You Took My Soul

By Confidence

63 2 1


You Took My Soul

63 2 1
By Confidence


I walked solemnly down the school corridor, greeted by the disapproving faces of the school, the people I'd have to deal with for 5 years.

They were all here: jocks, goths, scenes, princesses, chavs, gangsters, nerds, loners, here to sneer, shout and snigger at the new freshman's.

I kept my head down, my instant reaction to being noticed. I was jealous - the other freshman's blended in so well, their half pulled ties, slacked hair, short skirts and Hollister bags, and Converse sneakers, rolled up blouses and care-free attitude. They were destined to fit in. I often questioned wether it was just luck that my life turned out like this.

I snapped out of my own world and jerked my head up as I was suddenly bustled forward through a set of doors and into a big hall. I was being herded, and for the first time I felt claustrophobic. I grabbed the next seat, which was next to blonde girl, exactly like the people I longed to be. She caught my eye, and I quickly looked down, straightening my skirt and pulling it lower down over my knees and pulling up my navy socks. She grinned.

"Hey, it's havoc over there. We're lucky we got a seat." she laughed, displaying a set of perfect white teeth. I quickly hid my braces, too shocked to speak. After a pause, she continued, obviously trying to start up some small talk

"...I'm Bridgett. What's your name?". I detected her faint Scottish accent, it made me smile, but I quickly wiped it of my face.

"A-Amy. Yes, Amy." I squeaked, nearly choking. Cursing myself for acting like an idiot, I saw she found it amusing.

"Cool." she seemed hasty to make new friends, and was whispering rapidly as the principle shuffled between the rows of seats, "So, what form are you in? I'm in 7B, Ms Banner's class!"

I quickly reached in my gaudy orange backpack and pulled out my new school planner and flipped through the pages. "Same here, we could hang out... if you want of course." I added hastily. A booming sound filled the room, and people blocked their ears in mock disgust. It was obviously a sound check, so I turned around and raised my eyebrows at them, and settled in my seat ready for the assembly. Bridgett slid a stick of gum out of a packet from her blazer pocket and stuffed in her mouth. During mid-chew, she looked at my and chuckled.

“Sorry, I forgot to ask – do you want a piece?” she asked, holding up the packet and waggling it a bit. It wasn’t sugar free, it’d be bad for my braces. I wouldn’t be allowed it anyway. I shook my head, embarrassed. I had completely ditched my plan, to fit in. If it wouldn't work now, I wondered if it would ever work.

The microphone seemed to be working now, and my new principle was flipping through his notes waiting for everyone to be quiet. Raising an eyebrow, he continued.

"Thank you. Welcome to St. Mary's School. We are delighted to welcome new students. Our Freshman's," he gestured towards us, and we got a head full of evil eyes, "please give them a nice welcome. I am Principle Weather. I do not tolerate chewing gum," at this point Bridgett spat hers into her had and stuck it under her chair, I forced myself to quietly laugh, "bunking off school and of course, bad behavior." He paused, glaring at everyone. "Here at St. Mary's we expect you all to achieve top standards, and do the best possible. Our school offers- "

Suddenly, the fire alarms went off. I covered my ears and tried to run, but Bridgett grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled me back, pointing at a switch. She had apparently got another stick of gum in her mouth.

"Wanna have some fun, Amy? Flick it, I dare you." she teased. I sighed. There was no way out of it. I flicked the switch and looked around in anticipation. The sprinklers were on, and everyone including Principle Weather was getting soaked. I ran into the hall, getting my long brown hair wet. Bridgett's mascara was streaked down her face and her dye was running.


I obviously looked like an idiot. She raised her fist and lightly pressed it against mine. It was our new code of friendship. I hoped it would last, of course.

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