Dark Nights

Phantomheart8 tarafından

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(Yandere male x female reader) Y/N is convicted of a terrible crime, one she never could have done. All evide... Daha Fazla

The beginning of chaos
Guarded or Hunted?
Guilty but Innocent
Welcome to Hell
Your new home
Newest group member
The Wolves
The courtyard
Elliots Garden
A/N: Elliot
Not so bad anymore?
Not the baby anymore
Here and Already Causing Trouble
Punished for sticking together
The Patient Profile
What Do You Want?
Olivia, Henry, AND Joshua?... but no Elliot
Baby Steps with Big Feet
Christmas Eve Christmas Tree making
The voice of an Angel
Not Safe Anywhere
To Mess with the Lamb
Together, Always
Home at Last
Breaking News
Long Talks on the grass
The Man that was Hiding His Face
Taken Away
A Total Stanger
A Starving Animal
Starting Conflict
Forging bonds
Willy's story Part 1
Willy's story Part 2
Elliot's story Part 1
Elliot's story Part 2
Elliot's story part 3
Joshua's Memories Part 1
Joshua's memories Part 2
Getting out of There
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
We Go Together
Nighttime Reassurances
Clothes " Shopping"
Sparkling Eyes
End of the Road
Run Little Lamb, Run
One by One
Desperate Times, Desperate Deeds
Something's not right here
The Labyrinth of Torture
Faces Revealed
The Lion, The Wolf, and The Lamb
The Moons Bright Light
Epilogue: Finding Home

Twin Wolves Riddles

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Phantomheart8 tarafından

A/N" Hey guys! I tried drawing the twins and I got as close as I imagined them in my head. Their skin tone is supposed to be a little darker than that but my colored pencils suck so bad XD I'm mostly happy with how they turned out though. although... I was told Jack has the hairstyle of Spock from Star Trek and now I can't unsee it. :E

" Careful around Henry Y/N." Joshua's forboding tone repeated itself in your head all night long. You tossed and turned under the thin sheet-like blankets as you remembered his voice, but not only that one sentence. Other things he's said to you rang out in your mind as well.

" Dear, dear Y/n...

You're not getting out of here...

No one is...

No one cares for us...

Not the Doctors, not your friends...

not your family...

After all, who could love monsters like us...

Even if you are telling the truth...

now that you have been here...

no, none of those people will ever care for you again."

Was he right. Did nobody care for you anymore? Did your family and friends really think you did that crime and now they hate you? After all, you had not gotten one visit notice, phone call or even one single letter from anyone outside the institute.

Hell, the only people you have spoken to for the past month was your group members plus the small conversation with Henry yesterday.

What about the other member's families? Didn't they come to visit? The twins ran away from home twelve years ago and their mother had no idea where they were even if she did want to see them. Elliot killed his whole family so he had no one to come visit him. Dr. Valeski did not count in this situation. That only left Willy for possible family visits. However, you have yet to hear anything about a family from him or about him.

For all you know he had no family...or he had eaten them. You shuddered underneath the blankets. The blankets in no way helped you stay warm in the night, it was all the white cottony institute clothing that kept you nice and toasty.

Even though you were physically warm on the inside you were cold. Cold and scared that Joshua was right and that everyone who once loved you now absolutely despised you.

You only let a single tear slip out before you brushed it off your face and rolled over. Trying to focus on anything but that. The only thing you could focus on that made you feel slightly better was yours and Elliot's budding relationship. You hoped that he at least was warming up to you, it seemed like he was.

So that is what you thought of. Thought of for who knows how long before drowsiness finally caught up to you, and lulled you into a light sleep.

- -

You yawned as you sat down next to Elliot for Breakfast. You got a decent amount of sleep, but you kept waking up all throughout the night. So you were still pretty drowsy. You stabbed into your salty eggs with the plastic fork as you looked over at Elliot, discovering that he was already looking down at you. You chewed for a couple of seconds before swallowing.

" Did you find a flower that you like?" You asked him, looking down to get some more eggs on your fork. You heard a small thud on the table as Elliot set the book on it and flipped through the pages until he got to the one he liked.

You leaned over to inspect the page. On the page showed pictures of various Hydrangea flowers. You smiled as you looked back up at him.

" They're beautiful Elliot." You said softly to the giant. " What color do you want?" You asked. He looked down to analyze the pictures before pointing a finger at one of them.

" Blue, these will make all the gardens in the country jealous." You said with a smile. He only blinked at you in response with his wide bloodshot eyes. You were excited, this would be a good bonding adventure with your new friend!

Your thoughts were cut short when you heard snickering behind you. You turned your head to see Jack looking at you with an almost evil expression on his face before quickly turn back around so that he was facing his brother again. You only got a back view of Joshua, he ate his breakfast boredly as his brother talked to him and chuckled at something.

He was probably making fun of you and Elliot. That slightly angered you, but you wouldn't do anything about it. You did not even like Jack anyway so you did not care what he thought about you.

You finished up your breakfast and put your tray away. You said bye to Elliot and started to wander down the halls to see if you could find your Doctor. As you walked the only thing you could hear was the sound of your footsteps, and the air smelled very bland.

You walked past rooms both open and closed. This also made you wonder where your group members were kept. After dinner, you would not see or hear them again until the next morning at breakfast. After their shower, they were brought to their rooms just like you were, but their rooms were not by yours as you would expect.

You did not find the Doctor in these halls so you decided to try a different route. You made your way around in the area by the free time room, and there you found him talking to another patient. You waited by the door as he finished talking to the fidgeting man. Keeping yourself out of sight so you did not bother the Doctor or the poor man.

You waited for a good ten minutes before you heard footsteps and the Doctor walked out with the patient. He smiled and sent the patient off and then turned to you and feigned surprise.

"Hello Y/n, can I help you with something?" He asked while he adjusted his glasses. You smiled back, even though he really got on your nerves sometimes, you knew he was just trying to help you and your group members. So the least you could do was try not to be a pain in his ass all the time.

" Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that there was a flower Elliot was wanting for his garden." You said, and a frown etched itself on his face.

" I'm sorry Y/N, but Elliot does not have enough good points right now to get a new type of flower." He sighed. You shook your head.

" I'm willing to share my good points in that matter, or even use all of them if I have too." You replied. A set aura to your eyes and voice. He widened his eyes in surprise for a moment, as if he was not used to someone willing to spend their good points on someone else.

" Alright then, you do have enough points between the two of you, so I'll send the order in right away for the seeds. What flower was he wanting?" He asked while getting out a small paper and pen.

" Hydrangea." You said. He nodded and took a second to write it down. When he was done he clicked the pen closed and put the paper in his pocket.

" Alright, they will be here tomorrow." He said with a small smile. You thanked him and turned around to head back to the cafeteria when Doctor Veleski called out to you. You turned around and saw him with an almost sad expression.

" Y/N, I just need to thank you for being so kind to Elliot. When he first came here no one else wanted to take him. No one has tried to connect with him on a level that you have. That's a kindness that he has never seen before. I can't tell you how happy that makes me." He said and gave you a small smile.

You caught the briefest glimpse of his bottom lip shaking for a split second before he turned and started down the hall in the opposite direction. Calling out that he would see you in the group session. You stood there for a second, a bit struck at what you just saw. When the shock left you turned and made your way back to your big friend.

- -

A couple of hours later, after the group session and lunch, it was free time in the courtyard. You and Elliot made quick work of tending to his garden before sitting down side by side to look at the flower guide.

Reading to him how to take care of his flower of interest, and what the two of you needed to do to make it grow blue. You read this to him because unsurprisingly he could not read. which was again understandable because of how he grew up.

He had to lean down while sitting to get a better look at the book, which put you both in a situation where you were kind of squished against each other, but Elliot really did not seem to notice.

After about halfway through the information on this flower you heard more snickering in the distance. You glanced up and once again saw Jack staring at you like a Vulture. Grinning at you like a Hyena. He was sitting next to his brother about thirty feet away from you and Elliot.

Joshua was not paying any attention to you or his brother and was just staring into space with his usual bored to death expression. You huffed before turning to Elliot and handing him the book. He took it with a confused expression.

" I'll be right back Elliot, I have a question for Joshua." You said as you got up and started to walk to the brothers. You felt his eyes on your back, watching as you walked away from him. You paid little attention to it though.

Jack's smirk only grew wider and more sinister as you got closer to them, but you did not pay much attention to him either. Joshua was your target person here, not Jack.

As you got to them, you took a seat by them in the grass. Jack still stared you down while Joshua flicked his eyes up to yours and raised a questioning brow. You looked at him for a second before stating why you were over here bothering them.

" I have a question." You said.

" A question?" Joshua asked?

" Just one question?" Jack followed from the side.

" Just one question for me?" Joshua continued.

" It would be assumed since she faces you," Jack said.

" And not the both of us." Joshua finished. You shivered, it always scared you when they spoke like that. Talking as if they shared the same mind and finishing each other's sentences. They stared at you as you got your bearings from what just happened. You shook your head and cleared your throat.

" Joshua... Do you really believe that no one cares for us? You asked him in a low and kind of concerned voice. He stared at you long and hard for a good ten seconds that felt like a good ten hours. You couldn't tell if he was thinking about an answer or if he was trying really hard to not make an " Are you stupid" face.

Eventually, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nostrils. You risked a glance over at Jack who was no longer looking at you but off to the side now with a slightly angry expression.

You quickly looked back over to Joshua who opened his eyes right as you looked back at him. He slowly blinked at you before he opened his mouth to speak.

" No one cares for the patients at Holland Hill Institute." He said matter of factly. " And before you ask it yes," He said, but Jack finished his sentence.

" Not the family members of the poor poor patients here." Jack finished with a slight cackle to his voice. You looked back at him for a second before looking back at Joshua.

" Even the Doctors?" You asked with uncertainty. No sooner than those words left your lips the twins burst out in hysterical laughter. Jack's laugh was high pitched and absolutely psychotic. Much how you would picture a patient from here to laugh. Joshua's was deep and rumbly. Once he caught his breath Joshua looked back over to you with eyes full of laughter.

" Especially the Doctors here you naive little girl." He said with a slight giggle at the end. " What in the world could have possibly given you the idea that they of all people care about us? You lost your words for a second but quickly got them back.

"Dr. Valeski has been mostly nice to us. Earlier today he thanked me for being so nice to Elliot... He seemed like he was going to cry." You said, looking at Joshua much like someone would to a person who had the answer to all the questions possible.

" Keyword there Y/N, He seemed like he was going to cry. I guarantee you that Dr. Valeski does not give a Rats Ass about us. Not you, not me or my brother, not Willy and especially not tubby over there." He said, gesturing behind you at Elliot. You took a quick glance over at him and saw him looking at the book.

Well, he looked like he was looking at the book, but you could tell that he was actually looking at you from the corner of his eye. Now that you were actually looking at it, some of his bulk was a little bit of chubbiness and he had a bit of a belly on him. There was nothing wrong with him being bigger though! But that was beside the point! you were getting off track here!

You whipped your head back around and met Joshua's dark glare with a challenging stare of your own. He gave you a quick smirk before talking again.

" There is only one thing that our Doctor cares about Y/N, and it is certainly not the green of your mediocre pile of dirt over there." He said with anger in his voice, and you got the hint that you had overstayed your welcome over at fortress douchebag.

You gave him another glare before getting to your feet and turning around. You walked a couple of paces before stopping and turning your head back around in their direction.

" Joshua, you were wrong with one thing." You said. He narrowed his eyes at you from his sitting position and slightly snarled.

" About what?" He growled. You turned your body so you could fully face him again.

" There is one person here that has someone who cares about them. Because I care, I care about Elliot." You said with finality in your voice, turned and walked one more pace before saying one last thing.

" And thank you for being kind enough to answer my questions." With that last thing out, you began walking back toward Elliot.

Man Joshua confused the heck out of you. Yesterday when he warned you to be careful at Henry he seemed like he was looking out for you.

"Keyword Y/N, seemed." You thought to yourself in a mockery of Joshua. Still though, he has been here longer than you have, so you were still gonna keep what he was saying in mind.

You made it back at Elliot and plopped down next to him on the soft grass with a little bit of an overdramatic sigh. You looked up at him to find him looking down at you with an uncertain and almost scared expression. Gripping onto the book so tightly he probably would crush it soon. For some reason, you knew exactly what was on his mind.

" You heard me right Elliot." You said, giving him a loving smile. " I care about you."

Okumaya devam et

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