Lily Rose Styles

By Rosoeul

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[COMPLETED] Meet Lily rose, the sister of the superstar, Harry styles. Lily's world is flipped upside down wh... More

Chapter 1~It Was Wayne & And who's coming?
Chapter 2~ Flashback&Oak tree
Chapter 3- Lily?
Chapter 4~ Suprise; People Change
Chapter 5~ That School Slut
Chapter 6~ He's In My House
Chapter 7~ Why Is It We Always Relive Our Worst Nightmares?
Chapter 8~ Movie Night&Nightmares
Chapter 9~ I tried to do what?
Chapter 10~ Saturday
Chapter 11~ I ran faster than ever
Chapter 12~Arguments
Chapter 13~Unlucky
Chapter 14~ We All Sometimes Get Lost.
Chapter 15~ Adam Parker
Chapter 16~ Note
Chapter 17~ Snow White
Chapter 18~ Lily
Chapter 19~ Doctors
Chapter 20~ Doctors part 2
Authors Note
Chapter 21~ Doctors part 3
Chapter 22~ Not again
Chapter 23~ He's the predator, I'm the prey
Chapter 24~ New Maths Teacher
Chapter 25~ Outsider
Chapter 26~ Baby Swings Are For Babies
Chapter 27~ It's like your invisible.
Chapter 28~ So dreams come true?
Chapter 29~ I love you
Chapter 30~ Notes been found
Chapter 32~ Look to your left, and to your right
Chapter 33~ Surprise!
Chapter 34- GOOD NEWS or BAD NEWS?
Chapter 35~ Escape Route
Chapter 36~ Wilfred the Waiter
Chapter 37- Trouble Maker
Chapter 38- 2010
Chapter 39- Do Not Interrupt
Chapter 40- Sleepwalking
Chapter 41- Here I Am Once Again
Chapter 42- Discovered
Chapter 43- Happy Days
Chapter 44- Gone
Chapter 45- Same mistakes.
chapter 46- Taunt
Chapter 47- Shopping
Chapter 48- December 20th
Chapter 49- Suspicion
Chapter 50- Broken
Authors note
Chapter 51- Forgive&Forget
Updated story?
New version is now up! Go check it out!

Chapter 31~ Plan B & Re-living

7.3K 118 30
By Rosoeul

Harry's P.O.V.

"Come on Haz, she's not going to open up" Gemma said quietly pulling me down the slim hallway.

I sighted as my reply and followed Gemma down the stairs. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration just as we got to the landing downstairs.

I grabbed Gemma's wrist making her holt straight away. She spun round on her heel and raised her eyebrows at me, shifting her weight onto her left leg.

"Gemma, I'm really worried about Lily" I whisper to her, biting the inside of my cheeks, trying to ease the worry built up inside of me.

"I know Harry, were all worried" She whispered back in her soothing voice, she placed a hand on my shoulder while looking into my eyes, continuing her speech.

"But Lily can be stubborn, I guess we need to give her some space, I know she's facing some trouble right now, I guess she want's to be alone" She said looking down, before bringing her eyes to meet mine giving me an reassuring smile.

"Why won't she just open up though?, she won't say what's up! Why won't she just, ugh, she can be so complicated, I just want her to be happy, that's all I want!" I said loudly enough for only her to hear. Automatically my eyes dropped down to the floor, my mind racing with all differen't thoughts and loads of questions. I just wish I had answers, but I don't. Lilly is like a puzzle made of so many little shapes, it takes so long to put her together, but then again, I'm missing a lot of pieces, making it impossible to get the right picture.

"I don't know Harry, I don't know why-

"Gemma!" Our mum's voice bums throughout the house, I heard Gemma sigh holding her finger up, silently saying for me to hold on, I watched as my older sister turned around and followed my mums voice into the kitchen. I sighted while letting my feet take me to the living room.

"You alright there mate?" Liam asks as soon as I enter the room, I sigh while sitting down next to him on the couch.

"I just don't know what to do" I admit shamelessly, I bite my bottom lip waiting for Liam to give me so advice. After all, he is the one who always helps me out.

"Have you tried talking to her?" Liam asks. Yes I have tried, but then again, she doesn't listen. I thought everything was fine. I told her I loved her she said she loved me too, now what? She's going to push us away again? Why!? Why does she have to be so complicated and unreadable sometimes. All we do is want to help her.

"Yes. I've tried" I said sighting afterwards. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Liam bite him bottom lip in concentration. I was looking at him,my eyes filled with hope, hoping he will give me some great advice, then again, what advice could it be? I don't know. I'll leave that for Liam to decide.

"Well she won't open up, so maybe we should- No, no that's a bad idea" Liam said quickly, to quickly for me to catch on.

"What's a bad idea?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter Hazz"

"Liam! Just tell me!"

"It's invasion of privacy though Harry, we can't just do that"

"What? What is?"

"For Gods Sake Harry! Looking through her stuff! Finding some evidence, I don't know, maybe she keeps a diary!?" He asked unsure of himself.

"So like... Spying in her room?" I asked just to be clear. I know that would be a bad idea, but if she doesn't tell us, then we'll have to go the harder way. Trust me I don't want to be looking through her stuff, but if that will keep her alive, then I will, I'll do anything.

"Well, err, yeah?" Liam stated, though it sounded more as if he's asking me the question. I know Liam wasen't fully convinced on that idea; knowing everything could go wrong, but it's the best thing we came up with so far.

"Alright then, let's do it" I said sounding quite confident to lighten the mood. All we need to do is make sure Lily's out of the house and we will get our 'mission' done. I just hope she doesn't find out. That wouldn't end too good...

Lily's P.O.V.

"And who's this little girl?" A tallish/built man said sitting besides my Dad, I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion on what they were talking about.

"Just my daughter" my father said sipping on his beer, again. I've lost count of how much they had. I really just want to go home. I don't like being near Dad, he's acting all weird all of a sudden.

I then watched as the tall man whispered something into Dad's ear, me not quite catching onto what they were gossiping about.

At the same time there eyes focused on me, as smirks grew onto their faces, making me look down. Examinating the dirty floor beneath my naked feet.

"Do whatever you please Parker" My father said focusing my gaze onto me, though I may only be 11, I know those words will not lead to anything good.

"Get me some beer" My dad slurred. I wasen't sure if it was directed to me. But as there was no one else in the room, I guess it was.

"NOW!" My father yelled, throwing a beer bottle in my direction, I was quick to react as I ducked down, the bottle smashing just above my head. I shivered from the sudden out burst of my farther.

I quickly rushed into the kitchen, getting 4 beers, 2 for each, hoping that be enough. Just as I was about to turn around, I felt uncomfortable presence near me

"Hi Lily, I'm Parker, Adam Parker" I heard a deep voice, chuckling sending vibrations on my cheeks, e roughly started caressing my arm, making me freeze. Out of shock, I dropped all the beer spilling it everywhere, soon after the heavy stomps of my dad's feet were heard, making me silently pray to God to protect me.

I jolted straight up, sudden pain rising in my back. I groaned when I realized I fell asleep on the door, ironic quite.

I looked around my room feeling quite out of space for some strange reason. I felt strange.

I shut my eyes close and instantly felt a watery substance flowing down my cheeks, only then have I realized I just had another nightmare. The one I had was the one I was most dreading. It was the ine that haunted me, and it finally got me.

At the thought of that my eyes began watering more, not only have I just had some nightmare, but now I remember every signal detail, I have prayed to forget. It's now fresh in my mind, like everything else.

Heey crazy mofos. Ahh. Hi. Hope you all liked this chapter, because I was so tired, but I since it's Thursday I was like I'm gonna update. The next chapter shall be up sometime in the weekend. Peace out. Sorry it short:( I will update a longer one next time, but please can you all vote and comment, the faster you do that, the faster the chapter will be up. Yes I'm blackmailing you guys;)

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