By lordvoldemort26

157 7 0

"I'm sorry about what I did down there-" Tae started. "No stop. Even if you might have started it, I kind of... More

We can't.
This is the best place we can be in
Pay back? Pay back.
And the plot thickens?

New Year? New Year.

38 1 0
By lordvoldemort26

~New Year, 2017~

It has been a little over four years since the group got together and they were finally getting recognized by the public. They had come to LA to shoot a music video and people recognized them at Venice beach. Jungkook felt good to finally get acknowledged after such a long time training. He had spent most of his teenage years and all of his adolescence with these guys and Bang PD. A home away from home some might say but to him, this is no different than his real home.

He practically grew up here with Jin and Namjoon taking the lead in being his second parents and looking after him. Yoongi's like the uncle who secretly does things for you but gives you the cold shoulder if you call him out for being affectionate. Hoseok's like a younger brother to be honest. And then there's Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin's like an older brother and best friend to Jungkook. They even grew up in Busan so they have quite a lot in common considering their backgrounds. Tae. Well. His story is something you'll figure out when you go further. He's special.

BTS lives in a three-bedroom apartment in Seoul sponsored by the company. It is very very small. Joon and Jin share the master bedroom while Jimin and Yoongi share the smaller room. Tae and Hoseok stay in the room identical to Jimin and Yoongi's and Jungkook stays in the living room with a divider curtain put up. But Jungkook believes that a home shouldn't be judged on size. The people matter more. It's not like he sleeps in the living room anyway. He spends most of his time in Tae's room. He knows that it is probably for the best that he stops spending as much time with Tae. Getting too attached is never a good thing.

This attachment hit him like a brick the first time he went home for Christmas after BTS debuted. Jungkook was sixteen. The only people he had ever really loved to the extent that missing them physically hurt was his family. But that Christmas, it hurt to not be able to see him every day. His cheeky grin, his wacky sense of humour, how unnecessarily eccentric he got when he was happy. I really missed him. I didn't miss any of the others the same way.

Over time Jungkook learned to not feel as bad about being away from Taehyung. The negative emotion kind of grew on him. He'd just spend most of his time back home in Busan in his room watching variety shows or kdramas. On rare occasions, he would go out for lunch or dinner with his family but that was it.

This is the first New Year that BTS is spending away from their families. All of them came to New York to watch the ball drop. The crowd was crazy in Times Square so they decided to watch it on the jumbotron in their hotel terrace instead.

Taehyung walked up to Jungkook with his third glass of wine, "Kookieee, I'm so saaad you can't driiink." He turned 21 on December 30th while Jungkook was still 19. Life sucked.

"Want to sneak me a couple of vodka shots?"

"That's a great idea, Kook! I'll go get it!" Taehyung pinched Jungkook's cheeks and walked off to the bar counter. Both of their tolerance for alcohol was pretty bad. Taehyung's barely functioning after three glasses of wine. Jungkook would have probably passed out after two. Some might say that they were pretty cheap drunks.

Taehyung chugged his last wine glass and brought Jungkook two vodka shots sneakily. The hotel terrace was pretty crowded and Jungkook was standing near the railing on the far opposite of where the bar table was. Taehyung handed Jungkook his first shot which he gulped down squirming.

He hated the taste of alcohol. Especially vodka. He has weird memories associated with it so it automatically triggers my gag reflex. Taehyung handed Jungkook his second shot with a sly grin. He gulped down that too and exclaimed, "That was disgusting. Why did I agree to drink?"

"Because watching everyone around you drinking gets boring. AND IT'S NEW YEARS EVE. LETS CELEBRATE." Taehyung yanked Jungkook to where the others were standing. They were near the bar table.

Jimin and Hoseok were swaying to the music closer to the dance floor. Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin were engrossed in some conversation which Jungkook wasn't very interested to know. Mostly because the vodka was slowly hitting him.

"Lets dance!" Taehyung yanked Jungkook to the middle of the floor away from everyone again. They were swaying together. They got more pumped up and started jumping eventually. They were DRUNK. The DJ stopped the music. "It is 11:59 P.M. and we have a minute left until it is the New Year. Grab the person nearest to you and lets kiss for good luck, y'all!"

With that everyone began counting down loudly. "...5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!"

Tae and Jungkook were screaming at each other while counting down. When Jungkook jumped up to scream, "Happy New Year!" He slipped on the alcohol spilt on the floor causing him to fall on Taehyung. Taehyung caught him by the waist to steady him. Taehyung's hands tightly gripped Jungkook's waist. Jungkook was holding on to Taehyung's neck for dear life. They were both caught in each other's eyes. Before they realized it, they we were slowly leaning in. Their lips were pressed against each other and they were moving in sync. Jungkook bit Taehyung's lower lip causing him to gasp. Jungkook used this opportunity to slip his tongue in and explore Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung sucked on Jungkook's tongue causing him to moan. It got more heated as the fireworks show went on and everyone was screaming because of the New Year. But the two boys were in their little bubble, unbothered. Jungkook moved his mouth to Taehyung's neck, biting it and sucking it hard. He could hear Taehyung moan as he gripped Jungkook's hips harder. This brought Jungkook back to reality because he slowly pulled away from Taehyung and looked into his eyes. Taehyung's hands were still holding on to Jungkook's waist.

"We should go find the others." Taehyung suggested breaking away from Jungkook's stare, taking his hands away from Jungkook.

"Y-Yeah." Jungkook stuttered and the two boys left the dance floor to go find the others. 

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