Bitter Depth

By Eriannelove

710 26 6

Set after Hotel Transylvania 2. The Count is lonely, but new life and struggles begin to ensue. More

Bitter Depth Chapter 1
Bitter Depth: Chapter 2
Bitter Depth Chapter 4
Bitter Depth Chapter 5
Bitter Depth Chapter 6
Bitter Depth Chapter 7

Bitter Depth: Chapter 3

74 2 1
By Eriannelove

They were in the small dining hall on the same level as the permanent living spaces. The dinner tonight was a private one with the Dracula family and their friends. All the children were being served in another hall, so the adults could truly enjoy their time meeting Ezra. This also allowed Izzy to interact with her mother without any interruption. Dennis and Winne were usually glued to the young human's side and Mavis just wanted Izzy to focus on Ezra tonight. Izzy hadn't arrived yet, nor had Mavis and Ezra. Ezra, just the thought of her name causes a bundle of nervous energy to leak from Dracula's very pores.

Dracula paced up and down the dining hall. He would stop ever so often to straighten the silverware at the table or smooth out his cape. The Drac Pac and Johnny just watched on from a corner while their wives talked about something else across the hall.

"What's eating him?" Wayne asked, tilting his head slightly like an adorable puppy.

"Who knows," Griffin stated, "If it's not one thing it's another. We need to set him up on a date, so he can mellow out."

"Uh, I think I know what's up and it looks like you'll get your wish," Frank stated looking on in amazement. The vampire's mood completely changed. It changed for obvious reasons because in that second a beautiful dark-haired woman entered the hall along with Mavis. Dracula seemed to straighten as a smile graced his face, he began walking towards his daughter and Ezra.

"Ah my little sugar skull, you're finally here!" Dracula stated finally stopping in front of them. Looking at his daughter helped Dracula's nervousness melt away. He took this split second of courage and used it to his advantage. Turning towards Ezra, he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"It is a pleasure seeing you again Miss Banks, we are thrilled to have you." Ezra smiled at him, her nervous energy bursting at the seams.

'Push it down. Nothing has changed.' Her thoughts of restraint had been harnessed and developed over many years. She stayed composed.

Mavis raised a brow, "Again?"

Suddenly his nervousness was back, hoping Mavis hadn't figured out he had zinged with the woman. "Ah yes, we ran into each other in the hallway a few minutes ago." It was clear that he was lying, and Mavis began to question him, but Ezra swooped in to save him.

"Is Izzy here yet?"

"Oh no not yet, but everyone else is! Let me introduce you." Dracula placed a hand on the small of her back and led her away.

"Thank you for that." He stated leaning down slightly to whisper in her ear. His breath sent a shiver down her spine, but she pretended not to notice.

"I'm sure that the way we met was very embarrassing for you and I'm to tell other people's business." They smiled kindly at each other as they reached the Drac Pac and their wives.

Conversation came easy to Ezra; within seconds of introductions, she had the entire group of monsters absorbed into a stimulating conversation. Everyone was chatting and laughing. Everyone except Dracula, he had reluctantly removed his hand from Ezra's back and now he stood beside her pretending to listen to his friends while stealing an occasional glance toward the human woman.

The mermaid dress Ezra wore complimented her beautifully with its simple design and structure. She exuded elegance and her aura seemed to demand respect. Yet, there was something else about her. Something gentle. Something vulnerable. The Count wished he could figure her out, he would love nothing more than to have hours of conversations to unlock the mystery that was the woman beside him. She intrigued him and he needed to know more. But he was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a chocked cry.

"Mom!?" Izzy had arrived with Mavis by her side. It took only seconds for her to spot the figure of her mother. So many things happened in those quick seconds. Ezra was no longer by the Count's side but scooping her precious little girl into a warm embrace and Izzy's tears of joy overflowed. She clung to her mother as if her life depended on it. The reunion between mother and daughter was nothing short of magical as everyone watched on.

Her love for her daughter made Dracula admire the woman more. He could not look away.

"You need to get on that," Griffin whispered. Dracula turned to the group of monsters he called friends as they all seemed to hum in agreement.

"Oh," he said sheepishly while rubbing his neck. "Did you notice?"

"Oh Drac," Eunice said checking her nails. "If you were any more obvious, you'd be on top of the woman." Dracula stiffened as they all shared a laugh at his expense.

"If you even think of telling Mavis I-" His threat was cut off by Wayne placing a paw on his shoulder.

"Calm down Drac, we won't say anything, just know if you need help, we got you." They once again hummed their agreement and began walking towards the table. Dracula watched his friend walk away and then turned his attention back to her. Mavis and Izzy seemed to be telling an intricate but amusing story to a now laughing Ezra. His heart seemed to float as he watched her laugh. With one last look, he turned his attention to the table. He did not realize that she was now watching his retreating form, but Ezra didn't get much time to think about the Count. Mavis and Izzy quickly began to drag her towards the table as well.

It was dinner time.


Happy Turkey Day!!!!! Even though its the day after :D

I'm sorry it takes me so long to post. If growing up has taught me one thing it is that tomorrow never seems to come. The good news is Christmas break is coming soon and I have saved enough money up from my school job so I don't have to work or go to school for an entire month!!!!!!!!!!!! Super excited. I haven't had a true break since freshman year of high school. So I am hoping to at least hash out one more chapter during that time! Wish me luck and I hope all of you have a great holiday season.

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