"honesty and grace" (Mezo Sho...

By leviehnrd

220K 9.7K 6.3K

Living a normal life had always been hard for you, but moving to Japan gave you and your single mother the br... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
[After Story - 1]
[After Story - 2]
[After Story - 3]
[After Story - 4]
[After Story - 5]
[After Story - 6]
[After Story - 7]
[After Story - 8]
[After Story - 9]
[After Story - 10]

Chapter 20

3.9K 199 228
By leviehnrd

A few days after the unintentional movie night, Shoji found himself lying awake in his bed. It was past midnight, now being Thursday morning. The boy had been raking through his mind, tossing and turning in the process. He didn't know exactly what he was searching for, but he could feel himself looking for something. A feeling grew warm in his chest, a tight feeling that made his thoughts pause. He was no stranger to frustration, but this seemed to be a whole different kind.

At this point, he believed that he was trying to connect the dots in his head. (F/n) echoed in the back of his mind constantly, making his face warm and his heartbeat quicken. Though, he wasn't all too focused on you. It was your father he was thinking about. When he had done a little more research out of curiosity, he stumbled across an informational video on the villian.

The man talked fast and used cute and simple animations to get his point across, and he was clearly American by the way he spoke and looked. "So, a lot of people wonder about the villains in today's society and why they act the way they do. This is a breakdown on a man named Jonathan (L/n), or otherwise known as the American villian Compact." The man leaned behind him to gesture to a chalkboard, looking at it as if he was already bored with his own rambling. "Compact started to make his presence very obvious about fifteen years before he was caught, and not a single person thought of him as suspicious. His wife and daughter were even taken by surprise when they were filmed being told in a police station that their loving father and husband was the most wanted villain in the country."

He had explained further about the man's history and crimes, but soon got to the part Shoji needed to know the most. "Now, along with being an absolute psychotic maniac, Compact also had a ridiculously strong quirk. To the world, it is known as solidification and compaction. Real original name he chose for himself, huh? Anyways, this allowed him to touch any living or nonliving thing and actually stop the atoms from moving within it, even if it were already a solid. If he were to do it to something small, like a plant, it would wither away at a much faster rate. However, he had a tendency to be malicious while harming heroes, and would frequently stop the atoms of a human being. This would result in the most painful death that anyone could possibly imagine." He turned to point to a human body diagram behind him, looking as though he was now interested. "The brain would shut down, your heart would stop, you wouldn't be able to breathe, your liver would fail, your kidneys would shrivel, and your bladder would become as hard as a rock. Any liquids in your body, including your own blood would cause you to turn into a meaty statue. He had the ability to turn off his quirk, but only did so to three people, none of which survived.

"So, I think what we learned from this is that besides being an absolute douche bag, Jonathan (L/n) was also a terrible father, along with a hypocritical villain." With that, he ended the video and Shoji was left dumbfounded.

The recollection of the video made him cringe. He knew what he wanted to do, but was nervous about possibly disturbing you. More than anything he wanted to hear your voice, even if it were just for a moment. His body rolls to the side, grabbing his phone from the floor. He had it plugged into an outlet, but the cord wasn't quite long enough for the device to rest on his blow up mattress. Removing the charger from its port, he turns again to lie on his stomach. His true set of arms hold the phone and allow himself to be propped up by his elbows. The remaining tentacles lay on his back in their normal forms.

"Are you awake?" He sends the message without thinking much of it, looking at the time in the corner of the screen. 1:21 in the morning. In his mind, he could already see himself drifting to sleep to the sound of Cementoss' voice while he lectures the class.

He could feel his phone vibrate in his hands, signaling for him to take a look at the notification. "Yeah, couldn't sleep." She had sent back, and he was surprised to know she was still up. Yes, he had wanted her to be, but it wasn't good for her to be awake so early just to have to go to work later in the morning. Another buzz caused him to focus back on his phone. "Call?"

"Sure." He sent back, waiting for the message to pop up on his screen to signify you were calling. It soon showed, and Shoji quickly answered. "Hey, what are you doing up so late?"

There is a soft whimper on the other end, as if you were adjusting yourself. "I was getting ahead on my world history, otherwise I'd have so much to do after work." She says lightheartedly, her voice soft and soothing. It was music to the boy's ears.

"Well, promise me you'll get rest tonight." A yawn passes through him.

Hearing Shoji yawn causes you to as well. "I promise." Your voice was low and tired, breathy.

He had never heard your voice sound in such a way. It brought color to his face quickly, warmth passing through him as he adjusted himself a bit better under his thin blanket. "Thank you." He managed to get out. "You sound really tired, maybe you should go to bed." His colorless eyes stare over at the darkened wall in front of him.

"No, no, I want to talk to you. I'm not that tired." Her voice was a little distant, and her words sounded slurred. Something seemed to occur to him.

"Are you drunk?" His tone is nonchalant, but he was worried in his mind.

Your small laughter could be heard from the other end. "I'm not drunk, I just had a few drinks. Before you start freaking out, no I didn't steal anything. Mr. Grate was over earlier and was talking about some old whiskey in his cabinet. He kind of just gave it to me." Your voice is calm, not like a typical drunk woman. You didn't sound too tipsy, so all Shoji could do was laugh ever so quietly.

"How do I put up with you?" He asks himself, though speaks loud enough for you to hear. When you comically gasp, he imitates you. "Don't drink anymore tonight. Alcohol will just give you a nasty headache when you're trying to function later."

The boy's voice is so soothing when it comes from behind his mask. Sure, you didn't mind it when he spoke to you through his tentacles, but his voice would change. He had even explained to you that with every mouth he creates, a new voice is created. "I won't, I promise." You stretch your body, your back cracking and your muscles tensing. It was that amazing stretch that someone would normally do after waking up. A small whine escapes you, but you think nothing of it.

However, Shoji begins to find himself growing uncomfortable. "I should probably head to bed now. I don't want Mr. Aizawa to scold me when I get to school." He lets out a laugh that was a little forced, though your thoughts weren't coherent enough to process this.

"Alright, well you sleep well. Talk to you later." He could tell you were smiling by the way you spoke.

"Of course." With that, you hung up.

Immediately, his thoughts slowed. The world seemed to stop spinning, though his heart was beating faster with each passing second. It felt good to talk to you in such a way, so casually. On the other hand, however, he didn't know the first thing about starting a relationship with you. He wanted it more than anything, but was at a complete loss. Bothering Mina about it always seemed to help, though she won't always know what to do. Now that his thoughts were starting to make a little more sense to him, he could feel himself slowly slipping into that of slumber.

Shoji entered the apartment, a bag of baking ingredients in his hand. He had been wearing a black poncho over a black tank top, along with his camo sweatpants and black combat boots. "(F/n), do you want to help me out this time?" He calls using a mouth on his left, placing the bag on the kitchen counter. There was nothing but silence for a moment before the atmosphere began to change. The room dimmed to almost complete darkness, but there was a slightly brighter light source coming from your room. "(F/n)?" He called once more, now growing a bit worried as he walked closer to the door.

Before he reached it, he heard you speak. "Come here!" Your voice was different. It was luring, trying to draw him in closer. Unsurprisingly, it worked. Shoji pushed the door to your room open slightly, eyes averted to the floor, a little nervous as to what he might see. Though, he didn't feel what he had felt laying in his bed earlier. The thought of seeing you in such a way excited him, but made his face explode in crimson. "Are you not going to look at me? Come on, I don't bite. Well, not that hard, I don't think." At this, he whipped his head up in surprise.

On the bed, you were laying down on your side with your arm holding your head up. You weren't in some sexy lingerie that the boy had been expecting, but rather in a baggy shirt that covered barely any of your legs, and a pair of tiny shorts. From this angle, your shoulder was exposed, revealing to the boy that you were very clearly not wearing a bra underneath your shirt. Your legs were (s/t), but just slightly paler than your face. Your hair had been messy, but the look on your face is what had Shoji sold. Your eyes were looking into his, desperate and loving. They were barely open, too, sending goosebumps down the boy's spine.

"(F/n), what's going on? This isn't like you." His voice was shaky and nervous. He found himself motionless as the girl slowly stood, lingering along the edge of the bed towards him.

Her eyes looked up into him, deeply and pleading. "I need you, Mezo." The feeling of her body pressed against his captivated him, so much so that he didn't notice her hand snaking its way up to his face, tugging at the hem of his mask.

The boy shot up, his eyes opening wide as he felt his body grow hot. He looked around his room, seeing that the sun was now peaking through his curtains. A breath passes through him, and he can't take the sensation of his hot skin against his mask. "Why would I..." His voice trailed off as he rested his head back on the pillow. "Damn it." The recollection of the dream made him feel foreign, though it was the most confusing, yet satisfying, feeling in the world.

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