to all the boys i've loved be...

By mrshanemiya

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the letters shouldn't be in their hands. © mrshanemiya 2019 More

❝ Q&A ❞


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By mrshanemiya

yuna's p.o.v.

"someone's is blushing i see," i jumped when someone suddenly spoke behind me.

"shut up," i said, while cupping my face to avoid jungwoo see my flushed cheeks.

"hyung is so sweet right?"

i slowly nodded, trying not to look too excited or else he'll tease me more.

"he bring me to the ice skate park today," i told jungwoo, and he grinned.

"but you don't now how to skate?"

"he taught me," i shyly smiled, thinking about the way he taught me.

jungwoo noticed my smiled, and smirked afterwards. i knew that he isn't up to something good.

"and he kissed you on the forehead," he added, making me turn my head to his direction.

"you saw us?!"

"the door isn't close so...,"

"did you heard our conversation?!"

"well, maybe, maybe not," he smirked, making me even more panic.

"you better not,"

"w-ww-what do y-you m-mean?" he imitated my words just now and i hit him on the spot.

"kim jungwoo!"


"kim yuna, detention for you." mrs lee said at the moment i stepped inside the class.

i was late today, because of i couldn't sleep yesterday. it all caused by one and only park seonghwa!!!!

"b-but teacher, this is my first time," i make another excuse, since i don't want to be stuck in the detention room with bunch of bad students.

"no more excuses. do you want me to make it as one week?" she sternly said. i frowned afterwards.

"alright, teacher."

thank goodness, she let me enter the class and have my seat.

she may not gave chance to the first timer but at least she didn't punish me to stand outside the entire lesson.

"hey, why are you late?" eun whispered at me, because if mrs lee caught you talking in her class you're a dead meat.

"i'll tell you later okay?" she nodded, agreeing with my words.


"who is this park seonghwa again?"

eun asked me when i told her what happened yesterday. i sighed, because she's not someone who can remember lot of things.

"yah, the first guy who i wrote letter to! oh my god, your brain is made of what?" i tapped her forehead.

"so you're telling me that he took you to the ice skate park and taught you to skate?"

"yeah," i nodded.

"and kissed you on the forehead?"

"y-yes," i couldn't hide my smile. her jaw dropped and we both squealed.



we were talking loud, earning looks from the students around us. me and eun awkwardly gave apologetic smile.

"is he handsome?" she asked me and i quickly nodded.

"of course! he changed a lot though, but he still the same seonghwa i know,"

"how many years since the last time you saw him? it sounds like he been gone for a long time,"

"i was eleven when we met, uhm.. six years," i counted using my fingers.

"that's quite long," she commented. "any pictures of him?"

i sadly shook my head. "no, but don't worry. i'll introduced you to him if there's a chance."


"kim yuna? i'm shocked to see one of the student from top classes here,"

the detention responsible teacher, mr. jung said when i stepped in the class for detention.

"i was late," i replied before taking sit near the window, making sure it was far away from the other student.

"i know. mrs lee wrote down here, and it's your first time?"

i nodded, before ignoring the atmosphere around me. detention is so boring to death.

after a while, someone went inside the classroom with heavy panting and making everyone turn their head to the person.

"mr. jung? sorry that i'm late. i have something to do with music club," a familiar honey voice apologised.

i turned my attention to the guy, it was jongho. he looked around to find suitable seat but then he saw me.

he smiled and came to my direction before taking a seat beside me.

"hi, noona." he cheekily smiled, and i slightly waved to him.

"why are you here?" i asked him, not too loud because i don't want another detention.

"i was late for the class, and the teacher didn't let me go since it wasn't my first time," he frowned.

"me too, but this is my first time," i replied him and he nodded.

"choi jongho and kim yuna, since two of you are from top classes, your punishment is arranging the books in library," mr jung announced.

"while the others, you guys going to scraped the chewing gums under the tables," the other students groaned in annoyance.

without wasting any time, mr jung gestured us to go to the library and start our work.

"don't even try to sneak out!" he warned and we nod, signalling we understood with his command.

i think it's not fair, that top classes and low classes get different treatments. but i prefer arranging books rather than scraping chewing gums.

we reached the library, and passed the pass from mr. jung to the librarian. she took a look, and told us to follow her.

"here, arrange the books by the list here. you guys have twenty racks waiting," after that, she left us.

"twenty racks? what the hell," i muttered under my breath, while looking over the giant racks.

"don't worry, we'll do it together. plus, i have my strength!" he showed his biceps to me, making me giggled.

"alright jongho, let's started."


after a while, i'm getting really tired. from just arranging the books. heck, i always get tired from anything i done.

i just finished three racks, while jongho is on his fifth racks. this boy really strong despite of his age.

i sat down on the ladder for a while, but still gripping on the side although the ladder is stick with the racks.

safety first.

without my knowing, jongho sneakily look from the other side of the racks. and when i turned my head, he made creepy faces and i got shocked.

"yah! choi-" i stopped my words since i was a bit loud and i don't want the librarian check on us.

"choi jongho!" i whisper-shouted while he trying hard not to laugh.

"sorry, but your expression is really funny," he said and i glared at him.

"jongho, i swear to god-" i stopped again, since the librarian is walking around to check on us.

i quickly took some books from nowhere and act like i'm arranging them.

"both of you, can stop now. the next day detention student will continue it," she spoke, and we bowed at her before getting out from the library.

"phew! i thought she want to scold us for not doing our job," i huff in relieved.

"i did mine, it's you the one who taking break from the arranging," jongho commented and i pinched his cheeks.

"i was tired, okay? plus i'm a girl, our metabolism isn't the same." i make up some excuse which made him cackled.

"whatever float your boat, noona."

"let's go home now, i'm taking bus too since it's late," i gestured him and we went to the class to take our bags.


"hey, how about we get some bubble tea? the bus will be a little late i think," he suggested, and i agreed.

we went to a bubble tea shop which near the school. it wasn't packed of people, thank goodness.

"welcome! can i have your order?" a tall, honey-skin and handsome cashier greeted us. his tag is written 'mingyu'.

"i'll have mango flavoured bubble tea. noona, what do you want?" he asked me while i was looking at the menu.

"are you both couple? we have special treat for couple, which is you get free cookies for two 'love-flavoured' bubble tea."

we both look at each other awkwardly, before i replied him.

"we're n-"

"yes, we are. we'll take the 'love-flavoured bubble tea and the free cookies." he cut me off, while paid for the drinks.

"alright. total is 6,500 won." mingyu accepted the money, and gave the change back to jongho.

"wonwoo-hyung! two love-flavoured bubble tea," he shouted, and a fainted 'okay' replied.

he took some pieces of cookies and put it nicely in a paper bag. he passed to jongho with a smile.

i pulled jongho, a little bit far from the counter. "why did you lie about the couple story?"

"noona, relax. we got free cookies! do you want some?" he offered and i gladly accepted it.

i can't say 'no' to free food.

"here," i hand over him some money, paying back the bubble tea.

"it's my treat, don't worry." he shook his head, telling me not to pay him back.

i was about to insist but mingyu shouted "two 'love-flavoured' bubble tea!"

we both went to the counter and took our drink before going out from the shop.

"what kind of love-flavoured is this- wow! it's good," i exclaimed after i took a sip. it was oreo flavour. (in case you don't know it's cookies and cream)

"mine taste like milk, not bad." jongho commented while taking a sip on his bubble tea.

"i knew it why they called it 'love-flavoured!' " i snapped my fingers, earning his attention.


"we know that oreo is meant to be dunk in milk right? it's symbolism for two different people, but meant to be a couple," i told him.

"that's why they make it as a 'love-flavoured, special for the couples," i finished my theories and he nodded.

"you have few points there," he agreeing, and took a sip again.

"but it is really cool to have it with your girlfriend or boyfriend," i added.

"or someone you like, maybe?" his words does make me froze for a while.

he realised the awkwardness between us, and faked a laugh. "but it is good, right? i feel like going to the shop again."

"yeah, me too!" i went along with the flow, since i don't want the atmosphere turn even more awkward.

gosh, this is awkward.

sike i take back my words
i can't write short chapter, my fingers are too excited and honest

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