Blue Side (Jung Hoseok x Read...

By Mono_l1sa

79.7K 5.1K 1K

A devilish smile crawled onto his face. It would be interesting, he thought to himself. He had his eyes set o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 18

2.5K 164 30
By Mono_l1sa

He handed you a glass of banana milk as soon as you walked into the kitchen. You gladly took it and helped him with breakfast. It had been that way for a week. It had been the routine in hopes that things would become mundane and normal, as much as they could. Hoseok voiced his wish that he wanted the relationship with you to build naturally instead of moving too fast purely because you guys had history. He said that your feelings and comfort level was above everything else. He would be respectful of your space.

So far, it was helping. Everyday, he would tell you snippets of your memories, and showing pictures to accompany those stories. Every time you see a picture, a memory flower would blossom and you would be engulfed in whatever feelings you were experiencing in that photograph. He stopped drinking, stopped bringing girls over, and he was more active in being around and making you feel at home. Though he never stopped reminding you that there was an option to leave anytime. And every time, you would tell him you're staying.

While the reason for your stay was clear, Hoseok hoped you weren't staying by his side out of obligations. "I'm not here out of obligations." you told him.

"What?" he perked his head up and flushed when he found you staring. He shut his lips and went back to the eggs. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say it out loud."

"Stop thinking that way," you told him. "Remember that I care about you, and I am here because I want to."

"I still can't understand why." Hoseok muttered, his shoulders slumped. "I'm not a person worthy of being next to you."

"How we met again wasn't the best situation. I'll be honest and say I hated that moment and I wished you would have approached me directly. But I also understand why you couldn't and it's okay." You moved closer to him until your shoulders touched, but you were facing the opposite way. "If you don't think you're worthy, then make that your next mission. To become someone who is."

Hoseok chuckled to himself, astonished that you would say something like that. But then again, it was why he fell in love with you. Despite the shadows and being emotionally and sometimes physically beaten down by the world, you were courageous, more than he could ever be. "Okay, that will be my mission from now on." After the egg was done, you both moved to the dining table. Hoseok took the liberty to sit a few seats closer to you, but leaving enough space for you to feel at ease.

"Are you going somewhere today?" you asked upon noticing that he was not in his usual pajamas. Instead, he wore his ripped black jeans and a loose black shirt. On his hands were silver rings. His hair was parted, giving off an intimidating vibe.

"Oh, it's the meeting with the men," he answered.

"It's in the morning?" you asked, surprised because you thought something like that would take place in the pitch black of night. But then again, Hoseok was always home at night.

"Yeah," he nodded. "It's nothing too serious, we're just going over details for a project."

"What kind of project is it?" you asked skeptically. Then when you realized you might have overstepped some boundaries, you retracted the statement. "Sorry, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, no, it's not that," he interjected. "I was just taken aback that you wanted to know."

"Is it illegal?"

"Yes." he answered honestly.

"Is anyone going to get killed?"


"Can I... come to the meeting with you?"

He blinked and dropped his eggs. "What?"

"I want to see what it's like. I want to see the people you surround yourself with. I want to understand more."

He held back a smile, "I appreciate that you're enthusiastic but I really don't think it would be a suitable setting for you."

"Not suitable? Because I'm a girl?"

"Because you're important to me. Too important," he remarked. "I don't want you to get hurt. And I'm terrified that you'll see me differently and the progress we've made so far would be lost." He looked slightly down at his plate, tossing the food around.

"Maybe you're right, I'll see you differently." you nodded. "I'll see you as a leader, a conrade, a friend. Everything that I know you would be." Then you stood up and took the seat right next to him and bumped his shoulder. "I want to see all sides of you. I promise I won't get scared or feel differently about you."

He rested his head on his hand and gave you a curious look. "You sure are persistent." he chuckled.

"You should know that by now."

"Alright, you can come with me. But you are to stay by my side the entire time. Don't talk to anyone strange unless I permit. And don't think about escaping." Hoseok ordered.

"You sure are demanding." you hummed.

"You should know that by now," he winked. "Finish up and go change. I'll have Areum prepare an outfit for you."

"Is there a dress code?"

"A lot of black, but that's just my preference," he whispered in your ears, it sent chills down your spine. As promised, Areum laid the outfit on your bed. She said that Hoseok had it ready for the miraculous event that you would want to do something like this. Black really was his preference. After helping you into the clothes, Areum did your hair and put on a thin layer of makeup. You felt almost ridiculous, but also slightly charming and hot. You weren't the only one that thought so. Hoseok's mouth dropped when he saw you.

"Fuck," he said out loud.

"Is all of this necessary for me to wear?" you asked. Looking down, the leather pants hugged your legs tightly and the lace bodysuit clung onto your chest, making it hard to breathe. Not only that, he prepared red bottom heels. You knew he was the type to splurge, judging by all of his designer clothing. Wearing designers gave you a sense of strength, for once in your life, you felt powerful. Hoseok pushed himself off the wall he had been waiting by and slithered his arm respectfully around your waist to support you while you walked.

"Of course it's necessary," he exclaimed. "You're my girl."

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