Forget Me Not (Kylo Ren Story)

Bởi agloss96

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The Resistance has barely escaped the death sentence from the First Order, but they now prepare for the inevi... Xem Thêm

Everything We Need
No Identity
There's No "I" in Escape
Somewhere Safe
A Tragedy
A Faded Tombstone
Another Life
... Of More Woe
Across the Stars

Never Was There a Story...

246 3 0
Bởi agloss96

Calloused fingertips traced invisible lines against Athena's smooth skin, causing her to faintly stir in her deep sleep. They were hot against her face as the person mumbled incoherent words, something her fogged mind could not pick apart. She felt them slip away, the warm presence next to her disappearing from the bed as well, her eyes never opening. She barely registered it at all as she fell back into a light sleep.

A door slid open, waking Athena from her short sleep. Her eyes fluttering open at the noise and watched as a blurry silhouette exit the bathroom. Blinking rapidly, her eyes focused in on a fully dressed Kylo heading towards the main door. It was barely dawn where was he going? "Slipping out before daylight huh?" Athena teased, her words stopping the silent man. He turned to find her staring at him from the mass of covers, looking nothing short of comfortable and extremely inviting. A part of him was not positive as to why he thought to leave the comforts of the bed in the first place. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Athena denied it as she propped herself up on an elbow, her sleep hooded eyes never faltering from his. "Where are you going?" Kylo stepped away from the door and moved closer to her. "Why you miss me already?" Athena smiled, she loved his humorous side that was breaking through his once icy and stiff persona he had adapted as Kylo Ren. Although she knew he had to, to survive. "Something like that." Kylo let out a short chuckle now hovering above her. "I'm going to meditate." His answer was timid as if it seemed unreasonable for him to do so. Even the Dark side Force users were known to meditate and Kylo was not just purely dark. "May I accompany you?" A small eager smile grew on his face, "Of course." With that, he pulled her out of bed.

Athena walked towards the area in between the garden and the lake where Kylo sat waiting for her. She was now cleaned, dressed, and ready to tap back into the Force fully. Eager to connect to another lost part of herself, a circumstantial part in indicating where her place was. She sat down cross legged beside Kylo, who she mirrored, the palm of his hands pressed firmly against his knees. "You'll need to clear your mind and focus inward." He instructed his eyes never opening. Athena nodded even though he could not see it. She closed her eyes and attempted to will away all her thoughts, focusing on her heartbeat, but little thoughts would slip back into her mind just as she began to reflect inward. They were tiny nothing thoughts, nothing on the grand scale of things she had to worry about, but they intruded anyways keeping her from her state of peace. "Are you in need of assistance?" Athena peeked one eye open to see Kylo observing her restlessness and inability to submerge herself into a state of inner stillness. "Maybe, only if you care to." He snickered under his breath and moved to rest on his knees, facing her. His hands extended outwards, his calloused fingertips pressing gently against her temple, and Athena closed her eyes. Her mind quieted down, allowing for her to slip into a state that was completely still and one pointed, her soul awakening. She was fully aware of her surroundings: of Kylo removing his hands and sitting back down, of the gentle breeze caressing the surface of the blue water, and of the soft melodies performed by surrounding birds. She felt the flow of the Force: life, decay, rebirth, the Light and the Dark. She could feel the Light surfacing in Kylo, her heart swelling in response. He was changing, he was starting the path to saving himself. Athena focused on a middle ground in between the two sides when she felt something strange. The Dark was not beckoning to her, promising enticing impossible things, no it was creeping forward reaching for her instead.

Athena was little kneeling in her small bed, small arms pressed against the window sill. Her bright eyes watching the bright crackling lightning through the small window, enjoying the cool night breeze that floated in with the sweet smell of the garden just beyond the walls. She witnessed the same breeze dance through the surrounding trees, each leave twirling along. Athena was content and happy. With another bolt of lightning erupting across the sky, lighting the otherwise dark Nayli, a strange twisted feeling entered her soul. Filling her with only fear. The sweet smell of the garden faded, replaced with a strong scent that burned in her nose with each inhale, smoke. She coughed out the strange twist in smell as she slid off her bed. Confusion and frightfulness replacing her previous contentedness, even she, at such a young age, knew something was wrong. Athena walked towards the door across her room, a strange orange hue sneaking in through the bottom slit. As her tiny hand reached for the door panel, the door abruptly shot up. Her mother looked down with frantic eyes, the blackest of smoke already clinging to her skin and nightgown. "Mamma?" She was silent as she scooped Athena up into her arms, a hand cradling her head, pushing the child down into her mother's clothed shoulder to prevent the inhalation of fumes. Her mother rushed through the flame coated hallway, hurrying towards the front door. A loud cracking noise sounded, followed by a crashing sound. Her mother halted in her motions, tucking Athena closer. "No!" Her mother cried out. Athena tore her head away from the shoulder to see some of the large lumber supports had fallen from the ceiling and now obstructed their escape. "Mysa!" A deep voice bellowed out from the other side of the blockage. "Baron we're trapped!" Her mother called back seeing her husband's face poking through a small opening left in between the lumber. "Go out one of the windows!" Athena and her mother turned to find the hallway behind the consumed with even more flames. The two turned back to the obstacle, her mother eyeing the small opening, small enough for a child to fit through. "No you're going to have to grab Athena!" She concluded. "What about you?" Athena's father called back in a frantic. "I'll figure something out, but you have to save her, she's too important!" A loud defeated sigh was heard, "I know. I'm ready when you are." Athena was pulled away from her mother's body, leveling the small girl with her mother's face. Pressing a tearful kiss to her cheek, her mother instructed her carefully, "Keep your head down honey." Athena obeyed and felt as she was maneuvered through the small opening into her father's hands.

Athena's eyes flew open as she jolted back to the present. Her chest was tight as her memory induced a deep panic in her. Her breathing was ragged on the verge of hyperventilating. Her mind replayed her parent's deaths, the nightmare she consistently had as a child. The panic induced hysteria she was experiencing seemed to break Kylo out of his meditation, his widened eyes turning to hers. He was up on his knees quickly, his red crackling lightsaber appearing out of thin air. His eyes scanned her body for any sign of injury, observed the terrain looking for any sign of a hostile threat, completely unaware that the threat was her mind. Kylo seemed to read her manic thoughts better after he concluded there was no physical threat, finally reading that she had once again seen a flash of a memory again. She watched as he turned off his lightsaber and place it in the grass next to him, his eyes attentively watching her. "I saw them die, I saw them die." She repeated thickly. Instantly Kylo's arms were beckoning her forward and into his sinking lap, his arms tightly securing her against him. Athena clung to him desperately as she continued to echo the same four words.

Athena sat on the couch in the house, rocking herself back and forth, still in a fit of shock. Her tears had dried, but she could only credit that miracle due to the fact she had run out of them. She still sat in her state of distress when Kylo exited the kitchen with a cup of tea in his hand. His towering frame came to a stop and handed her the steaming cup, the warmth thawing through her stone like stature. Kylo sat down next to her and proceeded to rub soothing circles on her back, their automatic comforting tool. Shakingly Athena lifted the cup to her lips and took a small sip, in the same breath admitting to the dark truth that haunted her. "I killed my parents Kylo." "Why would you believe such a thing?" Kylo questioned despite knowing her train of thought, why she made this conclusion everytime she dreamt of the horrible night. It was something that had discussed late at night when these dark thoughts plagued her sleep. "It was my nightmares all over again, reliving the night it happened. I was looking out the window and felt this great swell of darkness consume me. Then the fire erupted across the farmhouse... I started the fire." The gentle hand of her back was removed, instead moving to turn her to face him. His sincere eyes reined her out of the abyss of sorrow. "No you didn't. Athena there has never been an ounce of darkness in your soul. It was a tragic accident, the lightning caused it. The Republic investigated it, there was no foul play." Athena nodded along, she knew this, she did. Leia and Kylo had told her many times, it was not her fault. Although something still did not feel right about that night, but she needed to discredit it, for her sanity. She was only four perhaps she had been wrong, confused. Her sorrow could not be so easily swayed, but she would drop the subject. "I know... I just-" She cut herself off, wanting to spare his feelings, but she had already thought it. She always lost someone of significance to a fire. "I know, but neither of them were your fault." She looked to him through her veil of lashes, riddled with guilt. Kylo's arms outstretched once again, but this time his eyes held a look of questioning, uncertainty. Athena silently approved and his arms wasted no time in moving her to sit sideways on his lap. She instantly burrowed herself against his chest finding the comfort she longed for.

The next morning, Athena felt the same calloused fingertips pressed against her skin. There was no rhythm to his movements today, only a simple caress followed by a few light pokes. Was he afraid she was no longer tangible? Keeping her eyes closed she feigned sleep, enjoying his soft strokes. "I still can't believe you're really alive." His raspy voice murmured, in disbelief. Worse he thought she was a ghost... "I can hear you, you know?" Athena bit back a smile, opening her eyes to see him still lying across from her. His hair falling wildly against the pillow, eyes still red from sleep, and a lazy smirk on his face. Oh what a lovely sight. "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Hmm sure you don't." She giggled and stretched her arms over her head, hearing a faint pop with the motion. Kylo watched her with an amused look, he was quite frankly giving her too many smiles to handle. "I have a proposition for you." Athena quirked up an eyebrow and studied his eyes, the windows to his soul. "I'm listening." Kylo propped himself up on one elbow and looked down on her, "Let's go swimming." "Really?" Perhaps she was imagining things but did the Supreme Leader of the First Order just suggest they go swimming? "I can still hear you." He deadpanned, causing an embarrassed blush to seep up the back of her neck and her cheeks. "And yes. You used to love swimming and I figured you could use a nice memory." Athena felt her heart pick up a little, his simple caring words ruining any fight she had left. Was there any fight even left? She knew she was stumbling down a deep tangled path, but she could not fight it. Eventually they would have to return to the world, to reality, to the dark truth that was their life outside this atmosphere, but they both continued to choose to ignore it all.

Kylo stood in the main room awaiting Athena, the massive intimidating Force user was in a pair of inky black swimming shorts, striving for the two towels in his hands to hide his exposed chest. She had already seen him without his shirt on when they first arrived five days ago. He did not want her to feel as flustered and uncomfortable as she had that morning. Granted that was before they had begun to reconnect, before she knew the truth. Yes, in the past they had seen each other naked plenty of times, becoming extremely comfortable around each other, but it had been over a decade. Kylo heard her door shoot open and the sound of her piddle paddle against the white floors as she neared the main room. The Supreme Leader grew nervous, wanting to sink in his skin, before his thoughts were pulled away. Athena stepped out of the hallway in a simple black bathing suit, fingers weaving her hair into a tight braid.. His eyes trailed up her figure, gulping heavily at the sight. It had been over a decade since he had last seen so much skin, let alone hers. He was unsure of how to process it all. Kylo tried to remind himself that her comfort came first, that he needed to stay in control of his thoughts, of his hands. They were not love struck teenagers anymore, only broken adults who had found each other again. Her simple touches and thoughts were not signs that she wished to be with him again, no he would need a verbal admission for that, words he did not believe she would ever say despite it all. He had become a monster and no one loved monsters. "Ready?" Athena grinned, unaware of his racing thoughts. "Y-Yes." He extended his arms outwards towards the glass door and to his own personal torment.

The lake water was rejunivinating against Athena's exposed skin as she waded through the breathtakingly refreshing water, her mind at complete ease and content. No sorrow filled thoughts plagued her mind, no thoughts of the eventual discussion of how Kylo and her were supposed to continue forward. No, she could only feel the vibrant energy of life that enclosed around the lake, that greeted her like an old friend. Although her true old friend swam slowly trailing behind her, his wet hair clinging to his face messily. Although she doubted he would ever admit it, she knew he was enjoying himself. Her arms extending out of the water to push her further on, elicited a sound that triggered another flash to occur.

Athena and Ben were in the overgrown field, just beyond the temple. They were in their mid teens, their shifting friendship the only thing on their minds. "Just trust me and stay still." Ben sighed out annoyed. Athena only rolled her eyes, eyeing his upside down figure across from her. He was doing a handstand, his hair falling away from his face, revealing his ears that he ever so hated. She thought they were cute, just another part of him that added to his perfect self. Of course she would never admit that to him, but that was besides the point. Instead she only giggled at the sight. The young padawan across from her had gotten it into his head that he could lift her using the Force, upside down. A story Master Luke had begun to regret telling his nephew. "Fine but if you drop me, I will personally fly you to Tatooine and feed you to a Sarlacc." Ben's eyes widened at that, "Noted." The two were silent for awhile and Athena could feel Ben's presence reaching forward in the Force, but seemed to be unable to lift anything. He was not focusing enough, surely the amount of blood rushing to his head was not helping. His aura shifted from determined to frustrated to angered and Athena finally spoke up at that. "Let me help." Ben's eyes opened harshly, agitated he could not do it himself, but the sincere look on Athena's face disposed of any anger. He instead nodded and closed his eyes again. Athena did the same and began to search the Force for Ben's surge of power, the young padawan finding it rather quickly. The two had an unheard of connection in the Force as if they were drawn together, their powers somehow being pushed together, as if they belonged that way. The two focused immensely with their connected energy, both beginning to feel a change. Athena and Ben felt a burst of something, a sign to open their eyes. "Whoa!" They both were floating a few inches above the ground, Athena still cross legged and Ben upside down but hovering in the air. Around them a few items floated too, their lightsabers, books, and scrolls, their power doing it all.

Athena returned to the bright sun and sparkling water, she now swimming upright and in place. Kylo still was a feet away, only now he wore more of a smile. He noticed her no longer glazed over eyes, signifying she was back from her memory. "What did you feel?" She asked beating him to the punch as he swam closer. "Humor, Joy, and Pride." She hummed in acknowledgement, her head dipping back into the water. Her hair swayed gently in the water as she answered his unasked question. "I saw when you tried to lift me standing on your head." Kylo let out a soft chuckle, his inner pleasure radiating off of him with the sound. Everyday Athena could feel the darkness retreat and the light grab ahold of him, it was a slow process, but she suspected he also fought against it as much as he could. She was unsure as to why he was afraid to turn back, it was something they would need to delve into in the near future. " I'm glad I didn't drop you." Kylo's voice awoke her from her thoughts and she laughed at his words, recalling her empty threat. "From what I recall you couldn't lift me without my help." She could not help but tease him. Others would be trembling where she stood, quaking in fear of the white hot anger that ran through Kylo Ren's body, but not her . Oh no she rather rejoiced in the fact that she was in this position and he was slowly distancing himself from that loathsome mantra. Kylo quirked an eyebrow up at her antics, a challenge embedded in the action. "Oh really?" Athena had no time to respond before a spray of water coated her already wet skin. She gaped at him in disbelief, what were they children again? "Yes." Kylo mocked, reading her thoughts. She did not think very much before she was shoving a handful of water at him, a minor splash war beginning. It was as if they really were children again. Children who were not forced to grow up so quickly, children who did not perish. Kylo swam closer and grabbed ahold of Athena before she could shovel another handful of water into his face. Pulling her flush against him, their fun antics stopped, breath hitching in throats. The two stared into each other's eyes as the warm sunlight danced across their skin, the same bare skin that was pressed tightly against each other. It was all so overwhelming, their senses heightened by their intoxicating presence. When was the last time they had been this close, under such joyful circumstances? Much too long, that Athena was sure of. She could feel the diminishing self control in Kylo and in herself. She was not entirely distraught by the idea, but it was too soon. "Now don't go getting any ideas Spaceboy." She breathed out, her breath fanning against his smiling face. "Never." His brown eyes gleamed with his reply and Athena felt if she were to drown in anything today it would be his eyes. The light banter seemed to break down the thick tension between them, Kylo's releasing arms also doing the same. "How about lunch?"

The sun had just set beyond the ridge, the soft warm glow fading into a dark blue, with the stars beginning to glisten in the night sky. The two Force users after another peaceful dinner, had retired to the couch. Kylo was taking up the entirety of the surface, his body much too large to try and cram into a small corner, with an old brown leather book cradled in his massive right hand. He read the contents aloud to his company who in return only buried her head further into the crease of his neck. Athena was at ease, resting in between Kylo's outstretched legs. His warmth and soft words were lulling her to sleep. She had never slept so much in her entire life than she had these past few days. The emotional weight of the stress she experienced and the truth she had relearned, she suspected had a temporary affect on her body. Inducing the seemingly constant fatigue. Kylo continued reading to her and her eyes began to grow heavy against his skin. Athena thought of the past five days and how quickly they had changed, transitioned into something entirely else, how quickly her feelings had changed. Upon arrival she had been a lost Resistance fighter begging for an escape from the Supreme Leader and now she wanted something so strikingly different. "Stay with me." It was neither a statement nor question, but a promise comprised of simply three words. Kylo maneuvered above her, pulling his neck out from under her, just to get a look at her sleepy face. Her eyes were half lidded, a lazy smile on her face, and a sweet dusting of warmth coating her cheeks. She looked utterly magnificent to him. He let out a deep sigh and lowered his head, pressing his nose against the top of her braid. "Forever."

Twelve days. Athena had been with Kylo Ren on this planet for twelve days. Each morning she woke to soft innocent touches, then Kylo proceeded to make breakfast for them, and fill their afternoon with different activities. They would walk around the surrounding fields, go swimming, read, or simply lie down in the garden and reminisce. All activities that brought out more flashes. He was doing it to help her of course, to help her process it all, but there was an alternative motive behind his actions. He wanted to reconnect... they both did. In the midst of all this they wanted to find each other again. In the evening, Kylo would cook again for them, he refused to let her assist in any way, next they would watch the sunset, and then retire to bed only to start all over again. Athena knew they were playing out a fantasy, pretending to live another life, one where they had no responsibilities besides to be with each other. It was not wise to live like this, to fool each other like this, but they could not fight it. They simply could not fight each other.

Athena exited the master bathroom to find the bedroom empty, just as she had left it. A part of her was relieved, she needed a moment to think. It was late and she had decided to take another shower, to wash away the remnants of the day, and Kylo must have still been outside meditating. He had begun to do it more actively, a part of him rising and it forced him to need time to contemplate. After her experience last week, she had not returned to meditate with him, afraid of how the Dark would seek her out again. But she could not think of that, not when her mind was already a frazzled mess. Anxiety filled her soul as she paced across the span of the room, her fingers fiddling with the hemline of her white nightgown. She could not help the thoughts, the desire that raced through her mind. The thoughts frightened her, he had let her down before. She would not be able to survive the heartache if he did again. But, her thumping heart reminded her, not once since they had been here had she seen him make contact with the First Order. It was like he had cut himself off in search of possible redemption. The idea made her heart swell and extinguish some of her anxiety. She was unsure of how it would go, but she wanted it.

With a surge of certainty Athena moved towards the door across from her, but halted in her motions when the door opened for someone else. He entered the room rather abrasively, a look of concern embedded on his handsome features. His eyes found hers quickly, observing her enticing white figure, his concern being replaced with something unreadable. "What's wrong sweetheart? I can feel the anxiety surrounding your aura from outside." His words were still laced with worry as he stepped closer to the other side of the bed. No nothing was wrong per se but she could not find the ability to voice it. Her nerves were getting the best of her but she needed to stay focused, determined. He would want this too, right? Athena stayed silent as she hurried to close the distance between them, her hands grabbing his face and pulling him down to her lips. A noise of surprise escaped past his lips as he was taken aback by her unexpected actions. For a moment they were lost in the kiss, in the feelings boiling inside, in their longing for each other. But his large hands closed around her upper arms and gently pulled Athena away from him. Athena's lips already felt cold at the disappearance of his, a subtle pout forming in response. Why had he pulled away? Had she misread his feelings, his intents? Was this not all about being together again? "Athena..." His voice wavered as he looked down at her, eyes gleaming with a look of warning. What was he so concerned about? Was he afraid to lose himself in her? Because she was hoping to lose herself in him. "It's okay Ben, it's okay." Athena stepped closer watching the sharp intake of air Ben had taken at the sudden difference in name. It had been so long since he had heard her truly say it, let alone with so much passion behind it. His hands fell from her arms and she used the new found freedom to let them trail up his exposed arms, leaving delicate touches behind. She traced every visible vein, every bulging muscle, leaving behind nothing but goosebumps. Standing on her tippy toes, Athena moved to press soft kisses to the side of Ben's neck, loosening his resolve with each kiss. A soft sigh fell from his lips as she continued to taste the salt of his skin, his breathing picking up slightly. She wanted to convey to him how much he meant to her, how much she wanted to be with him. With one last kiss pressed to the edge of his jaw, Ben pulled Athena back and bent down to capture her lips once again, his fear dissipating.

His rough hands raked down the silky fabric of her nightgown finally grabbing at the back of her soft thighs and lifting her instantly. Athena locked her legs around him as Ben moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Their bodies were flushed against one another, lips pressing feverish kisses to their mouths, teeth clashing against each other roughly. Athena eagerly wove her fingers into Ben's hair, soaking in the feeling of his hands slipping up her nightgown to rest on her waist. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest as she continued to drown in the taste of him. Lungs straining, the two unwillingly broke apart, heaving in large gulps of air. Their eyes were locked together, intensity radiating between the both. They had past a point, shifted back to the Athena Jinn and Ben Solo they once were. One hand slid out from underneath her nightgown to rest on her red cheek. A silent question was written in his eyes and Athena with her swollen lips only kissed up the healed scar on his face in response. She wanted this, she wanted him. Ben lifted his plain black tunic over his head, revealing his toned chest to her and she offered him a small smile before placing her hands just below his collarbones. With a mild push, he lowered himself back onto the bed and Athena slid up in his lap. Leaning down over him, she kissed every scar she could find on his skin. The blaster scar on his side, the lightsaber burn on his left shoulder, the scar on the right side of his face that trailed down into his other shoulder, and every exposed inch in between. Soft whimpers escaped past Ben's lips as he closed his eyes, basking in the feeling of her kissing his scarred skin. With each noise, she could feel his aura emitting compassion and craving. She could also feel his evident arousal pressing into her inner thigh. With a little smirk she moved up to place a chaste kiss back to his reddened mouth.

"I-I love you. I never s-stopped. I-I love you so much." Ben choked out, his watering eyes staring up at her with such intensity it left Athena a little more breathless than his words. Silently she combed her fingers through his wild hair, watching the faint tears escape from his eyes, her own eyes watering as well. There had been so much pain in their lives without each other, it was overbearing to think of. There were things she would need to learn to overcome, to forgive him for, all things that were possible down their path of redemption, but she could not fight her feelings any longer. She was not positive how she had survived without him for so long, their fates were so meticulously intertwined it was if they were not meant to be parted at all. "I may have forgotten but I never stopped either. I knew it the minute I saw you, heard you speak, no matter how hard I fought it, that I loved you. That I still love you." Her voice was smaller than a whisper as she rested her nose against his, her tears slipping down onto her flushed skin. Ben let out a deep sigh of relief securing her into a sloppy kiss, their faces pressed so close together their tears began to melt together, just as they were.

Still tangled in a messy kiss, he prompted her to sit up to remove her nightgown. Pulling the nightgown over head left her only in her a pair of white lower garments, Athena's lovely breasts slipping out freely. Panting lowly, Ben moved her to the bed space beside him and lifted himself to his knees to hover over. He placed open mouth kisses to her now exposed skin, carefully paying attention to her scars as well. He started at her right side, the wound she had received because of his men, and then moved to the one on the other side just below her ribcage. The one she had received during a crash landing with Poe back in the early days of their training. He peppered kisses to her hardened nipples, leaving each one with a swirl of his tongue. Ben drifted upwards finding the scar on her neck, the one she had on permanent display from his carelessness, and kissed the healed pink skin. As they both kissed each of their scars, they realized something profoundly heart wrenching. Most of their scars had been acquired because they had not been together, but none of them were as painful as the heartache they had experienced apart. Athena may not have remembered Ben until twelve days ago but she had been miserable without her past, without him. So much pain that could have been avoided though...

Athena moaned with every kiss left behind by Ben, especially when he moved away from her neck and finally returned to her eager lips. He kissed her with a sweltering passion, as if they were teenagers again hiding behind the temple between lessons. Both of them were dizzy in the heat of the moment, drunk on the tingling sensation radiating through their bodies. They were so touch starved, each kiss and lingering touch was supplying them with an everlasting memory. But they both still wanted, needed more. Fisting his inky black curls, Athena pulled Ben away from her lips to focus on her. His eyes were half lidded with love and lust, his sweet whiskey brown eyes seeming a shade darker. "Ben, please." She pleaded desperately, her core throbbing in need of attention. He only nodded and moved to remove his dark pants and briefs, his hard cock springing free. His was swollen red, bigger than she remembered, his tip coated lightly in precum. Her thoughts were pulled away as she let out a loud whimper, feeling his fingers graze across her slick coated panties. A small smirk worked its way onto Ben's face, at how much she yearned for his touch. He leaned down and nibbled at the soft insides of her thighs, pressing soothing kisses behind in the wakes of his bites. His long fingers hooked around the waistband of her panties before he yanked them down her legs. Ben hissed at the side of her glistening folds, his aura transitioning from want to overwhelmed. Athena could feel it, his painful arousal, his out of control emotions, the Force only adding to the difficulty of the overpowering senses. He had not been this overstimulated since they're first time together, they both had been. She was affected too, a powerful haze forming around her soul, but she was not coming undone like him. Ben had ignored so many of his emotions for so long and they were all returning at once. He tried to hold his soul together as tears spilled down his reddened cheeks, his breathing sharp. "Breathe Ben, its okay. I love you." Athena reminded him placing a shaking hand to his face, bringing him back from the edge of oblivion. He nodded slowly, wiping the tears away with the back of his hand. He turned his focus back to her slick coated folds, filling her slowly, both of them moaning loudly. His sheer size was unrivaled and Athena had not experienced it in a long time, now it was her turn to be overwhelmed. Ben lowered himself to hover over her, kissing at her skin waiting patiently for her to adjust.

After a few moments, Athena finally nodded and captured Ben in a kiss, confirming she was ready. Ben began to thrust in and out, the pace slow and intimate. They had slept together before in their late padawans days, but this was different. Each thrust, moan, and wet hot kiss was an apology and an act of forgiveness. The room was quiet despite for the moans and the sound of slick coated skin slapping together. Athena held him as close as humanly possible, lips buried in his neck as they both let out breathy moans at each thrust. "I'm not going to last very long." Ben tried to laugh, but it came out more strangled than he intended for. "I won't either." Athena sympathized, her hips rolling up to meet his. "Fuck." Ben moaned out, Athena's head falling back to rest against his. With their foreheads pressed together, eyes closed in ecstasy, they continued to fuse together with an unbreakable love. Balancing his weight on one arm, Ben's right hand dipped down in between their bodies pressing his thumb against Athena's clit. He heatedly rubbed fast circles bring her closer to her orgasm.With a few more thrusts Athena came with a shout of euphoria, her walls clenching tighter around Ben's cock. Tears of pleasure slipped down her face as Ben continued to chase his orgasm, riding out her high. Soon after his hips staggered against hers as he came hard, filling her entirely. With a few lazy thrusts, Ben slacked down onto Athena, both of them exhausted. Their teary eyes gazed at each other with such fire, such love, it was impossible not to fall apart completely. They were destined and Athena was determined to help save her soulmate. "I love you." They both uttered as they shifted further into one another's arms, bliss radiating from their auras. 

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