secret prophecy

By nevertheless1316

1.6M 39K 4.3K

a beating that almost killed Harry fources him into a creature inheritance with an unexpected mate secrets wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter ​22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
your opinion
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47, plus apology
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Important note
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Another important note
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Authors note
Chapter 65

Chapter 59

7.3K 203 11
By nevertheless1316

Note: I know it's been awhile since an actual chapter but I was working on a couple of my other stories as well as my new Harry Potter fanfic Trouble In Egypt.

That weekend Snuffles, Harry and Neville walked around the grounds looking for Helga's office, unfortunately they hadn't found it.
"Harry, I think we should save the searching for tomorrow." Neville said, after they searched the grounds for half the day.
"Yeah, and despite the warming charms its still cold." Harry replied, the three made their way back into the castle, then they walked to Gryffindor tower, they saw Seamus and Dean playing exploding snap in front of the fireplace.
"Where are Fred and George?" Harry asked.
"With Luna." Seamus answered.
"Should've known, but they've been in detention with Umbridge a lot this past week." Harry said, while he sat down on the couch with Sirius beside him. Since Sirius was proven innocent and was found out to be Harry's mate, Sirius didn't have to be in his animagus form in Gryffindor tower.
"Have they told Lucius about the blood quills she's been using in detention?" Dean asked.
"Yes, and he's working on trying to put her on trial, but it's difficult because she's also a ministry offical." Sirius answered.
"At least something's being done, we've seen so many first years in the infirmary getting a healing balm, the last time we were there." Harry said.
"By the way how is-" Dean didn't finish his question but he glanced down at Harry's abdomen, indicating what his question was about.
"Everything's fine." Harry answered.
"You'll be going to the infirmary tomorrow right? Seamus asked.
"Yeah." Sirius answered.
"Has anything interesting happened while we were outside?" Neville asked.
"No, and right now I'm happy that nothing interesting has happened." Dean answered, everyone nodded their heads in agreement, when it was time for dinner, Harry, Snuffles, Dean, Seamus and Neville walked to the great hall.
"Did you." George.
"Find what." Fred.
"You were." George.
"Looking for." Fred.
"No, we didn't." Harry said, as he sat down between them.
"Too bad." Fred and George said, Harry nodded his head in agreement, then began to eat dinner. After dinner Snuffles and Harry went back to their rooms, and they got into bed.
"I need a stronger antinausea potion." Harry said, as he tried to keep the food in his stomach.
"That's why we're going to the infirmary tomorrow pup." Sirius replied.
"When will we be able to see the baby?" Harry asked.
"We're going to have to wait a few months." Sirius answered.
"I don't want to wait." Harry replied, impatiently.
"I know, I don't want to either but we have to." Sirius said, Harry mewled while he cuddled up against Sirius, Sirius chuckled and kissed Harry.
"Harry, what's wrong?" Sirius asked, Harry was frowning and looked like he was deep in thought.
"Sirius, what kinks could we use during sex and it wouldn't be weird?" Harry asked.
"Are you wanting to try something out?" Sirius asked, kind of surprised at Harry's question.
"Everything I keep thinking of seems wrong." Harry whispered.
"What's the one you think of the most?" Sirius asked, curious about what Harry was thinking about.
"There's two I think about the most." Harry whispered.
"What are they?" Sirius asked, Harry shooked his head no.
"I promise I'm not going to get mad because you want to try something." Sirius said.
"Pet play." Harry whispered.
"And the other?" Sirius asked, Harry shooked his head no, then his body started to tremble.
"Harry, it's ok I promise." Sirius said, he was starting to worry, he didn't like the fact that Harry was so scared of telling him something that it made his body tremble.
"Please tell me." Sirius begged.
"Masochism." Harry whispered, Sirius barely heard him, but he still heard him, Sirius relaxed all things considered neither one of those were something for Harry to be really scared of asking for but Sirius still understood why he was scared of asking.
"You didn't have to be scared to ask me for those." Sirius said.
"I didn't think you would want to try them." Harry said, his cat ears flattening against his head.
"Harry, I think it would be fun to put a collar and lingerie on you, as far as the masochism goes, I'm going to put a limit on it." Sirius replied.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked, confused.
"While there will be pleasure, there still is pain involved, I don't want to put you through too much of that." Sirius answered, Harry nodded his head.
"Do you want to try one of them out?" Sirius asked.
"Can we try out the pet play?" Harry asked, nervously.
"Stay here pup, I'll be right back." Sirius said, then he got out of bed and left the room, a couple minutes later he returned with a black collar, leash, Gryffindor red and gold lacey lingerie, and Gryffindor red and gold knee high socks.
"Put these on." Sirius said, handling Harry the lingerie and socks. Harry put on the clothes then he watched Sirius walk back over to the bed and took off his clothes, Sirius crawled back into bed and held the collar and leash up.
"Harry, we'll only use the leash in here but if you want to wear the collar outside of our rooms, you can. But if you decide that just know that the only way the collar will come off is if I take it off." Sirius said, then he put the collar on Harry.
"I want to wear the collar outside of our rooms." Harry said.
"Are you sure?" Sirius asked, Harry nodded his head.
"Ok." Sirius said, then he put the leash on the collar.
"Alright Harry, this is what's going to happen, you can't make any human noises. The only time you can is when you want me to stop, otherwise I'm taking away your treats." Sirius said, Harry nodded his head again, Sirius smiled then he tied the leash to the bed post so Harry couldn't move away, then Sirius kissed him.
As they kissed, Sirius got in between Harry's legs then began to take his own clothes off, when the kiss ended Sirius looked at Harry questioningly.
"Tell me something." Sirius said, Harry only purred, Sirius hummed in approval.
"Good." Sirius whispered, then he pushed the panties that Harry was wearing down just enough that Harry's cock was showing. Then Sirius took both his and Harry's cocks in his hand and strocked them both, Harry purred and mewled while Sirius did this and when Sirius stopped Harry mewled with a tiny whimper.
"This is going to hurt some but I'm going to try to be gentle." Sirius said, Harry purred, Sirius untied the leash from the bed post, then he got Harry to stand on his hands and knees then he tied the leash back to the bed post. Sirius pushed the panties down to Harry's knees, before he entered him with one swift thrust, Harry yowled in pain.
"Shh, it's ok, it's ok." Sirius whispered, while Harry whimpered, Sirius also placed comforting quick kisses to wherever of Harry's body he could reach. When Harry stopped whimpering and started to mewl, Sirius slowly moved his hips, soon Harry was mewling and purring in pleasure. When Harry gave out a tiny hiss, Sirius thrusted in and out of Harry faster, soon enough they both came and before they fell asleep, Sirius unhooked the leash from the collar.
                  Smut end
When Sirius woke up the next morning, he found Harry cuddled up to him, Sirius saw the collar and remembered last night.
"Looks like I won't be taking away your treacle tart after all." Sirius whispered, he laughed when Harry whimpered.
"Alright pup, wake up." Sirius whispered, Harry moaned then rubbed his eyes.
"Why are you waking me up?" Harry asked, looking at Sirius with a half-hearted glare.
"We got to go to the infirmary today, for now two reasons." Sirius answered, Harry sat up but as he did so he winced.
"Sorry, I was probably a little too rough." Sirius said.
"I'm alright." Harry replied.
"Come on let's get ready, but before that, Harry are you sure you want to wear that collar outside of our rooms?" Sirius asked.
"I'm sure." Harry answered, Sirius nodded his head, then the two got ready for the day, before they left their rooms Sirius turned into Padfoot. As Harry and Snuffles walked or in Harry's case limped to the infirmary, they ran into Remus, who raised an eyebrow when he saw the collar.
"I'm guessing that's not a fashion statement?" Remus asked, pointing at the collar, Harry blushed and shooked his head.
"You do know you don't have to wear that all the time." Remus said, he didn't know what Harry and Sirius did and he didn't want to know, but between the collar and Harry's limp he had a good guess.
"I know, I'm choosing to wear it." Harry replied, his blush darkening.
"I don't care if you want to wear it out of your rooms but you won't be wearing it in class." Remus said, sternly.
"I wasn't planning on it." Harry whispered, while Snuffles nodded his head.
"Good, cub you don't need a distraction." Remus said, smiling,  Harry smiled back.
"Now, where are you two going?" Remus asked.
"Infirmary." Harry answered.
"For?" Remus asked.
"Antinausea potion, as well as something for the pain." Harry answered, as the three of them walked to the infirmary.
"You're not hurt are you?" Remus asked, worriedly.
"No I'm just sore." Harry answered, after that they walked in silence, soon enough they were in the infirmary, unfortunately Dumbledore was there as well.
"Mr. Potter, what are you doing here and why are you wearing a collar?" Dumbledore asked.
"Albus, that's none of your business." Remus said, he almost growled at the old man.
"Mr. Potter, how are you?" Madam Pomfrey asked, she had been standing next to Dumbledore.
"I'm fine, but do you have-"
"Mr. Potter you know I have it." Madam Pomfrey said, before going over to a cabinet and grabbing a potion vial, and handing the vial to Harry.
"Also Poppy, do you have any healing balms, Harry's....sore and we're going to need it later." Sirius said, Pomfrey sighed and walked back over to the cabinet and got out two small containers and handed them to Harry.
"Sirius those are everlasting." Pomfrey said, Sirius nodded his head.
"Mr. Potter, students are not allowed to have sex." Dumbledore said.
"Ablus, it's none of your business if Harry has sex, and he is bonded and mated he is allowed to have sex, and in the case of his creature, needs to have sex." Remus said.
"Stay out of our business Albus, thank you Poppy." Sirius said, then he turned back into Snuffles, then Snuffles and Remus walked with Harry out of the infirmary.
"I have the feeling he's not going to let that go." Harry said.
"We'll deal with it, if something does happen." Remus replied, Harry whimpered but nodded his head.
"I'll talk to you two later, I've got to help Minerva with grading assignments." Remus said, before walking off towards the transfiguration classroom.
"Can we go put this healing balm on me, the pain is getting worse?" Harry asked, Snuffles nodded his head, when they got back to their rooms Sirius helped Harry with the healing balm, after that they took a nap. When they woke up it was an hour or two before dinner, so they went to the Gryffindor tower where they found Fred, George, Seamus, Dean and Neville.
"Harry where have you been?" Neville asked, when the five saw Harry and Sirius.
"And why." George.
"Are you." Fred.
"Wearing a collar." George.
"You don't want to know." Harry said, blushing though Sirius was smirking between both Harry and Sirius, Neville, Fred, George, Dean and Seamus got a good guess for what the collar was for.
"Oh." The five boys said, blushing.
"Anyway, Harry Sirius you missed it, but during lunch Umbridge was arrested." Seamus said.
"Yeah, on the grounds of using an illegal blood quill on minors." Dean added.
"At least she has been arrested." Harry said with a sigh.
"Yeah." Fred and George said, rubbing their hands. After that the groups conversations remained light-hearted, during dinner Harry noticed that the conversations around the great hall was either about him wearing a collar or about Umbridge being arrested, so when Harry and Sirius were finally in their rooms Harry was very happy.
"Harry, you might want to take that antinausea potion, you look a little sick." Sirius said, Harry nodded his head and drank the antinausea potion, after that he undressed and got into bed.
"You ok pup?" Sirius asked, laying down next to Harry, he was completely undressed as well.
"I'm ok, just tired." Harry said, while he cuddled up against Sirius.
"Go to sleep pup." Sirius said.
"I love you." Harry whispered.
"I love you too." Sirius whispered back, Harry smiled and closed his eyes, not long after he fell asleep, Sirius stayed up a bit longer but eventually he too fell asleep.

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