Verses of the Day, Book 3

By LeafeonPower

1.7K 314 12

An installment of what is quickly becoming a series, this is book 3 of me putting down verses from the Bible'... More

Today's verse:
Verses of today:
This day's verses:
Verse for today:
Verses for this day:
Starting Esther:
Today's verses:
This day's verse:
Chapter of this day:
Starting Romans:
Verses of today:
This day's verses:
Today's verses:
Verse of this day:
Verses for this day:
Verses for two days:
This day's verse:
Verses of this day:
Starting Nehemiah:
Past two days' verses:
Today's verses:
Today and yesterday's verses:
Verses for today:
Today's verse:
Two days' verse:
Verses of today:
Starting Luke:
Verses for this day:
This day's verses:
Verse of this day:
Today's verses:
Verses for this day:
This day's verse:
Verses for today:
Verse for this day:
Today's verses:
Verses of this day:
This day's verses:
Today's verse:
Verse for today:
Verses of today:
Verses for two days:
Verses for this day:
Verse of this day:
Today's verses:
This day's verse:
Two day's verses:
Today's verse:
Verses for tomorrow:
This day's verses:
Verses for today and yesterday:
Verses for today:
Starting Hosea:
This day's verse:
Verses of today:
Verses for this day:
Today's verses:
Verse of this day:
Verse for today:
This day's verses:
Verses of this day:
Today's verse:
Starting Acts:
Verses for two days:
Verse of today:
This day's verse:
Verses for today:
Today's verses:
This day's verses:
Last two days' verses:
Verse of this day:
Verses for this day:
Today's verse:
Verses of today:
Verse for today:
Verses for today:
This day's verse:
Verses of this day:
Today's and yesterday's verses:
Today's verses:
This day's verses:
Starting Genesis:
Verses of today:
Verse for this day:
Today's verse:
Verses for this day:
Verses of this day:
Verse of today:
Verses for today:
This day's verse:
Two days' verses:
Verses for three days:
Verses for yesterday:
Christmas verse:
Verses for the last two days:
Today's verses:
Verses for this day:
This day's verses:
New Year's verses:
Verse of this day:
Today's verse:
Past two days' verses:
Verses of today:
This day's verse:
Verses for today:
Verses of this day:
Verse for today:
Today's verses:
Verses for this day:
Verse of today:
This day's verses:
Starting Revelation:
Today's verse:
Verses of today:
This day's verse:
Verse for this day:
Verses for two days:
Verses of this day:
Verses for today:
Verse of this day:
Today's verses:
Starting Amos:
Verse for today:
This day's verses:
Past three days' verses:
Verses of today:
Today's verse:
Re-starting Romans:
Verse of today:
This day's verse:
Verses for three days:
Verses for this day:
Today's verses:
Verses for yesterday:
Verse of this day:
Verses for today:
Verse for today:
Starting I Samuel:
This day's verses:
Verse for this day:
Today's verse:
Verses of this day:
Verse of today:
Verses for this day:
This day's verse:
Today's verses:
Verses of today:
Verse of this day:
Verse for today:
Two days' verses:
This day's verses:
Verse for this day:
Today's verse:
Verses for today:
Verse for today:
Verses of this day:
Starting II Samuel:
This day's verse:
Verses for two days:
Today's verses:
Verses for this day:
Verses of today:
This day's verses:
Verse of this day:
Verses for today and tomorrow:
Today's verse:
Verses for today:
Verses for yesterday:
Two days' verses:
This day's verse:
Verse of today:
Re-starting James:
Today's verses:
Verse for this day:
Verse for today:
This day's verses:
Verses of this day:
Starting Joshua:
Today's verse:
Verse of this day:
Verses for today:
Verses of today:
Today and yesterday's verses:
This day's verse:
Verse of today:
Today's verses:
Verses for this day:
Verse for today:
This day's verses:
Resurrection Sunday verses:
Verses for today and tomorrow:
Re-starting I Corinthians:
Today's verse:
Verses of this day:
Verses for today:
This day's verse:
Tomorrow's verse:
Today's verses:
Verses for this day:

Three days' verses:

7 2 0
By LeafeonPower

Acts 17:24-27 and 31

 "'God, Who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of Heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.'"

 "'Nor is He worshipped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.'"

 "'And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.'"

 "'So that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.'"

 "'Because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man Whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.'"

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