Aphmau Ship Asks

By xKittehh

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Questions to ask about all your favorite Aphmau Ships!! Taking Requests!! Includes: Aarmau Garrence Melinda T... More

Author's Note
1. Who is the early bird/night owl?
2. Who is the big spoon/little spoon?
3. Who hogs the blanket?
4. Who likes to cuddle more?
5. Who wakes the other up with kisses?
6. Who has the most nightmares, and how are they comforted?
7. Who wakes up in the middle of the night with crazy ideas?
8. Who worries about the little things?
9. Who makes coffee in the morning?
10. Who's the scaredy cat?
11. Who kills/deals with the spiders?
12. Who is scared of thunderstorms?
13. Who calls the other pet names?
14. Who is more dominant/submissive?
15. Who is the most affectionate?
16. Most common argument?
17. Who apologizes first?
18. Favorite SFW thing to do together?
19. Who drives/rides shotgun?
20. Who is more likely to carry the other?
21. Who proposes?
22. Who sings along with the radio?
23. Who always tries to take selfies with the other?
24. Who likes to playfully tease/prank the other?
25. Who has the weirdest taste in music?
26. Who remembers what the other always orders in a restaurant?
27. Who is embarrassed to undress in front of the other?
28. Who tops?
29. Who initiates kisses?
30. Who reaches for the other's hand first?
31. Who kisses hardest?
32. Who is more ticklish?
33. Who holds the other for the umbrella while it's raining?
34. Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
35. Who wants to stay in bed a bit longer?
36. Who gets scared during horror films?
37. Who said "I love you" first?
38. Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
39. What do their friends/family think about the relationship?
40. Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
41. Who cooks best?
42. Who wears the other's jacket?
43. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
44. Who whispers innapropriate things in the other's ear at innapropriate times?
45. Who makes the other laugh most?
46. Who needs more reassurance?
47. Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
48. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
49. Headcanon I have that "stabs me in the feels" for each?
50. Headcanon that mends the part before?
Intermission (#1)
51. What couple challenge would they do?
52. Who blushes more?
53. Who talks smack while playing videogames?
54. Who would throw the other into a pool?
55. Who shops for groceries?
56. Who loves to be held by the other?
57. Who asks the other how to spell a word?
58. Who loves to have the other rest their head on their chest?
59. Kids?
60. How would they react to grandchildren?
61. If they had to choose between going to a party and staying in?
62. What do they do with their hands while they're driving?
63. Who is the talker/listener?
64. Who wears the other one's clothes?
65. How does their relationship develop and continue?
66. What do their parents think of them dating?
67. Who swears more?
68. Who would wear the "not guilty" shirt and who would wear the "sin" shirt?
69. Who would wear the "if lost return to.." shirt?
70. Who goes overboard on holidays?
71. Height Difference/Age difference?
72. Who likes to star gaze?
73. Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
74. Who is the fun parent/who is the responsible parent?
75. Who cries during sad movies?
76. Who is the neat freak?
77. Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other?
78. Who is more likely to lock themselves out of the house?
79. Who would slide down the hall in their socks?
80. Who likes hot weather and who likes cold weather?
81. Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
82. How do they wake up next to each other?
83. Who picks something up, makes a pun, and laughs about it?
84. What side of the bed do they sleep on?
85. When one gets a new outfit, how does the other react?
86. Who has to teach the other how to fold a fitted sheet?
87. When someone has a bad day, how does their partner handle or fix it?
88. Who runs up and hugs their partner while the other catches them?
89. Who presses their nose against their partner's cheek before kissing them?
90. How would they react if they found out they were soulmates?
91. Who accidentally snorts and makes the both of them laugh harder?
92. Who gets up on stage to make a fool of themselves for the other to laugh at?
93. Who is the sleepy cute one?
94. How long do they treat their pets like children before they have kids?
95. How do they cuddle while watching a movie?
96. Who builds the pillow fort for the other?
97. Who spins in the squeaky office chair and who glares until they stop?
98. How do they kiss one another?
99. Who gets jealous? (Protective over the other)
100. What is their favorite cuddle position?
Intermission (#2)
101. Who made the first move?
102. Who is ready to do something not so innocent at a moment's notice?
103. Do they bathe together?
104. Who walks around half naked and who begs for the other to put clothes on?
105. Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
106. Who is more likely to take photos of the other while they're sleeping?
107. Who makes fun of the other for crushing on them despite being together?
108. Who would start a food fight?
109. Who cuts the other's hair?
110. Who is worse at flirting over text?
111. Who thinks they're not good enough for the other?
112. Who orders take out at two in the morning?
113. Who asks the other at 3AM to go down with them to the kitchen for water?
115. Who would have to wear glasses and how would the other react?
116. When/How did they fall in love?
117. Who would pine for the other and how would the other react?
118. What is their greatest strength as a couple?
119. Most awkward moment?
120. Who gives out more forehead kisses and how does the other respond?
121. Thoughts on marriage?
122. Who can outdrink the other?
123. Who finds it more difficult to sleep alone?
124. What is their Myers-Briggs Personality type?
125. What Hogwarts House would they be sorted into?
126. Does anyone have hidden talents?
127. Who are their celebrity look alikes?
128. Who rocks the ferris wheel and who begs for the other to stop?
129. Who starts to randomly slow dance with the other in the kitchen?
130. Who takes longer to eat?
131. Ship & Character Alignment Chart
132. More Alignment Charts
133. PG-13 Alignment Charts
134. What's the longest time they've been apart and what happened?
135. What do their neighbors think of them?
136. Who would they go on a double date with?
137. Who is more likely to call their partner "dude"?
138. Who would look at their partner lovingly and call them an idiot?
139. Which one would use the other's last name, accidentally or not?
140. Who would ask the other to pose while they drew?
141. How many/what colors are the blankets they snuggle in?
142. Romantic or Laid-Back Dates?
143. How would each of them explain how they fell in love?
144. What's a special place that they hold in their hearts?
145. If they had a podcast, what would they talk about?
146. Who is more likely to catcall the other in public?
147. How do they greet each other when they come home?
148. Who is more likely to buy their partner silly socks?
149. How do their personalities compliment each other?
150. Who is ready to throw hands for their partner at all times?
Intermission (#3)

114. Who writes about their significant other?

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By xKittehh

Aphmau used to write about them being together when she was younger but has forced herself to stop.

Garroth sort of improvs little tunes to sing whenever they're doing something together about Laurence and then forgets about them 5 seconds later.

They don't really write about one another but they write cute little notes to each other instead.

Katelyn wouldn't dare admit it but she's written plays with her boyfriend in mind, whether he's the lead role or not. She writes songs that he would be able to sing, and creates roles she knows he can act well.

When Vylad's traveling some place he likes to write things about Dante or things that they did together to avoid homesickness. That used to not bother him before, but now he has Dante, who he probably wouldn't see for a month.

Zane writes songs about Nana (spoiler alert for that one oneshot I wrote LOL) and refuses to tell her. Nana is his muse. For now, the songs are secret..

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