Thus they came for me? (RWBY...

By Dadlovekid

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What happen when someone have talk to Salem for years? Listening to her rants and making promises. What happe... More

Part 1: Sadness
Part 2: Qrow
Part 3: Atlas
Part 4: Neo's Hero
Part 5: Wraith
Part 6: Past
Part 7: Snow fall
Part 8: Evil
Part 10: Visit
Part 11: Summer Time
Part 12: The Finale

Part 9: Joining

2.4K 35 16
By Dadlovekid

I wake up after having some fantastic night with a special someone. I laid in my bed with Salem, we were cuddling with each other. I didn't mind that I was here for her, she always there for me so this was the least I can do.

I sunk it the shadow of the bed and move across the room. I stand up and got my cloths on. I saw that Salem was snuggle with a pillow, thinking that it was me.

Salem: Whisper to the pillow "(Y/N), I love you. Stay with me forever."

She then went silent after kissing the pillow. I think that was cute. Who knows, I might marry her? (A/N: Possible ending for the book? Who knows?) I went on my way to a portal that she keeps behind her throne's chair. Upon entering I saw Cinder standing there with Roman, Neo, and the one person I don't want to see right now, Ada.

Ada: "(Y/N)! Why did you leave me? I was worrying about you."

Y/N: "A- a- ad- Ada! What are you doing here!"

Ada: "I get to have you again!"

With the said, she tackle me down and force her lips onto mine. She grab my 'privates' forcing me to open my mouth and for her tongue to enter. She explore my mouth, dominating it the best she can. She then roughly move her hands behind my back as I sunk it the kiss.

Soon I fought back and pin her to a wall. I lift her leg up to about my waist height. I fought and won the fight of our tongue and I explore her mouth. I stop for air, before continuing. After about three minutes I left Ada on the wall. I smug before getting another tackle by someone else to the ground.

I look up to see Neo. She was pouting. She pull up her scroll so I can understand why she tackle me.

Neo: "I told you, you are my boy toy."

I was then pull in to kiss Neo. Her soft lips that taste like ice cream was delicious. I then let her straddle me so I can have more of her ice cream flavor lips. She then pin me to the floor and let her have her way with me. I can feel her hands on my head as mine were on her hips.

She then stop and wrote something on her scroll. I stare into her eyes as she type, she was blushing when she notice I was staring.

Neo: "I want to be in your little harem as the main one. 😉"

Y/N: "I do not have a harem. Least one that I know of."

She then went back to our little make out session. I have to admit, it was very nice. When it was done Cinder drag me away from everyone. After about two minutes she stop and pin me to the wall. She as well force herself upon me as well. I can't take this any more. I then flip ourselves, she yelp and I force myself on her. I then lifted her up and hold her legs. Now Cinder is between me and the wall, supported up by me holding her legs, kissing aggressively.

Then all of sudden. I felt several hands on my back. I look around to see Neo, Ada, and Salem their looking at me with Lust.

Salem: "(Y/N) we have been talking for awhile. We all agree to share you. That mean that you have a harem, with all of us."

Ada: "If I find any more women that we don't approve, I will kill them and you be punished. Punish badly." She said the last part Seductively.

Neo: sign "You are our boy toy. Don't forget that."

Cinder: "Hey honey, if you don't mind."* I look at her*"We all want to take care of you, we think it is the best since after what happen 7 months ago. I need you to forgive me. Please, let us take care of you."

Y/N: "Oh Cinder, I don't think I can hate someone I love. And I love all of you girls."

I went back to kiss Cinder. Everyone behind me start to jump up and down, cheering that I agree to this. I need to vent later about having to take care of 4 women. I just then remember about Sienna, the leader of the White Fang. I pull back from our kiss and look at Ada.

Y/N: "Hey Ada. How about Sienna? Is she in as well?"

Ada: "Naturally yes, because we both love you when you were with us."

Cinder: "You were with the White Fang?!"

Y/N: I turn the Cinder* "That was some time ago. Sienna almost got married to me if Ada didn't come in and stop her."

Cinder: "Have you always been a bad boy~"

Y/N: "Normally No. But Right now what I am about to do to you, yes."

I attack her again and she enjoy it. Her little moans got me excited. Then I was yank be Neo, dropping Cinder in the process and got pin to the ground. Salem got my right arm, Ada got my left, and Neo straddle me.

Neo: sign "How about WE get a turn as well~"

She then attack me and I fell for it. Soon the other two let go and I hold Neo tightly.


Ironwood have been pacing for the last 5 hours! I ran out of coffee and I am stuck drinking black tea till Goodwitch trying to finish getting my new batch of coffee.

Ironwood: "And last be not least, Y/N is the most dangerous criminal in the world. I had a short leash on him and now I can't find any signs of him. And I have reports that he may or may not been with Salem! I am panicking!"

Ozpin: "I know that James, but you have to let him be himself. He is just 12 years old in a body of a 21-year-old. All we can do is to guide him on where his have to go."

Ironwood: "Still my point. He has control to almost every single terrorist and criminal organization in the world in the palms of his hands! I would say that he has united the kingdoms under one flag and successfully got away with it!"

Ozpin: "James. He told me why he did this. I know exact how and even know who he controls."

I saw James just stop in his track, and look at me. I just sip my cup.

Ironwood: "You know how and whom he control! Why didn't you let me know!"

Ozpin: "He have control over 245 out of 247 criminal organizations."

Then my scroll ring. I look at it and smile. Then put it back on my desk.

Ozpin: "It seem that he found a way to control the White Fang. I am afraid that all he need is the one that Raven Brewmen have. Then he have control over all non Huntsmen control groups."


Then another ding happen. James took it and look at it. He blush a little then put the scroll back down.

Ironwood: "I think y—you shouldn't take th-that one Oz. You know what g-good for you."

He peek my interest. I took the scroll and look at the picture he send me. I saw him with 5 different women. Salem, Ada, and Sienna are the ones I know. Then there was two woman that I didn't recognize.

3rd Person POV


Ironwood: "OOOH! Ozpin. Calm down man. Here have some coffee."

Ironwood pull out a flask that have the words 'Ozpin's backup' embedded on it. Ozpin been take the flask and pour it in his mug. He took a long sip, which calm his nervous. He stop after about 30 minutes of drinking coffee, he spoke once more.

Ozpin: "Ok, James. We need a tracker on him or something so when this happen again I can shock him."

Ironwood just stare at Ozpin.

Ironwood: "Wow Oz. You are meaner that I am."

Both of them start to laugh. Glyanda walk in and notice the two laughing, she set the newly made coffee on the table.

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