better : alvaro romero


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5K 139 31


it's been two days since the mall incident. alvaro and camila haven't talked, they tried but the tension was still there. camila didn't know what she did wrong and alvaro didn't know why he couldn't bring himself to have a normal conversation with her, all he knew was that he better or else it's going to be one very long lunch because roshaun wasn't going to be there with them.

roshaun left to jersey saturday night. he was suppose to be back on sunday but decided to stay a day longer. the lunchroom wasn't as packed as usual.

"hey." camila greeted alvaro, sitting across from alvaro instead of next to him. alvaro looked at her and slightly smiled.

"how are you?" he asked her. she was taken by surprise from the question. she didn't think he would be trying to maintain a conversation with her.

"i'm okay." she said, honestly. "how are you?" she asked him, opening the juice that was on her lunch tray. she threw the tray away and kept the juice, alvaro did the same.

"i'm good, just been on this tiktok grind or whatever." he smiled, moving next to her. the tension wasn't as bad as it was when the conversation first started. camila could feel her palms getting sweaty, she was nervous. alvaro could feel his heart rate increasing, he was nervous as well.

"so with the boys coming this weekend for winter lights, do you wanna meet the boys before winter lights or during?" he asked camila. it didn't matter to her, she was going to meet them either way. but she thought that if she met them ahead of time, winter lights would feel more comfortable.

"well, aren't you guys going to pick them up at the airport? i can drive a car and you or someone can drive. you drive right?" she asked, feeling him scoot closer to her. after discussing their plans, she began to get excited. she hasn't really talked to the boys, maybe here and there she would talk to them, but not as much.

there have been a few times alvaro would be on facetime with alejandro while he was with her. the first time the two talked, he was overly excited to speak to her. she acknowledged his smile, it was gorgeous and anyone with a smile like his can make just about anyone smile.

there also was an instance when kairi and mattia were hanging out together while alvaro was facetiming kairi. "she's not as bitchy as she seems." she heard kairi say. she looked at alvaros phone, laughing at kairis comment.

"i know, you just have to stay off my bad side." she replied, causing mattia to chuckle.

"word on the street is, i'm already on your bad side." mattia added, causing camila to put her hand over her face.

"the only thing i have ever said about you was that you were cocky." she said in defense. mattia raised an eyebrow, taking kairis phone from him.

"you're literally more cockier than me!" he shouted, staring into the camera. "alvaro come get your friend please."

aside from the conversation she had with mattia, she thought they were cool and she could easily get along with them.

"so are you walking me to class today?" camila asked him, staring at him to see if he would give her a reaction. he stared at her and shrugged.

"i think i wanna walk my girl casper. she's gorgeous, isn't she?" he asked her, putting his arm around the imaginary girl of his. she laughed and shrugged her shoulders, standing up from the table.

"beautiful, but i guess i'll walk myself." she replied, walking away from the table as the bell rang. alvaro quickly got up and began walking next to her.

"i was kidding!" he grabbed her arm. he would have reached for her hand but he didn't want kids at school to get the wrong idea, plus he was too nervous and not bold enough to go straight for her hand.

the two laughed and goofed around on their way to class. his class wasn't far from hers so they stood outside her class for about two minutes until the tardy bell rang.

"better get going alvarito." camila said, pushing him away from her.

"only cause you said so." he frowned, causing a smile to form on her face. "come over after i get out of practice?" he asked her.

"i'll see." she replied, walking into class. she sat at her desk and thought about how it could be a rewind of friday night. disney movies and napping together. alvaro hoped it would be a rewind of that day. both quickly snapped out of their thoughts. they were just friends, and people who are just friends don't do things like that.

the rest of the school day was a drag. this is how it always was after lunch. she was so ready to go home and nap. she decided to spend this class period on twitter. scrolling through her feed, she seen a new tweet from her friend julian.

julian barboza @julianbarbozaa
florida one week early! what's plots?

instead of tweeting him, she just liked his tweet. she knew that if she were to tweet him, he would want to hang out today but she already had plans to hang out with alvaro.

today 4:13pm

julian 🃏
so you see i'm in town
a week early and don't text
me plots? fake

she rolled her eyes at his message, putting her phone on the charger and getting ready to nap before heading over to alvaros house.

bby camz 🤍
i always text you first 🙄

julian 🃏
ok well i'm in yo hood sooo
we gon' chill or nah?

she laughed at the way he was typing. he never types like that so it was funny.

bby camz 🤍
busy tn, maybe tomorrow?

julian 🃏
or you can ditch whoever you're
gonna be with tn and hangout
with me 😚

bby camz 🤍
no can do, definitely would not
be worth it uggs 🥱

julian 🃏
aw you're calling me uggs again

bby camz 🤍
it's not a nickname dumbass 💀
it meansss ugly 🤭

julian 🃏
yeah but i'm cute and ik bc u told me 🙈
besides it's a cute way of saying it

bby camz 🤍
yea yea, you're taking time away from
my nap. see u tomorrow, adios 🤍
read 3:23pm

camila set an alarm for 5:00, that would be the time alvaro would normally text her after he was home and out of practice.

alvaro was excited to hangout with her again after school. he was always excited when it came to spending time with her. even a simple text from her would bring a smile on his face.

by the time practice was over, alvaro was exhausted. today's practice felt never ending, only because alvaro was actually looking forward to hanging out with camila after practice was over and done with.

while alvaro was on his way home, camila was just waking up from her nap. it was only a hour and a half but it was enough to get her a tad bit rested. she wished she could sleep more but if she were to ditch alvaro for sleep, he'd be upset. she knows because she's done it before.

she put her hair in a ponytail and stayed in her sweats and a hoodie, all she wore was sweats and hoodies. slipping on her checkered vans, she grabbed her keys from her dresser and shut her door. she walked downstairs and to the kitchen, seeing her mom sitting at the table.

"i'm gonna go hang out with elleah." she lied. if she told her mom she was hanging out with a boy, she would be questioned.

"i miss her, you guys always leave when she comes over." her mom said, slicing pieces of meat. "what time will you be home?" her mom asked her, looking up at her daughter.

"well maybe ten." camila answered, nervously grinning at her mom. "what are you making? and what time will dad be home?" camila questioned.

"chile con carne and he'll be home in about a hour or so." her mom answered, getting up from the table and walking to the sink. "better get going." her mom rushed her.

camila playfully rolled her eyes and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. "bye mama." she walked out the door and to her car, beginning to get nervous. she doesn't know why hanging out with alvaro makes her so nervous. no guy has ever made her as nervous as alvaro does and it bugs her so much.

once reaching alvaros house, she mentally prepared herself to go inside. she exited her car and walked up the porch, entering the house. she peeped around the corners to see if alvaro was in the living room or kitchen and he wasn't. the house was so quiet, it was starting to feel uncomfortable.

she walked to alvaros room and opened the door, seeing alvaro asleep on his bed. she sighed, walking over to his bed and lying next to him.

"so you're just going to invite me over, only to be asleep when i get here?" she asked him, not getting a response.

"alvaro." she said. she looked at him and he looked so peaceful. he was still in his soccer clothes so that means he fell asleep as soon as he got home, which couldn't have been that long ago. but boys are weird, they can fall asleep in like .2 seconds.

taking out her phone to record the sight, she opened snapchat and began laughing when alvaro let out a light snore. "i kid you not i come over just to watch this kid sleep.. and i don't mean that in a creepy way." she sent the video to her best friend, saving it before she sent it.

"wake uppp!" camila began shaking his shoulder. "alvarooooo." she dragged the o.

"please wake up." she pouted. alvaro was asleep but he could hear everything. he wanted to smile because she sounded so cute trying to wake him up.

"wake." she aggressively shook him. "up!" she shouted, still aggressively shaking him.

"ow." he said, wrapping his arms around her. he knew what he was doing and he intended to do it. he was being bold. camila was surprised at his actions but she didn't mind.

"alvaro wake up!" she said one last time.

"i'm awake!" he argued, hugging her tighter.

"good, now let me go." she said, trying to get out of his grip.

"nuh uh." he said, causing her to laugh.

"you're literally suffocating me." she said, beginning to act dramatic. "you're going to kill me!" she said, gasping for air.

"oh shut up." alvaro let go of her, causing the two to laugh. alvaro opened his eyes and stared at the girl in front of him. she was so beautiful and she wasn't even trying. all she was doing was scrolling through her instagram. he watched the way her smile formed, noticing the wrinkles at the end corner of her eye.

"take a picture, it lasts longer." she said, causing him to smile.

"i'm just admiring.." he started, taking a pause. "that ugly ass face of yours." he finished, causing her to slap his arm.

"you're an ass!" she laughed.

"i'm kidding, you're beautiful and you know it." he said, honestly. camila turned away from him, knowing she was going to start blushing.

"oh did i make her blush?" he questioned, reaching for her face. she smacked his arm away and the two laughed.

"i would like to take a nap." alvaro said, grabbing the blanket that was at the end of his bed.

"you were literally just asleep." camila replied, putting her phone in her lap.

"for like ten minutes!" alvaro said in defense. he was tired and he really wanted to nap, but what he wanted more was for her to nap with him. he didn't want her to just be there while he slept, it was rude. so why not just nap together? "let's take a nap." he added.

camila laughed and shook her head.

"just forty-five minutes please! you can set an alarm and then we can do whatever you want." alvaro said, causing camila to look at him. whatever i want? she thought, tons of thoughts going through her head of things she'd enjoy that she knows he wouldn't. such as doing his makeup.

"fine." she said, pulling the blanket over her.

"can we.." alvaro started. "never mind." he finished, getting nervous at the question he wanted to ask.

"no, ask me." camila said, knowing he was going to ask to cuddle. camila knew how boys were, they love to be babied and pampered.

"i'm just gonna.." alvaro said, his voice trailing off. he wrapped his arms around camila, causing her to smile. "are you comfortable?"

"yes." camila said, intertwining her hands with his. alvaro smiled and began caressing her hand with his thumb. he wanted to be little spoon so bad but camila was too tiny to be big spoon. ( idk why tf this is making me laugh )

nothing else was said between the two, they just lied there and slept. camilas thoughts were going hundreds of miles per hour while she lied in alvaros arms. she knew she liked him, she just didn't know how much but now she has an idea. she is cuddling with someone who is only suppose to be her friend.

alvaros thoughts were also traveling at same speed. he has a girl who he has a huge crush on in his arms, in his bed.

the two teenagers slept peacefully until the alarm went off. it didn't take long for either of them to fall asleep, especially since they were comfortable.

when they woke up, camila was now facing alvaro and her head was on his chest. camila was wake but alvaro still had his eyes closed. she could hear the sound of his heart beating.

"now you gotta do whatever i want." camila finally broke the silence. alvaro groaned and camila laughed. "don't worry, i'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to already do."

alvaro knew that wasn't true. camila got up from alvaros bed, causing him to sit up on his elbows. "i'll be right back," she said running out of his room. he had no idea where she was running to.

camila ran to anna's room. anna and camila talk a little bit here and there, alvaro didn't really want camila to be friends with his sister so he tried keeping anna away from her. whereas, camila genuinely wanted to be her friend. it wasn't fair that the three of them: alvaro, camila, and roshaun, hung out together all the time and anna was left out. camila often felt guilty about it, but those were alvaros wishes so she couldn't really say anything.

camila knocked on anna's door. anna opened it almost right away and was surprised to see camila. "oh, hi!" the younger girl said, opening her door wider. "i didn't know you were here." she added.

"got her like ten minutes after your brother." camila smiled, walking into her room. "so i was wondering if you wanted to do your brothers makeup with me, he kind of owes me and it'll be fun! we can go live and answer questions and what not." she smiled. anna smiled widely and nodded her head yes. anna was probably going to enjoy this more than camila.

"do you want me to grab my makeup? i mean, i don't have a lot of it but i have the basics." anna explained. camila nodded and the two girls began walking to alvaros room.

alvaro was beginning to wonder where camila ran off to. just as he was going to get out of bed, he saw camila walk into the room with his little sister. when he saw his sisters makeup bag, he looked at camila. "no." he bluntly said.

"varo, you owe me." camila pouted. he groaned loudly and the two girls laughed. "and i wanna do it live, a live q&a!" she was excited. she's never done anything like this with anyone. alvaro didn't even argue, instead he walked to the kitchen grabbing two chairs, one for anna and one for camila. he sat at the chair in front of his desk, going on tiktok to go live.

"hi guys." he said to the live. comments started flooding in so fast. some people were asking about anna, others about camila. it's very rare for anna to even be in a video with alvaro. "okay so as you can see, i'm here with anna and camila. they're going to be doing my makeup and we're going to be answering questions." he rolled his eyes. wide grins formed on both girls face, alvaro couldn't help but smile.

╔═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╗
╚═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╝

this chapter is long, i have to do it in two parts.
i forgot to update earlier this morning. i think
the next part will be posted at the end of the day
probably around twelve lmfao. so ya'll got a
double update today! also, tiktokroom better
leave my bb alone! he's so unproblematic, i'll
really fight them through my phone 😠 anyways,
hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🙈🤍

don't forget to vote + comment <3

word count: 2906

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