I Hate You (YiZhan FF)

By InfinityLM44

2.2M 80.1K 43.7K

Wang Yibo known as most notorious Bad Boy and a heartbreaker. Xiao Zhan is known as most calmest person with... More

Characters (Edited)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (YiZhan Wedding)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
New Story Alert
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52(Part-1)
Chapter 52(Part-2)

Chapter 32

36.4K 1.3K 723
By InfinityLM44

3rd Person Pov

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan reach university at 10 am. As their classes are going to start at 11:15am.

Wang Yibo was parking his car. Xiao Zhan come out from car first. He was still blubbering about unknown things. Wang Yibo was keep listening everything patiently. He also comes out from his car now. They were about to leave from there but one car was coming towards them in fast speed. It was about to hit Xiao Zhan.

"You know that time...." Xiao Zhan was about to say something but stop because of sudden action of Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo immediately pulled him from there before that car hit Xiao Zhan. He hug him tightly.

"Are you ok?? You didn't get hurt anywhere right? Your leg.. Did you get hurt there??" Wang Yibo asked while touching his cheek and checking everywhere.

"You bastard... I will kill you if I find you... If you can't drive properly then why the fuck you are driving???" Wang Yibo scream at that driver. But that car leaves from there immediately.

Xiao Zhan didn't say anything but nodded his head. It was a mix emotion for him. Because for the first time he saw a fear in Wang Yibo's eyes.... *The fear of losing him*.. Was it his imagination or he is seeing right thing...???

"Ok lets go inside then.... And after class we will go together too.. Wait for me here. But not too near in road. Stay car side." Wang Yibo said.

"Hmm..." Xiao Zhan replied.

They leave from there. Reaching in his first class. Xiao Zhan sees Mianmian is waiting for him with a big mischievous smile.

"What???" Xiao Zhan asked.

"What is the relationship between you and Yibo??" Mianmian asked directly.

After hearing this Xiao Zhan start coughing furiously. "How the heck she knows??" Xiao Zhan thought himself.

"Nothing... Actually.. You will know soon.. I will tell you soon. But not right now.. OK??" Xiao Zhan said.

"Ok.. Promise??" Mianmian asked.

"Yes yes promise.." Xiao Zhan said.

After end all classes. It was 2:45pm now. Xiao Zhan was hell tired. He was talking with Mianmian and her boyfriend while coming out from varsity. He said bye to them. Then he comes to the parking area. Stand beside their car and start waiting for Yibo.

"Why you are there now?? What did you do this time??" Wang Yibo was talking in phone. He was coming towards Xiao Zhan.

"Ok... Shut up. I am coming. Stop irritating me..." Wang Yibo cut the call irritatedly.

"Who was it??" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Who can be it??" Wang Yibo answer his question as a question.

"Carman mom?? Hahaha..." Xiao Zhan laugh when he realised that after him only Carman mom can irritate him that much.

"Shut up.. Get in car now. She said she is your home.. Let's see what she wants this time..." Wang Yibo said while massaging his temple.

"Ok lets go..." Xiao Zhan replied.

They get inside the car. And leave for Xiao Zhan's house.


In Lu Jian Min Mansion

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo reach home. He park his car in garage. Wang Yibo about to open his car door. Xiao Zhan stop him.

"What??" Wang Yibo asked.

"I.. I... You are going to leave with Carman mom after talking with everyone???" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Yeah... Why??" Wang Yibo asked.

"Umm...." Xiao Zhan was feeling embarrassed to say everything clearly.

Without saying anything Wang Yibo smash his lip on his lip. He pick Xiao Zhan up and make him sit on his lap. That kiss becomes too intense. Their tongue is start playing with each other. Xiao Zhan break the kiss. His lip still on his lip.

"Stop.. We have to stop here.. They are waiting for us inside..." Xiao Zhan mumble while kissing Wang Yibo's lip softly.

"Ok... Let's go inside..." Wang Yibo replied.

Inside Carman Lee and Crystal Zhang was in kitchen making something for everyone. They start discussing there.

"It will be fine right?? Yibo won't react badly right??" Crystal Zhang nervously asked Carman Lee.

"Don't get nervous... He won't do anything. Otherwise I will beat him to the death.." Carman Lee replied.

"Mom I am home..." Xiao Zhan shout after entering living room.

"My baby boy is here..." Before Carman Lee could say something Wang Yibo cut her.

"What do you want??" Wang Yibo asked directly.

"Can't I even call my son here...??" Carman Lee said in innocent voice.

"Cut the crap..." Wang Yibo said while rolling his eyes.

"Whatever... We fix your marriage date. You are marriage ceremony will be held after 3days..." Carman Lee answer.

Everyone is silent there. Their parents know about their sudden marriage date already. But after announced that.. They are not understanding if Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo happy or angry...

"Say something..." Crystal Zhang finally asked.

"Yayyyyyy..... We are getting married..." By saying this Xiao Zhan hug Yibo tightly.

Xiao Zhan is really happy. He didn't understand how to express his happiness firstly then he just jumped and hug Yibo tightly.

"Xiao Zhan seems really happy.." Shen Xiao Hai asked.

"Yes I am truly happy with it.." Xiao Zhan said truthfully.

"You shameless creature have some shame when you are in front in our your parents..." Zhuo Cheng said. Xiao Zhan stuck out his tongue at his brother.

"Why should I have shame?? I am happy that's why I am replying truly. And you will be happy soon too. When you will tell about you and Zoey's relationship to mom dad you will understand about this feeling..." Xiao Zhan said everything.

After telling all truth. He realised what he has done.. His brother about beat him. Crystal Zhang stop him.

"You idiot why did you say everything now???" Zhuo Cheng scream at his idiot brother.

"Stop screaming at him..." Wang Yibo said calmly.

"Yeah stop screaming at him.. We already know everything..." Crystal Zhang said.

"What?? But how mom??" Zhuo Cheng asked.

"I will tell you later... Now we are talking about them." Crystal Zhang said.

"Yibo are you happy too?? Why you are not saying anything??" Shen Xiao Hai asked.

"Whatever..." By saying this he immediately leaves from their.

"What he is robot or something?? Why can't he ever express his happiness or sadness??" Carman Lee said frustratedly.

"Maybe he gets excited too... That's why he leaves from here. You know my great father was same... I didn't say anything.. Carman come on.." Shen Xiao Hai about to say something about his father but Carman Lee start chasing him.

"Come back here. All your father's faults.. That's why he is like this..." Carman Lee said still chasing him behind.

Everyone start laughing by seeing their fight. Xiao Zhan left for his room. He is feeling so happy. After a long time later his dream is coming true. He hug his toys. Suddenly he takes his phone and open Yibo's picture and kiss on his phone.

"I love you fiancé..." Xiao Zhan mumble.

Suddenly his phone buzz. It was message from Huang Jingyu.

"Are you free tonight?? Come to my home. We will eat dinner together and play games.." Huang Jingyu message him.

"Ok.. I will Jingyu-A.. It's been ages we didn't play together. I am coming wait for me..." Xiao Zhan message him back.

In Evening. It was 8pm. Xiao Zhan was going to Huang Jingyu house.

"Mom I am leaving..." Xiao Zhan scream from living room.

"Ok.. Take care. You are staying there or coming back tell me later..." Crystal Zhang said.

"Okk... Bye.." Xiao Zhan replied.

He was in front main gate about to call his driver uncle. But suddenly his phone start ringing. It was from Wang Yibo. He immediately picked up his call.

Conversation between Wang Yibo and Xiao :

Xiao Zhan: Hiii... You called me first Yayyy..

Wang Yibo: ........

Xiao Zhan: Say something?? I won't tease anymore promise.

Wang Yibo: What are you doing?

Xiao Zhan: I am going to Jingyu-A house. What are you doing??

Wang Yibo: ..........

Xiao Zhan: He is my best friend Yibo...

Wang Yibo: I didn't say anything.

Xiao Zhan: But you are saying in your mind I can understand.

Wang Yibo: Do you need to say anything else?? I am cutting the call.

Xiao Zhan: No I am going.. I love you husband.

Wang Yibo: Ok the...........

Wang Yibo: ...........

Xiao Zhan: Yibo?? Yiiii?? Boo?? Yibo??

Wang Yibo: What did you just say??

Xiao Zhan: I said I love you..

Wang Yibo: Then?

Xiao Zhan: Husband.. Why??

Wang Yibo: Why?

Xiao Zhan: What why?

Wang Yibo: That word...

Xiao Zhan: Husband?

Wang Yibo: Yeah.

Xiao Zhan: 3days later we will be married. Then you are my husband from now.

Wang Yibo: Where are you now??

Xiao Zhan: In front main gate. Why??

Wang Yibo: Nothing.. Wait there.

After cutting the call. Wang Yibo come there in 15min. But the total time to reach Xiao Zhan's home from his home is 30min.

Wang Yibo open his helmet and run towards Xiao Zhan. Immediately kiss him.

"Say that again.." Wang Yibo said still nibbling Xiao Zhan's lip.

"Husband.." Xiao Zhan said unconsciously.

"Again." Wang Yibo said.

"Husband..." Xiao Zhan said.

"Again...." Wang Yibo demand again.

"I love you so much husband..." Xiao Zhan replied.

Wang Yibo aggressively start kissing Xiao Zhan. For the first time he wants do something more than that kiss right now... After breaking the kiss. Wang Yibo start caressing his lip by his thumb..

"I will leave now..." By saying this Wang Yibo leaves from there immediately.

"My husband is really weird..." Xiao Zhan mumble himself.


In Xiu Qing Mansion

Xiao Zhan reach in Xiu Qing resident.. Huang Jingyu come out running and hug Xiao Zhan.

"How are you??" Huang Jingyu asked.

"I am fine. How are you?? Why you are becoming thin??" Xiao Zhan said.

"Aaah... Who said I am becoming thin?? I am becoming more fat.. Oh God..." Huang Jingyu replied.

They entered living. Zoey Meng and Yubin is there sitting on sofa. Their mother is preparing snacks for them.

"Mom... Fiancé of Wang Yibo is here..." Yubin scream. As he is teasing Xiao Zhan.

"Come on.. Stop it..." Xiao Zhan said while laughing in embarrassed.

"Oh God Xiao Zhan I didn't know.. You truly turn red when you blush..." Yubin said and start laughing.

"Yubin.. Stop... And Xiao Zhan.. What you did today?? You directly said your mom and dad about me and Zhuo Cheng..." Zoey Meng asked in stern voice.

"I am sorry.. I am truly sorry.. I am..." Zoey Meng cut him.

"Omg my brother.. No.. Thank you.. You tell them about us. Truly thank you. Otherwise Zhuo Cheng was scared of your parents reaction... He was keep hesitating to tell them. But after telling them everything. We learn everyone already know about us....." Zoey Meng replied and smile a bit.

"Thank God. You are not angry with me... I thought..." Before Xiao Zhan said more Huang Jingyu cut him.

"Come on stop talking... Let's go now... Mom send our snacks in my room..." Huang Jingyu scream.

"Ok.. Xiao Zhan stay here tonight.. I am coming. You guys go inside..." Lu En Jie scream from kitchen.

Huang Jingyu take Xiao Zhan to room.. They start playing game. Few minutes later servant come inside their room and serve them snacks. In middle of playing game Xiao Zhan said something.

"I forget to tell you something.. After three days later is my marriage... Jingyu-A.." Xiao Zhan said excitedly.

Huang Jingyu stop playing games. He didn't say anything. He get up and goes near to the window.

Xiao Zhan realised what he did. He is feeling guilty now.

"I am sorry.. I didn't realise...." Xiao Zhan about say more Huang Jingyu cut him.

"Aish.. It's ok.. I know you are already engaged. So you will be married soon I know the fact. Hahaha..." Huang Jingyu said.

Xiao Zhan didn't say anything. But he hug him tightly. And Huang Jingyu just trying to not cry in front him. He composed himself. After breaking the hug they were about to continue their games. Suddenly Huang Jingyu phone start ringing.

"I will truly kill him... Why he keep annoying me??" Huang Jingyu said.

"What who??" Xiao Zhan asked.

"My roommate.. But he is keep calling me. And asking why I did that or why I am messy... So annoying..." Huang Jingyu replied in frustration.

"Receive it and leave it in speaker..." Xiao Zhan said excitedly.

Conversation between Huang Jingyu and his roommate :

Huang Jingyu: Now what??

Roommate: I am going to replace you with another roommate.

Huang Jingyu: Shut the fuck up. I am coming next week.

Roommate: Umm.. Let me think first. Why should I let you stay here?? Where did you say please?? Or sorry??

Huang Jingyu: I am Huang Jingyu. I don't say sorry or please to anyone.

Roommate: Then I am Xu Weizhou.. Say sorry and please to me.. Right now.. Otherwise I will replace you.

(Xu Weizhou)

Huang Jingyu: You crazy bastard..

On the other hand Xiao Zhan was covering his mouth not to laugh hard about his friends on going conversations.

Huang Jingyu: Fine.. Please don't replace me and I am sorry.

Xu Weizhou: Good boy... You know....

Before he can say more. Huang Jingyu cut his call. And throw his phone on his bed. Xiao Zhan remove his hand from his mouth and start laughing crazily.

"Oh God.. Oh God.. Jingyu he is your match.. He is fire too... Hahahahahaha..." By saying this Xiao Zhan laugh crazily.

"You little.. Come back here..." Huang Jingyu run behind Xiao Zhan.

They start throw pillow at each other. And rolling on bed. Huang Jingyu's mother called them for dinner. They eat together.

After eating dinner together. They come back to Huang Jingyu's room.
Suddenly Xiao Zhan's phone starts ringing. It was from Wang Yibo.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo conversions:

Xiao Zhan: Hello.

Wang Yibo: Come home.

Xiao Zhan: But I am staying here tonight.

Wang Yibo: No.. Come home right now.

Xiao Zhan: How did you know I am not in home now?

Wang Yibo: Doesn't matter. Come home now.

Xiao Zhan: But...

Before he could complete his sentence. Huang Jingyu said something to him. As he was listening everything from the beginning of this conversation.

"Tell him to come inside.. Because he is doing his night guard duty. So I won't beat him.." Huang Jingyu said.

"Tell him to shut the fuck up..." By saying this Wang Yibo cut the call

"How do you know he is here???" Xiao Zhan asked.

"What should I do with you idiot...??" Huang Jingyu replied helplessly.

"Come on.." Xiao Zhan whine.

"Shut u..." Before he can complete his sentence they heard motorbike sound.

"Yibo is here?? What he is doing here? His home is far away from here. How did he reach here so soon??" Xiao Zhan asked so many questions.

"Stop thinking.. Your head will hurt. You can't understand simple things. But you can understand compli... No you can't even understand complicated things... Shut up now..." Huang Jingyu said. They come down.

"Can you..." Xiao Zhan about say more Wang Yibo cut him. As they are already outside.

"Lets go.." Wang Yibo said.

"Why?? We did so many things.. Still many things left to do. While we will sleep.... You know.." Huang Jingyu tease Wang Yibo.

"Fuck yo..." Before Wang Yibo could course on Huang Jingyu properly. Xiao Zhan cut him.

"What we did? We played game. Then eat. What we are going to do?? Do you have something interesting to do??" Xiao Zhan asked excitedly.

"What should I do with you idiot...." Huang Jingyu *sigh*. And Wang Yibo smirk because Xiao Zhan tell everything truly.

"Ok lets go home now..." Wang Yibo said.

"Ok. Bye Jingyu-A.." By saying this Xiao Zhan hug him. Before Wang Yibo could stop him.

"Leave me.. Otherwise I have to call fire brigade. Someone is burning.." Huang Jingyu said.

"Who?? Where??? Who is burning??" Xiao Zhan breaks the hug and immediately asked.

"Nothing.. Nothing.... God... Go.. Go home safely..." Huang Jingyu said with a *sigh*.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo leave for his home. Huang Jingyu was still standing there.

"Not mine anymore....." Huang Jingyu thought himself. Unwillingly tears roll down from his eyes.

On the other hand Xiao Zhan is coming back with Wang Yibo's bike. He hug Wang Yibo tightly from back. After 45min later they reach home.

"How do you know I was still there??" Xiao Zhan asked.

Wang Yibo didn't say anything. But make Xiao Zhan sit in front of his bike. He remove his helmet.

"Don't stay out night.." Wang Yibo said quietly.

"But.. You did.." Xiao Zhan said.

Wang Yibo didn't say anything... He start kissing Xiao Zhan neck softly. He is licking Xiao Zhan's lip. Xiao Zhan start moaning. After hearing Xiao Zhan's moan. He start kissing him aggressively. Xiao Zhan break the kiss.

"If you don't want anyone disturb your moment. Then leave me... Otherwise big brother might be coming out in few minutes...." Xiao Zhan said.

"Yeah.. Yeah whatever.." Wang Yibo replied.

"But after marriage we can do anything..." Xiao Zhan said boldly.

"Get off my bike..." Wang Yibo replied immediately. As his heartbeat is becoming faster.

"Ok Ok... Good night husband.. I love you..." By saying this Xiao Zhan kiss him again and get down from his bike.

Xiao Zhan get inside already but Wang Yibo was still standing there with his bike.

"Marriage... Husband.... Why those words making my stupid heartbeat faster...?? *sigh* Good night Juliet..." Wang Yibo mumbled and leave from there.


Ha Peng Office

Next day. It was 11am. Ha Peng was talking with someone on his phone. His sister enter his office.

"Yes.. You will shot on his head. No. Not now.. But two days later.. I want him dead.. OK.." By saying this Ha Peng cut the call.

"Who is your target first??" Zhang Bai Jia asked.

"You know it..." Ha Peng replied.

"Isn't it two days later their..." Zhang Bai Jia about to asked something Ha Peng cut her.

"Yes.. It is..." Ha Peng replied.

"I am going outside. I have some work to do..." By saying this he left for her work.

Zhang Bai Jia was in deep thoughts. She didn't see someone is coming from other direction. Because of their shoulder get hit. Her all files fall in the ground.

"I am sorry.. I didn't see you are coming from another direction." That man said immediately and start collecting her papers.

"No its..." Zhang Bai Jia about to say something but stop in middle.

She was staring at the man who is collecting her paper from the ground. It was her father. It was Shen Xiao Hai. Who abandoned them. Never tried to search for them.

Shen Xiao Hai was there for a meeting in 5th floor. In 5th floor there is a restaurant. He was there for business purpose. But this happens. He collect all her paper from the ground.

"I am sorry again.. I...." Shen Xiao Hai stop in middle as he was staring at that woman. She seems 27/28 years.  Just like Hai Kuan. But her face looks familiar.

"It's not ok... Of course it's not... You are not sorry.. You are not sorry.. You are not....." Zhang Bai Jia's voice about to crack. She stop talking then about to leave.

"Of course I am sorry dear.. Just be careful when you are walking. Already you are wearing high heels. Pay attention when you are walking. And look around and ground too. And because of this much high heels you can fall down. So when...." Shen Xiao Hai about to say more but Zhang Bai Jia cut him.

"Stop talking. Stop your bullshit... Don't call me dear. Don't act like you are my father... Do you even have daughter?? How will you know about caring...." Zhang Bai Jia said angrily.

Shen Xiao Hai was quiet. And staring at her. Then he smiled a bit.

"Of course I have a daughter.. I have three sons and one daughter. But I am a bad luck person that's why my twin son and daughter died when they born. Though I have two sons now. But I will never forget about my twin. If they were alive. Then my daughter will be my princess today....." Shen Xiao Hai said proudly while smiling painfully.

"Just be careful next time..." Shen Xiao Hai again said and leave from there.

"He knows about me.. He knows about us. He said he have daughter... But why he said I am dead??? But he said I would be his princess. He said he have a daughter..... He said........" Zhang Bai Jia keep mumbling things while her tears keep falling from her eyes.


I am sorry firstly. I make you all waiting.. I was writing yesterday night. But I don't know when I fell asleep. I am truly sorry. And enjoy the video.. I made it by myself 😤😣
I am sorry for the grammatical error 🙏🙏🙏

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