The Darkest Eternities

By Thesweetvillainess

344K 13.8K 856

After becoming truly omnipotent he lost what was supposed to be his everything. His chosen. His beloved. Call... More

Prologue: Dark Soul
I.New beginnings
II.The letter
III.Glowing eyes
IV.The blood moon
V. Vasiliev Property
VII.Home Sweet Home
VIII. Half Answers
IX. The unexpected visitor
X.The witch
XI. Tarots don't lie
XII.The hunt
XIV. Red Rings
XV. Anger and Silence
XVI.Something like that
XVII. Bloody fangs
XIX. Haunted
XX. A dangerous place
XXI. Dearest
XXII. A lost boy
XXIII. Never forget
XXIV. The old and the new
XXV. Silhouette
XXVI. Timeless
XXVII. Believe me
XXVIII. The dragon and the fly
XXXI. Collateral damage
XXXII. Menacing
XXXIII. The rain
XXXIV. Untouchable
XXXV. The King
XXXVII. Vengeance
XXXVIII. The escape
XXXIX. The fire of the sun
XL. Chasing the wind
XLII. The city
XLIII. Traitor
XLIV. Puppetmaster
XLV. Stories

XLI. Shots

2.8K 125 6
By Thesweetvillainess


"Yes, definitely," Cara said. Even from a distance, the cheer in her voice was clear as a crystal. Urging the bushes away with my hand, I stared at Merideth. Her eyes shone brightly under the yellow sun, her auburn locks moving easily with the zephyr.

A true vision.

A bright smile played own the healer's plump lips causing a rush of desire to flow through me. My desire fought against shame as I thought of how manner less I had been acting recently. Hiding behind shrubs I order to spy on women was a whole new low for me, but what was I to do, I was, as they say,' whipped'. The American doctor had me on my knees, literally.

She had not spoken to me in weeks. The woman just would not give me the time of day as difficult as it was to admit, it was killing me.

You mustn't succumb to this...not again , I told myself, determined that my heart would never be broken again. Having lost someone once, I didn't want it again, especially with a human. Come on, she was so fragile, truly temporary. A human could not survive eternity, let alone the love of a lycanthrope.

I got up from the ground, and walked away slowly, willing myself not to turn back at the new owner of my heart.

In my reveries I hardly noticed Grayson approaching at a fast rate. Had he not held his hand out before me, I probably would have crashed right into him. He recovered quickly, as for myself, it took a while.

"Everything alright?" he eyed me up and down. "You seem disoriented."

"Yes, of course..." I lied, praying he could smell the stench of untruth on me.

He did not question me further but stared at me sceptically. He pulled me aside, to the hall, away from any prying ears, though I doubt any servants would risk their lives by listening in on matters of the court. Eavesdropping was a crime that was harshly punished.

"Ivan wants a meeting at high noon," Grayson informed me. I wondered why he had not just sent a servant with the information. Then it became clear that we would probably be discussing serious matters and he did not want anything to get out.

"If I'm not mistaken, that is in less than fifteen minutes," I said.

"Then we better hurry."


"Ludicrous... a total lockdown? That is hardly possible and even if it is, it would take weeks to put into effect," I exclaimed.

"I can think of no other way..." Ivan expressed.

"So, you are just surrendering...accepting that she cannot be killed?" Grayson's anger seared in his words. His palms pressed against the wooden table with clear force, his eyes fixed on his sire.

"Caution is not a sign of fear and it sure as hell does not mean surrender," Ivan shot back, his eyes darkening with rage.

The king was right. Caution did not mean surrender, but the precautions themselves were difficult to administer. A lockdown was hard to imagine and it would be even harder to implement. True, Hirath had managed to keep up self-sufficiency but much of our population lived lives outside the boundaries of our barrier.

"If we were to do so, many would be locked out...the people..." I spoke, mostly to myself.

"It would only be for a while... portal magic is already limited, we just have to make a little push on the rules," Ivan attempted to convince us, even though our opinion mattered. His word vetoed ours, along with everyone.

"One push off a cliff and you're dead..."

Grayson was right. Sometimes catastrophe lay only a push away.

Ivan ignored Sallow's input, continuing," I have spoken with the Witch Princep, the south is already under virtual lockdown. Only a decimal of witches is outside our borders, they can be easily retrieved..."

The witches had been the first to respond to Zoladie's actions. They had taken precautions fastest and had had their borders secures. This was due to the many deaths they had suffered under Zoladie's hands. The ancient sorceress had a knack for draining other witches of their powers and in turn gaining their strength herself. Victims of her abilities died almost instantly the magic was drained out of them. As a result of this unique gift, the sorceress had become nearly omnipotent and was now considered a near goddess.

" Give it a few days... a sennight at most, consider this, "I jumped in. I had news that would perhaps change the trajectory of the entire scheme." My men have found brilliant leads on the location of Kova and her granddaughter. Once they are found, we shall bring them here and use them as bait to lure Zoladie in, she won't have a choice but to surrender."

"What makes you so sure she will come for them?" Again, Grayson was sceptical.

"Nothing surpasses a mother's love," I answered.

"The thirst for vengeance must come close," Ivan said.

"We have tracked them... have been for days and it id believed that they are in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro to be exact...give me a few days and I'll have them for you."

Ivan considered it, pursing his lips in thought before finally coming to his decision," you have thirty-six hours."

Little did we know, fate needed less than twenty-four.



My mind wandered. I thought of how the town would look. I had seen it silhouette from my balcony many times. Would it be medieval? Would it be like any other town back home?

" Eat. Your food is getting cold, Cara" Brienne said from her chair. She and Anna sat at the table with me, they had kindly agreed to join me for dinner. I had been relieved that I would not have had to sit lonelily at the table again.

Lifting the fork to my mouth, I took another bite of the food. The food was spectacular as usual. Tonight, the chefs had prepared a Cornish hen with an orange-ginger glazing.

"Have you ever been to the town? Is it nice there?" I asked as soon as I'd swallowed my food.

The woman was about to reply when a knock came at the door. She stood to go and open it, but Ivan was already inside the room. Anna stood, blushing, probably because of this morning. I had tried to explain to them that nothing had happened between us. They then told me that they would not have cared, after all- as Ivan himself had said- I was a 'mated woman'.

Bowing at their master, the woman left hurriedly., leaving Ivan and I alone.

I dreaded the cold silence between us for a moment, before he broke it," sorry about this morning. I did not mean to burst out like that." Cupping my cheek in his hand, he forced our orbs to meet. His sparked with emotion and life. " Accept my apology."

"Will you tell me what the hell is up with you? You know I hate seeing you like this."

"In due time I will explain everything."

I turned away, disappointed. I faced the balcony, staring out into the distant city. As soon as I returned the next day, I planned, I would get to the bottom of things. It was stupid to just sit around and wait for him to protect me.

Ivan followed my gaze. He saw what I was looking at. " It's top dangerous. You can't go."

"What? How did y-"

He cut me off, saving my breath," word gets around. And I'm glad about that. You cannot go to the city."

"Excuse me but I don't believe you can stop me."

"Oh, I can. I will chain you to my body, if I have to. Lock you up in my chambers if it guarantees your safety. "

"I can protect myself. I have a weapon..."

"That pathetic stick? Maybe if your danger was a spider, a meter away from you. You're human and weak." It happened so quickly. I blinked and suddenly my palm was burning. Ivan's jaw clenched and it hit me. I'd hit him.

He said nothing concerning the bitch slap I had just given him. It looked like I'd hurt myself more than I'd done him. " You aren't going anywhere tomorrow, ever."

He said, retreating to the door. But I had made up my mind.


Kindly pardon any errors made in grammar or spelling.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Till next time.

-Love, Mel

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