Tenebris' Light (Part 1 in Te...

Bởi yersushiguy

134 27 3

A man named Leo Crossford tries to live his life in a world of death and monsters. The world has rebuilt, but... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
ABH Extras
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

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Bởi yersushiguy

"Jade Army, huh?" I say.
Ian coughs. "Yeah, that's right." He reaches down his leg and pulls up a pistol. I pull my hand back, trying to stab him before he can get a shot off.
"No! No," he says, handing me the gun. "I've already said too much,"
I take it, slowly. "You want me to kill you?"
He laughs, then winces. "Yeah, kid. Fire away."
I aim the gun at him. It could be a trick, a backfire in the pistol. I could be wrong, but I don't wanna take a chance.
I put the gun to his temple, angling it away from me. He smiles as I pull the trigger, and the dread seeps through me. I stand up, tucking the gun in my back pocket. I get my rifle and rush out of the clock tower.
I scan the area around me, spotting a vehicle. It's a slick black Jeep about fifty yards away, with chained tires and LED headlights. It's where the guys came from. I don't know where their camp is, but it mustn't be far if they heard me from where they were.
I look through the scope, trying to get a better look at it. I stare through the windshield, and freeze as I see a hand dart around the side of the seat. There's more. I turn to run and a shot flies right by my ear, the crack bouncing off the ruins behind me. I drop to a crawl, trying to calm the adrenaline billowing through me. They're gonna shoot me, they're gonna paint the wall with my brain. I kick up the rubble under my feet and roll around the side of a boulder. Another shot, just passed my foot. I suck in a breath, hearing the Jeep doors slam shut from a distance.
I try to keep myself from taking a peak.
"We're gonna get you, rat!" Someone yells. There could be at most three, but I don't want to be wrong.
There's a train tunnel around here somewhere, and there's a six foot deep cavity in the road about two metres from me.
I skid into the cavity, landing hard on my ass. I grit my teeth and run behind a destroyed car. I'm far from the edge now, maybe ten yards, if they come I can take out two. I look behind me. There's a maze of wrecked cars, and all relatively close. If I pick off two, I could lose the last in the car-maze.
Two pairs of feet hit the ground, I duck lower.
"Hey, buddy." One says, in a cackling ominous tone. "Hope you weren't busy,"
The steps grow closer.
"I'd love to sink my knife right into your little skull." The other says.
I've got about twenty seconds. I still have the man's handgun, if I'm careful I could shoot one with the rifle and the other with the handgun.
I tuck the rifle's stock under my arm and lift it up, handgun in the other hand. The men's eyes fly to me, and they jump back. They're about four yards away, so I won't need to aim. I fire at the left one and he falls back. I lift up the other gun, aiming it right between his eyes. I pull the trigger, but it clicks, meaning it's empty.
The man lets out a roar, racing toward me.
"Shit!" I yell as the knife comes down on me. I duck out of the way and grab his arm, smashing it against the hood of car. His arm snaps at the elbow. He cries out and sends a fist to my jaw, throwing my head back.
"Fucking rat!" He screams. I scramble behind another car, then crawl to another to confuse him. He keeps cursing, and I can hear him fondling the ground for his knife.
Why'd the gun only have one round in it? What kind of goddamn merc only puts one bullet in his gun? Must be strategic. They must've planned this. It's okay though, I'm not hurt. I can't keep going.
"You're pretty tough, huh?" He yells. "Broke my bad arm, though. So don't think too much of yourself."
I shiver, clutching the rifle in my shaky right hand. I crawl to the other side of the car, watching the man hobble around another car. He ducks down, looking for me from underneath the cars. I shuffle behind one of the car's tires.
He chuckles. "Playing the quiet game are we?" He says. "Well I can be quiet too." He ducks behind a car, until I can't see him. I carefully peer around the side of the car, but I can't see him, and I can't hear him.
My heart races faster, beating like a drum. I crawl behind another car. If I'm careful, I can do my rock tactic to lure him out of his spot. I pick up a piece of rubble and lean over the side of the car, throwing it on the other side.
I drop my head and look under the car. I spot his feet shuffle away from the car I'm behind and toward the noise. I put down the gun and walk around the car until I'm right behind him. I grab his knife hand and spin him around. I watch his eyes light up with fear as I twirl under his arm, breaking it. He falls to his chest, smashing his head on the rubble.
"Damnit, rat!" He yells, dropping the knife. I pick it up and put my knee to his back. I pull his head back by his hair, and cut his throat in a swift slash. I drop his head. He chokes as his blood soaks the rock around him.
I stand up, dropping the knife and running to my rifle. I run to the end of the trench and jump up, tossing my rifle on top. I pull myself up, until I'm almost up. A hand wraps around the back my head, plunging it into the rock. I grunt and fall back, and I only catch a glimpse of the third man from the Jeep until it all goes black.

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