Reasons Why Falling Inlove Wi...

By ZeroNightCore

3.5K 218 62

Some people say that you're lucky if you're inlove with your bestfriend. Well, in Rory's case it isn't. Rory... More

Reason #1
Reason #2
Reason #3
Reason #4
Reason #5
Reason #6
Reason #7
Reason #8
Reason #9
Reason #10
Reason #11
Reason #12 : Part 1
Reason #13
Reason #14
Reason #15
Reason #16
Reason #17
Reason #18

Reason #12 : Part 2

155 13 3
By ZeroNightCore

I was here, she was there. You never knew the feelings I had bear. The torture you have given me as if you don't care.

The memories of us were stronger but the emotions you give for her was more passionate than what you have for me.

There were hundreds of students shouting, screaming, dancing, grinding, and partying like crazy when we arrived. I frowned and tried to step outside but the volleyball team was pushing me towards the entrance except for Jade. I could see that she was also uncomfortable with the atmosphere.

I saw how disgusting they hanged their tongue, swinging their bodies and jumped around like a bunch of rabbits on the dance floor. Now I'm wondering why I ever got jealous of people who gets an invite to these kinds of  party.

I pushed my way through these athletes and stepped outside, relief washed all over me. I took a deep breathe, only to regret it because I just took a huge sniff of smoke. I coughed out loud. Yuck, cigarettes.

I looked around and saw Jade, getting surrounded by male students and trying to flirt with her. They had perverted smiles and it was clear on their faces what they want. I clenched my fists and felt angry all of a sudden. I stormed there, carefully getting a rock. They tried to touch Jade but Jade was able to get her arm back, much to the distaste of the guys. One guy tried to grab her again but I slammed a rock to his head.

That was the most badass thing I have ever done in my life.

They were distracted so Jade punched the other guy and kicked the other one to their jaw. It was so scary because they fainted.

I looked at her, jaws dropped and froze there for who knows how many minutes. She smirked and placed her hands at her waist. "What? Never seen a woman do great at Mixed Martial Arts?"

I sighed, "I shouldn't even be wondering. You're Jade Rowique."

Her face turned to playful to dull in a matter of seconds. She looked away from me and avoided eye contact. "Y-Yeah."

She started to walk away from me and that made me panic. I ran after her and held her arm. "D-Did I say something wrong?"

She didn't answer but smiled and shook her head. She continued to walk, much to my dismay. I have no idea where I got the confidence but I ran in front of her and said--- "Tell me."

She sighed and went back to the van. I followed her there, not giving a fuck whether everyone was concerned or looking for the both of us. Right now, all I know is that Jade is not okay and as her friend, I need to tend to her needs.


"I'm.... kind of disappointed." She said and held her legs together, burying her face to her thighs.

"Huh, why?"

"Because... I thought I was finally known as me. I guess it was just my imagination." She sounds so sad.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that-- I tried so hard not to be seen as Jade Rowique but I still manage to do so! Jade Rowique, the daughter of the prodigy so she must be a prodigy too! Or-- I am not surprised, you are a Rowique after all!" She mocked and did these gestures.

I guess I felt a little bit embarassed because she thought that I mean it that way. I don't blame her, I chose the wrong words. She told me before that out of anything, she hated how people associate her with her family. It gives her pressure and she felt like nobody really had seen her as her. Some people think that this is a shallow case but I know how it feels like being seen as someone that they have heard and whatnot.

"I'm sorry if you interpreted it that way. I didn't mean to. What I mean was that... you're Jade Rowique, the girl I look up to. You're sweet, adorable, confident, smart, and everything nice. Everything you do is perfect." I looked away from her and looked outside. The stars looked amazing so I pulled her hand and we went outside. I decided to climb at the top of the van and to my surprise, she followed me as well. I laid down and she did what I did.

"Doesn't the stars look beautiful?" I started. She nodded. I looked at her, her eyes shining and gleaming with delight. She finally smiled and went back to the sweet Jade I know.

"You know Jade, I know that you don't want to live in the shadow. Between the stars and the moon, I choose darkness. Without darkness, you can't see them both. Darkness for me, is you-- Jade Rowique. The stars signifies your great qualities that shines the best. The moon signifies the name that you bear. What the people don't realize is that there's something even more important than the stars and the moon. That's darkness. A lot of people don't realize the beauty that darkness brings. Darkness is your entirety and you're scared that no one appreciates it." I held her hand. "But I do. I appreciate you."

She looked stunned and surprised. She leaned closer to me, touching our foreheads.

"That was the cheesiest and sweetest thing somebody had ever told me." She giggled then lowered herself and rested her head on my chest.

"It's something you should always remember." I smiled and closed my eyes.

We stayed there for who knows how many minutes until I felt my phone vibrate. I took my phone out of my pocket and froze when I saw who messaged me.

I could feel my heart pounding and my smile forming. I never thought that I would ever hear from her again. She never texted me after what happened and reading her text made me happy.

"What's up Ry? I'm back in town. 💖"

My best friend of 3 years but disappeared so suddenly, Kyna Wayers. The only person that was there for me when things got low. The only person that was there for me when Katherine Cassidy broke me completely. The only person that was there for me when I knew the feelings I had for Katherine.

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