Modern Marauders (Jily fanfic...

By lilytat

79.2K 1.7K 1.3K

What I'm doing here is taking the Marauders' (James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter), Lily Evans', and Severus Snap... More

1) The Quidditch Match Of Bromance And Broomance
2) Notes From The Marauders Who Shall Be Murdered
3) Tuney Time
5) Daddy is Dead and So Is James
6) The Letter
7) Stupid Snape
8) Team Lily
9) Movie Time
10) Whispers
11) Wet Mop Disease
12) The First to Go
13) A Slave of the World
14) The Search and The Fight
15) The Plan(s)
16) Executing Said Plan
17) Surprises
18) The Return

4) Deatheaters Wish My Sister A Happy Birthday

4.4K 106 52
By lilytat



"This is the worst thing I have ever put on my body," I muttered, staring at my reflection in the head-to-toe mirror in my mother's room. It's bright purple and sparkly with giant bows all over it, making it impossible to move. I left a trail off glitter everywhere I went. The shoulder parts had those giant bubble things over them and the shirt was poofy, ending at my ankles.  EVery eight-year-old's dream. "Muuuuum! What is this? I thought I was the birthday girl's sister- not the bride's maid of honor!" I whined, running my hands down the sandpaper-like fabric.

My father looked up from his paper where he was reading on the bed. "It's fine, dear," He muttered.

Mum went for a different approach, tugging and pulling at it to try to make it different. "How about this? Maybe if you put it on back words-"

"Mum!" I shouted. "My. Hair. Is. Red! This dress is purple!" By this point, Marlene was nearly pissing herself, rolling around on my parents' bed. "See? Marlene agrees! I cannot wear this!"

"Your sister chose it," My mother said sadly.

My hands magically balled into fists. "Of course she did," I growled. "Mum- get the keys. We're returning this dress and getting one that actually looks okay on my body. This is an outrage!" I spat, as if I was scolding my child. "Of course Tuney would do this to me. Of course! That bloody monster! Oi, I'm going to kill that girl someday!"

"I've lost the reciept, dear, and it's much to late.  We'd miss the party," Mum told me nervously.

Marlene sighed and got up. "I guess I could work my magic," My mom's eye3s grew wide. "Not with magic, of course, Mrs Evans!" She squeaked. "Sorry, I forgot you guys are muggles- is that offensive? I mean-"

"Mar, stop now," I grumbled. "Let's try to figure out how to save this pathetic thing," I sighed, looking down at my hopeless dress. In a way, I felt bad for it. My mum bought it, thinking I'd look beautiful in it, and here I am, telling it that it's not good enough. Telling it that it's one job- my wearing it- it's so bad at, I have to change it. Oh well. I thought. Everyone needs a little makeover.


"First thing's first," Marlene said, admiring my figure. We had forced my parents out so that we could give them the grand reveal. "Those bows. I want them off. Now," She advised. That when she grabbed onto the biggest of bows at my waist and yanked it off. It dislodged itself surprisingly easily. "Hm, easy enough. Help me get the other ones," She said, pulling off one plastered to my shoulder.

More than happily, I tore off all of the bows and watched them collect in a neat, glittery pile on the floor. "We are so gluing those to Petunia's car later," I said.

Marlene looked pleased. "Great! Those bows were horrible. Now, those... sleeves? Straps? Shoulder pads?" She tried, raising an eyebrow. "I want them off." With one simply movement, I had torn them off and thrown them with the bows on the floor. The new straps were thin and purple, but reasonably better. "The sparkles have got to go," Decided Marlene.

I sighed. "How? Scrape them off?" Marlene smiled. I bit my lip and began to scrape the glitter off. It took  half an hour and two minutes, but eventually we got the worst off. "Now what? I'm thinking the skirt."

"Definatly the skirt," Marlene agreed. "Where do you people keep your knives?"

"How about scissors?" I offered. "My mum always keeps them in her purse for reasons like this." Marlene's eyes widened nervously. "She has two teenage daughters. It makes sense!" I said, grabbing them from the bag on the bed. "Do you know how to use scissors?" I asked before handing them the Marlene.

She laughed. "Even wizards use scissors sometimes, Lily," She said, grabbing them. "Stay still," She ordered.

----One Shorter Skirt Later----

"GET IN THE CAR, LILY! YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE US LATE!" Petunia's horrible voice screached like a hawk being choked by and snake.

Marlene and I were already in the car, giggling in the back about how terrible my dress still looked despite our tedious renovations. "Here, Petunia. Calm down!" I called, poking the back of her head. She shrieked and growled, alarmed by my presence.

"Well, just shut up, okay?" She grinned. "I love the dress, what happened to the bows?" I was going to answer when she said "Oh wait, don't care."


"Well this is... cute," Marlene said awkwardly.

"I disagree," I aruged. Looking around, we were in  a brick cell. It was a resuraunt, but the walls were bare and brick. The carpet was fluffy and green with wooden tables center pieced with a glass pitcher filled with green stones. Borrinnngggg. In the center of the room hung a giant chandelier that hung low enough, you had to walk around it, but that was it.

Petunia scoffed. "Like I'd have a party here? It's in the back, this is just the dining area." Marlene and I sighed and trudged after my family.

I have to admit, the back was pretty nice. Okay, it was beautiful. Kudos to my sister for finally doing something right. There were giant weeping willows that slouched over and cried their petals onto the plush, green grass. There was a crystal blue stream running around the back and you could see bright orange fish splashing around. There were several white wooden picnic tables under an elegant white tent. To be honest, it looked more like a wedding then a birthday party- for the second time.

"I've got to admit, you've outdone yourself, Tuney," I commented, picking up a light violet colored flower from the ground. "Happy birthday," I told her, and handed her the flower.

For a second, my sister actually smiled at me. Something I hadn't seen in years. "Thanks, little sister," She said and tucked the flower into her hair. Today was her day, and I had to admit that I might've been a little tiny bit happy for her. Maybe.

My dad wrapped his arms around Petunia and I. "I'm so happy to have both of my girls for once," He said. Petunia laughed and shoved him off, but I leaned into him a little bit more. I felt like I never got to see him anymore. He was my only dad, after all.

"Guests should be arriving in a few minutes," Mum said, glancing up the hill at the parking lot.

Marlene winked at me. "I say as soon as everyone gets here, we set up Petunia's little... surprise," She said and wiggled the bag of bows from my dress. Glitter errupted off the bag in a little cloud.

I laughed. "Totally!"


"Where did you put the glue?"

"It was in your purse!"

"I only brought my wand. You were supposed to bring the glue!"

"Why would you bring your wand? We're not allowed to do magic!"

"Shut up, Lily. You brought yours, too. Give me the glue."

"I told you, I dont have it!"

"Oh, here it is. It was in the bag with the bows..."

I sighed and threw my head back. "Marlene you idiot!" I muttered. "Give me the glue," I said, wretching the tube of glue from her hands. "Say goodbye to Tuney's prefect little sports car," I giggled maniacly as the glue squirted out of the tube and onto the red paint. "Bow me, Mar."

Marlene placed a particularly sparkly and large into my hand. "You have been bowed, Lil," She answered. "Give me the glue!"

After sticking the bow onto the lid of the car- right where anyone could see it, I handed the glue to Marlene. "Be quick about it, we've got like ten to go. I should've brought another tu-"

"Well, look how cute this little muggle get together is?" A voice said, coming from behind Marlene and I. I froze and Marlene grabbed my arm. He said 'muggle'.

"What do we have here?" Another voice asked. I could hear the footsteps approaching us. "A little vandilism, I should beleive?" A man in a dark cloack with a creepy mask over his face leaned over the other side of the car to peer at Marlene and I. I could feel Marlene reaching into my bag and figering her wand, as I fiddled for mine. The man placed his hand on the bow I glued there and yanked it off. "I think these two have to be punished. What do you think, Ranlorm?"

Shivers shot down my spine. Ranlorm was a well know name of a deatheater- one of you-know-who's followers. Marlene sensed it too, her hand dropped her wand. Luckily, the parking lot was yellow, dead grass, and it didn't make it sound. If it had, I was sure we'd be dead.

"Yes, yes. I believe a punishment is well in order, Sminerlorg," Ranlorm said, following his companion to face us. Sminerlorg was another one of His followers.

"I don't think so," Marlene growled, her voice low and tense.

Ranlorm chuckled, tapping the car with his index finger. "What was that, darling?"

Marlene stood from her kneeling position. "I said I don't think so." She said lounder. "Expelliarmus!" Ranlorm's wand flew out of his hand.

"Me neither!" I said, fast to my feet. "Stupify!" I shouted, shooting Sminerlorg backwards and into a blue parked minivan. "Marlene we need to call for help. Do you know how to contact the ministrey?"

"No," Marlene managed to choke. "The one thing they dont teach u- LILY DUCK!" She shouted.

I hit the ground as a bright green beam shot above me.

"You kiddies think you're smart!" Ranlorm and Sminerlorg were back on their feet, approaching us with wands extended quickly. "You know, the darklord warned us about you, miss Evans. Said you were the smartest girl at Hogwarts. Personally, I beg to differ," He muttered.

"Do you now?" I asked, but it came out fast, do it sounded more like 'doyahmeow?' "Immobileus!" I shouted. Ranlorm was obviously not expecting me to act again, so my spell hit him affectivly and he froze on the spot- unable to move.

"Mobilicorpus," Marlene commanded, lifting Ranlorm's body and hitting Sminerlorg with it so both men lay helpless on the ground. "Accio wands!" She shouted and grabbed their wands. "For good measure," She explained. "Now quick- how the fuck do we get ourselves out of this?" Her body was tremmbling, shaking with adrenaline. I knew how she felt. This was weird, these guys were going too easy on us. There was no way they were here because they knew I was smart. "Should we scream or something?"

I glanced back at the party, where no one had seemed to notice. "No, they're muggles. They can't help."

Marlene sighed and looked at the men laying there. This was getting unrealistic, there's no way they could be laying there for that long. "What are we supposed to do, then?" She asked, throwing her arms down. "This is too weird, they're not trying their hardest. We should be dead."

A frown painted onto my face. "Your right. Maybe we should provoke them or something," I suggested. "You know, so that they actually face us and we can do something." Marlene said nothing, so I proceeded over the the bodies. "Oi! Old men! What do yeh think you're doin'? Give us some fight, eh? Tossers!" I shouted, kicking them.

There was a snap and the scene had changed. Ranlorm was holding Marlene's arms behind her back and Sminerlorg had a wand to my neck. "What? How did you-"

"Don't undersetimate us, little girl," Sminerlorg challenged. "You forgot was could apperate at anytime. Now one can save you now."

"Lily? Marlene- are you girls okay?" A voice asked. My dad. He couldn't see us over the hill.

I coughed nervously. "Ye- yeah, dad. Everything's fine. Just- just don't move. Okay?" I said, my voice shaking as I spoke. "You have to stay right there and don't move."

Sminerlorg's frown curled into a smile. "Is that your daddy, miss Evans? Why don't you invite him up here to join us?"

"Lily? Who is tha-"

"DAD YOU HAVE TO STAY RIGHT THERE!" I shouted. "DON'T COME UP HERE PROMISE ME DADDY YOU CAN'T COME UP HERE!" That's what they wanted. They wanted war. I closed my hand around my wand.

"You can't jinx me, girl. We'll kill your friend and your daddy," Sminerlorg growled, pressing his wand harded into my throat.

"Lily!" Dad called.

I took a sharp breath. "Daddy, don't come up this hill," I said, tears flooding my eyes. "Don't come up here, everything's fine- Dad. Don't- don't move."

Marlene nodded. "Yeah, Mr. Evans. It's fine, were f-"

"Crucio!" Ranlorm shouted, pointing his wand at Marlene.

She screamed a blood curtling scream, the most horrible thing I've ever heard, and crumbled to the ground in a pile of screams and sobs. "HELP!" She screamed. "LILY HELP ME!"

"LILY WHAT'S GOING ON?" Dad asked, running up the hill. His eyes widened when he saw the theme that was unfolding. "Get away from my daugh-"

"Avada Kedavra," Sminerlorg said. Just like that, my father was dead.

"DADDY!" I screamed. My elbow found Sminerlorg's gut and he fell to the floor. "Immobilus! Expelliarmus! Stupefy!" I shouted and the deatheaters and ran to Marlene's side. The curse stopped and she lay breathing heavily.

Then, in a flash of white, everything changed again. "The Ministry," Marlene choaked. Figures of blue and white danced around us,

"Lily Evans and Marlene Mckinnan?" A voice asked. It was a woman in poised, navy blue robes. I nodded slowly. "I'm Nancy Parker- from the Ministry of Magic. We saw you two were doing underage magic and then there were reports of a scream down the street. Can you tell us what happened here?"

"My dad," I choked.

"Yes, dear. I'm afriad your father is dead."


Okay so that was pretty bad but


I love you!


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