now. Something's happened with Emma." I felt my heart stop. "Ok. Make sure Emma stays right there. Hugo and Louis too. I'm on my way. Be there in 10." I hung up and went back to where Adrien and Lila were still posing for the cameras. "Ok everyone! Take 5!" I called out.

Everyone glanced at each other then at me, probably because we just had a break, but went to drink water, have a little snack, whatever they do during breaks like this. Adrien came over to me and asked, "What's wrong? You look worried. Is everything alright?" I shook my head and said, "I don't even know what's happening right now. But I need to go home. Something's wrong. Tikki just called. She said to come home. Something's happened with Emma."

Adrien's brow creased with worry. "Ok then. We'll wrap up for today and we can go home to check on Emma." I placed a hand on his shoulder and replied, "No. It's ok. I'll make sure everything's fine. You stay here and make sure everything goes smoothly. There's no reason for both of us to go. I can handle whatever's happening."

Adrien still had a worried look on his face, but he nodded. I smiled at him and said, "I'll be back as soon as I can. Otherwise I'll just meet you at home. Please make sure Lila doesn't do anything, stupid or otherwise." Adrien nodded again, flashed me a small smile, then walked back to the set.

I went into one of the dressing rooms and started packing my things up. I was worried sick. What's happening? Is Emma ok? What happened to her? Tikki wouldn't call me out of nowhere. It has to be something serious. Of course, Tikki didn't need to call me before since she was always beside me, but still.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice anyone enter the room until I bumped right into them when I turned around to go. "Sorry, I'm-" "Scared off already Dupain-Cheng? I didn't think the former Ladybug would be this cowardly as her civilian self." I glared at the brunette in front of me. She is so freaking annoying.

"Excuse me, but I'm trying to get to my child, who is in some sort of trouble or something. I don't know all the details yet. Like any concerned mother would do." I grabbed my bag off the makeup counter and walked out the door. "And it's Marinette Agreste now, in case you didn't know." I said, closing the door behind me. I could hear Lila growling in anger and annoyance as I walked down the hallway. I smiled to myself as I opened my car door and climbed inside.

I sped down the road, trying to get to the Agreste Mansion as quickly as I could. Come on. I'm almost there. The ride couldn't possibly have taken longer. It was probably only 5 minutes, but the entire ride I was on pins and needles. My heart was beating out of my chest. I was so worried for Emma.

The last thing I wanted right now was to lose my only daughter.

Emma's POV

Mom slammed the door open and rushed in, looking absolutely frazzled and frantic. I would've laughed if she didn't look so worried for me. Mom usually looked like she stepped out of a fashion magazine, even in the morning. It was amazing. I, on the other hand, look like a mess almost all the time.

But now, her hair was slightly messy, her clothes were a little crumpled. Her makeup was still flawless though. If I did my makeup like that, I'm sure Alan would notice me more. Enough Emma. This isn't the time to think about that.

Mom ran over to me and kneeled down by my chair. "What's wrong Emma? What happened to you?" I hesitated for a while, trying to think of a way to put it a little gentler. Mom easily overreacts. Though in this case, I guess overreacting is expected.

"She almost got akumatized at school." Louis blurted out. I glared at him, though I guess I couldn't blame him. He was only 5. What else was he supposed to do? Sit there and not give Mom a panic attack? Please. Give him a break.

I turned to Mom, expecting some shocked look on her face and at least 5 minutes of non-stop panicking. But no. When I glanced at her, Mom had on the most serious face I have ever seen. Ever. In my life. "First, are you ok Emma?" Mom started calmly. Her calmness and seriousness was freaking me out. Mom is usually never this calm or serious.

"Um... yeah I guess. I told these guys that they didn't need to call you but they obviously didn't listen." I replied, studying Mom's face for any sign of panic. But there was none. It was totally freaking me out. What happened to Mom...?

Mom chuckled dryly and replied, "Be glad that they called me here. If I found out later, I would've flipped out." And no one wants to see that. "Second, how did you get akumatized?" My face darkened immediately. Mom could tell and her brow creased with worry. "What's wrong? You can tell me." "Emma doesn't want to talk about it apparently. She wouldn't tell us what happened either and she made Tikki promise not to say a word." Hugo replied. Why thanks, Hugo.

Mom sighed and said, "We can talk about this later, if you want, when Dad gets home." I shook my head and sat up straight. "I'm fine. I'll tell you." Everyone looked at me with expectant looks on their faces. Tikki gave me an encouraging thumbs-up and I took a deep breath.

"Lila Rossi has a daughter, Lexi Rossi. And she's exactly like her mom. She tricked the whole class into thinking she has Tinnitus. Like, that is absolutely ridiculous! No one believed me when I said she was lying, not even Alyssa! To be fair, Alyssa and Alan were the only two people that I told, but still! Alan had his doubts about her, so he's technically on my side. But the rest of the class has fallen under her spell. Seriously! Then, when everyone went home, I confronted her about it. She threatened me said that she'll make sure I don't have any friends soon. She's the worst Mom! The absolute worst! I wanted to punch her so bad but I know she'll just lie her way out of it and say that I'm attacking her. Then I'm the one who's going to get in trouble! Ugh! I met her today and I can't stand her already!

Mom had a sympathetic look on her face. I nearly forgot that Lexi's mom, Lila, was in Mom's class when she was at College Francoise Dupont too. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Emma. Lila did the exact same thing to me. I almost got akumatized too, because of Lila. Though the akuma never actually touched me." Hugo and Louis were listening to this entire conversation with wide eyes and open mouths. But when Mom said she almost got akumatized, their eyes opened wider and their jaw dropped to the ground.

"What?! You almost got akumatized Mom?!" Hugo exclaimed. Mom nodded with a sad smile on her face. I sighed and groaned, "I just freaking hate her Mom. I'm glad that Alan's on my side and everything but... ugh. Even Alyssa believes her! And I'm her best friend! Ugh. Life is unfair." (Says the girl who lives in a mansion and has everything she could possibly wish for. But you get what Emma means.)

Mom stroked my head and sighed. "I know Emma. I know." I was still pretty freaked out by the fact that Mom hadn't blown a fuse yet. This was very un-Mom-like. But, once again, my brothers beat me to the punch. "Wow Mom. I'm surprised that you haven't had a panic attack yet. Usually whenever something like this happens, not that these kind of things happen very often, you would completely freak out." Hugo mused.

Mom let out a small chuckle and replied, "Yeah, I guess I would've. But right now, Emma's more important." (Cringe.) I smiled and leaned back against the chair. Mom's the best. I feel a lot better now that I've told Mom. "So... what are you going to do about Lexi?" Mom asked. I shrugged and replied, "I'll figure something out. Don't worry about me Mom." Mom smiled and patted my head.

"That's my girl."

Adrien's POV

"Ok! That's a wrap everyone! See you tomorrow!" I called out as the last photos were taken. Everyone started packing up. Lila and I headed to the changing rooms. Marinette hadn't come back yet. It was more than a little worrying. Don't worry about it Adrien. She probably just stayed home with the kids. What happened to Emma anyway?

"So... Marinette isn't here... right?" I groaned inwardly. The last thing I wanted to deal with right now is Lila Rossi. I turned around and replied, "Yes, but she'll be back tomorrow. Now, can you please get out? I need to change." I didn't want to appear as rude but Lila was really pushing it.

Lila stalked towards me, a small smirk on her face. "Hmm... I think I'll just stay here..." Lila snacked her hands around my neck, a seductive smile on her face. She's gotta be kidding me... I sighed and removed her hands as gently as I could.

"Look Lila, I'm happy (Not.) to see you again, but you have to understand: I'm married to Marinette now. And there's no way I'm going to cheat on her with you. Plus, don't try anything with me. Everyone else in class might've believed you, but Marinette knew better. She didn't trust you from the start and I believe her when she says you're lying. So please. Just leave us alone. See you tomorrow Lila."

With that, I picked up my stuff and left the room.

Lila's POV

I watched as Adrien left the room. Marinette and Adrien have changed a lot since I last saw them. Marinette's more confident. Adrien's less gentlemanly to everyone other than Marinette.

No problem.

I'll get Adrien to fall in love with me eventually.

Watch out Marinette.

I was too easy on you last time.

I won't make the same mistake twice.

Lila's back!

Emma's POV

The next day

"Thanks Chimp. See you later." I climbed out of the limousine, onto the school grounds. School starts half an hour later, but I came earlier to find Lexi. I needed to talk to her without everyone there.

I looked around, trying to spot the brunette. Turns out, I didn't need to. Lexi appeared out of nowhere shortly after I stepped of the limousine. "So?" Lexi asked with a cocky smile. She thinks that I'm going to back down. Yeah right.

I fixed her with a stern look and replied, "I'm going expose you one day Lexi. Soon you'll be caught up in all of your lies and say the wrong thing. Lying doesn't do anyone any good. If you think I'm afraid of you, then you're dead wrong. And I know for a fact that Alan or Alyssa or any of my friends would ever leave me. Especially Alan. He's my oldest friend. So good luck trying. I'm ready for you Lexi Rossi."

After a moment of silence, Lexi smirked and whispered in my ear, "Fine then. You've chosen your side. From now on, you and I are at war. You will lose your friends and wind up all alone and Alan will soon be mine."

Lexi pulled back and smirked. I smiled at her and put my hand on her shoulder. Lexi clearly wasn't expecting it. The look on her face was priceless.

"We'll see about that Lexi. We'll see."

Lexi's POV

Emma smiled at me one last time before walking into the school. I shook my head and smirked at Emma's form, walking away. How stupid. She actually thinks she has a chance.

"We'll see indeed Emma Agreste."


What are the Rossi's up to this time...?

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 20 of New Revelations. I just realized. When Marinette and Adrien have Emma, Hugo and Louis, they would've grown older right? So in the future, is our world the same as their's? What kind of new technology would there be? Something for you to think about. Btw, just to remind you, I'm going on my holiday soon! Expect a long break. Thanks! :)

The other chapter of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and follow me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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