Black & Blue

By IrishEyez

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Aurora is a young she-wolf who wants nothing more than to be happy with her mate and live as the Luna of his... More

Black & Blue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

1K 42 5
By IrishEyez

***Okay, so I know that I said that there would be about 5 more chapters, well, I overestimated. I think that there is one more after this one and then the epilogue... Thank you all for reading B&B and I hope you have enjoyed it. If you have not already, please check out my other books, Guilty of Love(Finished) and Finding me (unfinished). Thanks again. ***


Chapter 19

It has been two days and Jenny refuses to look at Tim and me. It’s Nate’s birthday and Helen has been in the kitchen all morning, refusing to let help her. She got emails back confirming that at least 25 people were coming tonight. She insisted that I get as much rest as I can now as Nate’s friends can get a bit rowdy.

I laid around in the bedroom all morning watching television, reading or playing online. If I had to endure this for another three months, I may go absolutely crazy.

Nate had been hiding in the work shed all morning; Helen told me that he is not a big fan of birthdays. Hopefully my gift tonight will help him change his mind. I am nervous about giving it to him, we only talked about me marking him a few times and he has never been against it, hopefully that hasn’t changed.

I was staring blindly at the old movie on the TV when I heard Nate coming in. I was hoping that he would come and lay down with me, but he didn’t. I heard the dresser drawers open, meaning he was grabbing clothes to put on and then he left the bedroom.

It was ridiculous for me to expect him to be with me all the time. I felt so needy and I was hoping that it was just the hormones. Dozing off again, I took comfort in knowing that Nate loves me, even if he can’t be glued to my hip, I was not sure how long I was asleep but I felt the familiar shift on his side of the bed and his hand wrapped around me. He then pulled me towards him.

“I was trying to not wake you, sorry.” He whispered when he noticed me stir a little.

 “It’s okay, you smell delicious Nate, a combination of shampoo and wood shavings, I love it.”

He laughed at me, “Only you would appreciate shampoo and wood shavings as a great scent.”

I was so comfortable with him holding me that I couldn’t even answer, I fell right back asleep.

“Blue… Blue baby, it’s time to get up.” Nate called out in a hushed tone. I had been asleep for almost five hours. “Do you still want to come down for a while?”

I slowly sat up with his assistance and rubbed my eyes. “Yeah, I’ll be right down after I shower.” I yawned out.

“Want help? It’s been a while since we have showered together.” He stated while kissing my knuckles.

This made me laugh that he could find me attractive even with a giant stomach. “Only because it’s your birthday.”

He jumped up and helped me stand. We took a long hot shower and I think he enjoyed washing my body a little too much.

“We need to do that more often.” He bobbed his eyebrows up and down and smirked.

“Maybe you should go get back in and take a cold shower.” I said trying to get away from his wandering hands.

“If I had the time, I would baby, believe me.”

I thought I would drive him even crazier, so when we got back into the bedroom and the door was closed, I let the towel drop to the floor and I traipsed around the room in the buff.

“You are very mean, you know that right?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about Nate; I’m just trying to get ready for your birthday party.”

“Mmmmhmmm, I wish there was a way I would make you feel what I am right now.”

“I think I have a pretty good idea, when I’m in heat I will be like that for several days.”

“Looking forward to that” He said as he snaked his arms around me.

“I bet you are, now go get dressed or you’ll miss your own party.” He tried kissing down my neck and I reached around and swatted his butt.

“Oh baby, I like when you play rough.” Well that didn’t work I thought. “Fine, I’ll take a rain check.”

“You’ll be waiting a while.” I was still on restrictions and sex was off limits.

“You’re worth the wait.” I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness.

He stepped away and pulled on his boxers, jeans and t-shirt.

I decided on a cute sundress with red flowers on it that Helen got for me. I was going barefoot as it was just more comfortable and my feet were a little swollen. I could hear that some guests were arriving so I quickly put on some light make-up and threw my hair up into a pony tail. My hair was long enough though that it still cascaded over my shoulders.

I slowly made my way down the stairs and saw Nate talking with a group of people near the kitchen. He brought his eyes up to me and smiled. He excused himself and met me at the bottom of the stairs.

“You look absolutely beautiful Blue.” He whispered as he leaned in and kissed me just below my ear. This caused a shiver to work its way up my back.

“You don’t look too bad yourself Mr. Pierce, oh and happy birthday.” I said, nibbling at his ear lobe.

“You keep saying that, but thank you, and we probably shouldn’t start something that we can’t finish.”

“Agreed, let’s go to your party.” He took my hand and we mingled with the dozens of party guests.

Nate stayed by my side the entire night, making sure I was not getting too tired and taking time to sit down.

We were all outside with a large fire going when nature called.

“I’ll be right back Nate.” I said quietly to him. He stood to come with me but I told him to stay put.

Once I was through with my business, I made my way to the kitchen to get some lemonade. The smell of alcohol wafted into the room and I stopped. There had been a lot of beet consumed tonight, but no hard liquor. So when I smelled the whiskey I knew something was off.

I turned to see Len, the obnoxious drunk from The Greene. I glared at him as I knew he was completely blitzed.

“You were not invited, why are you here?” I asked as I made my way to the door. Even though I am hugely pregnant, I could take him. But I was not taking any chances.

He saw my move and went to the door, stopping me. “I heard about the party and had to see you again. You are one feisty little lady and I like feisty. I can’t stop thinking about you.” He reached to grab me and I swatted his arm away, not caring how much force I used. Len grabbed his wrist; I think that I may have broken it.

“You little bitch!” He grunted “You broke my damn wrist.”

I couldn’t help but growl and not a soft passive ‘I’m trying to scare you’ growl. This was more of a ‘you come near me or my family again I will rip your throat out’ growl.

He looked like he was about to wet himself when Tim and Nate came flying into the house.

“What happened?” Nate came to me without looking at Len. Tim was standing with him. I glared at Len and they both looked at him as he was holding his wrist.

“You son of a bitch, I thought we made it clear last time that you shouldn’t go anywhere near Blue ever again!” Nate yelled. He was furious and if he was a werewolf, he would have shifted by now.

I smiled and walked up to Len, letting my wolf come forward a little so that my eyes glowed. “Apparently Len here is not too bright, I broke his last time we saw him and now I’ve broken his wrist. Do you think he has learned anything Tim, or do we need to teach him some manners?”

Len was literally shaking as Tim came to stand next to me. He looked down at me and I chuckled a little at the fact that his brown eyes were now glowing yellow. This should do the trick.

“What the fuck!?” Len gasped out as he both looked at him again.

“Listen to me Len, you will give your keys to Nate, and you will go back to your car and sleep this off. If you wish to go to the hospital for your wrist, Tim will take you. But, let me tell you this, if you come near any of us again, pregnant or not, I will not hesitate to rip your pathetic throat out. Do I make myself clear?”

He just nodded as Tim and I both grimaced at the scent of urine, he had wet himself. He decided that he wanted to get his wrist checked out and Tim took him to town, told him that he needed to tell the ER that he fell in his drunken state and that’s how he broke it. He then dropped him off a block from the hospital.

I was bound and determined to not let him ruin the night. None of the guests seemed to notice what happened. We went on with the party and seeing as how it was Thursday, and many people had to work the next day, the party wound down around 10:30pm. We said goodnight to everyone and Nate headed up to the bedroom while I went to get his gift. I was shaking with nerves.

I walked into the bedroom and Nate was lying on his back in just his boxers. He sure knew how to make me squirm.

“What’cha got there Blue?” He asked as he sat back up.

I held out the bright package. “Oh, you mean this?”

“Yeah I mean that, who is that for?” He had a devilish grin on his face.

I pulled it behind my back and stopped. “This is for the love of my life and I’m not sure I should have let you see it.” I bit my lip as he slowly got up from the bed and headed my way.

“Oh well I think the love of your life deserves to see it. It is his birthday after all.”

I laughed at him lightly. “What makes you think it is you mister?”

He pouted at me. “Well a man could dream of being the great love of someone as amazing as you.”

I stepped back away from him. “Flattery will get you nowhere sir. But I will give this to you because you are so damn cute.” The smile on his face was indescribable and his eyes lit up. “You really are a big kid, you know that right?”

He jumped onto the bed with his gift. “What’s the point of growing up, that’s no fun.”

I laughed again as I sat down next to him on the bed. He removed the wrapping and gave me an odd look.

“Why are you giving me something that Alpha Parker gave to you?”

“Just open up the envelope and read please.” I was getting antsy and wanted to see his reaction.

He opened the large manila envelope and slid out the packet. I watched his reaction as he read it line for line. His brow would furrow, he left eyebrow would cock up and when he got to the part I was waiting for on the third page, a smile spread across his lips.

He finished reading it and looked over to me. I would feel the tears forming on my eyes.

“So, this means you can take me as your mate, even though it was not predestined?” He asked while looking me in the eyes and wiping away my tears.

I simply nodded my head. “That is, if you still want to.”

“Want to? How could I not, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want to know that I mean it, so yes, I want to.”

I pulled Nate to me into a tight hug. “I thank the Moon Goddess everyday that I have you.”

“Me too baby, me too.”

The next couple of months went by uneventful, thank goodness my father, Megan and Brody came back. But, they are going to be leaving again after the girls are born.

My due date is in three weeks and even with my wolf strength, moving around and walking is just impossible. I am still on bed rest but I have been trying to get up and walk as much as I can. The doctor said that the girls are both a good size and looking great, so at this point if I go into labor, they won’t try and stop it. I’m really wishing I would.

I have been crazing pizza for the last week and even though everyone has offered to go and get me some, make a homemade one for me or throw in a frozen pizza, I say no.

“I want to go to the pizza place in town Nate, please?” I felt like a three year old begging.

“You’re not supposed to.” He snapped.

“You’re not supposed to…” I mimicked back. This was the one thing I wanted, to be able to leave the house and get pizza and no one would let me. “Please Nate, I can’t be cooped up here anymore and when the babies come, I’m going to be here again, so please…”

“Fine, go get ready, we will go into town.”

He helped me stand up and I made my way upstairs and got ready. I pulled on one of Nate’s t-shirts and some snug yoga pants with flip flops. I really didn’t care how I looked. I got back downstairs and Nate had informed every one of the plans. We piled into two separate vehicles and headed out.

When we got to the pizza parlor and I smelled the wonderful aroma, my mouth started watering. “Thank you Nate.” I said as I took his hand and waddled to the table.

We sat down and ordered our pizzas; I got a medium Hawaiian all to myself. Tim was acting funny and kept staring at the hostess. She was also a werewolf, more than likely a rogue.

“What’s with you Tim, do you like the little rogue?” Then it hit me. “She’s your mate isn’t she?” I whispered to him.

He went red and then got a huge grin on his cherry colored face. “I think she is.”

“Oh my god Tim, go talk to her.”

“I’m too nervous.” He seemed like a little kid, not the strong and powerful son of the Alpha that I know.

“Don’t be, I’ll go with you, come on.” I turned to Nate and whispered in his ear where we were going. He smiled and nodded, then shook Tim’s hand, wishing him a good luck.

I stood up and felt an odd sensation. It felt as if I had wet myself, I looked down and realized what had happened. I looked up at Tim who was staring at this mate, impervious as to what was going on.

“Helen” I said lightly.

“Yes dear?” She asked.

“Could possibly get my pizza to go?” I asked with a wide smile.

She seemed very concerned. “Are you not hungry anymore Blue?”

I clutched my stomach as a contraction hit. “I was, but I think I would rather go to the hospital.” I breathed out.

“WHAT!?” Nate mumbled out with a mouth full of pepperoni pizza.

“My water broke, the babies are coming.” I had never seen Nate move so fast. He grabbed his keys from his pocket and took my hand, pulling me through the restaurant. “Nate stop!” I yelled as another contraction coursed through me. They were already only a few minutes apart.

Once it subsided, we continued walking. I patted Tim on the back as we walked past him. “See you later Tim, going to have my babies.” I said as if I was telling him that I was going to the store.

He was lost in his mates eyes and didn’t even look at me.

We got into the truck and Nate drove 60 through town and I was afraid that we would get pulled over, but I didn’t care at this point. The contractions were so closes together and we were still about 10 miles from the hospital.

I could feel the familiar pressure of the baby and felt the urge to push. “Nate, we’re not going to make it, they’re coming!”

“Hold on, you have to hold on.” He sounded so scared.

“PULL OVER NATE, PULL OVER NOW!” I screamed, trying to resist the urge to push.

He slammed on the brakes and I was happy for my lighting fast reflexes that were keeping me from flying forward.

“You have to help me, please.” He didn’t even hesitate, he helped me so that my back was up against the door and my legs were up on the bench seat of the truck.

He pulled out his cell phone and called 911. “My fiancé is delivering our twins; we are on Highway 12 heading south. We had to pull over. Please send an ambulance.” He hung up without letting the dispatcher ask any questions. “Okay Blue, let’s do this.” Nate helped me pull down my yoga pants and he gasped. “I can see the head baby, here she comes.”

I felt the urge hit again and I didn’t fight it, pushing with all my will three times and she was out, crying and beautiful.

Nate removed his shirt and wrapped her in it. He took his laces from his boots and tied off the cord, then used his pocket knife to cut it.

I only had a couple minutes to stare at our baby girl before her sister wanted entrance into the world.

Nate set the first born into the back seat and helped me deliver the second. She was out quickly and screamed to the top of her lungs. It was the best sound in the world.

The ambulance pulled up as Nate wrapped her into a sweatshirt that was in the back seat and handed her to me.

“Happy Birthday to our daughters.” He said with a relieved look on his face.

I was settled in at the hospital, with me feeding the older of the girls and Nate holding the younger, when there was a knock at the door. Helen, Jenny and Megan came into the room holding lots of pink balloons, gift and my pizza. I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

“Oh my, Blue, they are beautiful. Congrats mom and dad.” Helen gasped as she cooed over the baby Nate was holding.

“You look good Blue, how are you feeling?” Jenny asked and I smiled wide.

“I feel great.”

“So guys, come on, tell us what their names are.” Megan inquired.

“Well, the one that Nate is holding is Silvia Willamina Pierce, Willamina is for William. We thought he would like that Helen.”

I looked up to Helen who was tearing up. “I know that he would be honored, thank you.” Nate handed Silvia to her.

I continued. “And this little lady here, who is the older of the two, is Sophia Helen Pierce.”

“Oh dears, you didn’t have to do that.” Helen sobbed out as she handed Silvia over to Jenny.

Jenny kept looking from Silvia to Sophia and then to me. “You know Blue, they both look so much like you, and it really is quite uncanny.”

I was so relieved that the girls looked nothing like their blood father. Sophia was asleep in my arms and Megan looked sad that she didn’t get a turn with her nieces.

“Come here Megan, will you take Sophia please, I need to feed Silvia.” She smiled wide and gladly took the sleeping baby from my arms.

“I’m going to need all the practice I can get.” With that simple statement, she had everyone looking at her in shock.

“Really?” I asked with a grin on my face. She just nodded her head ‘yes.’

“Well first of all, congratulations and secondly I am going to kill Brody.”

“Wait, why are you killing me?” Brody asked with a stunned expression as he came into the room.

I just scowled at him. “You know why, don’t at all innocent mister.”

Brody looked at Megan and she again nodded her head to him. “It’s okay baby, they know.” She said in a soft voice as she swayed from side to side with Sophia in her arms.

Brody let out an exasperated breath. “W-ell, you know, but we just found out yesterday, so if you could not tell your dad yet, that would be great.”

“Don’t worry; I’m not going to say anything.” I looked down at Silvia as she nursed. I really could not believe how my life has twined around. I have an amazing fiancé, two beautiful daughters and friends that I know are here for me. The feeling of calm washed over me and I felt tears of joy stream down my cheeks.     

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