Wet Dreamz(On Hold)

By ToniTiger_Tamartian

8.2K 342 121

Janet Jackson(as Justice Young) and Toni Braxton(as Rose Jordin) story Started- 11/24/2017 More

Wet Dreamz Prologue
Wet Dreamz 1
Wet Dreamz 2
Wet Dreamz 3
Wet Dreamz 4(Rewritten)
New Book + Update
Wet Dreamz 5
Wet Dreamz 7

Wet Dreamz 6

462 25 39
By ToniTiger_Tamartian

Justice knew that getting Rose back in the project was a long shot, but she really didn't have a choice. She only had a couple of weeks until her magazine comes out, and she couldn't afford to cancel the release date last minute. She knew that she had to put her pride aside and do what needs to be done for her company.

"John, I need you to take me back to Kinky Treats Inc." Justice said once she got into the car. She sighed and thought about the last conversation she and Rose had, and she had to admit that Rose was right. She couldn't find another model that has what Rose has. Rose has an unique style and that no bullshit attitude. Justice loved it, but she wouldn't admit it to her face.

"Ma'am, we're here." John said after he parked on the side of the building.

"Thanks John, I'll see you in a bit. In the meantime, you can take your lunch break," Justice said before getting out of the car and making her way into the building.

Justice walked into the building and looked around at all of the photo shoots that were happening all around the place. She stopped in her tracks when she found just the person she's been looking for in the middle of her own photo shoot. Rose Jordin.

The sexy look and pose that she gave to the camera spoke volumes. She really made the saying a picture is worth a thousand words true. That's exactly what Justice needed for her magazine, and she was going to do everything she could to make sure it happened.

Justice made her way to Tariq's office and found that he wasn't there. She remembered that his secretary said that he was in a meeting. She picked up his office phone and called his receptionist after sitting down in his chair.

"Tamika, let Rose Jordin know that her boss would like to see her in the office," Justice said before hanging up the phone. She smirked as she turned her chair around to take in the break taking view that was out of the window. After a few minutes of taking in the view and enjoying the quiet, Justice heard the voice of the woman that wasn't afraid to speak her sexy ass mind. 

"You wanted to see me, T?" She said after she opened the door. Justice smirked before she turned the chair around to where she was facing Rose. 

"Just the person I needed to see. I have a proposition for you. Why don't you have a seat?" Justice asked as she gestured to the seat in front of the desk. Rose hesitated before taking sitting down in the chair. She figured that it wouldn't hurt to hear the woman out, but if it was some bullshit, she wouldn't hesitate to get the hell out of there. 

"Look, I hate to admit this, but you were right. I couldn't find anyone that could handle this job like you. I need you to come back to work for me. Before you make your decision, just hear me out. I'm prepared to give you full creative control when it comes to this photo shoot for this cover, and I'm willing to double the rate that was originally promised." She negotiated. She knew it was something that Rose couldn't turn down. 

"Hell no," she responded which shocked Justice. That wasn't the answer Justice wanted to hear. This was the first time that Justice wasn't getting what she wanted, and she hated it. She hated the word no, and she wasn't used to having it directed towards her; she was used to directing it towards everyone else. Justice nodded her head before getting up and walking around the desk and sitting on top of it in front of her. 

"To be honest with you Miss Jordin, I don't take hearing the 'no' very lightly. I'm not used to someone thinking that they can tell me what they will and won't do," Justice stated as she gripped the edge of the desk as she looked into Rose's eyes. 

"There's a shock, Miss Young. I knew from the moment that we've met that you were a control freak. I knew you couldn't handle someone that could and would bring your ass back to reality and make you realize that the world doesn't revolve around you. I'm not one of your employees that's not going to tell you when your shit doesn't stink. I'm not some whore on the side of the road that's going to take any amount of money for doing a job just so you can discipline me you're my parents, and I'm going to keep my mouth shut. It doesn't work that way, so thanks for the offer but no thanks." Rose said with no fucks to give. She was telling the truth, and if the great Justice Young couldn't handle it then that was too damn bad.  

As fate continued to try to be funny with Rose's life, the more she had to shake her head with disbelief. The more Rose had to look in this woman's face and listen to the stupidity that comes out of her mouth, the more she despised this woman but continued to be turned on by her beautiful face and bite on her kissable lips. The more Rose had to look into those demanding eyes of Justice's, the more she wanted Justice to exercise her love of control on her body. 

'Damn, I need to get laid!' Rose thought as she tried to rid her mind of the unspeakable fantasies that she wanted to happen in this very office. She watched as Justice got up off the desk and walked around and stood behind her before bending down to the level of her ear. Rose felt Justice's cool, minty breath hit the back of her ear, causing goose bumps to appear on her body. Rose tried to resist the urge to close her legs tightly, but she couldn't help it. She felt Justice's smirk and shivered at the words that left Justice's mouth. 

"It's taking everything in me not to bend you over this chair and show you what the word 'no' would get you, but I will hold myself back for now. If I don't see your sexy ass in my office tomorrow morning at 9:00 sharp, I promise that I will enjoy the end results more than you will," Justice said before gently biting the bottom of Rose's ear then kissing it before walking out of the office, leaving Rose there, stunned. 

The smirk never left Justice's face as she walked out of Kinky Treats Inc. and headed back to her office. If Rose knew what was good for her, she would have her ass at Justice's office on time with no excuses. Justice had big plans to help Rose figure out her place, and how to keep her there and not just for the magazine's sake but for her own as well. It was true about what Rose said about Justice loving control, and Justice wasn't opposed to showing her in so many ways.

 Justice and Rose couldn't wait to see what tomorrow was going to bring and both knew that it would be pleasure in more ways than one. 

Don't kill me, y'all! I'm back, and I've missed y'all!   

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