Just Friends || h.s.

By alostbookworm

213K 4.2K 633

~Nothing is louder than the silence between two people who used to be so in love with each other~ • • • In he... More

Just Friends
Epilogue - 1
Epilogue - 2


3.2K 73 2
By alostbookworm

***Song: She by Harry Styles

• • •

Anne and Gemma were coming today.

Harry still didn't know they were coming. He was currently meeting with a client that is a member at my skating club, but little does he know that thirty minutes from now I will be on my way to the airport to pick them up. I had talked to Louis about the arrangements and he volunteered to let them stay with him in his apartment.

"Ouch. You okay?" Nick hissed, skating over to me as I let out a frustrated groan, not even bothering to get up from the ice.

"No." I huffed, resting my hands over my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Maybe we should call it a day." He sighed, reaching down and grabbing my wrists to pull me up. I don't know how many tries it will take to land a triple axel. It is a skill I have been working on for years since my knee injury, but I just couldn't seem to land it right.

Once I was back on my feet, I ran a hand over my face and skated towards the exit. Harry saw me coming and stood up, reaching his hand out to help me. I didn't need the help, and I honestly didn't want it, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I just let him guide me down the rail.

"Are you okay? That was a nasty fall." He asked, concern dripping from his voice as he let go, allowing me to sit down.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sighed, reaching down to unlace my skates and kick them off, putting the caps on the blades.

"Don't stress yourself out. You'll land it soon." He said. Deciding not to go against his word, I let him have his peace from attempting to bring my mood up. He did this just by being next to me. After he places his lips on the top of my head, he rubbed my back soothingly, but it felt sore in a few spots from when I had fallen a few times. "My client just arrived but I'll see you later."

Nick waved to Harry as he went over to the concession area, leaving me to stand up and grab my skates.

"Are they landing soon?" Nick asked as he walked over to me.

"Yeah. They said around nine-thirty so we should go now." I said, checking my watch. Yes, I wear my watch while I skate. It counts towards my exercise points.

"I still can't believe you are doing this for Harry. You're so smitten." Nick teased, elbowing my side. I hissed in pain and he apologized quickly as we talked towards the locker rooms.

"I just want to see him happy." I answered quietly.

"So you didn't fly his family out because Harry would think it's sweet and admit he's still in love with you?" Nick questioned. I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not, but I shook my head.

"No, I'm not selfish. I just want Harry to be able to see his family because I know how much they mean to him. I made sure they won't tell him I'm the one who flew them out and to just say they wanted to surprise him." Before he can read anymore into the situation, I walk into the women's locker room to grab my bag and meet him in the parking lot.

"Ready to pick up your in-laws?" Nick joked teasingly out of nowhere, unlocking his car. I flip him off at his choice of words and get into his car, shivering and rubbing my arms in attempt to warm myself up while the car heats up.

"Did the in-law comment give you butterflies in your tummy?" He cooes, continuing his attempt get some sort of reaction from me.

"Shut up and drive." I chuckled, not even bothered. I was just excited to see Gemma and Anne again.

The fifteen minutes to the airport were very long. I became irritated when we managed to hit every red light and almost cussed Nick out for driving like a grandma when I probably drive the same way.

We sat in short-term parking for a few minutes until I got a text from Gemma telling me they were on their way to the baggage carousels.

"Are you staying in the car?" I asked Nick, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Somebody's gotta keep the car warm." He commented, changing the radio station to something more of his liking.

"Okay then." I muttered, opening the car door and getting out, closing behind me. I walk towards passenger pick up and hurry into the building, rubbing my hands together for warmth.

I check my phone for any other messages from Gemma, but I end up getting a text from Louis.

- any updates?

- at airport picking them up now
- I'll text you when we are on our way


I look up from my phone to see a familiar brunette running towards me with open arms.

My eyes widen when I realize who it was, because the last time I saw Gemma she had blonde hair that was damn near white. Either way, she was still very beautiful.

"Gemma!" I squealed, still not believing it was actually her as she pulled me into her embrace. It hurt my back since it was still sore, but I pushed the pain aside and hugged her back just as tightly.

"I missed you so much." She said, rocking us back and forth on our feet.

"I missed you too." I smiled, opening my eyes and looking over her shoulder to see Anne walking towards us with a suitcase rolling behind her.

"Okay, my turn!" She said eagerly, moving her daughter out of the way of my arms. "Wow. You're more beautiful than the last time I saw you, darling." Anne grins as she pulled me into her arms.

I relaxed, feeling comfort in her arms. "Forget me. Have you seen yourself? You guys look amazing. How have you both been?"

"Thank you, baby. We are good. God, we missed you so so much. It's feels so good to see you again." She said. "How about you? Are you doing well?"

"Yeah I'm doing great. It's good to see you guys too." I said lowly, fighting how overwhelmed with happiness I felt.

"And thank you again for this. Words can't explain how much this means to us."

"No need to thank me. I'm just glad you guys came. He's going to be happy to see you." I said, excitement bubbling inside of me imaging Harry's reaction. Anne gave me a good squeeze, and I winced slightly.

"Mum, you're hurting the poor girl." Gemma calls out, patting her mom's shoulder. Anne pulls away in panic.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry."

"No no, you're fine. My back is just a little sore from practice." I reassured her with a smile. "Do you guys have everything?" I asked, seeing that they each had a small suitcase and backpack.

"I think so." Gemma double checked and nodded. "Yup."

"Okay. Let me take that for you." I say to Anne, grabbing the handle for her suitcase.

"Oh, you don't have to." She politely declined, but I insisted and she allowed me. They followed me back to Nick's car and I knocked on the trunk window so he could open it. Eventually he opened it and hopped out of the car to help.

"I remember you. Nick, right?" Anne asks, eyeing Nick with a smile.

"Yes ma'am." He smiled, embracing them. "Lovely to see you guys again."

"You as well, dear. I saw you at the Olympics. Congratulations! I'm very proud of you both." Anne smiled at the both of us.

"Thank you very much. It was a tough competition but we pulled through." He chuckled, patting my back a little harshly, making me close my eyes and take a deep breath in pain. I quickly distract myself by putting their suitcases in the trunk with no help from Nick.

"Shall we get going, ladies?" Nick asked, holding the passenger's door open for Anne.

"What a gentleman." Anne smiles, winking at me as she got into the car. Gemma and I just look at each other and shake our heads before getting into the back seat.

I send a text to Louis telling him we are on our way, and he responds with a thumbs up.

"So why don't you want Harry knowing you helped us come here?" Gemma converses, surprising me with the topic.

"I don't know. I just don't see why he needs to know. You guys are here and that's what matters." I answered, deciding not to tell her I still like her brother.

"That's sweet. So you guys are only friends now?" She asked curiously.

"Yup. Just friends." I said in disappointment, but covered up with a smile. I could see the disappointment on her face as well. I know, Gemma.

"So what you are saying is, you don't want him reading too much into the gesture. That's why you don't want us to tell him." Gemma guessed, leaving me in shock because she was right for the most part.

"That's what I said!" Nick exclaimed, glancing at us through the rear view mirror.

"Shh. Eyes on the road." I scolded, turning back to Gemma. "I mean, you aren't wrong. Louis and Nick both told me this isn't something a person does for a friend. I don't want Harry to see it like that, so he doesn't have to know. It's not really that important either, honestly." I shrugged, twisting the silver ring on my right finger.

"If it means that much to you, then I won't tell him." Gemma promised, relief washing through me.

"Thank you."

"On a different note, the weather is beautiful! It's still very cold in England so this is a nice change." She breathed as she looked out the window.

"Really? I still think it's a little cold." I say just as I shivered.

"Has Harry been behaving himself?" Anne asks, turning around in the seat and giving me a knowing look.

"From what I see everyday, I'd like to think so. He's been really good." I tell her honestly, and she relaxes back into her seat.

"That's good. I know it's been a while but I still worry. Especially when he said he was gonna move back out here to with Zayn." She sighs.

"I get it, but don't worry. Zayn and I have been keeping an eye on him." I replied softly. If Harry were to break his sobriety, I will make sure I am the first person to know.

"When Harry told me you were friends with Louis, I felt better knowing you were at least close enough to know if he were to do something stupid - not that it's your job to be responsible for him. I just felt comfortable knowing you were there." Anne explains, and that was honestly a big compliment. I couldn't image how she must have felt when Harry moved back here without her this time.

"It was hard at first, trying to be friends with him, but I still care. Even if we were to stop talking again, I'd still make sure he is doing okay." I don't know where this was all coming from, but I couldn't seem to stop. "I'll always care about him no matter what happens between us."

I heard Gemma sniff next to me and I look over at her to see her wiping her eyes. "Are you crying?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm just so glad Harry met you." She mumbled, looking out the window. I couldn't help but laugh quietly and pull her into a hug, which he accepted. "I don't know how on earth you forgave him, but I'm so glad you did. He needs you in his life."

I smiled and sat back in my seat again. "He's been a really good friend." Friend. Yuck.

"We are here!" Nick sang, turning off the car once he parked in his usual spot in the parking garage.

That was a fast ride.

We all got out of the car and Nick and I helped them with their bags as we took them up to Louis' apartment.

"Is your flat on the same floor?" Gemma asked as we exited the elevator.

"No, mine is two floors up." I tell her, leading them towards Louis' door and knocking on it.

"What about yours?" She asked Nick.

"I still live in the same building as your old one." He tells her. Soon enough, the door opens to reveal Louis with a bright smile.

"Anne! Gemma! Welcome to my humble abode." Louis welcomes, hugging them as they stepped inside. "You guys are just in time. I invited Harry over not too long ago so he should be here any minute."

Once Nick and I were inside the apartment, I closed the door behind us.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to see my baby boy." Anne says giddily, looking around the apartment. "This apartment is lovely, Louis."

"Thank you. Let me take your stuff to the guest room." Lou thanked, grasping the suitcase handles and dragging them towards the extra bedroom, coming back a few seconds later.

I sat down on one of the chairs at the island counter, throwing my hair up into a messy bun even though I was gonna go home and wash it in a few minutes.

"Okay, I say you guys go in my room and sit on my bed. I'll ask him to go grab something for me and he will see you." Louis tells them with excitement. Before they could even respond, our heads turn at the sound of knocking on the other side of the front door. The two practically ran into Louis' room and closed the door behind them.

Nick hopped onto the couch in attempt to look casual, and Louis sat next to him. I pulled out my phone and acted like I was doing something, when really I was just opening random apps on my phone and closing them right after.

"Come in!" Louis shouted.

Harry opened the door and the first thing he did was look at the three of us weirdly. "Hi?" He greeted in confusion, locking the door behind him.

"Hey." I tried to hide my excitement as he kicked off his shoes and set them aside.

"Finally you are here. Can you grab me a pair of socks from my bedroom? My feet are cold." Louis asked him, which didn't help the odd look Harry was giving all of us.

"Uh, sure?"

We all watched him as he walked towards Louis' room, dismissing the fact that Louis was already wearing socks. The moment he opened the door and walked in, it was silent for a second as he just stood there, glancing between his mom and sister, but then he dropped his phone before taking the three long strides towards the bed and enveloping the both of them in a large group hug.

"How did- I just - I thought you guys weren't coming?" He asked in disbelief, the widest smile I've ever seen upon his lips.

I watch as they both glance at me, but luckily Harry didn't catch it. "We said that so we could surprise you, silly." Gemma answered with a laugh.

Watching him interact with his family brought a smile to my face that I couldn't seem to wipe away. He looks so happy.

• • •

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