Daniel seavey *SMUT*

By CharlieCorrie

26 1 0

*your POV* Today is exactly one month before you birthday, which More


26 1 0
By CharlieCorrie

Today is exactly one month till your birthday, which means it's March 11th 2019, you and your best friend Corbyn have been planning to Throw a birthday party on your birthday but your not quite sure what to do yet, but you both need to start thinking because it's only a month away! Corbyn is in a band with 4 other amazing guys so he lives in a big house which gave him the idea for you to throw the party at his place. Which is totally fine with you because you have a little crush on one of the boys.

*at school with Corbyn and his band mates*
"Hey Corbyn" You said with a slight giggle, because Daniel (your crush)was looking straight at you "oh hey y/n" says Corbyn with a confused face wondering why You where giggling, zach looked at you and questioned "what were the giggles for y/n", You stop and paused for a minuet and stutter "n-nothing I-I was thinking about what my brother said to me before I left, that's all" Daniel looked at you while blushing making you blush slowly as he winked at you making it hard for you to not smile. "Okay..." Corbyn replied confused "oh and Corbyn can we meet up after school to talk about my birthday party,can I come to yours though my house is kinda out of control right now" You say getting upset "hey, hey, hey don't get upset, of course you can come over, meet me and Daniel out here by my car after school" he says giving me a hug while a tear run down your face.
*bell rings*
Corbyn and three of the guys have left to go inside to home room you wanted to clean your face before you go in, you look up to notice Daniel is still standing there "hey, don't cry whatever it is I'm sure it will get better soon I promise" he says leaning in for a long and comforting hug "look here's my number, (writes it in your phone), just in case you ever need to talk okay, I will be around school and at the house later, come on let's go to home room." You go inside walking by Daniel side.

You got to home room and went to all of your periods, you walk out of class to go to your locker before you go to meet Corbyn and Daniel at corbyns car, you hear some one say your name "hey y/n wait up" of course it was Daniel "oh hey Daniel, Whats up" you asked politely he looks at you with a little cute confused face " nothing your coming home with me and Corbyn right" he couldn't get any cuter talking to you while looking you up and down "oh right Yh sorry I-" you get cut off "no need to say sorry" he says with a sweet little smile as you start to walk to the car, You feel him walk closer and closer to you "hey y/n, how are you feeling" you smile with happiness that someone actually cares "much better, thanks for asking but no one has spoken to me all day" you say confused because you are the popular kids best friend and everyone always talks to you "well don't think about that, your worth it they are just dickheads" you thought about what he said for a second as he looks down at you wanting you to say something "hey, thanks you've been a real big help today" you lean in and hug him, he gives you a soft kiss on the forehead.
You and Daniel got to the car where Corbyn was standing "what took you so long" Daniel replied before I could say anything "I was helping her with her locker it got jammed" you was surprised he covered for you "Yh it was pretty shit I thought I was going crazy I couldn't get into it, the code just wasn't working" so you all start getting into the car "you can sit in the front" Daniel said with a little smile on his face, you got in the car and was wondering why he was being so nice to you.
Corbyn took you all back to his place, you get out the car and Daniel walks ahead of you and opens the door for you, you walk in with a slight smile on your face, you and Corbyn head up to his room to plan for your birthday party. You and Corbyn decide to have the party watermelon themed because you love watermelon, as you start planning for food you get interrupted with a knock on the door "come in" Corbyn says with a stressed look on his face, the door opens to zach standing there, "umm, y/n can I ask you something" he said looking confident "do I even have a choice" you didn't hate zach or dislike him you just wanted to get on with the planning, he continues "would you like to go out sometime" you giggle "zach your too young for me but it's sweet that you asked" he looks at you with a little sad face "not even to chipotle" you giggle again "still to young for me zach, I'm sure Emma will she's your age" he slams the door angrily, you and Corbyn laugh and carry on planning.

It's getting late and your down stairs with all the boys on the couch you on the end Daniel next to you, zach next to Daniel jack next to zach and Corbyn and Jonah on the other couch, Your really worried about going home Because of how things are at the moment so you say to the boys "guys is it okay if I crash here until everything calms down at my house because I really don't want to go home," you say with such a sad face, "of course you can, you could crash on the couch if you like" jack says happily "what about the spare room" you asked confused "we have kinda made that into a music room with all of our stuff in it" Jonah said with a worried face, "is it possible to crash in your room Corbyn" you say stressfully "Christina is coming tonight it's gunna be like a date night, I love you an all but she's my girlfriend" he said laughing "couch it is"
Daniel says with no hesitation "you could crash in my bed it's big enough" you looked at Corbyn asking for permission "as long as you keep your distance from each other" Corbyn didn't know you liked Daniel Because it would upset him to think you that you like Daniel, although you where wondering why Daniel was being so nice to you he is usually into hot  chicks with blonde hair, short skirts and tight tops, but instead he was being nice to a girl with brown hair, jeans , loose tops and oversized hoodies. You started to wonder if he knew you liked him, or if he was just being nice because of how upset you got. "I will get some sheets from the closet" says zach "no it's fine my blanket is big enough" Daniel said happily, Corbyn was looking at you as if to say is something going on between you both, you look at him and shrug your shoulders because truly you didn't know what was going on between you and Daniel.

It's been an hour and you and the boys are watching a movie and you feel someone's arm  creep behind your back down to your ass and left there hand on your ass so you look up and see it's Daniel you let it last a minute and move his arm and whisper in his ear "cant risk getting caught" you let out a little giggle. He couldn't resist touching you, he placed his hand at the top of your thigh you couldn't resist but bite you lip as he stroked your thigh, you see Corbyn about to look over so you move Daniels hand, he lets out a little grunt and rolls his eyes as he lost touch of you Corbyn looks over and smiles you had your head on Daniels chest, so Corbyn mouths "what are you doing" with a little angry face, you mouthed back "I got tired, why you jealous" he looks at you with a pout "NO" he angrily mouthed back.

Everyone was heading to bed so you and Daniel go along with them he was the last into the room so he shut and Locked the door "why did you lock it" you ask confused "so no one walks in" you smile to yourself "I hope you don't mind but I don't have anything to wear to bed so I'm gunna sleep in my underwear" you say wondering what he was gunna say back, "not a problem with me" he comes up behind you and grabs yours ass and squeezes it and Hugs you from behind he says quietly "your so good to cuddle" "really I wouldn't have of know, I've never had a boyfriend" you said disappointed "well I'm gunna change that" he said with a smirk, he start to kiss your neck , you turn around so your facing him you look down to see that he was hard "how cute your hard" he looks at stops kissing your neck "why wouldn't I be I'm sharing a room with you" you look Daniel up and down yours and Daniels lips got really close and you lean I'm for a kiss he softly placed his lips against yours he holds a long passionate kiss, he starts exploring your body you stop kissing him and get into bed, "not so fast I want things to go slow if this is gunna happen , oh and Corbyn can't find out about this okay promise" he looks at you with a serious face "I promise, anything for you baby" you liked the fact he called you baby. Daniel gets into bed besides you and cuddles you from behind and you both fall asleep.

You open your eyes and see Daniel staring at you, you kiss him on the lips and lay on his chest, "watching me sleep huh" you say while shutting your eyes he puts his hand on your chin and brings you into his lap and starts to kiss your neck "can we finish where we left off" he said leaving even more hickeys than last time, you kiss him gently "not here, there's a right time and a right place for things to happen, and besides no rushing things remember I need to figure out a way to tell Corbyn" you say looking at him trying to figure out how to tell Corbyn that your practically sleeping with one of his band mates, "Yh I get that it's just I can't resist touching you" he said with a huge smile on his face "I don't want to loose you, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe" he said it like he meant it which you though was sweet "loose me Whats so special about me" you ask looking all surprised "everything, the way you say things, your not afraid of telling us what to do which is super cute by the way, you miss us when we're on tour and most of all your the only girl who doesn't chase after me" he pauses and looks at you "and I didn't know how to feel about it at first but now I know how to feel" you look at him surprised "I don't know what to say" he looks you up and down "you don't have to say anything just let's enjoy this moment right now" you both go silent for a while "I have something to say as well I-" you get interrupted by a knock on the door "downstairs in 30 so we can leave for school" you both look at each other and you then look outside, "dammit I don't have any clothes to wear and if I wear the same clothes as yesterday even more people will hate me" you say stressing "stop it they don't hate you and if they do they don't know how amazing you are and it's pretty hot outside so you can wear one of my t-shits and hoodies" you have a look of relief on your face "stop stressing baby it will be fine" Daniel said with a slight giggle. You put on the shirt and hoodie along with your jeans, and give Daniel a kiss "thanks babe" he look at you puzzled "you just called me babe" "get used to it" you said cheekily. You both went downstairs and left for school, you get in the car and all the boys are with you and corbyn drives you all to school, you pull up to school and get out the car "Corbyn could we stop by my place after school so I can grab so clothes" you say hesitantly "Yh that's fine are you sure you want to go back" Corbyn looks at you worried "yeah I should be fine" Daniel looks at you as in to say what's happening at home, you stare at him for a little and look down at your feet, you all start walking to home room Daniel pulled you back behind everyone so he could talk to you "baby what was that all about" he said concerned "nothing don't worry about it, I don't want to talk about it" so you carry on walking to home room. You go to all you periods and you go back to the car where Corbyn and Daniel where standing the others boys had things to do so they get there own ride home, you all get in the car and drive to your house, you pull up looking scared "are you sure you wanna go in, I could go in and get some clothes if you want" he said willingly "no Corbyn stay in the car as well as you Daniel please I can sort this out myself, I promise" you say getting stressed "y/n let me come inside, I ain't letting anything happen to you" Corbyn says opening the door "CORBYN SHUT THE DOOR PLEASE, I can handle it myself" your getting angry at the fact he won't listen "ayt dude if she says stay in the car just stay in the car" Daniel said getting all protective because it was hurting you shouting at Corbyn, "I won't be long I promise, just stay in the car" you walk up the drive way and walk into the house, you go upstairs and start quickly packing a massive bag you message Corbyn 'make sure to have the trunk ready to open' you keep packing as many clothes as you can Because you know that things are never gonna change at home, you hear your name being shouted "Y/N GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW" your still trying to pack as many things as possible you rush downstairs and try to escape to the door, because you where frightened of your dad, but before you could even reach the door he grabbed you by the hair and pulled you back "WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU LAST NIGHT" you got really Angry "SOMEWHERE YOU WERNT NOW LEAVE ME ALONE" you try to leave again but he grabs your shirt and grabs you face and punches you round the face, punches your nose and kicks you in the stomach and beats the living shits out of you, you run out the house before anything else could have of happened you throw your bag in the trunk and get it it the car quickly "y/n WTF HAPPENED" Corbyns now getting angry because he knows what your dads capable of "JUST FUCKING DRIVE" your half way down the street and ask to get into the back of the car "Corbyn, Corbyn pull over I need to get into the back I'm feeling dizzy" he pulls over and you get into the back with Daniel you don't even put a seat belt on or even bother to think you have blood all over your face and you lay on Daniels lap, he starts to put his hands through your hair, you fall asleep "is she asleep" corbyn asked quietly, "Yeah she's fast asleep"

Corbyn pulled up to the house and Daniel woke you up "hey y/n can you tell me what happened now because I need to know" you look up trying to remember "so I was up stairs packing a load of stuff" you feel Daniels arm fall through your back to your ass again not Caring that corbyns in the car "and I hear my dad shout my name and to come downstairs, I tried to run out the house before he could even touch me but he grabbed my hair and asked me where I was last night and I told him somewhere he wasn't and I tried to escape again but this time he got good grip of my shirt and" you start to cry you feel Daniel pull you closer " he grabbed my face and punched it god knows how many times then he kicked my stomach and beat the living shit out of me on the floor" Daniel lifts up your shirt, "oh shit, bab- I mean y/n you need to get yourself into bed" Corbyn looked at Daniel trying to figure out why his almost called you babe, Daniel gets you out of the car and carry's you upstairs to bed and put You in one of his hoodies, not long after he put you into bed you fell asleep.

You wake up to a sudden knock on the door, Jonah walks in "your dad checked your location and has found you but Corbyn is trying to get him to leave but he just won't move" you are all of a sudden really scared and shocked that he found you "I don't want to go down stairs but if it will get him to leave I will" you stand up and Jonah walks in front of you keeping guard of you so you feel safer, you both walk down the stairs you have cuts,bruises and swellings all over you and you where ashamed of your body, you look over to see Corbyn getting in your dads face, your dad got hold of him by the throat "LET HIM GO NOW" your dad let go of Corbyn and pushed him into the wall and looked at you "well ,we'll ,well young lady don't you have a lot to say" I look over to Daniel and see his fists are clenched and ready to throw a punch "LEAVE NOW IM NOT COMING HOME" you yell while Jonah is still standing in front of you at the bottom of the steps, "OH AND WHY SHOULD I LEAVE YOUR MY DAUGHTER AND YOU WILL BE COMING HOME WITH ME WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT" your dad says getting louder and getting closer to you "CANT YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID TO ME YOUR A PSYCHO, GET OUT OF MY LIFE AND LEEAVVVEEE" you say tearing up your dad gets close to Jonah and punches him "NO" you scream "OH AHA SO YOU BOYS THINK YOU CAN PROTECT Y/N FROM ME, STANDING IN FRONT OF HER LIKE THAT,WATCH WHAT WILL HAPPEN" he gets closer and closer to you, you whisper "Corbyn, please do something" you look over and there trying every single possible way to stop him but nothing was working, zach was on the phone with 911 and the cops where on their way, you hear a powerful voice with an angry tone "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU LAY A HAND ON HER I WILL LITERALLY KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS" you look over the barrier and see Daniel walking over to you with his fists clenched and ready to hit someone again, he stands in front of you and stands your ground in front of your dad "BACK OFF SHE MEANS THE WORLD TO M- US NOW LEAVE" Daniels face got really stiff "WHY SHOULD I HUH I CAN HURT HER SHE IS MY BLOOD AND MY DNA" your dad said yelling, Daniel looked back at you and looked back at your dad "YOU TOUCH HER OR EVEN TRY TO TOUCH HER I MEAN IT LIKE I SAID I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS BECAUSE NO ONE WILL HURT HER AND I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT" your dad was getting really angry at the fact that he couldn't even reach you, he started to get close into Daniels face so Daniel lifts his fist and punches him strait in the face, he had your dad on the floor and was beating him and beating him and he just wouldn't stop until you hear the door slam open it's the cops, the cops struggled to get Daniel off of your dad but managed to get him off, Daniel had blood all over his mouth from where he was fighting, Daniel came over to you, you were sitting on the third step up, he came and sat on the second step up and hugged you between your legs and started to cry really bad, you had never seen him cry before. You started to cry because of what happened, and the cops where wondering if You could go into the station to be questioned but you didn't want to, "missY/LN, we would like to take you to the station to question you" Daniel looked at You and knew you didn't want to "she doesn't want to, sorry officer you will have to question Corbyn besson about everything.he knows everything " you look at Daniel in relief, "ma'am you will need to come with us" Daniel took a look at them and was about to say something but you stopped him "Daniel it's fine I promise, okay sir" you get up and let go of Daniel you go to one of the officers cars and they take you to the station.

They questioned you and said it will have to go to court before they could arrest your Dad but they had your dad in custody, you ring Corbyn to come and collect you from the station, Corbyn arrived and you got into the car and you put your belt on "hey what was all of that about" Corbyn Asked while trying to concentrate on the road "what was what" you say confused "Daniel the way he looked at you the way he stood up for you not scared to get hurt the way you two sat together" Corbyn said getting all frustrated "I don't have a clue Corbyn okay, we've never really spoken but recently his been nice to me and I don't know why, just please let it last for me because I like it and to be honest Corbyn I wanna start to date again and I'm not say-" Corbyn cut you off "your not thinking abou-" "CORBYN, please listen to me and let me finish, I'm not saying I am going to date Daniel I'm keeping my options open, his a nice guy and so are you but you being my best friend you have to realise that not only is he your band mate but he could also be something else to me to someone else you don't know so please let it last for me and be happy" you say about to cry Because deep down without Corbyn knowing you loved Daniel and you weren't sure how Daniel feels, "look I understand but please be careful I'm not saying don't date Daniel I'm just saying be careful because I know what guys are like and I would hate to see you get hurt again like Cameron hurt you that was way to much for you and you've been through a lot and I don't want anything else's to upset you" he looked at you and smiles "thankyou for understanding me, I just want you to know something else" you can't believe your about to tell him this "I can't keep this from you after what I just told you so ever since you have been in the band I have had a huge crush on Daniel and this is my only chance with him so all I asking is for you to not beat Daniel up or anything and respect me for making this decision Because right now he makes me happy and that's what I need right now" you look at Corbyn asking for a response "y/n it's your life not mine I want you to be happy, do what you want I will be having a little word with Daniel but not being horrible, all I want is for you to be happy ok" he said with a tear running down his face you lean in and hug his arm while he drives the rest of the way home.

You get home and Daniel is sat on the couch waiting he rushes up and hugs you, you give Daniel a kiss on the lips he whispers "i thought Corbyn weren't supposed to know" you look at him for a while because of how cute he is when he is concerned "I told him, about us because he was figuring it out" you say with a little giggle "so it okay to do this then" he said getting quieter and leaning in for a kiss and you kiss him back, it lasted for a while before you hear Corbyn from the kitchen "you guys want some food" you pull away and mumble "yes please I'm starving" you take Daniels hand and walk over to the kitchen and eat some food. You and Daniel decided to go to bed Because it was getting late, you push Daniel onto the bed and climb on top of him and start to kiss him,he was just in his pants and no shirt, you kiss down his neck and down his chest to his abs you start to undo his belt he stops you "wait y/n are you sure your ready for this" you look at him confused "yes of course I am" "Ooo baby your in for a treat" Daniel said while smiling you go back to undoing his trousers you take off his boxers and your amazed at how big he was you start with your hands teasing him because you knew at how much he wanted you so you put him in your mouth and put him all the way in and bop you head really hard making him moan really loud, you start to tease him by licking his tip over and over again you can see Daniel is getting frustrated and doesn't want no more teasing so he had enough of the waiting ,he can't not Touch you for even five minutes, and flips you over so your the bed laying down, he takes off all your clothes and slides one finger inside of you and then you feel another finger go inside making you moan and gasping for air, he Carry's on, your grabbing the bed sheets because of how good it is he looks at you "you like that baby" he said that with a smirk "mmh mmh" you couldn't get any words out so that's all you could reply with. you soon feel him pull out his fingers and licks his fingers, he leans in for a kiss and starts to touch your body forcing his hands to my ass so he could squeeze it, you know he likes to play with you ass, he looks you in the eyes "y/n I'm not sure you can handle this" he said giggling you give him a kiss "I'm sure I can baby" you laugh, he rubs your clit then he inserts himself into you your jaw drops at how his size felt inside you "you okay baby" Daniel immediately stoped "no baby it feels good" he gives you a smile as he pins you to the bed holding your arms above your head so you can't touch him (his dominant) which is killing you , he starts off slow with a slow thrust just so you could adjust to his size and that was already making you crazy he looks at you and slams himself into you harder and harder making you moan loudly you couldn't resist Daniel holding your hands so you try to pull his hands off "baby I wanna touch you" he suddenly let's go and your going crazy because you have the pleasure of touching him, Daniel starts to moan Because of how good you felt, which is making you want to scream, he goes harder and harder and harder until he moans "I'm gonna cum" he takes himself out and explodes all over you he gives you one last passionate long kiss and lays next to you "that was fucking amazing" you say panting "really am I that good" he said panting even harder and exhales "yess fucking amazing, I would have sex with you every day if I could" he looks at you with his serious face " I didn't hurt you did I" You look at him "no no no baby don't ever think that you hurt me all of my bruises and cuts and scars are all my dad and when I'm with you I don't feel the pain, it's something about you I like, your charm your cuteness I'm not sure what it is but I've liked you since you and the boys got together, and do you know how hard it was to keep it a secret" he stares at you for a while "really, why didn't you tell me, you know I only recently found out I like you and I wasn't sure when we first met but when I saw you and Cameron together last month and the way he treated you I couldn't handle it no more. Remember that fight Cameron got into and he didn't tell you who it was with it's because it was me and I was standing up for you Because of how much it upset me to see the way he would just push you around and hit you and shout at you like you had done something I had to put a stop to it I tried my best y/n" Daniel starts to cry "I tried to stop him from hurting you but every time I tried it would fail and, if I had know about your dad sooner than today I would have done something, something more to help" you look at him "so the reason he broke up with me was all of you, well I'm thankful for that because I was scared to break up with him Because i didn't know what he would do to me next" you also start to cry " whether or not he would have held a gun to my head, or stab me" Daniel look at you and sees your in pain "hey stop your gunna hurt your face crying them cut are gunna get sore" "look at me Daniel I'm ugly my dad has officially made me even more ugly why do I always get the abusive ones since my mom died I just haven't had it easy Daniel please help me Daniel I need help" you look at him begging he pulls you into his chest tightly and and not letting you go "hey hey hey calm down okay, you've got me forever and ever I promise and I won't break that promise" you start to cry again "I have to have my 18th  without a mom without a dad without my brother" Daniel pulls you out of the hug and hold you softly by the face "y/n stooop you have me you have Corbyn you have your friends, everything will be fine I promise okay, oh and I've been meaning to ask you this I know we are not serious or whatever and i know it's so soon but would you like to be my girlfriend" you look at him and laugh "yes you idiot of course I will" he pulls you in for another Hug and you both lay down and go to bed.

You wake up and you flutter your eyes open to see your Handsome boyfriend laying besides you, you lay and stare for a while daniel then opens his eyes "morning baby" he said with his cute raspy morning voice you giggle "morning" Daniel pulls you to his chest for a hug and you run your fingers up and down his chest admiring his sexy body, you both lean in for a kiss and Daniel holds your waist firmly he climbs on top of you so your laying down and you feel him pull at your hoodie which was his and pulls it off he starts to feel my body as our kiss got deeper you wrap your arms around Daniels neck he then starts to kiss on your neck and he had found your weak spot sucking on your skin leaving tons of hickeys and you let out a little moan. "uh guys we whe- OMG" jack walked in so Daniel quickly passed you his hoodie "ever heard of knocking dickhead" you sat up and you both looked at each other "what did you want jack" Daniel says with a stressed look "were all going out for food wanna come" jack said willingly wanting you both to come "nah we're good mate cheers" jack then soon closed the door " I need to get dressed" you said looking for trousers "what's the point when there just going to come back off again" you giggle "Daniel let's go make some food seriously" he looks at you pouting his lips "please baby just get back into bed" he said making his potted lips look even more pouted "no babyyy please come make food we can make cookies" you look at him with a huge smile on your face "fine" he gets up and goes to put a shirt on "no Daniel you look just fine without it" you giggle he chucks the shirt on the floor "I will only keep it off on one condition you wear my hoodie and underwear and nothing else" he said with a slight smirk "deal" you both go to walk out the door and Daniel slaps your ass you both giggle.
You both are making the cookies and are messing  around, you both Finnish with the cookies and put them in the oven, you are standing over the counter reading the packet to see how long they should be in the oven and Daniel comes up behind you and starts to kiss your neck leaving hickeys every now and then You fell him run his fingers up your hoodie, when he does that it sends you somewhere else because of how good it feels, he then turns you around and starts to kiss you and you could feel his hands creep down to your ass, he then got grip of one of your boobs and starts to fiddle with then, by now the boys have been gone over an hour and you keep looking back checking if the door was open, yours and Daniels lips meet again and start to kiss passionately Both of your Tongues go exploring in Each other, all of a sudden the door swings open "WERE HO-omg" zach yelled you quickly sorted yourselves out and took the cookies out of the oven "so what's all of this about then" jack said looking us up and down "W-we are t-together as a couple" you said looking scared Because you where worried what they would say  "and you lot need to respect that and if you can't go fuck yourselves because we're really happy right now and I don't want anything to get in the way of that" you look at Daniel and smile because of what he said, it goes quiet for a while then zach says "so this is why you said no to going out on a date" you giggle really loud "no zach your still to young for me, I can promise you a dance at my part if you like" Daniel looks at you "I want that dance" you look at him and laugh "duh you'll have the slow dance I will dance with zach to another song" he looks at you in relief "will you actually dance with me at your birthday" he has a huge cute smile in his face "yes zach," he looks all excited because my birthday is quite close it is the 1st April 2020 which my birthday is 10 days away, luckily I don't have to set it up or send out invitations because Corbyn agreed to do all that stuff.
You all get on with what you have to do and now you and Daniel are official in the whole house you feel good about it so you text everyone "dinner at 6 we're going out for food" so you look for an outfit to wear you pick out some blue jeans with rips and a black top

You hear the door open "we're ready to g- wow baby you look amazing" you blush "come on let's go" you both walk out and Daniel has his arm around your waist making sure his got hold of you, he opens the car door and gets in after you Corbyn,zach,jack and Jonah all get into the car "WOW you look amazing" zach implanted "woah woah woah dude watch what your saying" Corbyn starts to drive and you put your head on Daniels shoulder and he places his head on your head you rode all the way there sitting like that holding hands. Corbyn pulls up to the restaurant and takes us all in Daniel on the other hand is still gripping tight onto my waist and not letting go you start to think if he's scared of losing you, Jonah goes and gets us a table so we all sit down and your in the corner next to Daniel and he has his hand on my thigh, you love the fact that he can't resist not touching you so you place your hand on his, the menus came and we all chose what to eat "we all chosen yes" Corbyn said looking stressed You think he just wanted to eat so Corbyn goes up and orders and you start to feel Daniels hand creep up your thigh to your clit and rubbing you though your trousers so you try to hold back the moan so you bite your lip "babe are you ok" Daniel whispered "yeah" you say out of breath he smirks at you and carry's  on but going faster at this point you wish your had worn a skirt or shorts Because it is driving you insane,you see that Daniel has a hard on so you look over and pull the table closer "y/n why you doing that for" Jonah said "because I can't reach the table" while Daniel is still making you crazy you thought that you would tease him you start to palm him through his trousers and he can't take it so he bites his lips and moves your hand "let me please you" he whispered he carry's on and the waiter come over with some of the food and he kept on looking at me back and forth Daniel knew I didn't like it, and the waiter came back with the rest of the food  "just let me know when you want to bill and I will bring it over and he goes to walk away but comes back "hey I was wondering if I could have your number" Daniel shot up " no asshole she has a boyfriend" the waiter wasn't having it "it doesn't have to be a date or anything she is just pretty" he said smiling Daniel clearly didn't find it funny at all "leave asshole, don't make me beat the shit out of you" Daniel is about to stand up "you won't do shit to me" the waiter says waiting for your number "RIGHT THATS IT" Daniel jumps over the Table and grabs the waiter by the throat "come near my girlfriend again and I will kill you with my bare hands do you understand" the waiter is making it worse for himself because he just laughs so Daniel punches him round the face multiple times jonah tried to get him off of him but it didn't work your just sat there and letting him get on with it because you didn't like the waiter hitting on you , finally he knocked out the waiter, Daniel is bleeding so you all left within a rush. You had just about gotten to the car and you hear somebody shout "HEEEEY" Daniel looks at you and looks up at the yelling, "what the hell was that in there" this dude came up to you asking "the dude was hitting on my girlfriend and wouldn't stop even though I told him she was my girlfriend, he pushed his luck, so we best be on our way now" Daniel said as he placed his hand on your ass and open the car door for you, you all get back In the car and drove off. "Daniel your face is fucked up babe" he looks down at you and smiles a little "it's only a few cuts and bruises I'll be fine at least your with me" you both start to lean in further for a kiss and you feel Daniels warm soft lips on yours, Daniel pulled at your leg, at this point you both have forgotten there are four other people in the car, and you took on board the leg pulling and climbed over and sat on Daniels lap facing him, the kiss got more passionate the longer it lasted you liked this because a passionately kiss means some one cares and isn't just kissing you for the fun of it, Daniel then starts to grab your ass and you giggle a little, "Hey hey hey there are four other people in this car ya know" Jonah said from the front seat you and Daniel pull away from the kiss and giggle "sorry" you said giggling even more "no no no carry on I liked it, don't listen to Jonah" Zach soon spoke, Daniel slapped him on the arm "chill dude, she's mine" you look at Zach and look back at Daniel "I'm yours, I like the sound of that" you kiss Daniel one last time then you  hugged him for the rest of the Journey home.

Corbyn pulls up to the house and lets you all in you and Daniel go up stairs to clean Daniels face "babe come here" you call from the bath room "baby seriously in fin- woah" Daniel walked in and your wearing just your underwear sitting on the side next to the sink with a wet towel in your hand "babe come here let me clean your face" Daniel walks towards you and let's you clean his face, you start to feel Daniels hands rub against your thighs to your ass and it was turning you on, Daniels hands start to creep to your clit again getting you back for earlier when he wanted to please you, he starts to rub you slowly then it got faster and faster you tried not to moan or go floppy "b-abe I'm trying t-to clean your f-ace" he looks up at you and just smirks and gets faster and faster and it was driving you crazy, you couldn't hold it in anymore you dropped the wet towel and started to moan and go all floppy, Daniel started to kiss your neck in your sweet spot and doesn't stop after a while he starts to breath on your neck and that also drives you crazy, he slips one finger in you and your still going crazy and this makes you feel even more crazy about Daniel, "O-h my g-g-god that feels s-so good baby" you cry out "ah you like that baby, how about this" he slides in another finger and you wrap your arms around Daniel still trying to hold in the moans he pulls his fingers in and put soo fast you could scream. After a while Daniel pulls you off the counter and undid his pants and you went down on two knees and started to suck his dick, at first you bop your head a little then your start to deep throat his dick and he couldn't take it anymore and he picks you up and slides himself in he carry's you into the bedroom and slams you against the wall and starts to fuck you slowly it doesn't take you long to adjust to his size "uhhh sHiT yEaH"  you moan as quietly as you can "ugh baby right there" Daniel moaned he soon took you over to the bed and you pulled Daniels hand to your throat "woah y/n what you doing" Daniel seemed really concerned "it's fine I want you to" "I don't want to hurt you you still have bruises all over you babe" he was really careful about hurting you, "don't worry baby it doesn't hurt I promise I would tell you it it did" and you moved his hand back and nodded for him to carry on he got faster and faster and you could not hold in the moans "OHHHH MYYYY HOLYYYYY SHITTTTT" Daniel smirks and puts himself finger to your mouth "shhh shhh shhh your going to have to hold on for this one baby" he slams himself harder and harder into you and you grip onto Daniels hair and tilted your head back with pleasure, your thoughts where "how the fuck is he so good at this" you then grab onto his backs and shoulders and start to scratch "omg sorry am I hurting you" he looks at you and smirks "nope anything for your pleasure baby" he soon slows down and pulls about and cums everywhere, Daniel lays down in between your legs and you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, he the flops in your arms "baby you are amazing" he says out of breath "me amazing that's all you hunny" he looks up at you from your shoulder "you just can't resist me can you" you kiss him "your right I can't and what you going to do about it" he gives you a peck "you'll have to see the next time you can't resist me" you peck him one last time and lay there for a while "Daniel  your the only happiness in my life, the only One that drives me crazy and I'm not mad about it, your the only one I can wake up next to and not be scared weather or not I'm going to get hurt today or ever, your the only one I can have sex with even though I have shit loads of cuts and Bruises and you I can't feel anything" you look at him "your the only one who can take my pain away" he looks up at you "you really mean all of that" you look down at him and smile "yes Daniel James Seavey YOU take my pain away, I could just lay here for the rest of my life with you no one else" you keep smiling as Daniel rolls you over so your laying on top of him " I don't know what I would do without you it's scary, I could never and will never let you get hurt again like you have been hurt before we're gunna have put ups and down but I promise you I will be with you the whole time and I want you to know no matter what no one can top the love you give me and I've never felt so happy in my life" you lay there for a while before you say something "I don't want this to ever end, us i don't want it to ever end, because before all of this happened I was even scared to even wake up and get out of bed, and my 18th is literally like not even 3 weeks away and I won't have family for that" he looks down at you and pulls you closer "hey me and they boys will be there we're family, I'm going to make it the best 18th birthday I promise" he smiles " you would do that for me" he giggles " of course anything for you" you smile and stare for a little while "your so sexy I could fuck you all day long if I wanted to, I could squeeze that big ass all day long as well" you kiss him and get over him and sit on him " I would love all of that"

You wake up next to Daniel and turn over and just stare at him for a while you saw a bunch of his hair had gone into his face so you you run your finger across his head and move his hair, you then place your hand on his head and kiss his head, and you get up to get dressed "not so fast baby where you going" Daniel was woken "to get some clothes on and get dressed for the day" you look at him and he wasn't impressed "but I prefer you looking like that, nothing on" you roll your eyes and smirk "I'm going to make you breakfasting bed" Daniel then grabs your legs and kisses your ass and smacks it, he lets you get dressed and go downstairs. Your mid making Daniel some breakfast and Zach walks into the kitchen "morning Zach" you initiate the conversation, he looks at you and smiles "morning beautiful" you ignore him but he carry's on "so, I heard your and Daniel last night I was jerking off to the sound of you both your soo loud" you snap back "ZACH stop seriously, I'm happy with Daniel and nothing will ever change that" you go back to making breakfast and try to hurry up but you feel a shadow behind you, and it was Zach he goes to put his arms around your waist and you try to stop him but he pushes your arms away "Zach STOP seriously Zach I don't like you like that please stop" he then starts to kiss your neck and it felt good for a minuet because it felt just like how Daniel kisses your neck, you go to push him off but he continues "you feel so good baby girl" you where still trying to get him off and you start to cry but it wasn't working he moved on hand up to your tits and one down to your clit and he started to rub your clit "ZACHHHH GET THE FUCK OFF OF MEEE" he soon let's go after you historically crying, you rush up stairs with Daniels food "hey babe here's your food" Daniel saw that you had been crying and immediately shoots up "baby what's up, baby nooo don't cry tell me what's wrong" i just look at him and can't tell him "I don't want to talk about it" he nods and hugs you.

It's one week till your birthday and your in the shower and you feel some one behind you and you turn around to see you hot boyfriend "here let me help you with that" Daniel grabbed the sponge and started to wash your back, Daniel likes to play with your ass so he does then he goes under my ass to my clit and starts to rub it in circles you can feel his boner tubing up against you his kissing your back and all of a sudden he SLAMS himself into you and you scream so loud the neighbours and the boys where most probably concerned he fucked you so hard you couldn't even moan "FuCK dAnIeL tHaT fEeLs So GoOd" Daniel was moaning which is rare "BaBy FuCk YeAh I'm GuNnA cUm" you felt you climax getting close you came on his dick and Daniel pulled out and came all over your ass. You both clean up and go and get dressed for the day, you look at your phone to see if anyone had messaged you, you had a message from zach,

Zach- Y/N fuck you and Daniel will fuck anywhere won't you sounds so good, I'd love to cum all over you
Y/N - FUCK OFF ZACH WHAT IS THIS SOME STUPID GAME, you try and say/do anything else to me Daniel will be warned about all of this the touching the dirty talk.

You got no response, for the next couple of days Zach was staring and winking at you, it made you feel so uncomfortable but you try not to think about it because your birthday is in 2 days and the boys had some big party planned which you where excited for. Daniel walks into the bedroom "hey gorgeous how's your day been" he smiles at you "it's been fine" he comes over and starts to kiss you you felt so good when he did that "your 18 in just2 days my baby's all grown up" you giggle and kiss him even more he pushes you onto the bed and started to kiss your neck then on of his hands where on my tit playing around with it the the other hand was on my clit going round in circles you start to cry and push Daniel off "etc babe what's wrong you usually like that" and then he look at you and sees you crying "Daniel I need to talk to you" he looks at you really worried "we're not breaking up are we" "no no no no I would never" he looks at you with a bit of relief on his face " don't interrupt me okay just don't get mad straight away let me talk first okay" he nods "so remember the other day when I made you breakfast in bed and came upstairs crying, well it's because Zach has come into the kitchen and came and hugged me from behind and stared to kiss my neck and I tried for all mighty to get him off but he just wouldn't get off then he started to rub my clit and grab my tits just like you did and he said "you feel so good baby girl" and I had to scream and cry to get him off and I was trying for the life of me to get him off when he started but o couldn't and I feel guilty because I didn't get him off of me but now I feel like your going to hate me, and when I was making breakfast he said that he could hear us the other night when we had sex in bed and he was jerking off to me and then last night after we had sex in the shower he message me "Y/N fuck you and Daniel will fuck anywhere won't you sounds so good, I'd love to cum all over you" and I told him to fuck off but I hate myself for letting it happen" Daniel was tearing up "first off where the FUCK is Zach and second of all why the fuck didn't you tell me any of this" you look at him scared "I WAS SCARED I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH TO HURT YOU DANIEL THATS WHY I KEPT IT FROM YOU BUT" you start crying "BUT HE HAS MENTALLY HURT ME DANIEL ALL THW TIME HE WAS DOING ALL OF THIS STUFF I WAS THINKING OF HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU" your on you feet and you see Daniel Burst out the bedroom door and he kicks down Zachs door "WHAT THE FUCKKKK IS WRONG WITH YOU EH, TELL ME GO ON" Zach just looks at him "so you found out that your girlfriend LET me touch her and enjoyed it" he looks back at you " did you enjoy it" "NO DANIEL I FUCKING DIDN'T I HATED IT WITH ALL MY GUTS" Daniel then reaches over Zachs bed and punches the living shit out of Zach and gets stoped by Zach "yeah she was moaning and everything I even made her cum she cried it was that good" Daniel then "SO YOUR LYING TO ME THEN" your still historically crying and Daniel questions you again "DID YOU ENJOY IT" you collapsed to the floor.

You wake up to a beeping sound, you where in the hospital and turn to see Zach sitting to your left you jump "get away from me NOW" your frightened some one grabs your hand "it's okay your be okay I'm here" you turn to see Corbyn say beside you "wheres Daniel, WHERE DANIEL I need Daniel where is he WHERE IS DANIEL" you cry out Corbyn holds you "we don't know where he is sh sh sh sh" all TOU could think about was not having Daniel with you and your birthday is literally in nearly one day "how long have I been in here for" you ask Corbyn "8 hours, and we haven't seen Daniel since the argument back at the house" it's not like Daniel to go missing for that long "ZACH you sick bastard you need to call him or message him and tell hi everything you said wasn't true" he looks at you and laughs "nope" you go to get out of the bed and hit Zach but Corbyn pulls you back "not even worth it". The doctor comes in and tells us we can go home so the boys help pack up my stuff and we leave I'm sat in the back of the car with the rest of the boys while Corbyn drives and I feel a hand touch my leg "ZACH get the fuckk off of me" Jonah looks over "FUCK dude you can't keep your hands to yourself can you" so Jonah force swaps seats with Zach and you feel a buzz coming from your bag you open your phone

Baby😚💋-I'm sorry if I've hurt you but I need time to think, I love you ❤️

You just cuddle Jonah's arm and put you head on his shoulder till you get home. You have arrived at home and you go upstairs to go to sleep then you hear a knock on your door "Y/N can I please come in" the door opens before you reply "look I've called Daniel to tell him everything I said was a lie and I'm not sure what he thought but I wanted to tell you" he shits the door and leaves and you go to sleep.

You woke up and felt pretty shitty because you has no present boyfriend anymore, and it was your birthday your 18TH BIRTHDAY which pretty sucked.
Later on in the day you where worried because you hadn't headed from Daniel at all and your worried. It gets to around 8:00pm and You get up to get ready and you put on your birthday outfit you had, had planned since your 17th

Daniel love it and you where really upset that he can't see you wearing it,you go downstairs and everyone is just if you need to arrive at the party and you wasnt as happy as you thought you where gunna be, you felt lost. As the night went on you opened presents from everyone and was dancing with all your friends and corbyn, at this point you don't even wanna take shots it just didn't feel right without Daniel. Everyone starts to sing happy birthday and Corbyn brought out the cake it was a cake that had we love you written all Over it with a candle that said 18 I blew out the candles and took a wish and carried on dancing after about 20 mins you wanted some fresh air and went up to the roof and sat there for what felt like forever you wasn't enjoying yourself at all " what the fuck am I going to do without him I can't live I might as well just end my life right here" you started to cry " happy birthday gorgeous" you turn around and see Daniel stool behind you "w-wh-what o thought you where gone for good" he kisses you so passionately you could of fell on the ground "how could I ever leave you, it was killing me not seeing you, or even touching you, you drive me CRAZY, and if you had taken your life I would have been coming with ya. I'm here now and I believe you Zach Called to say everything was a lie I knew deep down you where right" you kid Daniel one last time he grabs you ass like always and you burst out giggling " no let's go dance" Daniel said and we danced the night away and got wasted.

You now have your boyfriend back and like couldn't be better.

Sorry the end m was rushed

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