His One True Love ( ON HOLD! )

By PandaPandaStar

213K 4.4K 633

Have you every wanted to feel LOVED.... Have you every feel like a MISTAKE..... Maybe because they were only... More

Sabrina swan's background and other characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 ~ small smut ~
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Previews of the next's Story's!
Chapter 25
 Chapter 26
 Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
 chapter 30
 Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author note ~ sorry 🥺~
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 11

6.3K 155 5
By PandaPandaStar

| Bella POV |

Everything happened so fast my sister had shielded me from the van but unfortunately it hit her and made her whack her head off my truck!.

She fell to the ground unconscious but the van was still hurtling towards us but at the last minute Edward appeared out of nowhere stopping it with his bare hand?!.

I was so shocked with what was going on, his other hand wrapped around my back so I wouldn't fall and hit my head But just like that he got up and jumped over my truck walking away then I heard people screaming mine and Sabrina names.

Then it snapped out of my trance and I looked over to see my sister's head bleeding I got worried and started yelling at them to call 911 because she needed help.

I had seen all the Cullens getting up to go, all of them look worried for my sister after hearing me scream for help for her but the one I think name Jasper Hale looked furious and very concerned?.

But why did he look so concerned then it hit me lately he's been acting really weird around my sister is he in love with her?.

Soon the ambulance came and the paramedics were running towards us they picked up my sister from the ground and put her on a stretcher and took her to the ambulance.

Another paramedic came to me asking questions and leading me to another ambulance but I told him I want to be with my sister so they guided me to her.

Oh boy this is going to be a long story to talk with dad about and what's going to happen to my sister is she going to be OK?.

| 30 minutes later |

Charlie came bursting in through the doors straight to me and asked"  Bella are you OK and where is your sister",

I looked at the ground when he asked for Sabrina, he started getting worried I look backed up and reply" I think she's OK but when the van was coming towards us she used her body as a shield to protect me and ended up getting hit by the van smacking her head off my truck",

I took a deep breath and then finished " I haven't heard anything from the doctor since we got here".

Charlie took a deep breath and Tyler from the other Hospital bed said" i'm so sorry Bella I tried to stop I didn't mean to hit your sister" I looked back at him and said" it's all right I know you never meant to".

My dad looked at me and then back at the boy furious and reply" no it is definitely not all right, you and Sabrina could've been killed Bella, your sister is now injured in a hospital somewhere!".

I sighed and looked up at him" but I'm not dead and I understand the consequences of what Sabrina did but she'll be all right".

Again Tyler tried to apologize but my dad then answered" you can kiss your license goodbye" then pull the curtains over his face, I only took a deep breath waiting for the doctor to come back.

Soon enough a very handsome pale doctor came through the doors with another woman beside him he turned to the woman and said" i've got this J " and glided towards me.

He said" Hello Isabella my name is Dr.Cullen I would like to do a small check up on you and see if everything's all right" I corrected him saying my name is Bella and then nodded my head.

He started using a flashlight then checked his clipboard and said" you might be experiencing post medic stress but your vitals look good so I think everything's all right with your daughter Charlie".

A sigh but then I was going to ask about Sabrina but dad beat me to it" dr. Cullen I want to know about my other daughter Sabrina is she gonna be all right",

Dr.Cullen let out a sigh" your daughter is experience so bad head trauma and seems to be out cold we don't know when she'll wake up but she'll be all right".

It seem like he was hiding something about Sabrina but I didn't push the question any further, Me and my dad both look at each other then I remembered" Edward was the one that save me from the truck when my sister passed out, he knocked me out of the way, he was so fast even though he was nowhere near me".

My dad looked up Dr. Cullen" Edward, isn't that your boy Carlisle" dr.Cullen then smiled and said" it sounds like you were very lucky" then turned away and walked off somewhere else.

Me and my dad talk for a bit and then he went to go sign me out of the hospital I was going up and down the halls trying to find my sister hospital room.

But then that's when I ran into Edward and his family talking about something and then their father told them they had to take the conversation elsewhere because he seen me was standing right around the corner.

I waved Edward over because I wanted to ask questions and he started walking over while his sister gave me a glare and her twin didn't look so pleased either.

He came up to me and said" What" I shook my head and replied" how did you get over to me so fast" he smiled at me and replied" I was standing right next to you and your sister Bella".

I frowned and said" no you were next to your car across the lot" he only chuckled and said" no I wasn't" then I said" yes you were" he started frowning a bit but then stated" Bella you hit your head like your sister did it's making you confused".

I only got more suspicious and reply" I know what I saw" he then stated" and what exactly was that".

I then choked out" you, you stop the van by pushing it away with your hand" he looked me dead in the eyes and said" well nobody's going to believe you so".

I only shocked my head no and whispered" I wasn't going to tell anybody I just need to know the truth that it" he frowned and said" can't you just thank me and get over it".

I then blurted out a thank you to him, he then said" you're not going to let this go are you" I shook my head no then he replied" then I hope you enjoy disappointment" he then got off the wall and walked away from me.

Who are you Edward Cullen....

| Jasper POV |

After the accident I was beyond furious and very concerned for my Darlin, what was she thinking using her body as shield for her sister!, she could've been killed!.

Rosalia was yelling at Edward for what he did and how much trouble he would have caused if we were exposed, luckily we went around asking people what happened and nobody really saw anything.

I asked Carlisle to keep a bare minimum of Sabrina state even though it's her family I don't want them to know much until I know she all right.

I was beyond furious with that Tyler kid he could've killed her and Bella having that sent makes me want to just sink my teeth into her but I knew if I did Sabrina would never forgive me.

Edward gave me a side glare telling me to think that thought again there will be consequences but I was only speaking the truth none of our siblings were affected by my Darlin but they were by Bella.

Soon we were interrupted by Carlisle telling us we should move the conversation elsewhere, we all looked up and over the corner seeing Bella there.

Rosalie glared at her and I didn't give her that pleased of a look either, she waved Edward over and he start walking over while we went to Carlisle Office.

I looked at Carlisle saying" how is she" he looked at me with a sympathetic look and spoke" I didn't tell the swans that much but she's doing all right, she should be awake soon so I'll tell you her room number so you can see her".

I nodded my head but before I could leave he asked" did she see anything that Edward did" I shook my head no and started making my way to her room.

| Sabrina POV |

Everything was dark, where am I and why does my head hurt so badly, slowly opening my eyes I see a bright light shining in them, covering them it with my hands I waited for a bit and the light started to dim out.

I set up in the mystery bed to look around, that's when I noticed Jasper sitting in a chair looking at the other side of the room I choked on air a bit but then regain my breathing, I just sat there waiting for him to notice I was awake.

Soon I felt the tugging again and this time I had seen a small rope that was a reddish gold colour so I reached my hand out grabbing it and lightly pulled on it, when I did Jaspers head turned in my direction like he felt it?, he quickly rushed over and grabbed a hold of my hand kissing it and looked into my eyes with worry "Darlin' do you know how scared I was, don't you ever do that again, I thought I lost you" I was shocked on how worried he was, and the way he spoke made it seem like we were lovers in a movie.

I shook my head at him and said" I had to Jasper it was my baby sister, I didn't want her getting injured" he looked me dead in the eyes and replied back" she may be your baby sister but that doesn't mean you have to risk your own life for her, think about other people and how it would affect them".

I was shocked, what was he saying?, I whispered back" and is one of those people you?" He nodded his head yes " of course it's me, Sabrina you don't understand how much I care for you!, seeing you like this its heart s-shattering" he look like he was going to cry.

I felt my heart break when I seen how heartbroken and scared he was about the accident, I reach my hand up and placed it on his cold cheek and said " Jasper, there nothing in this world that will take me from you......I promise~" he looked at me for a second before say " you do?" I nodded my head yes.

But soon Rosalia can bursting through the doors and she to looked like she was about to cry as will!, when she saw me awake, she then rushed over to the other side of my bed and said" you're really are dumb teacher, you could've gotten yourself killed, what are you thinking I'm not gonna lose you to some stupid car accident".

I only smile that her reply back" I would sacrifice myself for anyone of you, for my sister, you or even your family, you guys mean the world to me and if it means giving up my life to save yours then I would do it in a heartbeat".

They look touched about what I said both of them are smiling now, then I think it was their father who walked though the door he smiled at me like he won the lottery, he then spoke" well then Ms.Swan you'll be free to go next week, visiting hours are close because your head needs to rest so I'll take my kids now but it's nice meeting you".

I only smile but the thought of Jasper leaving squeezed heart a little so I said " ummmm, Dr.Cullen?" He looked at me for a second and said " Yes, Ms.Swan?" I took a deep breath before saying the most embarrassing thing ever " d-do you think you could make an exception f-for Jasper to stay with me for a little while?.............I-I don't wanna be alone right now" dr.Cullen smiled at me and said " I think I can make that exception for you" and with that he left my room with Rosalia.

Jasper came and sat down on the chair beside my bed and took my hand in his and told me " rest now Darlin, you need it" and knowing that Jasper was beside me I close my eyes and went to sleep.

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